Wealthy Affiliate The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Ever—Wealthy Affiliate Review

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Best affiliate marketing training ever.

Before I begin my review of Wealthy Affiliate, let me tell you a little about myself, I am a retiree in my mid 70,s. I was forced to retire after an accident left me slightly disabled (my fault), so I was left without a paycheck, only my SS, which was very meager, and no prospect for a job.

I had always dreamed of having my own business, and working from home had become somewhat possible and famous because of the ever-advanced technology. I decided I would do something online,

I tried many things, taking surveys, a couple of MLM companies, taking calls, and a few others; needless to say,  I did not make much money and got scammed.

I was fortunate to find Wealthy Affiliate, the best affiliate marketing training ever; I became a member for free and am not leaving anytime soon.

About Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate, founded in 2005 by Kyle and Carson,  now has a membership of over 1.4 million, drawn from 193 countries.

I believe the community support at Wealthy Affiliate is one of the most active and helpful communities in the affiliate marketing niche.

The platform is built to accommodate all users, whether you are new to affiliate marketing or well-experienced.

Wealthy Affiliate will be the best place if you are a beginner in affiliate marketing and have no idea how or where to start.

There is a lot of information on the internet, and while you will probably be able to find all the information you need to know online, they are not structured.

And you would be somewhat at a disadvantage going this route as you would have to figure out the different steps to build your website.

At Wealthy Affiliate, some step-by-step tutorials and guides cater to people of varying levels of experience (even if you are an utterly non-tech person like me.), and you can become a member for free.


There are two membership types, free and premium, and the free membership never expires.

The free membership package includes

  • The First seven days live help
  • One website
  • Website backup
  • Beginner Training Course Phase 1 = 10 lessons
  • Personal Blog
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training Phase 1
  • Video Walk-Throughs
  • Keyword Research Tool 30 searches
  • Training Classrooms 2
  • Affiliate Program Earn While You Learn
  • 1on1 Coaching first seven days

In the first five lessons, you will be shown the steps to set your business up for success via video.

Step 1: Choose an Interest. Interest can be anything at all, any interest, passion, or even something you have no experience with, you can become an expert, and you will be shown how.

Step 2: Build a Website. Your website is your foundation, and we have the most sophisticated and feature-rich website and hosting platform here at Wealthy Affiliate in SiteRubix. Building your beautiful website will take less than 30 seconds; you will also get themes for your website without a graphic designer.

.Step 3: Attract Visitors. You will be learning all about getting traffic and visitors to your website. The first focus is FREE traffic using your social media.

Step 4: Earn Revenue. Once you have people on your site and traffic, you can earn revenue. There are over 50 ways you can monetize traffic online!

Lesson 1 Getting Rolling

In lesson 1(1), Anyone Can Accomplish Success Online.

(2) Anything NEW Can “Appear” to be Overwhelming at First.

(3) No Technical or Prior Online Business Experience is Required.

(4) Success is a Journey. Success is very cumulative by design.; everything you do now and every step you take will contribute to your future success.

A Quick Look at How You Will Be Creating Success

Success online is, at the core, a 4 step process, nothing more complex than this, and this is what you will be learning here at Wealthy Affiliate. Here is a quick diagram breaking down the process.

Lesson 2 covers the topic of How Will you make money; you will understand how affiliate marketing works.

Lesson 3.

In Lesson 3, we are shown how to choose a niche and the importance of a niche.

In this lesson, you are given an insight into the importance of a niche,

What is a Niche?

A niche is a group of people looking for stuff. Please read the blog by one of our founders, Kyle; it will give you a good idea about The importance of a niche. Please see the blog by one of our founders, Kyle (A niche is a group of people looking for stuff); you can click the link below.

A Niche is A Group of People Looking for Stuff

Lesson 4

   Building your niche website

Building your website may sound a bit of a complex task, but on the Wealthy Affiliate platform, making your  WordPress website takes only 30 seconds; follow the instructions, and in no time, you will have a beautiful state-of-the-art website, ready for business I know you will be thrilled as I was.

