Monthly Archives: August 2023

Side Hustles That Can Generate A Second Income Free To Start

Are you in need of some cash fast, weekly? Some options can help you in accomplishing your needs.

There are some opportunities for you to do as a side hustle to help you make some well-needed cash.

I am looking at a few of these opportunities in this post, but remember, there are many ways to make money, primarily online.

You also have the opportunity to create your own online business, which is a great way to make a living and passive income.

You can start with side hustles to earn some quick money, but ultimately, I share how you can have a money-making business online.

  • How To Work For Handy
  • You Can Also Work For Takl
  • How To Work For Lyft
  • Uber Is Another Good Option
  • Work For Rover
  • Where I Got The Training To Set Up My Online Business

How To Work For Handy

Handy is the leading platform for connecting individuals seeking household services with top-quality, pre-screened independent service professionals.

From home cleaning to handyperson services, Handy instantly matches thousands of customers every week with top-rated professionals in cities worldwide.

Handy is a site at where you can get services done for you.

It does not matter if it is at home or the office; people who need help either doing general house cleaning work, putting together furniture, mounting things on the wall, etc.

There are even options for home improvement projects.

If you are a person who can provide these kinds of services, go to their website and click on the top right corner, which says ‘Become A Pro.’

So, you click on that and sign up to become one of these service providers.

You can make up to $22/hour as a cleaner and $45/hour as a handyperson. The site also mentions that the top professionals earn more than $1000/week.

Approximately $1000/week is a good amount of earning, and you can do this as not just a side hustle if this is something that you want to do in the future.

It has a flexible schedule, so you can keep your routine how you like it and add a few jobs just as you want.

They also provide effortless payments directly deposited into your bank account shortly after completing your work.

So this is a great way to get paid fast.

There are two main requirements you need to start working at Handy:

  • Experience: To work there, you must have paid experience in cleaning or handyperson services.
  • Customer Service Skills: You represent the Handy brand, so they want to ensure you can deal with customers appropriately.

You Can Also Work For Takl

Takl is a similar website to Handy, and you can find this site at t

Takl is a platform for homeowners to find same-day help with household tasks and chores.

Takl provides a way for homeowners to list small jobs and for service providers to find work.

As a service provider, you can list your specialty skills, find available projects, and get paid.

Takl makes it easy to get paired up with a job quickly when it’s most convenient.

They offer many services such as assembling, cleaning, housekeeping, pet care, painting, moving, lawn and yard work, delivery and courier, etc.

Again, if you are good at any of these skills, as mentioned earlier, go to the site and click on ‘Become A Provider.’

The site is also available all over the USA, and they are expanding into more locations.

There is also an option to earn by referring the site to others.

You must get the available app in the IOS and Google Play stores and sign up by completing the 5. steps listed below:

  1. Register: Give them your basic information.
  2. Select Skills: There are 12 categories that you can choose from to let them know what skills you are good at.
  3. Online Orientation will help you better understand the business and the app.
  4. Bank Account Information: The bank account info. It is for the direct deposits; that is how they will pay you.
  5. Background Checks: They will do a background check on you so that the signing-up process may take a few days.

Taki-Jobs is a good company to sign up with because they invest a lot in marketing their brand. I have seen them on TV.

They get a lot of customers this way, so they need a high number of providers, and this is a great way to make money quickly.

How To Work For Lyft

Lyft is no stranger to the market, and I am sure many of you already know about this business.

You can find this site at

Lyft is a service you can use nowadays; instead of taxis, people use it to get rides from location A to B, as it is cheaper than taxis in most areas.

If you have a car and are not using it, you can start giving people rides and earning this way.

People make a decent amount of money doing this, and it is available in a high number of cities in the US.

Lyft is an option; you can get paid quickly and earn from tips.

Also, it is a great way to use your car if you are not using it for yourself.

You can make about $18-$22 per hour in Lyft.

But it would help if you also considered that you will have expenses such as oil and maintenance of the car, which will typically come out to around $3-$5 per hour, so still, you make a good amount of money even after deducting this amount.

Uber Is Another Good Option

Another company that does what Lyft does is Uber.

You can find the site at

In my opinion, Uber is a little bit better program than Lyft as they provide two kinds of services: you can be a driver or deliver food.

Their food delivery service is called Uber Eats.

They even give you an approximate of how much you can earn, such as if you make 400 trips within 90 days, you can earn at least $2500.

You can look up your city on the website, and they will give you an approximate number of how much you can earn and the rates in that city.

You can know how lucrative working for Uber is for you.

Furthermore, it is flexible so that you can set your hours.

You get paid fast and can choose how you want to get paid.

You have to have all the documents, such as registration, tax documents, and insurance for your vehicle that you will be using and, of course, a valid driver’s license; these are the main requirements to work for Uber.

If you decide to work for Uber Eats, you do not need a car, and you can start delivering food with a bike.


Work For Rover

Rover is a pet-sitting service website found at

As a pet sitter, you can earn about $1000/month, and this is an excellent way to make quick money because when people book these services, they pay Rover, and Rover pays you.

  • Create Your Profile: This will showcase the information pet parents care about, making it easier for them to choose you.
  • Accept Requests: You tell us the type of dogs you want to care for and make your schedule.

Payments will be ready for withdrawal 2. days after you have provided a service.

To get clients quickly, you can set your price lower than what is charged in your area.

And if you are a dog or cat lover, this is an enjoyable way to earn quick money.

You can provide many different services, such as dog boarding, which means keeping a dog at your house, dog walking, dog daycare, and house sitting.

If you want to work for Rover, you can turn your love for pets into an online business.

You can make a website where you talk about pets and create your niche. It could be about dog grooming, and it can be about anything regarding dogs or any other pets that you like.

But how do you make money with this?

You will use affiliate marketing, earning commissions by promoting other people’s products.

You can monetize by recommending products on your website with affiliate products in your content.

Then, when people click on your affiliate links and buy what you recommended, you get a cut, which is how you will make money with your website.

If you are interested in learning more about this business model, you have to know about it properly, and online training will be the best for you.

The BEST Training Online Business Training

Everyone considering entering the online marketing business needs training and even those who may be an expert also needs to keep abreast of the constant evolution of technology.

This kind of business takes time to build, as it is still a business after all, and if you build it according to this training, your business will be able to attract visitors and make money on autopilot.

But remember, it takes time and consistency to be successful; with the proper training, anyone can be a successful online marketer.

Online marketing will give you an online income and a passive online income stream; in this way, you will also earn in your sleep.

There are many successful online marketers, and you can be one of them; you can start for free, build your website, get the foundation, and start your business without spending a dime,


Please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions or thoughts regarding THIS POST or anything else. I always reply to my readers!

How To Create An Online Business From Home Without Experience

Is making a living wage working from home online possible? It is possible to make a livable income working from home.

Many are doing so now, and the future of making money online is very bright,

Making money online is a multi-billion-dollar powerhouse and is a global industry.

I don’t think anyone starts knowing how to work from home online; no one wakes up one day and knows how to do it.

So, if you have no experience or even if you are an experienced online marketer, you need to learn how; like anyone who’s been doing it already, they all started with no experience.

And if you are an experienced marketer, you must keep up-to-date with the new methods and technology that keep revolving.

You need to know how to make money online to be able to work hard toward achieving your goal of being able to work from home.

I will go over the types of things you can do online, and In the following sections, I will go into how you could work from home with no experience:

  • 3 Types of Work Available Online
  • What My Affiliate Marketing Business Has Done For Me
  • How You Could Learn And Use The Training To Be Successful.


There are many ways to make money online, but in this post, I will go over three types of work that are available online.

#1) Remote Employment Positions

The first type of work is remote employment from companies that offer these positions.

Remote work is highly sought after and offers a reliable source of income for the job done.

