Monthly Archives: May 2019

Beat The Retirement Crisis By Starting Your Own Business Start For Free

Beat the crisis, start your own business.
Facts on the retirement crisis


Facts on the Retirement Crisis

According to a survey done by the Bankrate survey team from Early February to March, one in five American adults has nothing saved for retirement or emergencies.

A further 20 percent have saved away only 5 percent or less of their annual income to meet specific financial goals. Less than a third of Americans have saved at least 11 percent or more.

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Coping With Financial Stress- Overcome Financial Stress And Improve Finances

Coping With Financial Stress
Coping with Financial Stress

coping with financial stress

Financial realities among most.

In today’s world, the financial situation, or the lack of finances, is causing a large percentage of the population a lot of financial stress; people are preoccupied with coping with the economic situation to make ends meet.

According to market watch and published by MSN Money, a study by the NORC at the University of Chicago, an independent social research institution, found that 51% of working adults in the United States would need to access savings to cover necessities if they missed more than one paycheck.

They found that specific communities were more prone to economic hardship, and missing a paycheck would be devastating to them, as they would be unable to cover basic living expenses after missing more than one paycheck; this situation is found chiefly in households where the annual income was $30.000 annually or less.

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Can you make good money with affiliate marketing? —Without A doubt you can.

success in affiliate marketingCan you make good money with affiliate marketing?



Can you make good money with affiliate marketing?

The answer to the question is a definite yes; you can. Affiliate marketing is considered one of the world’s fastest-growing and best internet marketing techniques to earn money online.

  • It is very Cost-effective; there is little or no cost to start and maintain an online marketing business,

There is no cost in producing a product, and the products you will be recommending is ready and waiting to be sold by the merchant.

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How To Turn Your Passion Into A Successful Business -Start your business for free)

start your own business for free
How to turn your passion into a successful business

How To Turn Your Passion into a successful business

Starting any business is not easy; your success will not come overnight; it will take a lot of extra effort, disappointments, and maybe thoughts of giving up. But as the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day.

And because of this, having a passion for the business you are building is crucial.

If you have a passion for something, you will be committed and want to do everything surrounding that passion to make it great.

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Why start an affiliate marketing business? —-Best way to make money online.

Why start an affiliate marketing business? ----Best way to make money online.
Why start an affiliate marketing business? —-Best way to make money online.


Why start an affiliate marketing business?

Are you tired of the daily grind of going to a job that holds no satisfaction for you and can hardly make ends meet? Would you like to have your own business, be your boss, and no more traveling through the traffic for a regular job?

You can have the freedom to set your schedule, and This is an excellent reason to look into starting an affiliate marketing business.

Continue reading Why start an affiliate marketing business? —-Best way to make money online.

Online Income Opportunities For Seniors


Online Income Opportunities for Seniors

As we grow older, I think most of us are in a position where our retirement has become a time when our income and savings are not adequately meeting our daily needs.

Some of us are driven to the point where a decision has to be made, whether to buy food or medication; the thought of taking a vacation is entirely out of the picture. To find a job if you’re already retired at age 65-75 and beyond is not easy; I know the situation quite well as I was there myself.

The thought of going to a 9-5 job and traveling through traffic is not at all appealing;  but thanks to the internet, it is possible to find online income opportunities for us seniors; I found a few myself until I found the one I am currently settled in affiliate marketing.

Some Online Jobs

One job I have tried is customer service, which involves taking customer calls for a call center company. Still, you will need to upgrade your computer, and if you have a shared wifi system, you will have to get a service for you alone, as usually ethernet is used instead of the internet and a headphone for taking and answering calls.

This job did not work out for me, and I found out that there are some coarse people out there, and my assignment was to get people who wanted to cancel their service to keep it.

Another thing I did was take surveys. It would be best if you first took a survey supplying some personal information ( your demographics)for the company to see how they can use you for their benefit.

Then you may have to take several surveys of various services and products.

They are trying to find the right fit for you; the most frustrating thing in taking is in the middle of taking a survey; sometimes, 15 minutes into the survey, a banner comes up saying you are not qualified to complete this survey.

So, of course, another questionnaire comes up to determine your qualifications for another survey. And the same thing can occur again; it was not for me, and the income from taking surveys was minimal, change for your purse.


