Monthly Archives: October 2020

VuPoint Research Survey Review.

VuPoint Research Survey Review   Is It Worth Your Time
VuPoint Research Survey Review Is It Worth Your Time

There are people looking for ways to earn some extra money, and taking surveys are the most popular ways people tend to go for but it is  important to know that some of these survey sites are only after your information to sell it on the web

I have done research on Vupoint Research and here is what I found

Continue reading VuPoint Research Survey Review.

turn your passion into profit

How Much Can You Make With Affiliate Marketing?

How Much Money You Can Make With Affiliate Marketing? A Lot, it Depends on the time and effort you put in.
How Much Money You Can Make With Affiliate Marketing? A Lot, it Depends on the time and effort you put in.

The questions that are asked by those thinking of starting an affiliate marketing business are  How much money can you earn in affiliate marketing? Is affiliate marketing still profitable? Is affiliate marketing hard and how quickly can you start making money.

The key question is, how much can you really earn in affiliate marketing And in this article, I hope to answer this very important question

How much money can you make money with affiliate marketing?

The internet is filled with opportunities for those who want to make some money online.

. But while there are plenty of very legitimate options available, there are also plenty of less reputable programs available.

But the answer to the question How much money can you make money with affiliate marketing?

The answer is yes, you can make  good money doing affiliate marketing But there’s much more to it than that, and I have gone into some of what’s needed in this post

There are now over 4 BILLION people online and these people are going to search engines, social media, or visiting websites for help all the time.

These people are looking for information, solutions to problems and to buy stuff.

That is where affiliate marketers come in, you will h3lp these people by offering them information about what they are looking for.

You will be “helping” these people, recommending products/services they can benefit from, and you earn affiliate commissions


How Do Affiliate Marketers Male Money?

Affiliate marketers are paid a commission for referring new clients and customers to other businesses, products, or services, this is done through tracked links provided by the company seeking new customers and is posted in blog posts, web pages, emails, or social media posts.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn money online it is a flexible sales model that creates multiple income streams.

Here are some of the benefits of doing affiliate marketing.

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face to face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No huge investment involved ( you can start for free)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! – even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!.

What’s needed to Be A Successful Affiliate Marketer?

I must emphasize, it is not an easy, get-rich-quick model of income. Affiliate marketing does require some work. You will have to do some.

  • Research into products, web traffic patterns, and follower interests
  • Consistent engagement with the products and brand networks that you choose to endorse
  • Spend hours of maintaining a relationship with the readers or followers who purchase products through your affiliate links
  • Understanding and using search engine optimization and social media marketing to consistently attract new followers and generate additional income ( You can be taught how to use all the tools that will help you to succeed as an affiliate marketer)

Making an income through affiliate marketing requires dedication and commitment over a long period of time. But it can be done.

How Long Before You Start Earning?

It will take some time where you will start earning consistently from affiliate programs, so I suggest if you have a job you probably should not quit your job at the start.

Usually, it takes at least 6 months to several years to start making profits with affiliate marketing.

Your success depends on your ability to create quality content, optimize for SEO, and your keyword to drive traffic, and promote your affiliate products. And all this can be taught and with the right keyword research tool, you will have success.

What Is SEO And Key Word/?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization,

SEO works by sending Quality traffic to your site, more traffic to your site, and organic traffic to your site  with organic traffic you get people coming to your site without paying for ads, etc,

Also, remember the active usage of social media and email marketing. You will not skyrocket overnight but consistency in the promotion of affiliate products, having the right marketing strategy will bring you to your desired income.

It is very important to get traffic to your site, no traffic means no sale.

Key Word

A keyword is simply a word or phrase that people search for in search engines. Every time you do a google search you are entering a “keyword” into the search box

There are dozens of niches that you can choose from to earn money with affiliate marketing.

Some niches are more profitable than others, but that doesn’t matter too much. You can score big profits in any niche in the market.

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to monetize your blog or site. How much money you can make through affiliate marketing depends on how much time and effort you invest.

I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and I can recommend this site to anyone who would like to pursue affiliate as a career or a business owner.

You can become a member of Wealthy Affiliate for FREE and with the free membership you get 1 website, free Webhosting, and 10 lessons, and at the end of these lessons your website will be live (up and running ready for business.)

Here are a couple of testimonials from a couple of our members.

With affiliate marketing is the sky really is the limit in terms of potential income.

For example, there are lots of legit affiliates generating a 6-figure monthly income promoting affiliate products.

Remember in choosing your niche you need not be an expert, as by doing research on the niche you have chosen you will become an expert.

Being an Affiliate marketer may seem hard but with the right training, you can succeed at this. There are platforms that can give you the right training to be a successful affiliate marketer.

There are sites like Wealthy Affiliate that will help you towards understanding just what it is that you need to do and how to go about turning your efforts into profit.

