Tag Archives: commission

The Best Way To Make Money As A Stay At Home Parent

The Best Way To Make Money As A Stay At Home Parent
The Best Way To Make Money As A Stay-At-Home Parent

Are you a stay-at-home parent looking for ways to make some extra cash to supplement your budget?

You may need enough to help around the house with the bills and other obligations to earn extra for your wants and needs.

As a Mother and grandmothers, we usually prefer to stay home and care for the kids until they start school.

These days possible that stay-at-home parents can make money online from home; you can earn online and even be financially independent in the long run.


Paid Online Surveys

A popular way of making fast money online is by answering online surveys. Online surveys are primarily a quick and easy way for students and young people who want to earn money in their spare time.

Research companies constantly look for new members worldwide to complete surveys and try new products.

I have tried this method of making money online and found that you waste more time than you earn, so the earning potential is not there.

Freelance Work

A few young people I know offer their services on Fiverr.com.

A site like Fiverr.com gives you a platform to get clients offering online services you may be good at.

It’s not only a fast but also an effective way to earn good money on the Internet.

Sign up on freelancing platforms, set up your profile, and look for writing jobs or other tasks you may know how to do.

There are offers from graphic design, video making, writing, editing, doing social media tasks, or being virtual assistants. You can do many things to earn money online on Fiverr.com or similar platforms.

LONG TERM Plan For Making Money Online

The long-term plan is to create a business online, which involves building a blog website and or Building a YouTube channel.

With both, you earn in multiple ways and get a lot of free traffic from search engines.

A blog website earns free traffic if ranked on Google, Yahoo, and Bing, and a YouTube channel gets free traffic by ranking on YouTube and Google.

It’s essential to build a free traffic online asset such as a website or YouTube Channel; doing so helps you get a lot of visitors for free and automatically.


Many blogs have Google Ads or other advertising networks to earn from the traffic they get on their websites.

You need to apply and have more of an established website to be approved. You need to have some blog posts on your website before applying, and once approved, it’s not hard to set up to start earning.

Usually, once you’re approved and set up, the revenue you can earn from ads can be a few pennies a day to even $100 a day.


You can also make money by offering expertise in a specific topic and providing online consulting services.

However, this online earning method will still take some time as you must have an online presence, and it takes time to gain recognition.

You earn people’s trust through your website or YouTube channel (or both) by providing tips and recommendations for your topic. Your target audience must trust you before offering them your services.

This method is lucrative, and you can earn an excellent income by providing one-on-one and group sessions through Skype, YouTube Live, and other means of communication.

Sell Your Products

You can also sell your products if you make jewelry, toys, or photos if you love photography, traveling, painting, etc. You can even teach something you’re good at by creating an online selling course.

Once you make your product, you can drive traffic to your course by blogging on your website or making videos on your YouTube channel about your topic and recommending visitors to check out your product that can help them on that particular topic you’re helping them with.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is my favorite way to earn online, and you can do this method of making online whether you have a blog website or YouTube channel.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is recommending someone’s products and services to target customers.

Recommended Products are effective when sales you make a sale and you earn commissions.

Many bloggers and website owners already engage in this type of sales tactic.

It doesn’t matter what level you’re at. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, affiliate marketing is the most effective way to earn money online.

If you are new to affiliate marketing and may find the name intimidating or you cannot understand the concept, (for step by step guide to building a website, click here for free )

Affiliate marketing is about making money online using ads, courses, ebooks, sponsored posts, etc., and is an excellent work-at-home business idea; it gives one freedom and flexibility.

You can either sell your goods or services or sell or promote someone else goods or services and get paid to do so.

There are a lot of ways you can earn online from your home. However, if you are looking for a great way to make long-term, I recommend you start your own online business using affiliate marketing.

You might be thinking about needing more start-up cash to create your business.

Affiliate marketing is a good place for beginners because it’s simple to get into and has a meager cost to enter, and you can start for free.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

A training platform takes you through all the steps of beginning your affiliate marketing business.

To start your Affiliate marketing business, get training. I recommend this, especially if you are new to affiliate marketing.

The first thing you need to do is choose your niche. I recommend it be something you love, like a hobby, or know about. Creating content for something you don’t know or have no experience with will be difficult.

Do your research and check if your topic is profitable so you know the products you promote appeal to your customers.