Remote jobs are tough to come by because of the accountability factor that companies can’t control when you’re not working in their office.

Depending on the job, most of these positions will need some experience in the field you’re looking for.

Unless they offer training, you will have a more challenging time finding a remote job without work experience here.

The best places to look for actual remote employment positions are or

#2) Paid Surveys & Get-Paid-To Sites

After employment jobs, you’re on your own if you want to work from home online, but there are online tasks you can do with no experience.

Some websites pay for your opinion; you can make money by completing surveys.

Research companies usually offer paid surveys with clients that are brands or companies willing to pay to get data on what their potential customers think, spend, and like, or don’t like, and even some pay to test out products.

Get-paid-to (GPT) sites are similar, where you can get paid for doing various tasks online, such as surfing the web, shopping online, filling out a trial, or signing up for something.

Surveys and online task sites offer an easy way for anyone without experience to start earning a little.

The best-paid survey site

The best-paid survey site is Pinecone Research, but they are hard to sign up for because of the high demand.

There are other ones like Opinion City, My Survey, and Survey Savvy if you want to check those out.

GPT sites that are the better ones are Swagbucks and Clixsense because they are legitimate and pay.

With any of these surveys or GPT websites, know that the work is easy and the pay goes with it, which is very low.

You will not be earning much from these sites and could spend 15 – 30 minutes on a survey for as little as $0.50 – $3; you may once in a while find a higher-paying one, but these are usually low-paying.

Because of the low paying of survey sites, I don’t recommend them because you don’t have any potential for any higher earnings that you could depend on.

You must be careful of these types of sites as well, and you will find that you’ll save a lot of time as most of them are unreliable and may not pay for the work you do on them.

I have reviewed many of these sites, and most have reports of them not paying out or are actual scams that steal your time.

I advise you to avoid websites that offer anything more significant than the amounts I have mentioned above because those are usually scams.

#3) Your Own Online Business

Creating your online business is the best way to go if you want to work from home, and you don’t need any experience because there are platforms that teach you, and it’s free to start.

If you’re willing to learn and put in the required amount of work to make it work, then you will love what an online business could do for you.

There are a few ways you can start an online business, but most of these ways require that you have your products, which are very involved and may even need a considerable amount of money to start.

Because of its low start-up cost, the affiliate marketing business is best for anyone working online.

The benefits are many with an affiliate marketing business: the start-up cost is minimal, and you could build a successful online business with the training platform I am a part of.

Starting your own online business takes some learning, and I tell you from experience.

You need training to build a successful affiliate marketing business and know all the techniques required to get traffic to your website to make money.


How An Affiliate Marketing Business Works

Affiliate marketing is earning commissions from driving new sales for brands and companies by promoting their products and services.

Many companies like Amazon, Nike, Best Buy, Apple, and many more have affiliate programs you can join to be an affiliate of theirs.

Once you get accepted, you can access affiliate links that will track the person who clicks on your connection to the merchant website where they would buy the product or service.

You will earn a commission for that new sale when they buy through your affiliate links.

How much you earn per sale varies widely depending on the product price, % of commissions, niche, physical vs. digital products, etc.

How you promote these affiliate links you get is where you can succeed or fail.


Most people would spam the internet with their affiliate links by posting on social media, online forums, etc. Still, if that is your goal, there are better ways to generate a full-time income with affiliate marketing.

You can make some sales like that, but to do affiliate marketing right, you must build a significant online presence, like having a website that will provide people with lots of valuable information about a specific niche/topic.

In affiliate marketing, you see the way to succeed is by establishing trust between you and your readers.

To earn their trust, you will offer advice on how to fix things or solve problems for your audience, which is how you provide value.

If you offer people value, you will earn their trust, and then they are more likely to buy from you or click on your links.

One example is having an elderly assistance website where you would offer tips on various ways and aids to assist older adults to be as independent as possible.

In teaching others, you will recommend specific equipment and tools in your content.

These will be the affiliate products you’ll be promoting on your elderly assist site; if your visitors click on your affiliate links and buy, then you’ll make a commission from that sale.

Therefore, the best way to earn in affiliate marketing is by recommending people products through providing value to them so you’re not really “selling” to them.

What An Affiliate Marketing Business Could Do For You

Like I have, you can enjoy many aspects of the AFFILIATE MARKETING of business.

For one, you can work with a Wi-Fi connection and a laptop, so you don’t have to tie to one physical location.

Your content must not just be helping one person; that one piece of article could help hundreds if not thousands of people.

Building your website right is crucial to earning over and over again from each of your posts, thus creating a stream of passive income for you.

Affiliate marketing can also have meager monthly costs and enjoy high-profit margins.

You can start for free and move up to about $50/month + $15/year – What other business could you build with such little cost?

Making money online is simple, but it does require hard work and consistency for it to work.

So, your time is where you need to invest the most, as it takes time to build this business to a point where it will attract its own free organic search traffic.

Where YOU can get the best Training

Learning how to build an affiliate marketing business requires proper, comprehensive training.

With the proper training at Wealthy Affiliate, you can build your business correctly and learn through their lessons.

With the proper training, you build your online business alongside your learning because each lesson has tasks you can apply to your website and what you just learned.

You will learn:

  • How to create your website
  • What to put on your website
  • How to write content
  • How to set up your website so it can attract its visitors
  • How to use social media
  • How to convert your visitors to your customers
  • plus many more techniques.

Besides their main course, Online Entrepreneur Certification, there are also tons of features and tools to use to support your online business like:

  • Live Chat
  • Live Weekly Webinars
  • Easy Website Builder
  • Keyword Research Tool
  • Thousands of Tutorials
  • Community for Support
  • plus much more.

The best part is that you can sign up for FREE with their Starter Membership and check it out before you even pull out your wallet.

Start building your money-making asset and business today and secure your financial future.

Click here if you want to see more details about Wealthy Affiliate here.

If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how to work from home online with no experience or anything else, please feel free to leave me a comment below.

How To Make A Full Time Income Online Start Free

How To Make Money Online

People are wondering about the possibility of making money online, if making money online is just hype,  or if the opportunity exists.

The opportunity to make money online does exist, and there are many different ways to go about this.

There are many ways you can earn a decent living online. There is the opportunity to sell stuff on eBay, Amazon, or one of the many sites available to sell personal goods.

You can also sell your services as a freelance writer, data entry, tutor, personal planner, travel consultant, etc.

But I think the most efficient way is affiliate marketing; many benefits come with affiliate marketing,

With Affiliate marketing, there is no need to have an inventory or worry about shipping; you do not have to sell anything.

There is also no need to think about shipping, returns, or customer service; you do not have to sell to anyone personally, and best of all, no overhead expense.

Successful Affiliate Marketer

To be successful in affiliate marketing, there are certain things you must have in place. Having a website is best; you can get one built for free here.

You must choose a niche and write content about your niche; an example would say your niche is weight loss.

Your content could be about weight loss, you could write about the methods used to help you lose weight or a  diet program, etc.

You would partner with brands and businesses within the scope of your website. So, you would partner with affiliates that sell diet products and exercise equipment.

If you mention a product or service in your content, you link to that product or service using a unique affiliate code you received when you signed up for that affiliate program.

That’s how you make money whenever someone buys a product or service through your link.

Generally speaking, you need to partner with affiliates related to your blog concept.

In addition to signing up for individual affiliate programs, you can also sign up for an affiliate ad network that offers a ton of different affiliates in one place, like ShareASale.

That way, you can see what works and doesn’t work overtime. You may be thinking this is hard, but the truth is that affiliate marketing is straightforward.

But, Like any business venture, your online income takes time to grow. You need to be willing to devote the time, effort, and energy required to get your idea off the ground and stick with it even if your journey is slow when you first start.