So, how much money can you make with affiliate marketing? Depend on the time, effort, and education needed, that you are willing to put in.

Here are a couple of testimonials from members of Wealthy Affiliate.

“It’s been over a decade since joining WA and it has helped me achieve financial and personal freedom that a job could never provide me. At one point my wife and I were able to quit our jobs, buy our dream home, and travel the world with our daughter as a result of the business WA helped me build. Here’s to another decade of success for all of us!”

Eddy (EddySalomon)

Current Premium Member

Wealthy Affiliate transformed me. It turned this ordinary guy with no clear career path into someone who will ALWAYS be able to generate an income online. At Wealthy Affiliate, you get ABSOLUTE clarity in every aspect within an otherwise foggy and often confusing ‘online biz’ industry. Thank you for everything, Wealthy Affiliate!”

Marcus (Marcus WFHW)

Thank you for your time, your comments and questions are appreciated.

.NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you)

How To Become An Online Affiliate Marketer.

How to become an online affiliate marketer and earn money online
How to become an online affiliate marketer and earn money online

Many people are looking for ways in making money online with the internet as a side hustle to supplement their regular income or even starting an online business to replace their income entirely.

Though there are many ways to make money on the internet, for me one of the easiest ways to make money online is by starting an affiliate marketing business

Even if you already have a business, affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to add an existing income stream to your business.

How to become an affiliate marketer.

Affiliate marketing has become one of the biggest ways to make money online.

It is not a get-rich scheme; Success will not come overnight it will take work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice

It will take some time and patience to build up relationships with the consumers you are reaching with your content.


A lot of people are interested in learning how to be an affiliate marketer due to the freedom and financial opportunities it can provide to just about anyone.

It doesn’t take a lot to start an affiliate marketing business, and it does have some benefits like:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face to face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No huge investment involved – (Get started for $free)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! – even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!.

Where to start

When learning how to become an affiliate marketer, it’s important to know where to start and what steps to take.

Before you begin earning money, you will have to first focus on creating your niche and website and are working to get traffic to your website. Without a website, without content, and without traffic, the MONEY part simply doesn’t happen.

Finding your niche

The first step in becoming an affiliate marketer involves finding out which affiliate products to sell.

Every affiliate marketer has a niche in which they try to influence their audience. It is advisable not to have too many niches, as you could risk overextending yourself and making your efforts ineffective.

So finding out your target audience is the essential first step. Finding your niche is one of the most crucial parts of starting your affiliate marketing efforts.

A few things that you should understand about niches are:

(1) You are going to be writing content within your niche

(2) You are going to be communicating within your niche

(3) You are going to be choosing products to promote within your niche

(4) You are going to get to help people within your niche.

(5) Your first niche PROBABLY won’t be your last (so don’t worry about it being perfect)

(6) Any SINGLE niche website can become a “full time” income/business

So you need to remember this is not a race. you must first have a solid FOUNDATION to build your online affiliate marketing business on.

There are MANY ways that you can earn money online and many different ways in which you can build an entire business, but in my opinion Affiliate Marketing is the best.

There are now over 4 BILLION people online and these people are going to search engines, social media, or visiting websites for help looking for information, solutions to problems, and buying stuff.

How do you find out which niche is the best one for you?

To start with, you can do a short self-assessment. As affiliate marketers are meant to be reliable advocates for a product or brand,

Also, note that you can always change your niche down the road. Just because you are choosing a niche now does not mean you will be in this particular niche forever

Start by asking questions like:

  • What topics am I passionate about?
  • Do people search for my chosen niche?
  • Will demand for my niche stay consistent?
  • Is there a lot of competition for my niche?
  • Are there affiliate programs that work within my chosen niche?

1. You Don’t Need to Be an Expert

You may have a passion or a hobby and may have the feeling that you can’t start a website because you are not an expert.

I think most of us online marketers when we started, had no expertise in the niche we chose, but in time you will find that you will become an expert because you will have to do research for the content and this will add real value to your site.

 Build Your Website

Your website is the foundation of your business. It is where all of your traffic is ultimately going to come to, where you are going to build brand and trust within the industry, and where you can promote products/services and generate an income.

Your website will be the vehicle to help these “audiences” by offering them information about what they are looking for.

. You will be “helping” these people, recommending products/services they can benefit from, and you earn affiliate commissions as a result.

There are over 550 MILLION products/services that you can promote as an affiliate marketer. The opportunity is incredible and it is only growing!

Driving Traffic to your website

Your main task will always be traffic-driving prospects to the merchant’s website via your unique “affiliate” link. If you don’t have any money you can get started by finding ways to get free traffic to your website, including blogging, guest posting on other websites, and posting to social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

With blogging which I think is the best way, means you write content, You simply need to communicate with your audience, the same way that you would with a friend or a family member. And if you put the emphasis on helping people, you are going to be able to build trust, which is going to lead to long-term and sustainable success online.