Also, there should be a low volume of competition so you would not have to compete with well-known companies. Find the balance.

Your niche must be specific and not too broad; remember you are not targeting a particular audience, and if your place is too broad, that will also give you a hard time selling.

(Example of how my website earns with affiliate marketing & ads.

Many companies offer affiliate programs for their products and services.

Affiliate programs

Check how much commissions you will earn from these products and ensure the products are high quality.

Weigh the pros and cons and decide if these programs suit your business.

Once your blog or YouTube channel runs, you must create unique and helpful content relevant to your niche.

Your content must be something your target audience can use or apply to their everyday lives.

Share your content on your social media accounts to get more visibility.

Once people notice your blog site or YouTube channel providing tons of value, they will keep returning for more information.


Keep creating content until you become valuable to your followers.

Once they trust you, you can now start promoting your affiliate products. It will be easier to convince them to click your affiliate link once you have gained their trust.

Be consistent. Keep making content and keep engaging with your readers. Remember, any business is a continuous process.

Continue to work hard and devote some time to strengthening your affiliate marketing business.


Everything is now available on the Internet for free. When it comes to affiliate marketing, unfortunately, it is not.

Everything may be available on the internet, but it is not available in a manner that makes it easy to promptly get all the information needed.

With proper training, you can access the correct information in one place instead of searching all over the web; The best training platform is Wealthy Affiliate.

To make a successful website, you must have the correct tools and information promptly, and the best place to do that is a training platform.

Fortunately, the training platform I found has all the essential information and tools. It is a well-established training platform for all bloggers, from newbies to well-established bloggers; you can start for FREE.

Getting trained from a proper place is worth your time and investment because you will learn fundamental online skills that will make you money for years.

In addition, you will have help along the way, and this training platform has a fantastic, constructive community.

Because the membership is around the globe, someone is always available to assist you.


Promote your website.

You now have to promote your website using all the available means, like social media, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and others. You can also start an email list or ebooks

Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to start if you want to create your website and earn money online.

,1. you can start for free and remain free as long as you like

2. With a free site, you get .1 website

3. You also get 12 themes to choose

4. Web hosting is free

5. Site security is a fee

6. 5 lessons or phase 1  of The Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) training

You do not need to feel that you cannot get through the lessons; for whatever reasons.

I did not have the experience and was not a technical person, I needed to be a better writer, and I did not know I could write content for my blog.

But at Wealthy Affiliate, the training is comprehensive, and you go at your own pace; there is no competition.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform is user-friendly, and everything is available on the platform; you can get help finding your niche, building your website, and generating traffic buying your domain, and you will not be alone throughout your training.

After you have built your website and your content is written, you are shown how to apply for and get the Company’s link on your website. ( the Company you are advertising for)

You will earn income from anyone clicking on these links and making a purchase; the Company or An affiliate marketing network will pay you a commission.,

Final Thoughts

To be successful in the online marketing business, you will have to be patient; it takes time to build a following for your site,


But by posting new content to your site, you will build trust, be helpful and truthful, and there is no need for you to assume you need to be a language major; just be yourself and write your content like you are talking to a friend.

Please remember success does not happen overnight; it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, and sacrifice, and please never think you are too old, as the new saying in the ’70s is the new 60s.

My favorite quote

One of my favorite quotes is Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe; it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill.

Remember, you can become a member for free; you can join, have a look around stay as long as you like.

As I said, the first 5. lessons are in the free membership, and you are taught to build, write content and monetize your site, all the essential information you will need to make your site.

I joined as a free member, stayed for a month, became a monthly for a couple of months, then went yearly.

You have nothing to lose; try it; having tried it should you think it is not for you, then just quit; you would have lost nothing,

You can join for free by clicking on any of the links in this post, and I will be there to assist you in any way I can. I will be your mentor.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Thank you for reading my post; please like and share this post; I would be grateful, and if you need more information or have a comment, you can leave it in the space provided at the end of the post, and I will reply ASAP.

This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

The benefits of having an online presence for your business

The benefits of having an online presence for your business

The benefits of having an online presence for your business
The benefits of having an online presence for your business

For the past few years, affiliate marketing has continued to grow and is becoming more competitive, so you must know how to build an online presence for affiliate marketing.