Wealthy Affiliate

At Wealthy Affiliate, you can become a member for free; free membership never expires. Wealthy Affiliate is for everyone considering online marketing, whether you are a beginner, have little experience, or are a successful marketer.

The lessons at Wealthy Affiliate are straightforward and are given step-by-step, making them easier to understand.

The Wealthy Affiliate program instructs you on how to build your website, which takes 30 seconds.

You do not need any skills in website design. Your website will be a beautifully mobile and revenue-ready website. State-of-the-art, ultra-powerful, and secure hosting will allow you to grow your business.

You are shown how to transform your ideas into a profitable business, and if you are still unsure what you would like your niche to be,  there is help to choose from over 1,000,000 places.

In affiliate marketing, it is essential to have the relevant people visiting your website; without them, you cannot advertise for your affiliates and make no sales.

All the current traffic techniques on how to get relevant customers to your website are taught on the Affiliate Marketing website.

To become a free member, no financial or personal information is required; only your name and email address are needed.


There are two types of membership at Wealthy Affiliate: free and premium. I have posted the list below.

As you can see, so much more comes with the premium membership. The premium will be better if you are serious about building a successful business.

Can you be successful with the free membership? I have heard of people achieving success, but for me, a novice, after joining for free and remaining accessible for a couple of months, I upgraded to premium and have no regrets.

I suggest you become a free member, look around the platform, build your website, write and publish some posts, and upgrade if you like it and want to create your business.


At Wealthy Affiliate, there is everything you need to build a successful business. It said it is best not to join a company that has not been around for at least five years.

Wealthy Affiliate has existed for over 14 years; our membership is over 1,400,000 from 193 countries.

If you were ever been scammed as much as I have been, I know you are skeptical because I was too, but to become a member is free, no money, no financial information, no commitment, no upsell,  nothing, so I took the chance,

I have set my goals; I have not reached them yet, but I know I will,

The only con I find with affiliate marketing, valid in all businesses, is that success does not come overnight; it comes with hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and a love for what you are doing.

You can make a full-time income online, but it may take time. I have laid it out for you; the decision is now yours. Are you at least trying to see what it is all about? You have nothing to lose.


If you are a retiree like myself or soon to be retired and with the cost of living going sky high, especially in healthcare, it would be wise to have something in place to help earn extra money and your SS and pension.

If you think you are too old

If you think you are too old or will never be able to understand all that goes along with working online, I had those same thoughts. I am in my 70s and was timid about doing this online stuff, but it was free, so I tried it out.

The videos provided by Wealthy Affiliate are excellent training tools, and you always have them; you can go over them anytime you wish and learn at your own pace.

All you need is a company that teaches today’s online marketing. Wealthy Affiliate continually upgrades its platform and focuses on helping people succeed in business and life.

Wealthy Affiliate is a company dedicated to helping others become great and achieve true financial independence. We have members of the Wealthy Affiliate community who are willing and able to assist you in any way they can; you will be learning from the absolute best.

You can become a free member by clicking on any link in this post. I will contact you to answer your questions and show you around. I will be your mentor.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I do hope it helped you in some way. If you have a comment or question, please leave it in the space provided, and I will reply ASAP. Also, please share this post; thank you.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

Looking For Legit Ways To Make Money Or Start An Online Business Start Free

Are you looking for ways to make money online or start an online business? Both options are possible.

You can have an online career where you can earn an excellent income from a passive source.

Whatever your financial goals are, it is achievable through the affiliate marketing business model, which is a great model for beginners.

To be successful, you must be willing to learn and invest significant time working for it; only then will you have the potential to earn what you’re looking for.

In this post, I am looking at how you can make money online through the use of affiliate marketing:


Affiliate marketing is a business model that is great for beginners because the concept is easy to understand, it’s low in cost (you can start free), and you earn a passive income.

A passive income, you don’t just earn money once, but it can make you cash repeatedly.

An example would be writing a post advertising a product, and you have links to affiliate products in that post or display ads, which allows you to make money repeatedly from this one post.

Affiliate marketing is earning a commission online from generating new sales for companies you partner with.

So, if you partner with companies that carry the products your niche is about, your website will have ads for those products, and when somebody buys the product,  you make money.

When you sign up, they provide you with an affiliate link, which you will paste into your content.

When a reader lands on your page to read about the product you are advertising, they may be inclined to click a link;  tell them they could find the product; you could use a CALL TO ACTION tool like: “Click here to see the” product you are advertising.”

You would link those words with the affiliate link to the site where they can buy that product.

You will earn a commission when they click your link and visit the merchant’s site to buy the product!

That is how you can earn a commission online, and it’s one of the best ways to make money from home with it.


Many companies offer affiliate programs because it’s an excellent way to get new sales without any upfront costs.

For affiliate marketers or people who want to make money online, affiliate programs offer an easy way to monetize websites.

Affiliate marketing is a great business model because it creates a win-win situation.

Brands and companies can create affiliate programs like and or join an affiliate network like Clickbank or to host their affiliate program on a platform.

So for you, as an affiliate marketer, apply at a place like Amazon, where they already have many products in one spot.

Or, you can apply to an affiliate network to get access to hundreds or thousands of merchants to choose from.

Sometimes you don’t need additional approval when finding an affiliate program you want to join. However, sometimes you must be approved individually by each company you apply to, even in an affiliate network.

How much you get paid per commission depends on the affiliate program you join; they all differ widely from 1 – 10% to 50% – 100%, and everything in between.


Everyone wants to know how much you can make, and the truth is, it’s really up to you.

If anyone guarantees you any money you can make, it’s a sure sign of a scam, and you should run away.

No one can predict or know how you’ll work, how you’ll learn, and what you’ll do with the training, even if you have it.

You can make nothing or an excellent monthly income, or you can make way more,

It’s all up to you how much work you put into your own business as this is a very much you reap what you sow.

When starting an affiliate marketing business, it’s essential to know how to create such a business and not just do it alone.

You can learn on your own and search online or watch videos on YouTube to learn, but the best way to learn is on a training course or platform where you can learn everything in one place.

Getting training is one of the keys to success, and Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent platform created to train affiliate marketers, from beginners to experts.


Wealthy Affiliate specializes in affiliate marketing training that provides comprehensive, step-by-step lessons.

Why Wealthy Affiliate?

They’re ideal for beginners.

Wealthy Affiliate; is where you can learn how to earn commissions online and get helped by others like you, from beginners to experts who care.

Wealthy Affiliate has a fantastic community. You can easily ask for help and get help in no time.

It’s the perfect training brand for aspiring online entrepreneurs who must learn how to create a WordPress site.

Wealthy Affiliate is also helpful for fresh graduates in the online industry.

The wealth of information you get on their platform is incredible and vast.

They have a Live Chat, Live Weekly Webinars, and 1-on-1 mentorship with me (more on that in a bit).

It is worth a try, and it’s free to try.

With Wealthy Affiliate, you can create an online business in any niche of your choice. You can start a small site based on a topic you are passionate about.

You’ll learn how to build your site with the proper pages you’ll need, use keywords, get your site ranking on Google, and everything in between.

They offer business tools to host your website, a keyword research tool, and offer you SSL certificates too to secure your websites.

Membership Options

With Wealthy Affiliate, you can make money in two ways:

  • Free Starter member
  • Premium member

The Starter membership is free-for-life, so there’s no pressure to upgrade.

You can use the free website to check out the platform or the 1. free website to see if you can build it on your own with the first 5. free lessons of both of their courses included in your membership.

If you can’t figure it out and need the rest of the lessons, you will upgrade to Premium ($49/month, $234/6-month, $359/year).

When you’re Premium, you will get all access to all 50 lessons in the main course, the Online Entrepreneur Certification course, and another 70 lessons in the Affiliate Bootcamp course.

You get all the above features and more; click here to see.


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding earning online or anything else, please do not hesitate to comment below. I always reply to my readers!

