Coping With Financial Stress- Overcome Financial Stress And Improve Finances

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Coping With Financial Stress
Coping with Financial Stress

coping with financial stress

Financial realities among most.

In today’s world, the financial situation, or the lack of finances, is causing a large percentage of the population a lot of financial stress; people are preoccupied with coping with the economic situation to make ends meet.

According to market watch and published by MSN Money, a study by the NORC at the University of Chicago, an independent social research institution, found that 51% of working adults in the United States would need to access savings to cover necessities if they missed more than one paycheck.

They found that specific communities were more prone to economic hardship, and missing a paycheck would be devastating to them, as they would be unable to cover basic living expenses after missing more than one paycheck; this situation is found chiefly in households where the annual income was $30.000 annually or less.

It was also suggested that many of these persons of these households would be rendered homeless in the event of missing a paycheck.

Stressed about finances

We know the effects of financial stress on our lives, and we can agree that it affects you in some way; financial stress can affect you physically and mentally. Are you constantly consumed with how much money you have (or don’t) and how you’ll keep a roof over your head, get to work, and possibly feed your family?

This thinking could undoubtedly develop one of several stress-related health conditions, leading to severe, sometimes life-threatening illnesses.

Prepared for a financial crisis

What is the financial crisis? According to the business dictionary, a financial crisis is  A situation in which the demand for money outpaces the money supply. In other words, unforeseen financial expenses occur, and that unexpected event eats up all the available funds.

This unexpected event could be anything, such as job loss, overtime reduction, or medical bills. Or any unforeseen event.

It doesn’t matter how careful we are with our finances; an unexpected expense could be all it takes to send you into financial duress, especially if you’re not prepared to cope.

Strategies you can take

In times of financial crisis, there are specific fixes you can take; for instance, you can create a budget.

Create a budget

You may feel overwhelmed by the lack of funds to think that creating a budget will probably only add to your financial stress, but it is the best tool to get control of your finances and stop worrying about money.

A budget allows you to decide when and how you are going to spend the money you have, and This spending plan makes sure you cover your immediate expenses while still working towards overcoming your unforeseen expense (cause of the crisis)

Borrow from someone

This is another option you could use, you could borrow from a family member or a good friend, or as a last resort, if you are qualified, you could get a loan from an institution.,

I’m not too fond of this option because you must pay interest on the borrowed money. Sometimes, if we are not careful, we find ourselves in the worst situation, so borrowing from an institution should only be done as a last resort.

Of course, we should also do our best never to get ourselves in this situation again; to accomplish this, we must change our lifestyle.

Change your lifestyle

Changing one’s lifestyle can be challenging at first, but it is a necessary step we have to take to make our lives less stressful.

  1. Create a budget and stick to it; the first few months of planning and sticking to it are the most challenging part, but once you understand and see the improvements in your money management. The more you do it, the less time it will take you to do it, and you will be able to reduce the amount of time you spend on it. The stress level will also be reduced.
  2. Your budget will give you the feeling of control that you need to have over your finances. Start with just one month’s worth of expenses and then go from there, tracking spending and cutting back in different areas each month until you find the perfect balance.

The next thing you need to do is to create an emergency fund; this is necessary, and in this way, there will be some extra cash in case of a crisis.

Create an emergency fund.

Creating an emergency fund may not be easy initially, especially if you struggle to meet each month’s ends. Start by putting a small amount in the bank from each paycheck and any leftover money in your other spending categories at the end of the month to build up your emergency fund.

You may also consider selling any unused items around the house, getting a side job, or you can start your own business.

You can start your own online business for free; this way, you can work from home; with an online business, there is the potential of not only extra cash but in time, this business can increase your income level so that you can quit your day job.

There is also the possibility that your business will become a passive income earner; I am suggesting the online marketing company.

Online marketing is one of the better ways to earn an income; one of the cons is that it does not generate an income overnight; it takes time.

I am an online marketer, and the platform I am a part of is Wealthy Affiliate; this platform provides everything you will need to build, grow, and maintain a successful business.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for quite a while; over thirteen years, the company has an A+ rating with the BBB, and we have members from almost every part of the globe.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you will be given step-by-step instructions on everything needed to create your business, and you can become a member for free.

With a free membership, you will go through phase 1, a 12-lesson series of the online entrepreneur course, and after these lessons, your beautiful website will be up and running and ready for business.

There is also the premium membership which will take you further in the knowledge and skills of affiliate marketing.

I think it would be wise to upgrade to a premium membership because of the information and tools available with the premium membership. Which I feel increases your success rate.

Please remember the free membership has no expiration date, so you can take as long as necessary to complete phase 1 of the entrepreneur class, go at your own pace, look around, and meet members of our incredible community.

If you think it is too hard, you are too old, or you are unfamiliar with computer technology, please forget that.

The training videos are expertly done, and if you are still not understanding, ask; there is always someone to assist you.

And you can join for free there is no contract, and no information is asked for but your name and email address, so you have absolutely nothing to lose.

Final thoughts

I know almost everyone has some financial problems, and in most cases, we need more money to enable us to live more comfortably, take a vacation, buy a car, pay off debt, or save for retirement.

I have tried to share the benefits of starting your own online business, and success will not come overnight because, with the online business, you have to build an audience and establish that you are trustworthy, which takes time; how much time? For everyone, it’s different,

To be successful, you need to be patient, consistent, determined, and work hard, and success is not impossible; it is very doable, and you can do it; if I can, so can you.

Here is a link to just 1 of our successful members.

Should you decide to become a member, click on any of the links in this post, and I will be in touch with you; I will be there for you to help you along.

Hoping to see you on the Wealthy Affiliate platform

Thank you for stopping by. I do hope you found this article helpful to you in some way; please remember to like and share, and should you have a comment or a question, please leave it in the space provided, and I will respond ASAP

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

2 thoughts on “Coping With Financial Stress- Overcome Financial Stress And Improve Finances

  1. Financial stress is becoming more and more common. People do not save enough. This is true about retirement as well. More and more people are working longer because they can’t afford to retire. But, you have given a clear option in Wealthy Affiliate as a way for people to earn more money. And work for themselves in their own business. Thank you for this informative review.

    1. Thank you, Chas, for stopping by I really appreciate it, I do think that financial stress is a real problem in our society and is the cause of many of our health issues and as a member of the retired group I have been through some of those stressful situations, having the ability to work from home and be able to make money has been a big stress reliever for me and I hope will be for so many others.

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