How To Make A Full Time Income Online Start Free

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How To Make Money Online

People are wondering about the possibility of making money online, if making money online is just hype,  or if the opportunity exists.

The opportunity to make money online does exist, and there are many different ways to go about this.

There are many ways you can earn a decent living online. There is the opportunity to sell stuff on eBay, Amazon, or one of the many sites available to sell personal goods.

You can also sell your services as a freelance writer, data entry, tutor, personal planner, travel consultant, etc.

But I think the most efficient way is affiliate marketing; many benefits come with affiliate marketing,

With Affiliate marketing, there is no need to have an inventory or worry about shipping; you do not have to sell anything.

There is also no need to think about shipping, returns, or customer service; you do not have to sell to anyone personally, and best of all, no overhead expense.

Successful Affiliate Marketer

To be successful in affiliate marketing, there are certain things you must have in place. Having a website is best; you can get one built for free here.

You must choose a niche and write content about your niche; an example would say your niche is weight loss.

Your content could be about weight loss, you could write about the methods used to help you lose weight or a  diet program, etc.

You would partner with brands and businesses within the scope of your website. So, you would partner with affiliates that sell diet products and exercise equipment.

If you mention a product or service in your content, you link to that product or service using a unique affiliate code you received when you signed up for that affiliate program.

That’s how you make money whenever someone buys a product or service through your link.

Generally speaking, you need to partner with affiliates related to your blog concept.

In addition to signing up for individual affiliate programs, you can also sign up for an affiliate ad network that offers a ton of different affiliates in one place, like ShareASale.

That way, you can see what works and doesn’t work overtime. You may be thinking this is hard, but the truth is that affiliate marketing is straightforward.

But, Like any business venture, your online income takes time to grow. You need to be willing to devote the time, effort, and energy required to get your idea off the ground and stick with it even if your journey is slow when you first start.

Wealthy Affiliate

At Wealthy Affiliate, you can become a member for free; free membership never expires. Wealthy Affiliate is for everyone considering online marketing, whether you are a beginner, have little experience, or are a successful marketer.

The lessons at Wealthy Affiliate are straightforward and are given step-by-step, making them easier to understand.

The Wealthy Affiliate program instructs you on how to build your website, which takes 30 seconds.

You do not need any skills in website design. Your website will be a beautifully mobile and revenue-ready website. State-of-the-art, ultra-powerful, and secure hosting will allow you to grow your business.

You are shown how to transform your ideas into a profitable business, and if you are still unsure what you would like your niche to be,  there is help to choose from over 1,000,000 places.

In affiliate marketing, it is essential to have the relevant people visiting your website; without them, you cannot advertise for your affiliates and make no sales.

All the current traffic techniques on how to get relevant customers to your website are taught on the Affiliate Marketing website.

To become a free member, no financial or personal information is required; only your name and email address are needed.


There are two types of membership at Wealthy Affiliate: free and premium. I have posted the list below.

As you can see, so much more comes with the premium membership. The premium will be better if you are serious about building a successful business.

Can you be successful with the free membership? I have heard of people achieving success, but for me, a novice, after joining for free and remaining accessible for a couple of months, I upgraded to premium and have no regrets.

I suggest you become a free member, look around the platform, build your website, write and publish some posts, and upgrade if you like it and want to create your business.


At Wealthy Affiliate, there is everything you need to build a successful business. It said it is best not to join a company that has not been around for at least five years.

Wealthy Affiliate has existed for over 14 years; our membership is over 1,400,000 from 193 countries.

If you were ever been scammed as much as I have been, I know you are skeptical because I was too, but to become a member is free, no money, no financial information, no commitment, no upsell,  nothing, so I took the chance,

I have set my goals; I have not reached them yet, but I know I will,

The only con I find with affiliate marketing, valid in all businesses, is that success does not come overnight; it comes with hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and a love for what you are doing.

You can make a full-time income online, but it may take time. I have laid it out for you; the decision is now yours. Are you at least trying to see what it is all about? You have nothing to lose.


If you are a retiree like myself or soon to be retired and with the cost of living going sky high, especially in healthcare, it would be wise to have something in place to help earn extra money and your SS and pension.

If you think you are too old

If you think you are too old or will never be able to understand all that goes along with working online, I had those same thoughts. I am in my 70s and was timid about doing this online stuff, but it was free, so I tried it out.

The videos provided by Wealthy Affiliate are excellent training tools, and you always have them; you can go over them anytime you wish and learn at your own pace.

All you need is a company that teaches today’s online marketing. Wealthy Affiliate continually upgrades its platform and focuses on helping people succeed in business and life.

Wealthy Affiliate is a company dedicated to helping others become great and achieve true financial independence. We have members of the Wealthy Affiliate community who are willing and able to assist you in any way they can; you will be learning from the absolute best.

You can become a free member by clicking on any link in this post. I will contact you to answer your questions and show you around. I will be your mentor.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I do hope it helped you in some way. If you have a comment or question, please leave it in the space provided, and I will reply ASAP. Also, please share this post; thank you.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

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