Monthly Archives: August 2019

Retirement Challenges For Boomers (Ways To Overcome Retirement Challenges )

Ways to overcome retirement challenges
Retirement Challenges for boomers.

Retirement Challenges for Boomers.

#1 Challenge

Boomers aren’t saving enough in the short term to adequately fund the long-term time in retirement.

One of the challenges facing boomers retiring is Most have not saved enough money to live comfortably in retirement.

And because life expectancy continues to increase, so does the risk of outliving one’s savings.

Only 23 percent of boomers ages 56-61 expect to receive income from a private company pension plan, and only 38 percent of older boomers expect a pension. and future income from Social Security stagnates or even decreases

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Is The Boomers Retirement Income Inadequate? (It Can Be Fixed. Start A Online Business For Free)

Boomers inadequate retirement income
Boomers’ retirement income is inadequate.


Is your retirement income inadequate?

 Retirement income reveals many people are living on relatively little — and their revenues are shrinking over time due to the high cost of living; Fortunately, action can be taken to elevate this situation. You can start your own business.

Living beyond your income cannot continue without getting into trouble; you will end up borrowing or using credit cards with very high-interest rates.

I know from experience that having to cut back drastically on your spending and doing without things that you have become accustomed to is hard.

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Is Dream Host Web Hosting Any Good?

Is Dream Host Web Hosting Any Good?
Is Dream Host Web Hosting Any Good?



Dream Web Hosting

Dream Host was founded in 1996 by Dallas Bethune,  Josh Jones, Michael Rodriguez, and Sage Weil of the New Dream network; all were undergraduate students at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, and registered in 1997 by Michael Rodriguez.

DreamHost has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, though not an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau, They also provide good customer service, and  Its web hosting customers have access to 24/7 in-house customer support; there are several avenues to get your question answered – you can ask questions over social media, email or live chat.

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How To Make Money Doing Affiliate Marketing

How To Make Money Online Doing Affiliate Marketing

There are many opportunities to make an active and passive income online. And with modern technology, this task can be done anywhere you desire.

One of the many ways to use the internet as an income source is by pursuing affiliate marketing.

It is intended as a way to generate income; let’s have a look at how this works.

What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is selling another person’s or company’s products and services. It’s like a referral service.

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How To Save For Retirement—(By Doing This)

Save For Retirement
How To Save For Retirement


How To Save For Retirement

We all know it’s essential to save for retirement. But too many of us have not done so. Some of us have put off saving for retirement for one reason or another, and now we are nearing retirement, and we discover we do not have money saved for retirement.

How much money will we need for retirement? No one knows for sure some financial experts suggest between $500.00.00 to $1,000000.00

It is suggested that you should be saving at least 20% of your salary per month.

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Can I Make Money On FaceBook (Yes, Here Is How)


Affiliate marketing through facebook
Can I make money with Facebook?



Can I make money on Facebook?

A lot asks this question of entrepreneurs and others. I will attempt to answer this question, having had some experience with Facebook.

Facebook has over 1 billion active members using the social platform daily. Many social media sites exist, but  Facebook is the largest and most popular social media site to date.

It would be easy to assume that because of the size of the audience, it would be effortless to earn money on Facebook, but this is not so.

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How To Make Money With The Amazon Affiliate Program For Free



How to make money with the Amazon affiliate  program
How to make money with the Amazon affiliate program

Amazon Associate Program.

There are many ways of earning online when you have your blog or website.

As I have noted in a previous post.

But in this post, I am sharing how to make money using affiliate marketing from Amazon, there is no cost to using this method, and it is an excellent start for beginners.

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Is it harder to retire today? Start Prioritizing Your Retirement Savings

No Retirement Savings
Why Is It Harder To Retire Today?

Retiring years Not So Golden

Retirement was a given at one time in our life, and we eagerly anticipated the final chapter after years of working hard.

While some people might choose to stay in the workforce a while longer, many look forward to leaving the daily grind of going to work.

But in today’s world, enjoying one’s dream of a golden year work-free has become an unattainable dream for many.

Continue reading Is it harder to retire today? Start Prioritizing Your Retirement Savings

Bankruptcy Affecting Seniors -Ways To Avoid Debt


Bankruptcy Affecting Seniors

Baby Boomers are those born between 1946 and 1964 and are often a complex group to analyze and target.

Baby Boomers are in all life stages – from single to married with young children to empty nesters and everywhere in between.

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Retiring with massive debt (Increase Your Income Earn, Extra Money Online)

Earn an extra income
Retiring with massive debt



Retiring With A Massive Debt

On nearing retirement, we should have enough savings to live off retirement.

Unfortunately, this is not so; some are burdened with debt.

Most financial advisers say that in entering retirement, we should do so with as little debt as possible.

It must be remembered that in retirement, your income will typically be less than what you would earn working in your regular job.

This lack could be offset by having a side income, an extra income earner; finding a side hustle before you would be good.

Continue reading Retiring with massive debt (Increase Your Income Earn, Extra Money Online)