Monthly Archives: April 2019

Best Way To Make Money Online-Start Earning Money Now

Best Way To Make Money Online

During my research for this post, I found some excellent work-from-home ideas, and I will share some of these with you and give you my opinion on the best way to make money online.

Thanks to the World wide web and the leaps in technology, the possibility of earning money without leaving your home, or even better, you can be anywhere and still make money is possible.

Most of us could use a little extra money to supplement our income or provide extra cash.

Continue reading Best Way To Make Money Online-Start Earning Money Now

Wealthy Affiliate The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Ever—Wealthy Affiliate Review

Best affiliate marketing training ever.

Before I begin my review of Wealthy Affiliate, let me tell you a little about myself, I am a retiree in my mid 70,s. I was forced to retire after an accident left me slightly disabled (my fault), so I was left without a paycheck, only my SS, which was very meager, and no prospect for a job.

I had always dreamed of having my own business, and working from home had become somewhat possible and famous because of the ever-advanced technology. I decided I would do something online,

I tried many things, taking surveys, a couple of MLM companies, taking calls, and a few others; needless to say,  I did not make much money and got scammed.

I was fortunate to find Wealthy Affiliate, the best affiliate marketing training ever; I became a member for free and am not leaving anytime soon.

About Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate, founded in 2005 by Kyle and Carson,  now has a membership of over 1.4 million, drawn from 193 countries.

Continue reading Wealthy Affiliate The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Ever—Wealthy Affiliate Review

Jaaxy The Best Keyword Tool Available

Jaaxy is the best keyword tool available

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

The keyword is essential when writing a blog. You may be asking, what are keywords?

What are keywords?

Keywords are the words that express the ideas and topics that define what your content is about.

They are also the words and phrases that searchers enter into search engines, also called “search queries.

As a website owner and content creator, you want the keywords on your page to be relevant to what people are searching for so there will be a better chance of finding your content among the results.

Continue reading Jaaxy The Best Keyword Tool Available

How To Create Your Own Website And Earn Money–Financial Independence


How to Create your Website and Earn Money

I will discuss how to create your website and earn money online in today’s post. Building a website is not complicated; it only takes 30 seconds using the Wealthy Affiliate platform. But before you create a website to earn money, there are a few things I think you need to have in place.

  • Know your goals, what you would like to achieve in your business, how much money you would like to earn, and how much would make you very happy.
  • What would your site be about (your niche)? It should be about something you love or a hobby, or maybe a field you have worked in, and there is something you need to remember; there is no need for you to be an expert; you will become an expert by researching the topic you are writing.
Continue reading How To Create Your Own Website And Earn Money–Financial Independence

Affiliate Marketing Can Supplement Retirement Income — Start earning now.

Affiliate Marketing can supplement retirement income.

There is an ongoing crisis in the retirement community; more and more retirees are finding that the amount they have to save for retirement is far from adequate to sustain their lifestyle.

Some boomers approaching retirement are thinking of working past the retirement age to keep the pre-retirement standard of living, reduce their standard of living, or do a combination of both.

Some jobs, like affiliate marketing, can be done at home, which can help supplement boomers’ retirement budgets.

Boomer retirement savings fall short.

It is said that 30% of boomers have nothing saved for their retirement, and most of the other 70 % do not have enough saved.

Without a doubt, older workers will need to take steps to keep working in some manner during retirement, including taking care of their health.

We will have to see what we can do without, or less of, and live a satisfying life.

There is also the need to make intelligent choices to squeeze the most from their financial resources, such as Social Security or any other financial investment we may have.

With better health care and advancements in the medical world, we are living longer lives now, and some of us are expected to live 20-30 years in retirement.

For those approaching retirement or, like me, already retired and are in the retirement crisis of not having enough money to keep you from enjoying your retirement years, I am introducing you to affiliate marketing.

We are all different, some of us have more money to spend than others, but I think most of us find ourselves with the extra time that we need to fill, in some cases to make us feel useful and, in most cases, to earn some extra cash.

This is why  Affiliate Marketing as a business can be very fulfilling both as a method of making extra income and occupying the spare time we have on our hands.

All you will need is a computer, an Internet connection, patience, and the determination that we all need to succeed.

What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a method by which companies advertise their products through Affiliates who market the company’s product and is paid a commission for every sale made through their advertisement.