Lesson 5

         Setting Up Your Website

In this lesson, you are shown how to set up your website for business, where you can clean up your site by removing all the default content that comes with every website.

A video also walks you through the website setup, installing plugins, etc.

Lesson 6

        Getting Your Site Ready for Search Engines

In this lesson, you will be shown how to set up a plugin that makes your website code friendly for search engines like Google so they can index and rank our sites properly.

Setting up this plugin will be very powerful for your website content to rank in search engines as we advance; you must do this task.

Lesson 7

      Creating Your Initial Website Content

.The site content platform offers you some incredible features as a writer that will lead to more efficiency, accuracy, and speed with your content creation.

You can access the SiteContent platform through the Website menu.

I believe this is where the strength of your business lies; you have to produce good content. Content that will engage your audience.

You will set writing goals and leverage the “feature-rich” platform for writing. If you are worried about your writing skills, the SiteContent interface will help you understand where you are making writing errors and help you correct them efficiently.

You can watch the on-site video content here.

Best affiliate marketing Training ever

Lesson 8

                 Navigation of your website menu

In this lesson, you will set the menu on your website to make it easier for your audience to navigate.

You will be shown via video how to create your custom menu; fortunately, it is pretty straightforward to create a Custom menu.

Lesson 9

                      Understanding of Keywords

What is a keyword? A keyword is a word or phrase people search for in search engines.

You enter a “keyword” into the search box whenever you do a Google search.

For the free membership, You are given one of the best keyword research tools, Jaaxy, for 30 free searches, but as a  premium member, you get unlimited searches.

I have placed a link to the Jaaxy research tool here. You can watch the video walkthrough using the Jaaxy research tool.

A keyword is a word or phrase people search for in search engines. You enter a “keyword” into the search box whenever you do a Google search. Watch the video below for a deeper look at keyword research.

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

Lesson 10

             Congratulations, and Your Next Steps

You have already accomplished a lot, chosen your niche, built your website, and written about my post and a blog.

If you need to see the lessons in more detail, you can join for FREE HERE.

A free membership never expires, and you will not be asked to give any personal information; only your name and email address will be required.

I recommend upgrading to the premium membership, especially if you are serious about building a successful business.

The information and tools are available with a premium membership are quite a lot for the price.

You can see how many more tools are available and the is, and the training videos that go along with the tools will help achieve success.


With Wealthy Affiliate, you have an affiliate marketing platform built with everyone in mind, the newbies, those with some knowledge about affiliate marketing, and the super affiliate marketers.

I like to think of Wealthy Affiliate as a school/university where you are taught the ABC of affiliate marketing and are given the proper tools to accomplish your goals.

I am by no means saying you will achieve your goals overnight; a great man once said,   Success is no accident; it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and a love for what you are doing.

Wealthy Affiliate makes no promises of getting rich quickly; this is not a scam, but you have a company updated with the latest online marketing strategies. with a vision to genuinely help people achieve success in business and life

.And is dedicated to assisting others to become great and achieve true financial independence.

And a community of fellow members eager to assist you in any way they can to help you achieve your goals.

Remember, Whatever man’s mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill.

Thank you for reading my post; please like and share; if you have a question or a  comment, you can leave it at the end of this post, and I will reply ASAP.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

2 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Ever—Wealthy Affiliate Review

  1. Ruthlyn, I looked at your website on my iPhone. Your post was great, very complete and you seem very knowledgeable and confident. Wealthy Affiliate seems like a great answer. And it really only costs $359 per year? Seems like a bargain.

    1. Hi Steve Thank you for responding to my post Wealthy Affiliate is really the best place to learn affiliate marketing and it is the answer to many of us and especially newbies like myself but the beauty of Wealthy Affiliate, it is for everyone. thanks again for taking the time to comment wishing you all the best.

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