Improve Your Chance of Making Money Online with a Blog

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Do you want to make money online but are still determining your chances because so many people are in the make-money-online business?

Making money online is not impossible because you do not have any knowledge or skill or are not a technical person.

Your wanting to make money online doesn’t have to remain a dream; it is not complicated, but as with any other business, it takes time. You can make money online.

.More and more people are looking at the web, and it’s terrific. There are so many great benefits to an online career or business, which include,

  1. You are working your hours from wherever you want in the world. And quite often, being able to pursue your passions in the process.
  2. With an economy more unpredictable than ever, making money online is a great way to diversify and protect your financial future.
  3. People build tangible online assets and distribution channels in developing an internet career or business.
  4. The skills and knowledge acquired are precious, and they empower individuals to explore opportunities such as local marketing, which leads to greater independence.

With making money online, you will not GET RICH OVERNIGHT; it would help if you devoted the time and energy to get your business up and to run; thousands of people make a substantial income from the company online.

Get The Proper Training

Getting the proper training increases your chances of success in making money from your blog; you can find all the information you need on the internet, but you will have to search for it,

The information you need is in bits and pieces on the internet; you must know what to search for, especially if you are new to making money online.

Some platforms offer online marketing training; sometimes, you can start for free.

The best of these platforms teaches the up-to-date method of making money online and gives you step-by-step information in helping you to build your blog.

Set Up A Blog

Set Up the Blog

There are free blog options such as WordPress and Blogger, but to retain control and a professional image, consider investing in a domain name and a hosting service.

Add Content

Once your blog is up and running, you must keep it active with new content to grow your business. Develop a set schedule for writing and posting blog articles. Create a content calendar so you always know what you will post.


Like all other business ideas, your success comes from marketing and getting your message in front of your target market.

With the right training platform, you are taught how to set up your blog and choose a niche and everything that goes with setting up a successful blog.

Choose Your Niche To make money online.

Choosing a niche you like or are passionate about will make your blog more authentic, and your readers will connect with your passion and be frequent visitors to your site.

Be sure to focus on the topic of your blog, as it is vital, especially if you intend to earn from it.

To succeed, your blog must help your audience; your chosen niche should serve a particular group.

For example, if you want to create an income from your blog, it is crucial to pick a particular niche instead of having a wide range of topics.

Some may think there are too many blogs already; however, the key to finding your success in a competitive market is to find your unique angle:

Choosing a name for your blog

The name you choose is how readers will relate to and remember you and will stick with your blog for a long time.

Choosing the right name is crucial — the right name will make all the difference in how well an audience receives your blog.

It is best to find one that is relatively short and easily remembered; it would be good to target specific keywords, but if it doesn’t, there is no need to worry.

Best Training Web platform

I want to introduce you to the Wealthy Affiliate web hosting platform, which will do the “heavy lifting” for you.

Wealthy Affiliate Platform teaches the ins and outs of making money from your blog, and they use the WordPress system, the best content management system.

It is also a platform where you  can learn as you go

  • A beginner-friendly and online approach
  • With people who have already achieved results
  • Where you can learn as you go and get the mentoring you need

Wealthy Affiliate gives you step-by-step coaching from choosing a niche, building your blog/ website, which is the foundation of your business, and getting traffic to your website using your social media tools; you will make an income. Wealthy Affiliate knows the best way to get traffic to your website.


Are you blogging for fun or want to make money from your site? If you’re going to make money, then  You will need to learn about affiliate marketing which is the number one way to monetize your site,

Monetizing your site can make you a full-time income and much more if you want it to; remember, you get out what you put in.

Wealthy Affiliate
will show you how to promote millions of products as an affiliate marketer online; you don’t have to carry any inventory for these products or services.

They will also show you how to link to companies through your unique affiliate links, and for any sale made through that link, you will get a percentage depending on the company; some give 6-8 %, others 10-20%.

There are tools at  Wealthy Affiliate that will help you build and promote your website, including finding the right keyword, and they have the best keyword tool that will assist you in choosing the right keywords that will get you ranked on Google; it is called Jaaxy.

It is essential to use the right keyword, and it is just as important as picking a niche, if not more, as this will bring you traffic/readers to your blog.

As people search for millions of things on the internet, you want your site to be on page 1 of the results, and using the right keywords will help you get there.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Your website, pages, and posts should all have search engine optimization in place so you can get your blog found by search engines.

Knowing what you need to do and what will help make your blog easily found by the search engine will help make your site index and rank very important.

Knowing Your Audience

It would be best if you wrote to them with intent.

You are taught about the purchasing cycle of people, and that way, you will be better off converting them into customers.

The importance of staying current

Wealthy Affiliate is constantly updating its system, and plugins are current; any business needs to be aware of current trends and changes. The online business is the same.

There is a lot to learn about blogging, and Wealthy Affiliate is the platform that will train and help you set up your business and take you all along the way to success. All you need is a computer/laptop and an internet connection.

Be committed for the long haul.

Be prepared to be patient and committed to success; this doesn’t happen overnight; remember that it takes time for your blog to rank in the search engines.

It usually takes 3-4 months for the search engines to trust your site, so you may not see much traffic to your website at first, but in the meantime, keep on producing content for your site as this will build up trust in your website, and don’t give up.

Making a viable income from your site will take consistency,  effort, and hard work on your part; some will see success before others,  depending on your niche,

But reaching your goals will make all the work and effort worthwhile; success will be sweet. And remember, you can get all this excellent training at Wealthy Affiliate.

We have had Wealthy Affiliate members for eight years and would never think of leaving Wealthy Affiliate. Here is his testimony in his   own words

Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent resource for both newbies and experienced members. Sticking around Wealthy Affiliate has some incredible benefits!

You can become a member of Wealthy Affiliate for free you will get one website for free. After looking around the platform and seeing all the excellent information and tools, you can upgrade to premium, or if you want to remain for free and build your site, you can do that too, but there is so much more for premium members.


In conclusion, there is no better place to get your training than at Wealthy Affiliate; you can become a member for free and get one website free; YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE.

But I suggest you upgrade to premium; some great information and tools are available for success. Of course, you can join for free, spend some time looking around the platform, and then decide, but if you choose to remain free, there is no problem; you can do that too.

At Wealthy Affiliate, there is always 24/7 assistance. Our outstanding family members who believe in paying it forward are always willing to assist you.


There is always the technical staff willing and able to assist you. So join us now for free.

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This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

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