Monthly Archives: March 2019

Learn Affiliate Marketing At A Safe Place Start For Free

A Safe Place To Learn Affiliate Marketing For Beginners
A Safe Place To Learn Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Safe Place To Learn Affiliate Marketing

Are you looking for a way to earn some extra income? And looking for somewhere that will give you the best training and a safe place to learn or sharpen your skills in affiliate marketing?

Are you looking for a platform or a company that will provide you with all the necessary training, no hype, and no false promises? I want to recommend you,  Wealthy Affiliate.

Maybe like me, you have been scammed trying to set up an online business, and now you are somewhat distrustful of any offer that offers training.

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How To Avoid Being Scammed In Affiliate Marketing-Financial Independence

How To Avoid Being Scammed In Affiliate Marketing-Financial Independence
How To Avoid Being Scammed In Affiliate Marketing-Financial Independence


Scams to watch out for

Some very frightening facts face those who are retired or will retire shortly.

According to financial experts like the Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL).

Workers approaching retirement must either work beyond age 65, reduce their standard of living, or do some combination of the two.

And as these unfortunate facts face us, the older generation and not only us but also people among us who faces financial woes.

We tend to reach out for anything to help alleviate this problem. And this is the time when heartless and ruthless individuals easily scam us.

Most of these scams take place online, the so-called online business that is supposed to offer you the opportunity to earn extra money to alleviate your financial problems.

I want to look at some of these scams and, hopefully, give you a heads-up in spotting the red flag in these offers.

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Common Myths about Affiliate Marketing

Common Myths about Affiliate Marketing
Common Myths about Affiliate Marketing

Is Affiliating Marketing a myth?

A myth is an exaggerated or idealized conception of a person or thing. Some have asked about affiliate marketing whether the concept of making money through Affiliate marketing is a myth.

No, it is not a myth because there is so much proof of people making money, and these amounts are not exaggerated because the evidence is shown.

I have not made much money yet, but it takes time right now, my income is low, and I have not been in affiliating marketing for a year yet.

But I understand why some people may go away with the idea that making a sustainable monthly income from affiliate marketing is a myth.

People come into affiliate marketing after hearing that people are making a vast amount of money, so they try and have not achieved what they thought they should; they give up and say affiliating marketing is a myth.

And some others may buy a program or a course in affiliate marketing, and they may get the information but no instruction or support on how to apply the knowledge.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that not only supplies the tools and information, but you are given step-by-step instruction, and there is assistance available 24/7; you can become a member of this platform for FREE.

Online business is like any other business; it takes time, work, and much effort; it is not a cakewalk, but some people are used to the 9-5 work mentality in that when you are finished with your allotted time, you get paid.

But as online business owners, we have to free our minds from that way of thinking and not give up when success at meeting your set goals may be taking longer than you thought it should, or you made mistakes in something on your website, frustrated. It was Thomas A. Edison who said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

There are other myths associated with affiliate marketing, and we will be looking at a few of them to dispel them.


Quite a few companies offer free membership, but as far as I know, there is only one whose free membership never expires. And that is Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is the platform that I am a part of, and it is a platform designed for all affiliate marketers.

Whether you are a beginner, have little experience, or are an expert with years of experience.

As a free member at Wealthy Affiliate, you get to start your business, and you will be able to put everything in place for your business to have a stable footing.

You will get to choose your niche (the area you will be promoting through your website), build your website, and you do not need to have any designing skills.

It takes only 30 seconds to have top-of-line, State of the art, ultra-powerful, and secure hosting that will allow you to grow your business.

You can purchase your domain name (the address of your website HTTPS://  com), write and publish your first post, and all for free.

Here is a  screen shot of the first 5. free lessons, a free membership never expires.

  • First five free lessns

On becoming a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you will not be asked for any information but your name and email address, and no commitments.

Myth #2 The affiliate marketing business is oversaturated

Not so at all, there are close to 600 MILLION products/services to choose from, and you can easily promote them on your website. No inventory. No shipping. No support is required. This will be taught to you at Wealthy Affiliates, so have no fear; there will always be room for you.

Myth#3 You need relevant customers before you get started.

People are your business; without them, you will have no one to advertise to. At Wealthy Affiliate, you will be taught how to utilize social media and other current techniques to bring relevant customers to your site.