This is mainly because an online presence is a reliable source of passive income, and it dramatically helps sellers make their products and services known to consumers.

Because of this, affiliate marketers need to build a solid online presence.

An online presence is essential for outbound marketing as it will strengthen the company and its products and services.

It is also helpful for inbound marketing because valuable content will attract customers even if unfamiliar with the promoted brand.

A website is the best way to build an online presence for any online business.

Build a Website

Creating a website is the fastest and easiest way to build a robust online presence. Every business should have its website, no matter how small or what the online business is.

Most consumers search for products and services through the internet, and for these businesses to stay in the game, they must establish a robust site.

A website is essential, but it must contain all the vital information the customers need.

Providing vital information on your website is perfect for demonstrating your expertise in the industry.

Be sure to include topics related to your company and provide free value to the visitor.

These beneficial articles don’t promote your company solutions but increase your standing as an authority.

Your blog isn’t just about solidifying the sale and building your brand reputation.

Make an Affiliate Blog

A simple website is easy to set up. You can use a blogging tool like WordPress, a content management system that allows users to pay more to enjoy the premium version.

With WordPress, you can create any website for your business, so with affiliate marketing, you will create an affiliate blog where you can promote the products, monetize your blog, and make money.

This will allow you to gain the trust of your target audience and build a relationship with them.

When you have achieved this, you will generate more traffic and build email lists.

Create Useful Content and Build Your Audience

For your target audience to trust and be confident in you, you must regularly provide content that will be useful to them.

Being an online Entrepreneur means you know the product and services you promote well. This is why it’s crucial when choosing your niche.

People will lose confidence in you when it seems you’re not as knowledgeable about the topic as you claim. You’ll lose customers, and your online presence will suffer terribly.

To make quality content, your focus should not be on the commission you will make. It should always come second to giving your audience something they could benefit from and offering help when needed.

Establish a Relationship and Promote Your Products

When it’s apparent that your audience trusts you, it’s time you start promoting your products.

This is also the time that you can make your online presence stronger. Here’s how you can boost your products:

  • Review posts will introduce your affiliate products to your readers. You will also share your insights and why they should make a purchase. Some points to remember when reviewing a post:
    • Your posts must be honest. Some affiliates focus too much on the product’s positives and prefer to avoid mentioning the negatives.
    •  A genuine review must include both the advantages and disadvantages. Also, remember to include images and other information your readers should know about.
    • Your product must either be something you have tried or is interested in using. Your review must be based on a well-thorough researched piece of the report that will save your followers time by doing that outstanding research.
    • Always write your reviews in a personal and conversational tone.
  • A blog post promotion is using your affiliate links in your post.
  • You must write targeted posts when doing this. For instance, if you’re writing about “The Best Way to Start Affiliate Marketing is Getting Training,” you will insert somewhere at the end saying, “I recommend this online business training..” then add your affiliate link.
  • Using banners on the sidebar is excellent when receiving organic and targeted traffic to your site. Placing a banner that stands out is challenging. You must include all the essential components, like a meaningful and brief message and a call to action. At the same time, make it attractive to your followers.

A common mistake affiliates make is adding too many banners, making their readers clear.

To avoid this, remember this rule: Do not put banner ads for similar products and services on your sidebar.

The purpose of banner ads is to recommend a particular product or service. By placing different products that serve the same purpose, your readers will need help choosing which one they should get.

However, it’s an intelligent way to include banner ads for products relevant to and within a specific niche. For example, if you’re writing a post about tips for WordPress, you can put a banner ad for plugins, hosting services, themes, etc.

  • Email marketing is a strategy that you need to be extra careful. It can cause you more harm than good if you overdo it. Overdoing means you should emphasize their content and engagement before you sell your products to your subscribers. People get turned off by receiving too many emails with minimal effort.

A great way to do this method is by dividing your email lists according to the interests and behaviors of your subscribers. This will help prevent essential emails from landing in spam folders.

  • Social media networks are beneficial in promoting your products and services.

To get better engagement on social media sites, always use images because people are more drawn to posts with pictures.

However, you must be careful in choosing the images. They must be attractive and relevant to the post.

Also, your social media account must constantly be updated to keep the traffic going and maintain your readers’ trust. It should remain active and must offer helpful information to your readers regularly.

A solid website is the best way to build an online presence for affiliate marketing. A successful affiliate means having a solid online presence.