What You Can Do If You Haven’t Saved Enough For Retirement

Not having enough money saved for retirement is a common fear, and when that’s the case, it likely means you won’t be able to retire when or how you want.

But all hope is preserved if you must catch up on your savings goals.

Once you’re in retirement​

Cash flow management becomes the main focus and challenge for people who exit the workforce with limited retirement savings.

If you rely on Social Security alone, you must be wise about how you spend your money.

It requires discipline and a willingness to be on top of your spending and budgeting.

Downsizing may also be an option if you’re struggling to pay your bills and put food on the table.

Many retirees want to age in their homes, but if the mortgage or property taxes or the cost of living in your region are too high, downsizing to a smaller home or cheaper location could ease some pressure.

Taking in a renter can also help. After all, housing tends to be one of the more significant monthly outlays. Any way to reduce that frees up more cash to live on.

Reverse Mortage

If you have equity in your home and are 62 or older, a reverse mortgage is another option, but first, make sure you understand how it works.

A reverse mortgage is a loan based on the equity in your home. The lender pays you a lump sum or monthly through a line of credit.

You only repay the loan once you sell the house, move or die.

The amount you have used is deducted from the proceeds of the sale. Anything left over goes to you or your heirs.

There are some downsides to a reverse mortgage that you need to consider.

The interest rate tends to be higher than on a traditional mortgage; there are fees, and you are responsible for the property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, and maintenance.

If you use all the equity in the home, there may be nothing left to leave to your loved ones. “Reverse mortgages are becoming much more attractive now since the HUD got involved in 2015 and changed the laws,” says D’agostini. “Tapping your home equity is viable if you have less than $10,000.

Retirees can also supplement their Social Security benefits by getting a part-time job. It can bring in extra cash and provide a way to get out of the house and socialize — things retirees need.

Many people find a second job they love that helps supplement Social Security and a lack of savings as they enter retirement.

Work From Home Jobs

There are many jobs a retiree can do from the comfort of their homes. Working from home and making money on the Internet is very common today.

Work-from-home jobs are suited for retirees who want or need to work but also want to enjoy their retirement, and they work when, where, and how they choose.

And part-time, remote jobs allow retirees to enjoy retirement while bringing in additional income.

Customer service reps

Customer service reps can work from home to answer calls and respond to emails.

Helping customers troubleshoot and answering questions are everyday tasks for this role, a typical remote job for retirees.

Remote data entry

Remote data entry jobs involve entering and updating data into a computer system. You’ll need some typing skills and may need to know how to use a 10-key number pad.

Editing jobs

Editing jobs can be a perfect role to do remotely. Editors will review content, whether online or in print, to make corrections related to grammar, style, punctuation, and clarity.

Legal Assistants

Legal assistants typically handle the administrative needs of a law office and respond to client communications by email, phone, and text.

An Online English Teacher 

An online English teacher will teach English classes to children in another country.

Classes are taught via video or an online learning platform.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Of all the many ways to make money online, I prefer affiliate marketing, Affiliate marketing might sound complicated, but it’s a straightforward, low-cost way to sell more products.

Affiliate Marketing Benefits for Creators

There are many benefits to being an affiliate marketer.


Affiliate marketing can be a flexible income stream for content creators. Marketers can make money when working and even when they are not.

Your work is complete once you place an affiliate link in your content. You can enjoy incoming commissions anytime, anywhere.

High ROI

Most Affiliate Programs are easy and free to join, and content creators do not have to spend even a single penny on starting affiliate marketing.

Content creators can strategize and utilize their following to bring conversions to the deals they promote. Every commission they make on a sale could be a profit.

Diversified Income

Different affiliate programs offer commissions at various stages of the buying process.

Affiliate marketing not only adds a dependable income stream to every content creator’s portfolio but also pays them in different ways, including Pay-per-Click and Pay-per-Sale.

Increased Exposure

Affiliate Marketing can help content creators tap into new audience pools through brand collaborations and sponsorships.

Creators can gain access to newer age groups and demographics and ultimately increase their following.

It increases significantly with Affiliate marketing tools as they allow us to automate some time-consuming processes and help us reach maximum users.

11. Leverage Expertise

Affiliate marketing can help content creators leverage their expertise by promoting products and services they know about.

Content creators can share their knowledge and expertise with potential customers by becoming an affiliate.

 No Qualification Required

Content creators do not need any minimum qualification to become affiliate marketers, which means they can easily add a revenue stream to their list without any added expenses or barriers to entry.

Marketers can capitalize on existing and new viewers on their pages.

 Better Credibility

Affiliating with trustworthy brands and promoting good products is a great way to achieve mutual benefit.

Content creators gain massive credibility when their audience finds good products through them.

Creators must always look out to take frequent customer feedback to understand their experience and shall only promote high-quality, original products and services.

Who Can Be An Affiliate Marketer

There are no standard education requirements to become an affiliate marketer but to be successful. I suggest receiving training in the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

Many platforms offer affiliate marketing training, and I recommend the forum I am a part of, Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate

You do not have to be an expert in the technicalities of using the Internet. Still, you need to have an internet connection and are familiar with typing, and if you have ever used social media, you are ready.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to pick your niche, build your website, and add necessary tools.

To manage your websites, like Google Analytics, Yahoo, and Bing, how to choose your keywords so you are given a lesson in using SEO (Search engine optimization),

Using Seo in your content allows Google and the other search engine to find your content, index them, and drive an audience to your website with social media.

The great thing about the membership of Wealthy Affiliate is you can become a member for free (At no Cost). And no expiration date on how long you can remain a free member.

Of course, as a free member, you would get less than a premium member; I recommend upgrading to a premium membership after you have looked around and gotten familiar with the platform. Especially if you are a newbie like I was.

Web hosting is free at Wealthy Affiliate. Other websites charge $49.00 per month for web hosting; as a free member, one free webpage: there are designs for your website to choose from, included at no cost.

 What Does Wealthy Affiliate Provide?

Building your website at Wealthy Affiliate takes less than 30 seconds, and you will be ready for business.

The premium membership is where you get access to absolutely everything. If you’re serious about building an online business,

The lessons provided are in-depth for the Online  Entrepreneur Certification Class; there are 5 phases. Each phase has ten lessons. The Wealthy Affiliate Boot Camp class has seven steps, and each stage contains ten lessons.

There is also help 24/7; we have a community with a pay-it-forward attitude, and there is always someone to help. The site support staff are just incredible; there are always ready to assist you.


I am not saying you will be earning right away with no effort; I am saying that with effort, work, and determination, you can have a business that will allow you to make money; you determine the amount.

There are members here that are earning $6.000.00+. As a premium member, you have access to ten websites and the opportunity to have different business websites; some members here are so busy they have to hire writers to help them.

At Wealthy Affiliate, our extraordinary community members will share their knowledge and skill to help you achieve your goals.


I have found all  I need to start and maintain my online business here at Wealthy Affiliate, and I know you will find it, so if you decide to join us, you can also become a member of this great community for free risk to you.

You will not ask for personal information besides your name and email address. So if you want to start your online business, please join us, look around, and build your website. Should you not like us, there is no obligation; you have nothing to lose, no one will call you or bother you in any way,

Looking forward to seeing you in our community

If you have any questions or thoughts regarding the best way to make money with affiliate marketing or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below.

How To Avoid Work From Home Scams Create A Legit Home Based Business

In today’s economy, many people are looking for ways to make extra money, and the popular way to make money is online.

As people search for work-from-home job opportunities, you must ensure they are legitimate.

There are a lot of scammers who may pose as companies or independent contractors to try to offer you fake remote jobs.

It would help if you protect your identity, your finances, and your well-being. In this post, I look at how to tell if a work-from-home job is a scam and share common scams you may encounter.

What are work-from-home scams?