But before you can become an affiliate marketer, you will need  to do a few things, and you will need to:

  • Build a website.
  • Add suitable affiliate products to your site.
  • Drive traffic to the site.
  • Collect Affiliate commissions from product sales.

The easy part of affiliate marketing is not complicated, but as with every business, success does not happen overnight; it takes time, determination, and work.

If you think you are too old for this computer business, forget that; I am in my 70s, and I have met a few in their 80s, remember the ’70s are now the new 50s

Remember, we have been through a lot and have gathered a  wealth of life experience that has given us the can-do spirit.

New To Affiliate Marketing

Are you new to affiliating marketing? So was I until April 9th, 2018. If you are interested and want to learn, I recommend you to the company that taught me for free. ( you can join here for free)

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is an online school/university that provides step-by-step training on creating and maintaining a successful online business.

You will be given the tools and information to make this possible. And there is always round-the-clock assistance in the persons of WA family members, who I think is one of the Wealthy Affiliate’s most significant assets; we are ever eager to assist you to succeed (You can join now for free here.)

With free membership, you get

  • Live Help – First 7 Days
  • 12 website themes to choose from
  • 1 Website
  • Website Backup
  • Beginner Training Course
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training – Phase 1 Only
  • Video Walk-Throughs
  • Keyword Research Tool – 30 Searches
  • Training Classrooms – 2
  • Affiliate Program
  • 1-on-1 Coaching – First 7 Day

A Wealthy Affiliate Free membership never expires, some other platforms will give you a two weeks trial, but at Wealthy Affiliate, it remains accessible.

You will not be asked for any other information but your name and email address.

There is also the premium membership which offers you a lot more training, information, and tools; there is no pressure to become a premium member, but I must point out that a premium member’s success rate is much higher than a free member.

What I did was I joined for free, built my site, and stayed free for a couple of months until I was comfortable with the platform; then, I upgraded to premium; this is something that you could do. You have nothing to lose; try it and see; it will cost you nothing.

The billing payments are made to accommodate your preference making it easy for you; I encourage you to try it.

Final Thoughts

I know for some of us, and retirement has dealt us a financial blow we did not expect; we did not save for our retirement and probably never had enough to save; we were always living paycheck to paycheck, and some of us did not save enough, but whatever the reason we can overcome this financial crisis.

Success will not happen quickly; it is a process that takes time, patience, and determination, but it can and will occur. Should you decide to become a member, I will be your mentor and, along with the other members, will be there to assist you. You can join by clicking on any of the links in this post.

Wealthy Affiliate is an up-to-date company that teaches today’s online marketing techniques. They have the vision to help people succeed in business and life and are dedicated to assisting others to become great and achieve true financial independence. You will not regret becoming a member of Wealthy Affiliate; it is a safe place to be.

I am so happy you took the time to stop by and read my post; please like and share, and if you have questions or comments,s please leave them below in the space provided, and I will reply ASAP.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing ( for Financial Independence)

For your financial independence the ultimate guide to affiliate marketing.
The Ultimate Guide To Affiliate Marketing.


The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a common way people make money online.

It also allows you to be less stressed and have more freedom and flexibility to schedule and work from anywhere.

If you are new to affiliate marketing and feel intimidated by the idea of building a business in which you have no experience, don’t; this blog will give you the ultimate guide in affiliate marketing.

First, let me tell you just what affiliate marketing is

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is like communicating to your friends on social media; you recommend a product or service and earn a commission when they purchase it (or complete some other associated action).

An example of affiliate marketing

An example of affiliate marketing would be I will use myself as an example.

I spent many years in the healthcare industry and have a blog about health, so on my site, I recommend vitamins and medical equipment for home use.

I affiliate with a company that sells vitamins and medical equipment.

The company links me to the products I promote with my unique affiliate ID.

Whenever I use that link in a blog post, and someone clicks it, my affiliate ID follows them for a time. ( each company has its length of time, some 30 days, some 60 days) If they buy any of the products I advertise on my blog at that time, I will earn a commission.

So as you can see, affiliate marketing involves three parties, the merchant, the affiliate marketer, and the customer.

You can also become a partner with an Affiliate network.

What is an affiliate network?