This will require a lot of your time, patience, and hard work, and you must keep learning, even if you’ve been in the business for a long time.

You can start your online business for free if you want to learn more about the best affiliate marketing training platform. How Does One Make Money By Blogging

If you have more questions about affiliate marketing or your online presence, please do not hesitate to comment below. I always reply to my readers!

The SurveyPronto Answer Surveys And Earn Free To Join

The SurveyPronto Answer Surveys And Earn Free To Join
The SurveyPronto Answer Surveys And Earn Free To Join

Thousands of online sites, each promising to reward you for participating in a program. But does SurveyPonto deliver on that promise?

This post is written based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training to help you start your online business.

  • Table Of Contents
  • What Is Survey Pronto
  • How Does Survey Pronto Work?
  • How Do You Get Paid On SurveyPronto
  • Is Survey Pronto Legit
  • Better Ways To Make Money Online

What is SurveyPronto?

SurveyPronto is a survey site that pays you for participating in their surveys.SurveyPronto is a part of A & K International Inc. and has partnered with Survey Sampling International and Peanut Labs, Inc.

Taking surveys is convenient, and it can be done in the comfort of your own home. However, if you are looking to make a steady income from taking surveys are a few drawbacks to watch out for; taking surveys may be a waste of your time.

How Does SurveyPronto Work?

First, you must be 18 to register for an account with the company. And choose your preferred language; SurveyPronto is available in many countries, including South America, Europe, and the USA.

To sign up as a member, all you have to do is fill out the registration form on their homepage; you can also sign up using your Google or Facebook account or email.

After you finish the registration process, you will receive a $5 bonus. When logging in to the site, you will be asked to complete your profile, and you can provide your PayPal account.

Paid Surveys

The primary earning option is paid surveys; Once you finish the registration process, you can log in to their website and view all the available surveys you can take.

They have partnered with Survey Sampling International and Peanut Labs, Inc. to provide you with additional survey opportunities.

Be mindful that taking surveys from one of their partnered members will direct you to a different website.

Every survey offer has information on how much is paid for the completed survey, so it is easy for you to prioritize which surveys to answer first.

Clicking on a survey offer opens up a new window for you to answer qualifying questions. These questions are targeted to determine if you are included in the group the survey is meant for.

Remember you must qualify before answering a paid survey, and you may not be eligible for many.

Getting credit for the surveys can take several days, so do not panic if you do not see the earnings immediately.

Referral Program

You will also be able to earn by inviting people to join the panel. When logged in to the site, click the Invite Friends tab, and you will see your invite link.

To invite anyone to become a member of SurveyPeonto, you must share your invite link with the people you want to ask. You will see them under your friend list when they successfully register to the site.

You receive 10% of your referral’s earnings. You will get this reward for inviting people to join the site.

I suggest inviting people interested in answering surveys because the amount you earn will depend on how active your referrals are on the site.

How do you get paid On SurveyPronto?

The payout threshold on Survey Pronto is $30. The payment will be via PayPal, and You can provide your PayPal email on their Profile page. So, make sure to do that before answering any survey.

Fortunately, their site can be used by mobile users. That means you will be able to navigate through the site with ease, and you will be able to read all the content easily.

This can help ensure you can get to the survey offers immediately.


Is SurveyPronto Legit?

SurveyPronto is a legitimate survey that pays you for participating in their surveys. And you get a $5 bonus upon joining, but they have a very high payout threshold of $30, limited earning opportunities, and low rewards.

SurveyPronto is legit and offers a few ways to make money; however, it’s barely enough to be considered a good side hustle.

The income is lower than other direct survey sites, so if you’re into this kind of opportunity, it’s best to look for better alternatives.

Should you decide to join e this site, you must be patient because there are instances when you will wait a long time to obtain the required minimum threshold.

Better Ways To Make Money Online

  • . Become a Virtual Assistant
  •  Sell Your Photos and Videos
  • . Write an E-Book
  •  Publish an E-Book
  •  Create a Blog
  • Affiliate Marketing

These are a few ways people are making money online, but there are lots more ways people are making money online.

Of all the ways to make money online, my favorite is affiliate marketing; affiliate marketing is the most effective way to make money online.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Just what is affiliate marketing? According to Wikipedia, Affiliate marketing is performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

You are paid a commission with affiliate marketing by promoting other people’s products.