We currently have a membership of over 1.4 million, and they are from 193 countries. Wealthy Affiliate has an A+ rating with BBB.

There are two membership options: the free membership and the premium membership; with the premium membership, there are a lot more tools and information available I have listed them below.

Can you build a successful business with a free membership? I have heard of some doing so, but I would recommend the premium membership for someone with little or no experience,.

Having been caught in so many scams, I joined the free membership, and after a couple of months, I upgraded to premium.


Affiliating marketing is not a myth. The only myth is you can get rich quickly; to be successful in Affiliate, you will have to work to establish your business. After it is established, then you will not have to work so hard.

We all must remember that success takes time, effort, hard work, and persistence.

I encourage you to become a member of Wealthy Affiliate for free you have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

The Wealthy Affiliate community is known to be very helpful; we consider ourselves to be a family, and we will be there to assist you in every way we can,

The founders of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson, are also available.

You can become a member by clicking on any of the links in this post, and I will be your mentor; I will be there to answer your questions and point you in the right direction.

Remember, you can become a member for FREE; you can check it out; if you think you are not ready, that’s ok; you can come back whenever you are ready; your free membership never expires. You have nothing to lose.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post; it is greatly appreciated; please remember to like and share, and should you have a question or a comment, you can leave it in the space provided at the bottom of this post I will reply ASAP.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).


Legitimate ways to build an income online—- Financial Independence

Legitimate ways to build an income online  

I know because of the times in which we live that most of us are in dire need of earning some extra money to live a somewhat comfortable life,

There are legitimate ways to earn enough money to supplement your income as a side project or to be a sustainable income, and it can also become a  passive income in time.

The best way to make money is online, and online marketing is probably the best.

I am not saying it will be easy; you will have to work hard and push through mistakes and failures along the way. as the great soccer player Pele said

Continue reading Legitimate ways to build an income online—- Financial Independence

How to Earn Extra Income After Retirement —-Financial Independence

Retirement Concerns

Preparing for this post, I saw  Prudential’s 2016 retirement study stating that 54% of Americans nearing retirement age have no idea how much money they will need for those 20  or 30 years after retirement.

The study also states that 54% of them nearing retirement age have only $150.000 retirement saved; this is nowhere near enough cash to live on for 20 or even 30 years.

Continue reading How to Earn Extra Income After Retirement —-Financial Independence

Is Affiliate Marketing Worth The Time Start Your Online Business Free

Affiliate Marketing is worth the effort of adding additional income
Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It?

Is Affiliate Marketing Worth it

Are you looking into becoming an affiliate marketer and wondering if affiliate marketing is worth the time and effort to establish your business?

Or are you in the affiliate marketing niche for some months and not seeing the kind of returns you were expecting, and the question and thought of, is all this work worth the effort?

The answer for me is yes, it is worth it, but for you, it might be different, and you will be the only one who will be able to answer that question.

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How Hard Is It To Make Money From Affiliate Marketing

How Hard Is It To Make Money From Affiliate Marketing
How Hard Is It To Make Money From Affiliate Marketing




Is Affiliate Marketing Hard?

Like anything else, it will not seem easy to do something for the first time until you get into it.

I am a boomer in my early 70s with no knowledge of affiliating marketing; I doubted my ability to learn this “new career,” but I was fortunate to have found Wealthy Affiliate.

At Wealthy Affiliate, they provide the information and tools that make learning affiliate marketing understandable and not hard at all.

Over time you become an expert by learning and applying what you have learned, and by doing this every day, you will become an expert.

Continue reading How Hard Is It To Make Money From Affiliate Marketing

OvercomeThe Baby Boomers’ Retirement Crisis Make Money Online

Start your own business
The baby boomers’ retirement crisis

Retirement Crisis


Are you in a retirement crisis? Are you ready to retire but find yourself woefully short in savings and income to live a comfortable lifestyle for the rest of your life?

Not only do boomers in today’s world  have to think about their retirement plans,

But in most cases, they also have to care for their elderly parents, which can have added emotional and financial costs to their crisis.

Continue reading OvercomeThe Baby Boomers’ Retirement Crisis Make Money Online