Affiliate “networks” are centralized collections of, in some cases, more than 1,000’s affiliate programs you can join through one network. This is convenient because you can promote many programs simultaneously (even in various niches) and receive one payment.

Also, using an affiliate network, you will have no communication with the advertiser directly; all your communication will be through the affiliate network.;

which includes applying for the program, finding your unique affiliate links, tracking your sales, and getting paid.

Not all advertisers use an affiliate network. Some advertisers run their affiliate programs, on Amazon.

There are many affiliate networks. Many are easy to join. Some require you to apply and wait for approval. Some are by invitation only.

Different affiliate networks provide other products, so you’ll want to hunt around to find the one(s) that are the best fit for you.

I use two affiliate networks, ShareASale and CJ Junction.

I like affiliate marketing; there are so many benefits to having a business in affiliate marketing; let’s look at some of them.

For me, the pros of affiliate marketing far outweigh the cons. However, affiliate marketing still has cons. You have to decide whether it’s right for you.

Pros of affiliate marketing

You do not need to think about producing or storing, shipping, returns, or customer service; in other words, affiliate marketing is hassle-free.

You can work from anywhere, and as affiliates, you have more time to focus on what you want to do while still making money.

No hard-selling. Your job is to refer potential customers to them, which is excellent for those who don’t like selling.

You get to earn a commission from each purchase made from a link in your post, and it doesn’t have to be the product you are advertising.

An example would be someone clicking on compression socks I advertise on Amazon; however, if they did not buy the socks but bought some household items instead, I would get the commission on everything purchased from that click.

For many affiliate marketing programs, there is little or no barrier to joining.

Most require you to have a website, and some need you to have an active audience. And you stand to lose nothing unless you join a PPC, which would be very little.

There is little or no maintenance associated with an affiliate link unless there is a change from the advertiser, and the advertiser will notify you;

Once the link is in your blog post, you can earn commission repeatedly, days, weeks, months, and years later. (a passive income)

Cons of affiliate marketing

It takes time to build trust, and you won’t make money without an audience that trusts you first.

Building trust takes time and a lot of patience up front, so keep in mind that success will not happen overnight.

Affiliate marketing is much more profitable if you have a lot of traffic and build up your audience. There are some other that takes time.

There are some others, in my opinion, minor cons. Once you make a referral, you do not control your audience’s experience or information.

If you are wondering, affiliate marketing is legitimate, and your money depends greatly on you.

Some affiliates make 4-6 figures per month, but one affiliate says she makes sure to publish a new article daily; she makes $8000.00 + per month; her blog name is little mama.

While some affiliates have several income streams, it all depends on you but remember, after you are established and your audience trusts you, you will then be able to take it a bit easy.


You will need a blog and a website to be an affiliate marketer.

A website is where you will be communicating with your audience and advertising your products.

I would suggest your blog should be about something you love or are passionate about; this way, you will have more interest, and writing won’t feel like a chore; it doesn’t matter if you are not an expert; you will be doing research which will make you an expert in the end.

Then you will need a platform to host your website; some platform charges for their service, and I use the Wealthy Affiliate platform, which is free.

You will also need to buy a domain name, the address for your website, and the .com address.

You must then draw people to your website using social media, YouTube, etc.

I know all this may seem overwhelming, especially if you are new to affiliate marketing or not a technical person. Still, there are several platforms you could join that will teach you, but I believe Wealthy Affiliate is the best, and it is free to start.

Wealthy Affiliate

Description This is a 5 lesson course that is part of the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification. It will walk you through creating a successful online business that generates revenue. Getting started on the course (level 1) is your first step to realizing your potential as an online business owner. Phase one consists of 5 lessons, and these are


list of 12 lessons in phase 1 on online entrepeneur program

With this free membership, you will get the 2web site and 12 WordPress themes to choose from, and your website will be hosted for free your domain name would not be free; it costs approx. $13.50 per year, and this can be purchased at Wealthy Affiliate.

Premium Membership

A premium level also provides you with more information and tools to better meet your goals.

 The platform is constantly updated, and for the coming year, there is a lot of new information and tools to be added, and as a start, there are some bonuses.

We will offer the following bonuses the year ahead, over FOUR hours of live video classes with full Q & which will prepare everyone for a successful year.