Some companies offer to promote their products on your website through blogs. Companies like Amazon will pay you to promote their products; you can become an Amazon associate by joining the affiliate program.

If accepted, you are given links to any product you want to promote, and you will place these links in the contents of our blog.

When you promote that link, and someone clicks on it and buys it or any product, you make a commission.

It’s not hard, but you need to know how it’s done; you will need information and tools to build and maintain your online business.

Recommend; How To Make Money Online Without Any Monetary Investment

If you are not an expert in affiliate marketing or know nothing about affiliates, some companies will teach you,

There is a company that will start you off for free and gives you a website. It will walk you through creating a successful online business. CLICK HERE TO START YOUR FREE LESSONS

Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing

The benefits are many, but I will list a few:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face-to-face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment is involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No vast investment involved – (Get started for FREE)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! – even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more! No limit to your earning potential

But as with any business, success takes work, drive, focus, and proper training. It doesn’t happen overnight.

Maybe you have worked all the 50+ hour weeks, and you’ve been working for years, or you are a stay-at-home parent looking to spend more time with your family. Or you are retired and looking to improve your retirement income.

Whatever category you fall in, making money online and learning to work online from home can be your reality.


You can achieve your goals with the proper training and mindset, and Affiliate Marketing is a growing industry. With even more companies offering online business options, its popularity has grown.

Learn About Affiliate marketing

You may need to learn about affiliate marketing, but with the proper training and mindset, your goals come into focus for the platform to reach those goals. START HERE

If you want an affiliate marketing feel, you can try the free starter curse by clicking   HERE, creating your starter account by entering your name and email address, and you are ready; it’s that easy.

Affiliate marketing is for everyone, you will only be successful after a while, but with the proper training and attitude, you will be successful. START YOUR FREE STARTER TRAINING HERE

The most efficient way to make money online is affiliate marketing; with affiliate marketing, there is no need to have an inventory or worry about shipping; you do not have to sell anything.

There is no need to think about shipping, returns, or customer service; you do not have to sell to anyone personally, and best of all, no overhead expense.


Affiliate marketing is relatively straightforward, But, Like any new business, your online income takes time to grow.

Growing your online business will take time, effort, and commitment to get your idea off the ground, and you need to stick with it even if your journey is slow when you first start.

RECOMMEND: MY #1 recommendation for making money online

As I said before, Affiliate Marketing is not a get-rich venture; it takes time to be successful, but as with all businesses, success only happens after a period. But success is achievable.

Thank you for your time. If you want to try affiliate marketing, you can do so for free, click on this link FREE STARTER COURSE, fill out your name and email address and what you would like to achieve, and start your free starter course; no cost and no commitment.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase to you)

HempWorx Business Opportunity How Much Can You Be Make



HempWorx Business Opportunity How Much Can  You Be Make
HempWorx Business Opportunity How Much Can You Be Make



This post is written based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training to help you start your online business.

What is HempWorx?

HempWorx is a network marketing company that specializes in CBD products.

In 2017 HempWorx merged with the company My Daily Choice in May 2017, and  My Daily Choice is now its parent company.

The company’s founders are Josh and Jenna Zwagi, who claims to sell the best CBD oil products and offer one of the highest-paying compensation plans in the industry.

In the United States, CBD-based products have become very popular, and MLM companies like HempWorx are getting into marketing CBD products.

Many of us are looking for a way to make extra money, and HempWorx provides the opportunity means for them to do it.


So, is this company legit, or is it just another pyramid scheme in disguise?

First, let’s take a look at the products. One of the main ways to determine if a network marketing company is legit is to see if the products they sell are of real value.

The HempWorx Product Line

The Hempworx product line is made up of hemp-derived CBD products.

CBD stands for cannabidiol, derived from either the cannabis or hemp plant, and is not the drug that makes you high, and it is considered by many to be the more ‘medicinal’ part of the plant.

The products of HempWorx CBD oils are derived exclusively from hemp plants.

According to the HempWorx website, there’s less than 0.3% THC (the part of cannabis that makes you high), which makes these products 100% federally legal in all 50 states throughout the US.

According to the HempWorx website, there’s less than 0.3% THC (the part of cannabis that makes you high).
According to the HempWorx website, there’s less than 0.3% THC (the part of cannabis that makes you high).