If you have a budget you can drive traffic even faster with paid advertising methods, such as paid ads on Facebook, running banner ads on other websites, and using Google Adwords.

You need people to visit your website in order to make money, affiliate marketing works by people visiting your website, see something that will help them visit your affiliate site make a purchase and you will get a commission.

Here is a look at how Affiliate Marketing works.

Most vendors will provide you with an advertising copy to use for your blog posts, website ads, etc. They’ll give you the banner ads to display, and even posts you can use on social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). The more materials that vendors give their affiliates the better chances an affiliate has to make a sale for them.

I know all this may seem very hard but believe me, the hardest part of affiliate marketing is patience, you will need patience for your website to gain an audience and build trust.

And there are platforms that will assist you in building your business, you need not be an expert or a technical person Wealthy Affiliate will teach you everything you need to know about affiliate marketing and you can start for free.

With the free membership, you will get a free website, free web hosting, and 10 lessons, at the end of the 10 lessons your website will be up and running.

So if you want to become an affiliate marketer whether you are new to the world of affiliate marketing or you know a little about affiliate or you are an expert Wealthy Affiliate has something for you. You can click here and join for FREE.

Thank you for your time, comments, and questions. Please remember to share,

.NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you)

Datatelligence Online Review Is This Site Legit.

Datatelligence Online Review  Is this site Legit?
Datatelligence Online Review Is this site Legit?

People are looking for ways to make some extra money online and most people are very doubtful of these sites.

Because there is an ever-increasing number of illegitimate websites currently available.

In this review, I am looking at Datatelligence Online we will look at the company and how it works, if it is with your time, hope you find this post informative.

Earn Money Online The SMART and Legit Way

What Is Datatelligence

Datatelligence Online is a market research company, that carries out research on goods for their clients,

Datatelligence Online is owned and operated by CRGGlobal, which is one of the better online market research industry.

Datatelligence Online is one of the consumer research-based data collection sites covering a variety of markets.

The information collected is used to shape the market by providing producers with relevant information on consumer habits and preferences

Datatelligence Online was established in 2009 and an active user base of over 400,000 members which makes it one of the largest panel communities in the United States of America.

Continue reading Datatelligence Online Review Is This Site Legit.

How To Choose A Profitable Niche

How To Choose A Profitable Niche, Start Your Own Business Online
How To Choose A Profitable Niche, Start Your Own Business Online

There are a lot of questions from people who are going into online marketing for the first time, and one of the questions that are frequently asked is How to choose a profitable niche.

I think people go into online marketing to make money, and when you are not making money, you tend to become de-motivated.

But any niche can make money, but I think you should pick a niche you like or are passionate about.

You will need to build your brand; you make your brand by offering help to your audience; you do this by being consistent and gaining trust.

Building a brand gives you room to grow!

When you build a brand, people purchase from you since they know, trust, and like you.

Selling is easy because you have built trust, and trust is far more critical than having a slick sales page or being an expert marketer.

Learning all the marketing techniques will always help you sell more products; also, building a brand will enable you to get a long-term business that continues to grow due to all the trust you have made and the hard work you have put into it.


1. You Don’t Need to Be an Expert

You may have a passion or a hobby and feel you can’t start a website because you are not an expert.

When we started, I think most of us online marketers had no expertise in the niche we chose, but in time you will find that you will become an expert because you will have to research the content which will add real value to your site.

Like with everything, when you first start, you will face problems and obstacles that you will have to learn to overcome. If you are new to online marketing and the technology itself, I would strongly recommend that you find a website that will instruct you.

Some niches seem to do very well.

2. They Are Health, Wealth & Relationships (Happiness)

In any of these niches, people are always looking for solutions to issues they are trying to solve.

You can never go wrong with any niche in these three categories if you want a profitable niche that is productive for a long time and has repeat buyers. In each one of these niches, you will be able to have a lot of sub-niches.

There will be people looking for information on how to make money, and you can create an e-book on the process you passed through setting up your online business.

People constantly look for health tips, like diets, exercise, skincare, etc.

Hobby niches are profitable.

Hobby niches are profitable as people never stop spending money on their hobby since it brings them entertainment and a sense of satisfaction.

Many people spend a lot of money on games. Whether hunting, video games, dirt bike riding, or photography. The equipment and gadgets for these hobbies cost a lot of money.

Many online marketers prefer to sell high-ticket items and trade items that will bring them $1000 in commission, but I think those commissions do not come too often, so I suggest a mix of both.

 Competitive Niche

Being in a competitive niche may seem like a bad thing as it would seem like too many sellers, but Competition is the best thing you can ask for in a place. If there is Competition in a niche, then it means that there is money to be made.

