Monthly Archives: July 2019

The Ugly Facts About Retirement Start Earning Extra Online

Approach to take
The ugly facts about Retirement

The Ugly Facts About Retirement

Most boomers still have a long way to go to ensure a comfortable, financially secure retirement.

But, with consistency and dedication, retirement can be comfortable and financially secure.

We will take a look at some facts about retirement planning.

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Legit Work From Home Job For The Disabled You Can Start An Online Business For Free

Be the boss
legit work-from-home jobs for the disabled





Legit Work from home  jobs for the disabled

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics surveyed a few years ago and found that the unemployment rate among the disabled was 5.5 % times higher than the rest of the working population.

Finding a job for people with disabilities is hard, and finding a full-time job is even more challenging.

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Having Trouble Finding a Job? Start Your Own Business You Can Start For Free

Start your own online business
Are you having Trouble Finding A job?

Have difficulty finding a job?

Are you a qualified individual seeking employment, but it seems all the employment doors are closed to you? There are several reasons why this is so

One problem could be that jobs are few, but employment seekers are many. Finding a good job will be hard because so many others are seeking the same job you are seeking, so in this very competitive market, you have to be the best candidate for the job.

Technology Replacing Workers

With the ever-increasing advancement of high technology, the need for humans is less, so fewer jobs are available to workers.

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Can’t Survive Off Your Income? Start Your Online Business For Free



Start Your Own Business
Can You Survive off minimum wage?

Can you Survive off minimum Wage?

According to the dictionary, the minimum wage is the lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement (such as one with a labor union).

The minimum wage was first introduced in the USA in 1938 whit the passing of the (FLSA) Fair Labor Standard; at the time of its passing minimum wage was set at $0.25 per hour; today, 81 years after it passed, the minimum wage stands at $7.25 per hour.

There was a time when most of the minimum workers were teenagers working for some pocket money, but today, unfortunately, that is no longer so.

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Why Is It Important To Know Your Target Audience (Meeting Their Needs will Be Easier)

Easier to meet your audience needs
Why is it important to know your target audience

Why it is essential to know your target audience

According to  BETH ANNE SCHWAMBERGER of Brilliant business moms

A target market is a specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services.

They are the target market because they are most likely to respond to your product, service, or information.

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Do I Need A Website For Affiliate Marketing?-(No, But it helps to have one)

It helps to have a website in doing affiliate marketing
Do I need a website to do affiliate marketing? (no, but it helps to have one)


Do I need a website for affiliate marketing?

One of the most common questions asked by people who would like to go into affiliate marketing is, “do you need a website for affiliate marketing?”

Maybe they wonder if they must have a website because building a website may be intimidating, and they think it is too hard to build a website, and they may not have the technical skills and no knowledge of web design or any such thing.

But in today’s world, designing and building a website can be done in 30 seconds. And on specific platforms, it can be done for free.

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What Is Affiliate/ Internet Marketing? And How Does Affiliate Marketing Work

What Is Affiliate/ Internet Marketing? And How Does Affiliate Marketing Work
What Is Affiliate/ Internet Marketing? And How Does Affiliate Marketing Work

What is internet marketing, and how does it work

Internet marketing refers to the  methods that are used for marketing a product or service online,

And this compasses different areas of selling goods and services online

According to

Internet marketing, or online marketing, refers to the use of the web and email to advertise and market, and drive direct sales via electronic commerce,

In addition to sales leads from websites or emails. Internet marketing and online advertising are often used in conjunction with traditional types of advertising, such as radio, television, newspapers, and magazines.

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Plan For Future Retirement—(Increase Your Income Now)

Start saving now
Plan for your retirement

Plan for future retirement

For the younger generation, telling them to plan for retirement may seem so far away that they have a lot of time to prepare. (Start your online Business now)

But this is not so; the evidence is the vast number of people who are reaching retirement age and have nowhere near what they will need to live during their retirement age.

And this need not occur as there are so many ways to save for your retirement; I understand with some of us, the cost of living has us living paycheck to paycheck, but there are many things we can do to increase our earnings.

Continue reading Plan For Future Retirement—(Increase Your Income Now)

Hardest Things About Retirement (Be Active Start A New Career)

Change your career
The hardest thing about retirement

The hardest thing about retirement

The hardest thing about retirement is to have a life with no structure suddenly, after living most of our life with some system,

As hard workers, some of us working for more than 30 years as we grow older, we tend to look forward to our retirement,

And finally, the day comes, and we are officially a retiree, and we are happy; no more 9-5 rush to go to work and to get home,

We can do as we please, sleep late, do some gardening, go to the mall, and have all the time for ourselves.

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