 These products can only purchase in ‘packs’ of various types and quantities.

Here is a look at the pricing:

  • Pet Pack – 1 pet product for $39
  • Builder Pack – 1 product of any kind for $69 plus shipping
  • Two Pack – 2 products of any kind for $138 plus shipping
  • Director Pack – 4 products of any kind for $199 plus shipping
  • Executive Pack – 12 products of any kind for $599 plus shipping
Hempworx Products

CBD pet products are priced separately at $39 plus shipping. Also worth mentioning is that if you want a 750mg bottle of CBD oil, it’ll cost you an extra 20 dollars.

Every product comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, which is a good thing.


CBD oil is Hempworx’s most important product. The Hemp oils come in either 500mg or 750mg concentrations and three flavors- Cinnamon, Peppermint, and Natural.

The main selling point of the HempWorx CBD oil is it comes from locally grown Kentucky hemp plants.

 And it’s extracted using the CO2 extraction method, considered by experts to be the highest quality and purest.

And they are “free of GMOs, synthetics, fillers, and other harmful ingredients.”

HempWorx tests its products using third-party laboratories. They also place this testing data on their website, which anyone can verify at any time.

Relief, Revive, and Renew Creams

The Relief cream is a mixture of 50mg of CBD and emu oil, which helps soothe and relax sore muscles.

The Revive cream is made of Collagen Retinol, 50mg of CBD, and an unknown ‘proprietary formulation;  According to the website, customers say the cream “reverses the visible signs of aging as well improves overall texture & complexion.”

The Renew cream is an ‘anti-aging’ cream that makes the skin look “younger, tighter, and brighter; The cream is made of 50mg of CBD and ‘apple stem cells’ which help rejuvenate aging skin.

Coffee and Creamer

This product is CBD-infused instant Arabica coffee. There are 30 servings in a box, and each serving contains 5mg of CBD, along with “other ingredients.”

The “CBD Keto Coffee Creamers” is a packet creamer you can add to your coffee. Each serving contains 5mg of CBD and comes in Hazelnut, Vanilla, and Mocha flavors.

CBD Dog Treats and Oil

These products consist of a beef-flavored 2.5mg CBD dog treat and a bacon-flavored CBD oil that contains 250mg of CBD.

CBD products for dogs are becoming more popular to help with overall health and anxiety.


HempWorx Compensation Plan

The HempWorx compensation plan outlines how you can earn and what you need to do to qualify.

How does it work?

Network marketing (MLM) companies usually have two main ways you can earn.

The primary is selling the HempWorx products, and the second is referring others to the business opportunity.

Getting started as a HempWorx Affiliate

To become a HempWorx affiliate, you must purchase a ‘product pack’ and pay the $20 activation fee. Purchasing a product pack gives you access to a replicated website, your back office, and a ‘starter kit.’

The minimum product pack you can purchase to become an active affiliate is a Builder Pack for $69, along with the activation of $20, which brings the minimum affiliate startup cost to $89.

However, becoming a ‘preferred customer is also possible.

The Prefered Customer is similar to becoming an affiliate, but you don’t need to pay the $20 activation fee. You need to signup for a monthly auto-ship.

The benefit of becoming a preferred customer is you can refer others to buy products to get your product for free.

If you can convince 3. friends to buy a product, you’ll receive 1 product shipped to you for free. And you can keep doing this as often as you like, getting more and more free products.

Ways You Can Earn Money

There are 8. main ways you can earn money within the HempWorx business opportunity:

  1. Retail and Preferred Customer Commissions (paid weekly)
  2. Jump Start Bonus (paid weekly)
  3. Binary Commissions (paid monthly)
  4. Leadership Check Matching (paid monthly)
  5. Global Bonus Pool (paid monthly)
  6. Rank Bonuses (one-time bonus)
  7. VIP Auto Club (paid monthly)
  8. Elite Expense Accounts (paid monthly)

1) Retail and Preferred Customer Commissions

Retail commissions are paid on retail purchases. And the amount is the difference between your affiliate product pricing and what the customer pays, retail pricing.

Earning commissions on product orders of your preferred customers is different, though, since they are not paying the retail prices for their products.