Work-from-home scams are when deceitful people create fake job postings to benefit themselves.

They may use these to steal your personal information or financial assets. As work-from-home jobs become more popular, scammers are starting to target this market with seemingly lucrative job offers.

They may pose as a company or reputable person to get you to trust them.

Here are several general tips for avoiding scams:

  • Do not respond to calls, texts, or emails from unknown numbers or suspicious addresses.
  • Never share sensitive personal or financial information over email, text messages, or the phone.
  • Do not click links from a number you do not recognize in a text message. If a friend sends you a text with a suspicious link that seems out of character, call them to ensure they weren’t hacked.
  • Consider adding your number to the National Do Not Call Registry to prevent telemarketing calls.
  • File a report with local law enforcement if you have lost money or possessions due to a scam.

Please use Report a Job to flag fraudulent, spam, or misleading posting.

How to tell if a work-from-home job is a scam

Follow these steps to see if a remote job offer is legitimate:

  1. The position is too good to be true.
  2. There needs to be more information on the company.
  3. A second contact cannot confirm the legitimacy of the job offer.
  4. There are warnings online.
  5. The employer is too eager to hire.
  6. You have to pay to work.
  7. The employer needs to communicate better.

1. The job is too good to be true

If you find an unbelievable job offer, it’s likely fake. Trust your intuition if a work-from-home opportunity seems too good to be true.

If a company offers an extremely high salary or incredible perks, enter the situation skeptically. Likewise, if the company offers you a fantastic job you aren’t qualified for, this could be a sign of a scam.

2. There is little information on the company

They should have a website and social media presence when researching a company. If you can’t find anything about it online, it may be time to move on to a different job application.

If you find a website but need help figuring out what kind of work they do, this is a sign of a scam. Many scammers use vague descriptions to get a wider pool of candidates.

3. A second contact cannot confirm the legitimacy of the job offer

It’s a bright idea if you can contact someone else from the company. Try to find this contact information independently rather than asking the employer. You could ask this person to provide more information about the company.

Remember that many scammers work with a team, so this doesn’t necessarily guarantee a legitimate job offer.

4. There are warnings online

Use a search engine to look up the company or employer’s name. Search results may show you that other people have experienced this scam.

This is often a red flag if you see job boards with warnings about a company. Likewise, if there are poor online reviews about the company, this can tell you to look for a job elsewhere.

5. The employer is overly eager to hire

One significant warning sign of a work-from-home scam is when the employer wants to hire you urgently.

Most legitimate employers are busy with their work and don’t have time to respond to you right away.

Real employers make candidates feel comfortable, so if a company is pressuring you to accept the job, stop responding to them.

Likewise, a good employer wants to screen candidates for the right fit. If they are willing to hire you on the spot or require little credentials for high-level work, it’s likely a scam.

6. You must pay to work

A common scam is employers claiming you must invest money into your work to get started. Employers are the ones who are supposed to pay you, not the opposite. Although you may need to pay a subscription fee for various legitimate online job boards, keep that in mind while searching for remote jobs.

7. The employer communicates poorly

When emailing the employer, they should seem professional and well-spoken. If words are misspelled, or punctuation is off, this is a sign of a scam. When you receive an email from an employer, look at their email address to see if it seems like other employers.

Potential work-from-home scams

These are common work-from-home scams to look out for:

  • The faulty check
  • Part-time work for full-time pay
  • Requiring you to recruit others
  • Pay for training
  • Medical billing

The faulty check

Scammers use a tactic where they send you a check for way more than they owe you and then act as if they made a mistake.

They instruct you to send them the difference of the check before trying to cash it. After you send the bill and try to cash the one they sent you, the check will bounce. This is one way they can take your money and leave you with a fake check.

Part-time work for full-time pay

Getting paid a lot to do little work sounds like a dream come true, which is why many scammers use this job tactic.

They claim that you can make a ton of money in a short amount of time and pay over the market average. Legitimate employers pay you for what your work is worth.

Requiring you to recruit others

Although some multi-level marketing (MLM) companies are legitimate, others promise many benefits for recruiting others to work for them.

Many companies require you to spend much of your money on their products. They often focus on the maximum money you can make rather than an entry-level salary.

Pay for training

People looking to start their own business at home may encounter companies claiming to enhance their business skills.

Their advertisements often show how their resources and lessons can help you quickly grow your business.

Although there are online courses and resources to help you get started as an entrepreneur, there are also scams that promise instant sales and wealth for a hefty training fee.

Medical billing

Medical billing can be a great work-from-home opportunity, which is why scammers often use this job opportunity to make some money.

They will usually require you to buy your equipment and promise reimbursement later. That’s why it’s important to only apply to jobs from medical facilities and hospitals.

Reach out to a representative before agreeing to anything.

There are many legitimate ways to make money online

  • Drop Shipping
  • Online Video
  • Information Products
  •  Blogging

And affiliate marketing

There are many more ways to make money online; of all the many ways to make money online, affiliate marketing is the most effective.

  • Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.
  • The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Affiliate marketing offers you the chance to make money online by promoting affiliate products – physical products, digital products, and services by referring people to the seller’s company website.

This type of marketing approach continues to grow in popularity because it is advantageous to both the seller and the consumer and is effective.

The Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing

  • Low start-up cost
  • Low ongoing costs
  • low or nonexistent risk
  • easy setup and implementation
  • networking possibilities with influencers
  • No inventory

And with affiliate marketing, anyone can be an affiliate marketer, but I suggest training with a good affiliate marketing platform to be successful.

Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform

It is the best platform for training affiliates, whether experienced or beginner.

You do not have to be an expert in the technicalities of using the Internet. But you must have an internet connection and be familiar with typing, and if you have ever used social media, you are ready.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to pick your niche, build your website, and add necessary tools.

The Wealthy Affiliate training platform also shows you how to manage your websites, like Google Analytics, Yahoo, and Bing; choose keywords so Google will index them; and drive an audience to your website with social media.

And you can become a member for FREE (At no Cost). And no expiration date on how long you can remain a free member.

Of course, as a free member, you would get less than a premium member; I recommend upgrading to a premium membership after you have looked around and gotten familiar with the platform. Especially if you are a newbie like I was.

Web hosting is free at Wealthy Affiliate. Other websites charge $49.00 per month for web hosting; as a free member, you are also given one free webpage: there are designs for your website to choose from at no cost.

 What is provided at Wealthy Affiliate

Building your website at Wealthy Affiliate takes less than 30 seconds, and you will be ready for business.

With the premium membership, you get access to everything you need to become a successful marketer; if you’re serious about building an online business,

The lessons provided are in-depth for the Online  Entrepreneur Certification Class; there are 5 phases, the first phase 5. lessons are free.

The Wealthy Affiliate Boot Camp class has seven steps, and each stage contains ten lessons.

There is also help 24/7; we have a community with a pay-it-forward attitude, and there is always someone to help. The site support staff are just incredible; there are always ready to assist you.

Premium membership will cost $49.00 per month. When starting a business, it usually costs you something,  no exception.

I am not saying you will be earning right away with no effort; I am saying that with effort, work, and determination, you can have a business that will allow you to make money; you determine the amount.

At Wealthy Affiliate, our extraordinary community members will share their knowledge and skill to help you achieve your goals.


I have found all  I need to start and maintain my online business here at Wealthy Affiliate, and I am sure you will find it, so if you decide to join us, you can also become a member of this great community for free risk to you.

You will not ask to provide financial information; only your name and email address are required.

So if you want to start your online business, please join us, look around, and build your website; remember, it will cost you nothing.

Should you decide affiliate marketing is not for you, you would have lost nothing, but you have gained a little knowledge and a website.

You have no obligation to Wealthy Affiliate; you have nothing to lose, and no one will call or bother you.