Checking out the Competition

There are many tools you can use to check on how competitive a niche is, such as Google Trends or Amazon Reviews  (these are free); there are others that are not free, a couple of them are  SEMRush and SpyFu.

With Amazon Reviews, you can check if products are being sold, and if a moderate to a large number of people are purchasing those products and leaving reviews, then it’s probably a safe bet that that niche is making money.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online, there is no inventory, no staff, no shipping, and no person-to-person sale, and I must tell you you will not be successful overnight; it will take some work, determination, and patience,

So if you are thinking of becoming an affiliate marketer, may I suggest Wealthy Affiliate,

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform built with everyone in mind; attention is paid to every detail,

You are given step-by-step instructions via video and the written word.

If you would like to know more, PLEASE CLICK HERE.  

It’s nice having you stop by, please leave your questions about this post, and I will reply. Thank you, and remember to share.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you)

What Is The Best Niche For Affiliate Marketing

What is the Best Niche for Affiliate Marketing? The best strategy in finding the perfect niche.
What is the Best Niche for Affiliate Marketing? The best strategy in finding the perfect niche.

What is the Best Niche For Affiliate Marketing

I have seen this question asked of new affiliate marketers What is the best niche for Affiliate Marketing or How do I choose my Niche? Or what is the best way to make doing affiliate marketing

There is no mystery in choosing a niche, almost any niche that has a lot of customers and quality affiliate products to sell can be profitable in the long term, but you must be business-like in your approach to your affiliate marketing activity.

I have seen some people picking a profitable niche online they look for smaller “niche” markets thinking, “if nobody is doing it I can be the only one making money in it”.

With some of the smaller niches, they may pay a bigger commission but the sales are few and far between.

I think that you want to go into big, proven, profitable markets especially if you are new to affiliate marketing.

A lot of competition is a healthy sign of a healthy market where there is money to be made by everyone.

Niches that are very popular

There are certain niches that will always be popular because as consumers, we will always need and desire information in these areas.

  • Romance:
  • Health and Fitness:
  • Wealth and Money:

Products and services in these niches are always in demand because people are always looking for solutions to specific problems in their day-to-day lives.

The niches above are very broad categories and it is best to narrow your niche be a bit more specific, It would be easier to have a sub-niche within a large niche then grow from there.

An example would be in health and fitness, you could have many niches, you could have a niche in losing weight, special exercises, special diets, etc.

The best niche is something you are interested in or passionate about it could be a hobby, or it could be even your job, I have copied a portion of an article from a blog. Here it is.


Choosing a Perfect Niche.

So what does a perfect niche look like? The answer is simple, there isn’t ONE particular niche that is perfect. The niche that you choose can be your perfect niche if you are passionate about it, and you are willing to work hard within that niche.

I see WAY too often men choosing niches like “ladies stilettos” based on the idea that they know their wife likes to buy shoes, so it must be a good market. They are right, it is. But that doesn’t mean that it is a good niche for someone that is not passionate about it.

I see people jumping on niches like CBD or Masks simply because they view them as being “popular” right now. That is fine, but is that the perfect niche for you? Well, it could be, but it will depend on your passions and interests and your interest in working hard and learning everything you can about a respective niche.

So when you sit down and choose a niche, you should be considering the following criteria:

  • Is it something that you are interested in?
  • Could you see yourself working within this niche for many years?
  • Are you interested in learning about this niche?
  • Would you enjoy discussing various aspects of this with others and doing so on a regular basis?

If you answer YES to one or more of those four points, you are heading in the right direction.

That leads me to the next point I wanted to make, and the greatest fear I see that folks have when trying to choose a niche. Their own personal expertise on that topic.

 Choose a Business You Love, Not What You Know.

You may be thinking I am not an expert in my niche but being an expert on the topic of my niche, but you can become an expert by doing research on the topic, you can be taught how to do everything you need to know to be successful in online marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate

I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I can attest to their great training, you can become a member for free, and as a free member you get 10 lessons free and at the end of these 10 lessons, you will have a website ready for business.

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that teaches you today’s online marketing with a vision to genuinely help people achieve success in business and in life and is dedicated to helping others become great and achieve true financial independence.

My Thoughts

For your niche to become a profitable success it going to take hard work, effort, determination, and passion. I saw this quote and thought it is good for every endeavor we may pursue “success is no accident, it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all a love for what you are doing.”

I know all this seems overwhelming especially if you are new to online marketing but you can get the best training at Wealthy Affiliate, this website has been in the online marketing training business over 15 years, and there are many successful online entrepreneurs that had their training at Wealthy Affiliate

There are members who have been with Wealthy Affiliate for over 10 years, and it’s free to join,

You can CLICK HERE for more information.

With more and more people going online and purchasing online it’s never been easier to make money online

Thank you for your time, I would like to hear from you, please leave your comments and questions and I will reply and remember to share this post.

.NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you)