The orders your preferred customer places within their first-month count towards your ‘Jump Start Bonus.’ And orders count towards your ‘Binary Commissions.’

  • Preferred Customer Shop and save •
  •  Shop for all MDC products • 
  • Save up to 20% on products with a subscription • 
  • Access to all sales, discounts, and promotional offers • 
  • Earn commissions for referring others • 
  • Shop for all MDC products • 
  • Save up to 20% on products with a subscription •
  •  Access to all sales, discounts, and promotional offers •
  •  Earn free product for referring others

2) Jump Start Bonus

The Jump Start bonus pays out residual commissions based on the business volume’ (BV) of product orders made within your downline And includes orders from both your affiliates and preferred customers.


To keep track of who earns what, HempWorx uses a ‘unilevel’ downline system…

Unilevel Downline System

You are at the top of this downline, and your direct referrals fall below you, becoming your ‘level 1’ referrals. Each person they refer becomes your ‘level 2’ referral, with this process continuing 10. levels deep.

Each product has its BV (business volume) assigned to it, and this is what your commissions are based on…

  • Pet Pack – 20BV
  • Builder Pack – 40BV
  • Two Pack – 80BV
  • Director Pack – 100BV
  • Executive Pack – 200BV

Each BV you acquire is equal to a $1 commission.

So the more your referrals purchase, the more BV points you earn within your downline and the more money you make.

 You earn a percentage of the BV according to your affiliate rank,Jump Start Bonus

For example: as a ‘Builder’ affiliate, you earn 30% of the BV within the first level of your downline. But, as an ‘Executive’ affiliate, you earn 50% on level 1 AND 10% on level 2, 8% on level 3, and 5% on level 4.

how much money can you make with Jump Start Bonuses?

How much you earn depends on your affiliate rank and the sales volume within your downline.

a Builder-ranked affiliate, with 3. people in the first level of your downline, each purchasing a ‘Builder Pack’ for $69 (40BV). You would earn 30% of 120BV, a $36 commission.

To qualify for these commissions requires purchasing or selling at least 40BV worth of products within a given calendar month.


3) Binary Commissions

Are an income stream that works on a different downline system than Jump Start bonuses.

Everybody you refer to HempWorks goes into your binary downline.

This places you at the top and only 2. people directly under you, so you have 2. main ‘legs.’ And the downline continues this way, infinite levels deep.

Binary Commission Example

To qualify for a binary commission, you must maintain at least 40 BV yourself and have two direct referrals under you who keep at least 90 BV. You also need a minimum of 300 BV within the ‘weaker leg’ to trigger a payout.

The weaker leg is the leg with the least amount of BV and is also known as the ‘pay leg.’

The amount you make is based on your affiliate rank and the BV generated within the weaker leg; if your left leg generates 1200 BV and your right leg generates 450 BV, you would earn a percentage of 450 BV.

The percentage of BV you earn depends on your affiliate rank; each rank is capped at earning a set amount (between $500 to $1,000,000) per month.

Your unpaid volume, if any, is carried forward to the following month as long as you maintain your 40 BV.

4) Leadership Check Matching

The leadership check matching pays out a percentage of the Binary Commissions your downline earns within a month.

The percentage you earn depends on your rank and what each level in your downline is earning, up to 10 levels deep.

The higher your rank is, the higher your check matching bonus and the more levels you can earn within your downline.

5) Global Bonus Pool Program

The Global bonus pool program bonus is based on total company revenue gained globally.

HempWorx sets aside 2% of its total business volume each month and distributes ‘shares’ of this to affiliates who qualify.

There are several ways to earn from this program.

  • Enroll 4. new affiliates or preferred customers within a month. Doing this pays out 1. share, and there is no limit to how many shares you can earn this way.

Advance in rank. Advancing from the ‘5 K’ affiliate rank and beyond, you will earn 2. shares in the Global Bonus Pool.

Regardless of how you earn these shares, you must buy or sell 40 BV worth of products in a calendar month.

The worth of each share depends on how well the company is performing within that month. 

6) Rank Bonuses

The Rank advancement bonus is paid to affiliates who reach certain ranks within the company.

