Monthly Archives: October 2018

Multi-Level Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing Which Is Better




Multi-Level vs Affiliate marketing
Multi-Level Marketing vs. Affiliate Marketing


Multi-Level Marketing vs. Affiliate Marketing


Multi-Level Marketing



Multi-level Marketing companies, also called network marketing companies, direct selling companies, or other names, are not new.

Companies like Avon, Mary Kay, Herbalife, and other MLMs have been around for a long time. But with the advent of social media, they have acquired a new vigor and profile in this new era of internet marketing.

Their business model defines these MLM companies, and They do not use the traditional storefront method of selling their goods; MLMs sell their goods through “business owners” who are paid on commission.

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Affiliate Marketing Is The Best Way to Earn Money Online

 Scams Targeting the Elderly

Affiliate Marketing the best way to earn money online
Affiliate marketing is the Best Way to earn money online

A Cooperative Credit Union Association survey has found that as millions of Americans retire over the next decade, financial crimes and abuse against the elderly are occurring at an ever-increasing alarming rate.

And as all Americans encounter scams with increasing regularity, studies show that few financial consumers are taking steps to improve their financial literacy in the digital age.

More than half of caretakers for older adults have reported an elder being targeted with fraud; more than a quarter of elders have fallen prey to at least one financial scam. And the problem is likely to get worse before it gets better.

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Retirement Income Planning–Plan Today For Your Retirement-Making Money Online

Retirement Income Planning

Planning for Retirement

We Baby Boomers are sometimes not well informed when planning our medical care, especially when it comes to long-term medical care during our years spent in retirement.

We tend to put our hope and trust in Medicare, which provides excellent health insurance. But it is not enough to pay for our medical costs; it doesn’t pay for long-term support and services.

In a study by Fidelity Benefits Consulting, it is noted that a couple turning 65 today will pay an average of $220,000 in out-of-pocket medical costs before they die,

Continue reading Retirement Income Planning–Plan Today For Your Retirement-Making Money Online

Business You Can Start From Home—–Make Money On-Line

Businesses, you can start from  Home.

Business You Can Start From Home. Make Money Online

A home business is a small business that operates from the business owner’s home. Employees of a home-based business are usually the person who starts the company and, in some cases, the immediate family of the business owner,

It doesn’t matter whether you are looking to make some fast cash or for more sustainable income-producing results; there are many ways you can make money online today.

Continue reading Business You Can Start From Home—–Make Money On-Line

Work From Home Opportunities

Work-from-home business opportunities

There is an ever-increasing desire for many of us to give up on the hassle and stress of going to a workplace and working from home, and many people are trying to start a work-at-home,  home-based business opportunity. Fortunately, there are many work-from-home opportunities.

I last worked at a call center for a collection agency; they monitored you every working moment; it was awful.

Having a great idea and the qualifications will not get you anywhere unless you put it to work. To succeed, you must have a sense of persistence,  patience, and a willingness to work at it.

There are several legitimate works from home business opportunities that you can do, and they will provide you with some income. There are no get-rich-quick opportunities if you apply yourself and work at it. (start your own business FREE MEMBERSHIP HERE)

  1. Virtual Assistance

Virtual Assistant companies usually require a commitment that is the same as working full-time. Some companies will allow you to work part-time, and you will make extra money online. The salary of a virtual assistant usually ranges from $15-$20 per hour. To be a virtual assistant, you must possess a particular skill.

Some Pros of a virtual assistant

You can grow your business.

You can set your hours.

There is no special education needed.

However, there are some cons.

It can be challenging to find clients when you first start your business.

You may find that you compete with other support people who charge a lower hourly rate.

The industry is very competitive.

With the ever-increasing advancement of technology, you must be willing to keep up with technology and expand your knowledge.

Your work could also be high-stress and deadline-driven.

2) ProofReader

A proofreader’s job is to read transcripts and copy them to check them for spelling and grammatical or typographical errors as a proofreader. You will receive copies, read them, and make any changes needed. A proofreader’s salary is usually $15-$16 per hr. And they typically have a bachelor’s degree in English, Journalism, or a related field.

The cons

Excellent command of the English language is not enough; you will also need to have a working knowledge of multiple styles and adapt from one to the other based on client and assignment.

Further education and experience may be necessary to familiarize yourself with some writing styles you’ll need to proofread. As a proofreader, you must adapt quickly from assignment to assignment.

Deadlines can be tight. You have to be able to work well under that kind of pressure.

Especially in business, clients may need the assignment turned around within 24 hours or less.

It may take some time to build your clientele base. Selling your services might be challenging, and selling that you are the right person to do the work.

3) Transcription

To be a transcriptionist, you can quickly type at least 60+ words per min and accurately; the pay is usually $0.05 per word, but there are a few cons.

Transcription contracts can come and go. You may get a signed contract, but it may not last;  Work becomes scarce at certain times of the year. You must keep track of your expenses and income and put aside money for taxes.

4) Blogging

According to Wikipedia, A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries. Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order so that the most recent post appears first at the top of the web page.

You do not need any particular skill to be a blogger; you need to be passionate about something; it could be a hobby or anything you like.

It is more authentic when you write about something you love; your readers can relate to you better, and you can build followers, leading to an income. What you choose to write about will also become your niche; in determining your blog’s name, make the term relate to your blog.

Then you will choose a hosting platform, there are many to choose from, but I have found that Wealthy Affiliate is the top one, and the good thing is you can join for free You will be taught step-by-step how to build your website and you will get

 Live Help – First 7 Days

1 Website, Website, Backup, beginner Training Course, Personal Affiliate Blog

Affiliate Bootcamp Training – Phase 1 Only, Video Walk-Throughs, Keyword Research Tool – 30 Searches

Training Classrooms, 2 Affiliate Programs. You will be taught how to choose the right keywords to index your blog on google and monetize your blog to earn.

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich scheme; and it does take time and effort; it is like starting any business, and the rewards can be significant; there are people at Wealthy Affiliate making 4and five figures monthly income. 

And the community at Wealthy Affiliate is like a family who is very helpful and desires to see you succeed; there is also technical support available 24/7;

There is a forum where you can ask questions, the pay-it-forward attitude is encouraged, and someone will always be available to answer your questions.

Some members have made training tutorials, and they are made available to you for free.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate was founded in 2005 and is now home to over 1,00,000 of us. We are worldwide from every continent and every island; you will find a member; we are like the united nations; we also have been given an A+    rating by the BBB.   

I suggest after joining for free and familiarizing yourself with the platform that, you upgrade to premium;

With the premium membership, there are much more information and tools available to you, which will further enable you to succeed, and if you do not think this is for you or do not like the platform, you can quit. There will be no loss to you.  


I am a retired person, a newbie to blogging, and thanks to the training, information, and tools available at Wealthy Affiliate, I now have two websites. I became a member of WA in April 2018. I have not regretted being a member. I am still learning, and the lessons will remain available, so I will review them to refresh my memory.

And in joining, you are not asked for your credit card number or to pay a fee or your phone number, so there is no harassment, no taking of any funds from your account; you will not be bombarded with telephone calls or any of that stuff. 

So if you want to start a work-from-home business. Why not try Wealthy Affiliate? You can make a decent income from it. You have nothing to lose; look into it for yourself.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).