Looking forward to seeing you in our community

Thank you for stopping by; I appreciate it immensely, and should you have a question or comment, please leave it in the place provided at the bottom of the page, and I will be sure to reply

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).



Legit Online Work-From-Home Jobs That Pay You Well Free To Join

Many of us are looking for ways to make some extra cash to help us with our living expenses.

In this post, I am looking at ways to earn extra cash; you can do them online from home.

I have found some great options; they are in different categories.

So here are the titles of the options that you can choose from:

  • You Can Work For SayABC
  • Liveops Is Another Option
  • Jobs At Apple
  • Try PingPong

  • Field Agent App

 SayABC English Teaching Online

SayABC is an excellent option for anybody interested in teaching English to non-English speaking students. You c.  find this site at

This site enables you to teach English to children in China.

The platform has a set general curriculum for you to follow, making it easier when you have to make a syllabus for your student.

Based on a base rate of $13-15 per 40-minute class plus bonuses for punctuality, attendance, and submitted feedback.

SayABC is by far one of the most competitive companies in terms of payment.


You will get $13-15 per class for 40 minutes, and you also get paid for the attendance and productivity of your students.

So if your students enjoy your classes, it is a big plus.

You make  $8 per student if you get students to take ‘Trial Classes’ and teach them those classes.

There is some critical information that you should take into account before you try to work on this site:

  • 10-14 Days Application Process: They have a lengthy process as they look into many things before accepting people, as you will be responsible for teaching kids in a different country.
  • Class Timings: You must figure out the class timings and schedule them properly, as classes are according to China’s time zone.
  • Native English Speaker: It is required to be a native English speaker to be a teacher on their site.
  • Internet Stability: You need a stable internet connection with a good computer, camera, and microphone to connect with your students.
  • Educational Requirement: You need a bachelor’s degree to apply, and a teaching certificate is also required.
  • Experience: Minimum 1-year experience as a teacher and be able to show proof of that.

Liveops Work From Home Opportunities

Liveops is a provider of home-based call-center services. They hire customer service and sales professionals who work from home, serving various industries, from direct response and retail to financial services and healthcare.

Liveops provides services to other businesses and companies that need call-center support.

It is a network of virtual on-demand agents that deliver call-center-type service.

To become a member of Liveops, go to their website,, at the top right corner, ‘Become An Agent’ Click on that and go to that page to learn more about their site and offers.

They offer a variety of career options as an independent contractor.

You can also choose brands you want to work with and select businesses you are a good match with, which can also be aligned with your skills, schedule, and goals.

It is an entirely remote job and is available all over the US.

And you will earn around $10-$16 per hour, which is decent for a beginner, but they mention on the site that you can make more with time and persistence.

Jobs At Apple

Are you a big fan of Apple products?

Apple offers remote jobs so that you can apply for them.

You may even get a free iMac in the process, as they will provide you with one of their computers to work at home with.

You can apply to be a customer service agent for Apple; they will train you if they hire you, but it helps if you know a lot about Apple products and are an avid user of them.

There are 3. different positions available that you can apply for if you want to work remotely for Apple.

One is an At Home Advisor; you must deal with customers and help them with their problems.

The second position is being an At Home Team Manager, and you can supervise advisors if you become a team manager.

The third position available is becoming an At Home Area Manager; you will coordinate and supervise team managers.

Not only will they train you when you get the job and give you an iMac, but you will also receive all the fringe benefits such as paid leaves, product discounts, and health insurance with your job.

You can apply for this job at

Try PingPong

PingPong is the following site you can check out, and this website is This site will pay you to test websites and apps for brands and companies.

To become a tester, go to the page, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on ‘Become A Tester.’

You make around 40-100 Euros per hour for every interview and test.

All you have to do is voice your honest opinion to help companies build their apps and websites.

You will also have chances to gain rewards and earn around 20-100 Euros for each interview between 30-60 minutes.

There are a few requirements that you need to fulfill to join this website, and the approval process is quite lengthy:

Computer: You will need a computer with a working webcam and microphone

  • Interview: They will interview via the Internet.
  • Notification: They will notify you via email before conducting an interview.
  • Internet Stability: Chrome or Firefox and a stable internet connection are needed to perform the interview.
  • How To Start: They will give you a website link and ask you to share your screen.

During the interview, they ask you simple questions, and you must voice your opinions about the website they shared with you. They want your reactions after looking at their product.

Remember that you cannot be silent, and your recommendations should be honest and legit to become one of their testers. If you are approved as a tester, you are notified seven days after the interview.

This website is available worldwide, and you get paid through PayPal or your bank account.

Furthermore, some tests require specific needs, and the pay is more for that.

Also, the website has an excellent rating in most review sites, mostly 4.5/5, which is awesome, and all in all, this is a good site to work with.

Field Agent App

Field Agent is a site found at This site also has an app on both IOS and Android.

You can download this app on your phone and do gigs around your area to earn money as a mystery shopper.

To start earning, scroll down to their webpage, and click ‘Agent Link’ at the bottom left corner.

They already have 1 million shoppers working for them, which shows that it is a reliable website.

Your Task is to gather information about products displayed on shelves around shops, take photos, and share your opinion.

Download the app, sign up, and click on ‘Complete A Job,’ it is that easy.

There are 4. ways you can earn through this app:

  1. Mystery Shop: This helps shops to improve.
  2. Survey: This is the online method to earn on this app.
  3. Audit: This allows businesses to see if their products are correctly displayed in the stores.
  4. Buy and Try: You can purchase the products and review them.

You make around $3-$8 for each task and take 10 minutes, around $20 per hour.

Around 11,000 people have rated the app, giving it an overall rating of approximately 4.8/5, which is excellent.

Also, some testimonials say that they have made around $100 by working for 5 hours, but those are rare and will also depend on the city you are in, as some cities have more opportunities than others.

But people do make around $50 per day on this app.

The Most Effective Way To Make Money Online.

The ways mentioned above to make money online are good options for making a little extra money, but there is a way to make a substantial living online.

Building an online business gives you an active and passive income source.

An online business can be as flexible as you want it to be, and you will be able to work on it entirely in your schedule.

You can earn anytime and even make it in your sleep.

I am talking about the business model: What is affiliate marketing?

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

In simple terms, affiliate marketing is an e-commerce business model built on revenue sharing. It is selling something on behalf of someone else and earning a commission for it. I can start my affiliate marketing program if I have a product I want to sell more of.

Affiliate marketer receives a commission for generating sales for an organization’s products or services.

After building your website (with the affiliate marketing training, making your website takes 30 sec.), you will search for the best affiliate programs to sign up with.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

  • low ongoing costs
  • low or nonexistent risk
  • a new way of making a profit and potential passive income
  • easy setup and implementation
  • increased competitive advantage
  • networking possibilities with influencers
  • high conversion rate

To succeed, getting proper training before jumping into affiliate marketing is critical. 

It would help if you got the proper training to build an online business.

But, affiliate marketing will not make you rich quickly and easily; you must put in the work, time, and effort to see results.

So, if you want to be successful at this, hard work, patience, and consistency are keys.

Wealthy Affiliate

The training platform that taught me how to build my affiliate marketing business is Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is the ideal answer for where and how to learn about affiliate marketing for beginners and affiliate marketers of all levels.

 A Free Starter Membership

Apart from the rest, the free Starter membership drew me to Wealthy Affiliate.

I did not want to spend any more money; in my case, I was very limited in learning how to make money online.

At Wealthy Affiliate, the free membership requires no financial information, no credit card to sign up, no hidden fees, and it is not a trial, so the individual can keep it as long as they like.

At Wealthy Affiliate, joining the free membership, no financial information is required, no credit card is needed to sign up, no hidden fees; and it is not a trial, so the individual can keep it as long as they like.

The lessons in Wealthy Affiliate take you through all the steps, one by one, and ensure you take action by having tasks in each class for you to do.