The higher rank you achieve, the bigger your bonus:

  • 5K affiliates receive a $500 bonus
  • 10K affiliates receive a $1,000 bonus
  • 25K affiliates receive a $2,500 bonus
  • 50K affiliates receive a $5,000 bonus
  • 100K affiliates receive a $10,000 bonus
  • 250K affiliates receive a $25,000 bonus
  • 500K affiliates receive a $50,000 bonus
  • Super Affiliates receive a $100,000 bonus

To qualify for this bonus, you must buy or sell 90 BV worth of product and maintain that rank for 90 days.

7) VIP Auto Club

Once you’ve earned one of the first four rank advancement bonuses, you will qualify to earn a vehicle allowance. You must stick the company’s logo on the car

  • 5K affiliates receive a $150 per month car allowance
  • 10K affiliates receive a $250 per month car allowance
  • 25K affiliates receive a $500 per month car allowance
  • 50K affiliates receive a $1,000 per month car allowance

8) Elite Expense Account Program

This bonus is paid to the top 4 affiliate ranks to help cover miscellaneous expenses.

A successful network marketing business is “built around traveling the world, hosting events, and creating massive exposure.”

Here’s, are a list of the affiliate ranks for the expense account bonus:

  • 100K affiliates receive a $2,000 bonus per month
  • 250K affiliates receive a $5,000 bonus per month
  • 500K affiliates receive a $10,000 bonus per month
  • Super Affiliates receive a $20,000 bonus per month


Is HempWorx a Scam or Legit Opportunity?

HempWorx is not a scam, in my opinion; Some MLM companies operate as pyramid recruiting schemes in disguise, but this is not the case with HempWorx/ My Daily Choice.

The company sells high-quality CBD products, the prices are relatively reasonable, the compensation plan is legit and fair, and there’s an opportunity to earn money.

But as with all successful businesses, it is not an overnight success story. 

According to the company’s income disclosure, less than 1% of HempWorx affiliates earn a full-time income (on average).

And this is very common among MLM companies; You can have the most outstanding products and the most lucrative compensation plan on the planet; But if all you do is try to recruit friends and family, you’re probably going to fail.

If you are like me and find it difficult to face-to-face selling, or convince others to be a member of your team, there are other ways to make money online; it is not a get-rich overnight option, but you can be successful to learn more click here ; I hope you found this article informative; please remember to share

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

Gain Get rewarded For Watching Videos & Completing Tasks Its FREE


Gain Get rewarded For Watching Videos & Completing Tasks Its FREE
Gain Get rewarded For Watching Videos & Completing Tasks. It’s FREE

Does Gain Deliver on its promise?

This post is written based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training to help you start your online business.

What is the Gain?

Gain is a simple GPT (Get Paid To) site. GPT sites allow you to earn rewards by completing tasks.

Continue reading Gain Get rewarded For Watching Videos & Completing Tasks Its FREE

Clixblue lots of Earning Opportunities, But Low Rewards

Clixblue lots of Earning Opportunities, But Low Rewards
Clixblue lots of Earning Opportunities, But Low Rewards

There are thousands of sites online, and each promises to reward you for participating in a program offered.

But does this site deliver on that promise?

This review is written based on the information and testimonials that are available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training that can help you to start your online business.

What is Clix Blue?

ClixBlue.com is an international online advertising platform (GPT)website where you get paid to do different tasks. Just like every other PTC site, you have to watch some videos or ads to earn money.

Clickblue is like an advertising hub where advertisers can reach the whole world with a small marketing budget and increase their sales while our members can earn cash for browsing our advertiser’s websites.

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Share Cash Survey Are The Promises Real? Free To Join

Share Cash Survey Review Are The Promises Real?
Share Cash Survey Review Are The Promises Real?

There are thousands of sites online, and each promises to reward you for participating in a program being offered.

But does this site deliver on that promise?

This review is written based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training to help you start your online business.

What Is Share Cash?

On the ShareCash website, they claim that their website is for influencers’ networking. They have devised various for their members to make money.

How Does ShareCash Work?

Once you register, you will receive a $25 sign-up bonus, and there are several ways to make money on this site.

Continue reading Share Cash Survey Are The Promises Real? Free To Join

How To Create A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business

How To Create  A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business

The affiliate marketing industry is growing steadily. Statics studies say that U.S. affiliate marketing spending was predicted to reach $8.2 billion by 2022. That’s up considerably from $5.4 billion in 2017 and $1.6 billion in 2010.

Continue reading How To Create A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business