Genuine ways to earn money online.

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Here are genuine ways to earn money online
Genuine ways to earn money online

Genuine ways to make money online.

In this post, I will be looking at genuine ways to make money online.

There are many ways to make money online, some you will be able to make only a small amount while others you will be able to make a decent income.

We will start with the small income earners first.

Surveys are usually income earners however the earnings usually range from about $10-30 dollars per month.

Most of these sites offer other options for making money other than taking surveys.

You can earn cash through a variety of other means as well. For example, referring to friends is a way to earn too. You can also compete in games in order to try to get rewarded, or shop from online retailers for rewards.

These sites are:

Swag bucks.

According to their information on the company’s website Prodege, LLC an internet and media company is comprised of three consumer engagement platforms: Swagbucks, MyPoints, and ShopAtHome, which deliver engaging content to more than 60 million members.

  1. Completing your profile

Sign up and complete your profile that is worth $10.00 there are some rules that go along with the $10.00, you have to spend at least $25 at a featured store in Swagbucks within 30 days of signing up. So you need to spend $25.00 to get 10.00

Survey Junkie:

According to their website

Survey Junkie is an online community with over 10 million members dedicated to making your voice heard. We open the window of communication between you and the brands you love.

See your opinions and suggestions reflected in the products and services of tomorrow.

Money can be made at Survey Junkie just by doing the simplest tasks of taking surveys

Of course, the money you make will not be enough to help you to retire from your regular job early, but it will help you to earn something for expenses

Like buying some gas or buying lunch

You will earn $10 with every 1000 points, every point is worth $0.01 so you may get 50 points for a survey.

I have found most surveys are like those mentioned above, you can earn but not enough to make any significant increase in your earnings.

There are jobs you can do online   

Teaching is a good one, you can teach Asian children English this usual pays somewhere between $14 – $20 per hour you will need to have some experience in teaching children K-12

There are companies like VIP Kids and DaDadAbc  The pay may not be great but It would some extra cash for you,


A transcriptionist is a professional typist who listens to recorded or live audio files and converts them into text format what they hear. They offer their services to the medical, legal, and general transcription industry.

Transcribeanywhere offers courses that according to the company will make you into a professional transcriber in months you can read my review of Trancreib anywhere here

There is also Transbribeme which is similar to Transcribeanywhere you can read my review here 

Both of these companies are legitimate companies and you can earn money from either company but the work is temporary so after one assignment is completed you will have to wait for another so there will be periods when you will not be working and the pay starts at $14 per hour.


Freelancing is a genuine way to earn money online. If you are good at content writing, web designing or web development, SEO(Search Engine Optimization), Video making or editing, or anything to do with web development then you can earn money by using your skills and make very good genuine income from freelancing.

You will be able to earn anywhere from $200 up and the more you are known in your field the more you will be able to make.

There are companies you can register, I have listed a few of them.


Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the promotion of a product or service of a merchant on your website and you are paid a commission for every purchase that is made through your website.

This is a perfect way to make money the process is easy but your success will not happen quickly, but you can earn  from 3-7 thousand dollars and more but it takes time, patience,

Wealthy Affiliate is a company that will give you step by step instructions in building your website and all the necessary information in building an online affiliate marketing business.

With a website, you will not be limited to one way of making money online, at Wealthy Affiliate you will be shown how to make money from different streams, and you can start for free.

With a free membership, you will receive the instructions and information to build your website you will at the end of this lesson be able to have your business up and running.

A Quick Look at How YOU Will Be Creating Success

Success online is very simple at its core. There is a 4-step business building process that you are going to be learning here at Wealthy Affiliate. Here is a quick diagram breaking down the process.

Broken, down, the process looks like this:

Step 1: Choose an Interest. This can be anything at all, any interest, passion or even something you have no personal experience with.

Step 2: Build a Website. Your website is your foundation, and we have the most sophisticated and feature-rich website and hosting platform here at Wealthy Affiliate.

Step 3: Attract Visitors. You are going to be learning all about how to get traffic and visitors to your website. The first focus is a FREE traffic and there is A LOT of it out there.

Step 4: Earn Revenue. Once you have people on your site and traffic, you can earn revenue. There are over 50 ways you can monetize traffic online, and over 550 MILLION products/services that you can promote as an affiliate.

Creating Initial website content
Creating Initial Website Content Lesson 7 phase 1

Going through training

As you go through the training, this is going to be covered in detail. As mentioned, absolutely EVERYTHING you need is here at WA to facilitate this process! It is a true “earn while you learn” environment.

The lessons are given via video they are very professionally done easy to understand, you go at your own pace, you are given instruction and you follow along to build your site, these lessons are always there so you can revisit at any time

Here is a screenshot of the lessons taught in the free membership

list of 12 lessons in phase 1 on online entrepeneur program
Phase 1 of the Online entrepreneur program

Premium membership

The premium membership has all the information and tools that is needed to continue your growth in developing your business

Here is a list of just what both memberships provide

 Cost of Premium Membership

You can choose how you want to be billed there is monthly  or yearly

And this price includes everything, after building your website you can use

The Most Powerful Website Platform in the World.


Every successful business starts with a solid foundation, a website. Create and grow your business with the SiteRubix website platform at Wealthy Affiliate. It is not just about websites, we have some of the most useful and integrated tools for website analysis, management, ranking, and security. It is ridiculously easy to use, and surprisingly fun. Building websites has never been this awesome.

Wealthy Affiliate has a very active community  this community consist of members from around the globe 195 countries so every timeline is represented and because of this there are members online at any time  24/7

The Most Helpful Community in the World.

The most difficult aspect of building a business online is getting help when you need it. Getting help in a timely manner through access to a myriad of people with all kinds of expertise is exactly what you can expect. We are a community that truly cares and will be there for you all day, every day.

As I said before Affiliate Marketing is not a get rich venture like any business it takes time, you need time to build trust between you and your audience.

it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all a love for what you are doing.

Who is Affiliate Marketing For

I would definitely recommend affiliate marketing for anybody, but especially for

Stay at home moms or dads

  • The disabled
  • Anyone that needs to earn some extra money
  • People that don’t like their current jobs
  • People who want to earn money from their hobbies or passions
  • Bloggers who want to earn some money from their blogs
  • Students either while studying or after graduating
  • The unemployed
  • Retired people who want to earn to supplement their pensions
  • People who want to learn how to build a WordPress website
  • Local business owners who want to start a website or improve their online presence
  • Anyone looking for fast and reliable hosting with the best support I’ve ever seen
  • People who want to learn how to make money online honestly.
  • And many more.

So if you have been thinking of owning your own online business, but did not know-how, here is your chance and you can join for free, no financial information will be asked of you with the free membership. Only your name and email address will be asked for.

You can become a member by clicking on any of the links in this post and you will be taken to a login form just enter the relevant information and I will meet you on the platform, I will be your personal mentor and you will also have our very helpful community to assist you in any way they can.

Thanks for reading, hope you found it helpful, please like and share and you are welcome to leave your comments and questions and I will reply ASAP

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

2 thoughts on “Genuine ways to earn money online.

  1. Hi,

    Those who are out of work or who simply want to make a little extra money on the side may be wondering how they can get started making money online.

    I was wondering if you’d post an article from me on the topic. In it, I’ll include advice on everything from how to assess your marketable skills to where to find opportunities to what you need to know about paying taxes on what you earn, and more.

    If I send it over, will you post the article for your readers?

    Thank you!
    Cherie Mclaughlin

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