You’ll first learn to pick a niche or topic you feel you can help people.

Affiliate marketing is about helping others; you will build trust by offering value.

If you decide to become a member, you can do so by clicking on any of the links on this page; remember, it’s free, with no obligations; look around the platform.

If you become a member, I will contact you to answer any questions.

Thank you for reading this post. I do appreciate it very much. I hope you found it informative and helpful in making your decision.

If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how and where to learn about affiliate marketing for free online or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

The Best Place To Learn About Affiliate Marketing For Free

Making money online may seem impossible, especially for those who need to learn about affiliate marketing.

However, if done correctly, affiliate marketing can be a good source of active and passive revenue.

Affiliate systems are quick and easy to manage.

There is no overnight success with affiliate marketing; it takes a lot of work, and you will only be bringing in money after some time in most situations. It takes time and effort to build a successful site and make money.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a marketing arrangement in which affiliates receive a commission for each visit, signup, or sale they generate for a merchant. This arrangement allows businesses to outsource part of the sales process.[1] It is a form of performance-based marketing where the commission acts as an incentive for the affiliate; this commission is usually a percentage of the price of the product being sold but can also be a flat rate per referral.[2]

Affiliate marketing is a process where publishers earn a commission by using an affiliate link to promote a product or service made by another retailer or advertiser.

Affiliate marketing is based on when an actual transaction occurs; the affiliate is paid a percentage for its promotional efforts.

To start making money, you first need to find your niche; your niche should be something you love or are passionate about.

You should choose something you love (you do not have to be an expert) because it will be easier to write about; This is where you transform your passion into profit.

Your blog’s content should be written like you are trying to explain something to a friend or family member.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

  • low ongoing costs
  • low or nonexistent risk
  • a new way of making a profit and potential passive income
  • easy setup and implementation
  • increased competitive advantage
  • networking possibilities with influencers
  • high conversion rate

Wealthy Affiliate

If you are interested or thinking of earning money online, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate, and It is the best platform for training affiliates, whether experienced or beginner.

You do not have to be an expert in the technicalities of using the Internet. But, you must have an internet connection and be familiar with typing, and if you have ever used social media, you are ready.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to pick your niche, build your website and add necessary tools.

Wealthy Affiliate also shows you how to manage your websites, like Google Analytics, Yahoo, and Bing; choose keywords so Google will index them; and drive an audience to your website with social media.

And you can become a member for FREE (At no Cost). And no expiration date on how long you can remain a free member.

Of course, as a free member, you would get less than a premium member; I recommend upgrading to a premium membership after you have looked around and gotten familiar with the platform. Especially if you are a newbie like I was.

Web hosting is free at Wealthy Affiliate. Other websites charge $49.00 per month for web hosting; as a free member, you are also given one free webpage: there are designs for your website to choose from at no cost.

 What is provided at Wealthy Affiliate

Building your website at Wealthy Affiliate takes less than 30 seconds, and you will be ready for business.

With the  premium membership, you get access to absolutely everything you need to become a successful marketer; if you’re serious about building an online business,

The lessons provided are in-depth for the Online  Entrepreneur Certification Class; there are 5 phases. The first phase of 5. lessons are free. The Wealthy Affiliate Boot Camp class has seven steps, and each stage contains ten lessons.


There is also help 24/7; we have a community with a pay-it-forward attitude, and there is always someone to help. The site support staff are just incredible; there are always ready to assist you.

Here are some of the things that are included with the Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership:

Premium membership will cost $49.00 per month. When starting a business, it usually costs you something,  no exception.

I am not saying you will be earning right away with no effort; I am saying that with effort, work, and determination, you can have a business that will allow you to make money; you determine the amount.

There are members here that are earning $6.000.00+. Remember, if you are a premium member, you have access to ten websites and the opportunity to have different business websites; some members here are so busy they have to hire writers to help them.

At Wealthy Affiliate, our extraordinary community members will share their knowledge and skill to help you achieve your goals.


I have found all  I need to start and maintain my online business here at Wealthy Affiliate, and I am sure you will find it, so if you decide to join us, you can also become a member of this great community for free risk to you.

You will not ask to provide financial information; only your name and email address are required.

So if you are interested in starting your online business, I encourage you to join us, look around, and build your website; remember, it will cost you nothing.

Should you decide affiliate marketing is not for you, you would have lost nothing, but you have gained a little knowledge and a website.

You have no obligation to Wealthy Affiliate; you have nothing to lose, no one will call you or bother you in any way,

Looking forward to seeing you in our community

Thank you for stopping by; I appreciate it immensely, and should you have a question or comment, please leave it in the place provided at the bottom of the page, and I will be sure to reply

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).


How Can I Start Making Money Online As A Beginner

Are you looking for ways to make some extra money? Or, thinking about starting an online business as one of your life goals?

You can have an online career where you can make an excellent income from a passive source.

Whatever your financial goals are, you can achieve them through the affiliate marketing business model, which is a great model for beginners.

To be successful in affiliate marketing, you must be willing to learn and invest significant time working for it, and then you can have the potential to earn what you’re looking for.

In this post, I will tell you about how you can earn commissions online through the use of affiliate marketing, so check out the following sections:

  • What Is Affiliate Marketing
  • How Affiliate Programs Work
  • How Much Does An Affiliate Marketer Make?
  • Where To Learn How To Build This Online Business


According to Investopedia, “ Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company”.

This business model is great for beginners because the concept is easy to understand, is low in cost relative to many other types of businesses, and earns you a passive income.

Passive income means your work doesn’t just earn you money once but can make you cash repeatedly.

An example would be writing a post about the effectiveness of an affiliate’s products, and the base contains display ads and links you can earn over and over again from this one post from only writing this once, which can take 2-3 hours to write.

Passive income is earned in affiliate marketing by clicking on links in that post.

Affiliate marketing is earning a commission online from generating new sales for companies you want to partner with.

Whatever your website is about, you may partner with companies that sell or produce like your website’s subject, like

When you sign up, they provide you with an affiliate link, which you paste into your content.

When readers read your post, they may be inclined to click a link if you tell them they could find the product they’re looking for here.

You will earn a commission when they click your link and visit the merchant’s site to buy the product!

That is how you can earn commission online, and it’s one of the best ways to make money from home.


Many companies these days offer affiliate programs, and more are added each day because it’s an excellent way for them to get new sales without any upfront costs.

For people who want to make money online, affiliate programs offer us an easy way to monetize our websites.

Affiliate marketing is a great business model because it creates a win-win situation.

Brands and companies can create affiliate programs like and or join an affiliate network like Clickbank or to host their affiliate program on a platform.

So for you, as an affiliate marketer, apply at a place like Amazon where they already have tons of products in one spot.

Or, you can apply to an affiliate network to get access to hundreds or thousands of merchants to choose from.

Sometimes you don’t need additional approval when finding an affiliate program you want to join.

However, sometimes you must be approved individually by each company you apply to, even in an affiliate network.

Recommend  Is Affiliate Marketing A Good Way To Make Money?

How much you get paid per commission depends on the affiliate program you join; they all differ widely from 1 – 10% to 50% – 100%.


Everyone wants to know how much you can make, and the truth is, it’s really up to you.

If anyone guarantees you any money you can make, it’s a sure sign of a scam, and you should run away.

No one can predict or know how you’ll work, how you’ll learn, and what you’ll do with the training, even if you have it.

You can make nothing, or you can make a 4-digit monthly income like many affiliate marketers.

Your success depends on you, how much work you put into your own business as this is a very much you reap what you sow.

                                             START YOUR FREE MEMBERSHIP HERE

When starting an affiliate marketing business, it’s essential to know how to create such a business and not just do it alone.

You can learn on your own and search online or watch videos on YouTube to learn, but the best way to learn is on a training course or platform where you can learn everything in one place.