Affiliate Marketing

This brings me to affiliate marketing; according to Google Dictionary, affiliate marketing is a marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays a commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.


To succeed at affiliate marketing, you will have a website and choose what your website is about (your niche), write a blog, and apply to companies with products about your blog. Advertise their products and get a  commission whenever something is purchased from you; your link.

Just in case you are thinking you don’t know how you have no technical knowledge, you are too old to try something new, forget it; a favorite quote of mine is  Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill this, is something that I genuinely think and, I have this quote in quite a few of my posts.

I am a boomer in my mid 70’s, and I am doing it, and so can anyone.

Wealthy Affiliate

The platform I am a part of is Wealthy Affiliate, which will teach you the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

You can become a member of Wealthy Affiliate for free, and as a free member, you get one website plus themes to choose from for your websites.

You also get phase 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Course, comprised of 12 lessons; the best instructor does these lessons, and at the end of the 12 classes, you will have your website up and ready for business.

There is another tier in our membership that is the premium, this level is not free, but if you are serious about building an online business, I would suggest you upgrade to the tip,

So much more information and tools are available to you, which will further enable you to succeed in your online business.

The good thing about affiliate marketing is there are many possibilities for earning from promoting merchants’ goods and promoting yourself.

You can also sell stuff for yourself,  write ebooks, and have them self-publish on Amazon, or if you have knowledge of fixing things, you can have a website and a youtube video demonstrating how to build or improve items.

A wide variety of things can be done if you have a website, and by becoming a member of Wealthy Affiliate, these possibilities will be opened to you with the proper training.

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for over 13 years and has membership from 193 countries. There is an ongoing upgrade at Wealthy Affiliate, so new and updated information and tools are always available.

The community of Wealthy Affiliates, which, in my opinion, is one of the greatest assets of the company


The community consists of a  group of accommodating people ready to assist you in any way they can to help you achieve your goal.

The technical support crew is one of the best, available 24/7, and always courteous and prompt. And you can join for free.

There is money to be made in affiliate marketing. I am not saying it is a get-the-rich-quick opportunity; it is an opportunity to make an excellent income to earn a livable income and be a source of passive income.

Do not let the fear of the unknown keep you from starting your own online business; it kept me away for a long time, but I am thankful I found this platform.

At least give it a  try; you will not know unless you give it a try; it is free; you have nothing to lose; if you try and decide affiliate marketing is not for you, you will have lost nothing.

You can sign up for a free membership by clicking the links below. I will then contact you and be your mentor to meet you on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

start your own business
Start your own business.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post; it is appreciated; remember to like and share this post, and if you have a question or comment, please leave it in the space provided, and I will reply ASAP.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).


Can You Make A Full-Time Income Online?

Can A Full-Time Income Be Made Online? Yes You Can
Can A Full-Time Income Be Made Online? Yes You Can


Can you earn a full-time income online?

Some people wonder if it is possible to make a full-time living working from home online. Well, I am here to tell you that it is indeed possible.

As I have stated in another post, there are several ways to make money online, but for those still skeptical, let me tell you, it is a definite yes.

I know that some of us have had our dreams crushed and our trust in online businesses lost, but there is a genuine business that offers a legitimate way of making money online.

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Is Swagbucks A Scam or Legitimate- There is a better way to make money online

There is a Better way to make money
Is Swagbucks A Scam or legitimate

This is my review of Swagbucks. Is this company legitimate? Can you make a decent income from Swagbucks, or is it a complete waste of time,

Before we get into the money-making aspect of Swagbucks, here is a look at the company behind Swagbucks.

This review is based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

The Owners of Swagbucks is a U.S.-based company that was founded in 2005. It’s owned by Prodege, which also operates the popular site MyPoints.

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MY Digital Survey–Is There a better way to make money online?

My Digital Survey review

There are many ways to make money online, and one is to take surveys; in today’s post, I will look at MY digital Surveys, which used to be MY Survey.

I had joined MY Survey but had to stop doing surveys as I thought it was not worth my time, but I received an invitation to become a member of My Digital Survey with the promise of earning &400, so I decided to check it out.

This review is based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

Continue reading MY Digital Survey–Is There a better way to make money online?