Bonus #1: The Path to Affiliate Stardom in 2020 – Kyle Goes AMA (Ask Me Anything)
Bonus #2: Building an Incredible Internet Business in 2020, The WhitePaper.
Bonus #3: Creating a Thriving Authority Website in 2020 (5 Weeks of Live Training)
Bonus #4: Early 2020 Beta Access to New Platforms (Yearly Members Only)

You may be wondering if you could operate a successful business with the free membership; if you are new to affiliate marketing, I would recommend you upgrade to the premium program; I joined for free, then after a month of looking around and familiarizing myself with the platform I upgraded to premium a free membership never expires so.

In Conclusion

I have tried to give you an ultimate guide to affiliate marketing; I know you probably have more questions, and I am willing to answer them; leave them in the space provided I will reply,

Affiliate marketing is not hard; you do not need to be an expert or a language major to write a blog, so please do not be intimidated by the thought of your article being published online.

If I can do it, so can you; I am a retiree with no previous experience; at Wealthy Affiliate, you will be given step-by-step instructions, and you work at your own pace, so give it a try; you have nothing to lose.

I do hope you found this post helpful; thank you for stopping by, and please share this post,   


NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool—The #1 Keyword Research Tool

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

Jaaxy Word Tool Review


A keyword is a word or phrase people search for in search engines. Every time you do a google search, you enter a “keyword” into the search box.

The founders of Wealthy Affiliate founded the Jaaxy keyword research tool. It was invented to give online marketers an edge in getting their posts a high ranking on google, thus drawing more traffic to their websites.

The Jaaxy keyword research tool is the World’s Most Advanced Keyword Tool Built for Internet Marketers.

How is the Jaaxy keyword research tool used?

Keyword research is used to search the (SEO) search engine optimizer  to find and research alternative search terms that people enter into search engines while looking for a similar subject

Keywords are the basis of ALL of your content, So the first thing you need to do here is choose a keyword that:

  • It is RELEVANT to my niche.
  • Meet the “winning” keyword criteria:
    • Over 30 avg searches
    • Less than 100 QSR/Competition
    • Makes grammatical sense

A link to a video, the importance of keywords, is below and is included in phase 1 of the free membership to Wealthy Affiliate.

If you become a free member of Wealthy Affiliate, you will get 30 free searches.

You can try Jaaxy for free here:

I use Jaaxy keyword research tools. My exposure to keyword research is not extensive, but I have tried some other keyword review tools, the free versions of some well-known brands, and I was very disappointed. Keywords are your path to rankings in Google.

Let me tell you a little about the Jaaxy keyword research tool,

The Jaaxy Keyword tool will find the best keywords to connect with people in the Search Engines.

Jaaxy delivers the right keyword results that will suit the contents of your article.

Jaaxy Review – THE Pros

  • Very easy to work with
  • No unnecessary information or graphs
  • Jaaxy is an online application, so there is no need to install a software application.
  • There is no additional cost in using Jaaxy
  • Support is fast and helpful
  • Keyword research results are accurate
  • You can find domain name availability right within Jaaxy

I have not seen anything that would be considered harmful concerning Jaaxy.

Four training videos will give you all the necessary training in the features and use of Jaaxy training tools.

Jaaxy — is the Research Platform Chosen by the Most Successful Entrepreneurs in the World

Jaaxy is very reasonably priced. If you are new to the online business or have been a very experienced online entrepreneur, Jaaxy is for you.

I use Jaaxy in my content writing and have successfully gotten my content indexed and ranked, so I have first-hand experience using Jaaxy.

There is a platform (Wealthy Affiliate) that you can join for free HERE; with this free membership, you will get two websites, among other things

You can find out more here:


I think Jaaxy is one of the best keyword research tools there is. The pros certainly outweigh the cons. The price compared to others is a lot cheaper; you can save your keyword list, get unlimited searches, etc.

Here is the price list for Jaaxy, and you can try it for free here.

STARTER best to try Jaaxy’s service

Starter Trial

30 Keyword Searches

20 Search Results

Website Analyzer

ProMost popular for New websites

$19/mo $49/mo

Everything From STARTER

Sortable Search Results

Enterprise for Power users

$49/mo $99/mo

Everything From PRO

35 Search Results

Thank you for reading my post; if you need more information or comment, please use the space provided at the end of this post, and I will reply. Please remember to like and post; thanks.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).