Getting the proper training is one of the keys to success, and you can start training now for free.


Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform specializing in affiliate marketing training and providing comprehensive, step-by-step lessons.

Why Wealthy Affiliate?

They’re ideal for beginners.

There’s no place like Wealthy Affiliate where you can learn how to earn commissions online and get helped by others just like you, from beginners to experts who care.

Wealthy Affiliate has a fantastic community. You can easily ask for help and be attended to in no time.

It’s the perfect training brand for aspiring online entrepreneurs who must learn how to create a WordPress site. Wealthy Affiliate is also helpful for fresh graduates in the online industry.

The vast wealth of information you get on their platform is incredible. They have Live Chat and Live Weekly Webinars.

Start Your Online Business Free HERE

With Wealthy Affiliate, you can create an online business in any niche of your choice. You can start a small site based on a topic you are passionate about.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform provides information on building your site with the proper pages, using keywords, ranking your site on Google, and everything else.

Wealthy Affiliate offer business tools to host your website, a keyword research tool, and offer you SSL certificates too to secure your websites.

Membership Options

With Wealthy Affiliate, you can make money in two ways:

  • Free Starter member
  • Premium member

The Starter membership is free-for-life, so there’s no pressure to upgrade.

You can use it to check out the platform or use the 1. free website to see if you can build it on your own with the first 5. free lessons of their course are included in your free membership.

If you can’t figure it out and need the rest of the lessons, you will upgrade to Premium ($49/month, $359/year).

When you’re Premium, you will get all access to all 50 lessons in the main course, the Online Entrepreneur Certification course, and another 70 studies in the Affiliate Bootcamp course.

Wealthy Affiliates have all you need to start and maintain your online business, and if you decide to join us, you can also become a member of this great community for free, with no risk to you.

You will not ask for any financial information in becoming a free member; your name and email address are all required.

So if you want to start your online business, please join us, look around, and build your website.

And should you not like us, there is no obligation; you have nothing to lose, no one will call you or bother you in any way,

Looking forward to seeing you in our community

Thank you for stopping by; I appreciate it immensely, and should you have a question or comment, please leave it in the place provided at the bottom of the page, and I will be sure to reply

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).


How Much Can You Make Watching Videos Online

Are you in need of some fast money? This post examines how you can make $30 per hour or even more by watching videos.

There are 2. primary methods for earning from watching videos online; let’s look at the methods:

  • Sign Up On User Testing
  • Fiverr Is A Great Option
  • Best Affiliate Training Marketing Training Platform

Sign Up On User Testing

The first site we are looking at is User Testing. Their website is found at

User Testing is a site that tests websites for companies and brands; apps are also tested on this site.

Anyone can be a tester for the User Tester site to earn; User Testing lets businesses talk to customers as they engage with your products.

Allowing the interaction between companies and the testers helps them make better decisions and build more customer-driven experiences with you.

By helping these businesses in testing their products or apps, it’s going to help them improve their product.

As a tester, you will tell them if what they are doing is good and how it could be improved and give them feedback on their products.

You can sign up now to be a tester by going to their website and clicking on ‘Get Paid To Test,’ here, you can earn up to $60 per test.

Their webpage has a two-minute video to check and see how it works.

Here is how it works:

You get paid $10 via PayPal for every 20-minute video you complete. User testing pays you to visit websites or apps and complete tasks. Speak your thoughts aloud, and that’s it.

What you must do, though, is you must speak aloud or do the task at hand, telling them what you are about to do during the task and if you’re finding the task easy or hard to do.

The more you speak your thoughts while doing the tasks, the more likely your video or test will be approved.

You will not get paid if you do not get an approved test result.

 What you need to get started:

  • It would be best to have a computer, PC, or Mac with a stable internet connection and a microphone. You can use phones or tablets, and there will be tests for mobile.
  • You must download the testing software that they’re going to provide.
  • You must be 18 years old and be able to speak English.

Your money depends on how many opportunities you get, and you may not qualify for every opportunity.

You get paid through PayPal for this, and you will receive it exactly seven days after completing a website or app test.

It is really easy to sign up, which is one of the popular ways to earn this way.

Fiverr Is A Great Option

Fiverr, found at Fiverr is a freelance website, meaning you can offer services online and get clients.

People go to to buy services, so it’s a website where people who want the services done meet with those who provide them.

To make money on, watching videos is by actually video transcriptions.

Transcribing the video is not that hard; all you’re doing is watching the video, and then you’re just typing out the words in the video.

Sometimes people want to translate or transcribe their video because they want to take text versions for, let’s say, their website or their blog.

You can charge $30 for 60 minutes of video and more for more or longer videos.

Set Your Price

You will set your prices, so it will completely depend on you, and there is an easy way to transcribe because you won’t be typing the entire thing.

There is a tool that can transcribe it for you, and all you have to do is make little edits, and the tool is free.

The tool is Google Docs. To access it, you go to Google and type in Google Docs, so sign in and get to a new document.


Go to ‘Tools’ on the top menu and click ‘Voice Typing’.

What this does is that it will listen to you, and then it will type it for you.

It is not 100% accurate, but it will make transcribing easier.

If it doesn’t catch all the words, you may need to add a few words, but most of the work will be done.

You only need to edit the little bits it didn’t pick up and clean it up. This way, you can earn very quickly.

This is a great way to build an online business here on Fiverr because you can get a lot of customers this way.

Many freelancer websites have had over 900 people reviewing, which means many more orders than this because many do not leave reviews.

Participating in this offer also helps build your profile and helps to promote yourself, and you can offer some free clients to get some good reviews.

Once you get a few reviews, the orders may come automatically to you, and then you could also promote your services on other social media platforms.

The Most Effective Way To Make Money Online.

Making money online has become a very popular way of earning, and the industry is ever-growing as people like the ease of doing business online.

I have found that of the many ways to make money online, the most effective is affiliate marketing.

What Is Affiliate Marketing

According to Investopedia, “ Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company”.

Affiliate marketer receives a commission for generating sales for an organization’s products or services.

Affiliate marketing will not make you rich quickly and easily; you must put in the work, time, and effort to see results.


So, if you want to be successful at this, hard work, patience, and consistency are keys.

And if you want to be successful at affiliate marketing, I suggest you get the proper training.

Anyone can be an affiliate marketer; with the proper training, you will be successful and earn a substantial income.

Many platforms offer training in affiliate marketing, but I suggest Wealthy Affiliate; I am a member of this platform and highly recommend it.

You can join this and get the first 5. foundation lessons, your website will be up and running at the end of the lessons, ready for business.

Wealthy Affiliate

At Wealthy Affiliate, joining the free membership, no financial information is required, no credit card is needed to sign up, no hidden fees, and it is not a trial, so the individual can keep it as long as they like.

After trying the free membership, there is the Premium membership if you want to go further. It gives you full access to the training program and costs $49 per month or $359 per year.

However, beginners should go with the starter option as it doesn’t cost them a cent, and they can check out the platform before committing to anything.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you will get all the help you need, and there is a vast community of like-minded people who are making money and willing to assist you in any way they can.

Everyone has a “pay it forward” mindset, and it will help if you post a question underneath the lessons or in the other ways you can, as there are SEVERAL ways to get help.

There is Live Chat where anyone can ask a quick question to get a quick answer.

If you need more opinions, it’s best to use “Ask a Question,” as this option will be posted on the platform where everyone in the community can see and answer you. This is the best one to use if you want several opinions.

The first time I used it, I got an answer in 3. minutes; I was shocked; I am not used to that.

You could leave messages on the most active members’ profiles under your Help Center if you’d like to ask someone directly for help.

I hope you found this post helpful and informative; thank you for stopping by; if you have any questions about this post or need more information on affiliate marketing, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I will reply ASAP.