Tag Archives: knowledge

How To Avoid Work From Home Scams Create A Legit Home Based Business

In today’s economy, many people are looking for ways to make extra money, and the popular way to make money is online.

As people search for work-from-home job opportunities, you must ensure they are legitimate.

There are a lot of scammers who may pose as companies or independent contractors to try to offer you fake remote jobs.

It would help if you protect your identity, your finances, and your well-being. In this post, I look at how to tell if a work-from-home job is a scam and share common scams you may encounter.

What are work-from-home scams?

Work-from-home scams are when deceitful people create fake job postings to benefit themselves.

They may use these to steal your personal information or financial assets. As work-from-home jobs become more popular, scammers are starting to target this market with seemingly lucrative job offers.

They may pose as a company or reputable person to get you to trust them.

Here are several general tips for avoiding scams:

  • Do not respond to calls, texts, or emails from unknown numbers or suspicious addresses.
  • Never share sensitive personal or financial information over email, text messages, or the phone.
  • Do not click links from a number you do not recognize in a text message. If a friend sends you a text with a suspicious link that seems out of character, call them to ensure they weren’t hacked.
  • Consider adding your number to the National Do Not Call Registry to prevent telemarketing calls.
  • File a report with local law enforcement if you have lost money or possessions due to a scam.

Please use Report a Job to flag fraudulent, spam, or misleading posting.

How to tell if a work-from-home job is a scam

Follow these steps to see if a remote job offer is legitimate:

  1. The position is too good to be true.
  2. There needs to be more information on the company.
  3. A second contact cannot confirm the legitimacy of the job offer.
  4. There are warnings online.
  5. The employer is too eager to hire.
  6. You have to pay to work.
  7. The employer needs to communicate better.

1. The job is too good to be true

If you find an unbelievable job offer, it’s likely fake. Trust your intuition if a work-from-home opportunity seems too good to be true.

If a company offers an extremely high salary or incredible perks, enter the situation skeptically. Likewise, if the company offers you a fantastic job you aren’t qualified for, this could be a sign of a scam.

2. There is little information on the company

They should have a website and social media presence when researching a company. If you can’t find anything about it online, it may be time to move on to a different job application.

If you find a website but need help figuring out what kind of work they do, this is a sign of a scam. Many scammers use vague descriptions to get a wider pool of candidates.

3. A second contact cannot confirm the legitimacy of the job offer

It’s a bright idea if you can contact someone else from the company. Try to find this contact information independently rather than asking the employer. You could ask this person to provide more information about the company.

Remember that many scammers work with a team, so this doesn’t necessarily guarantee a legitimate job offer.

4. There are warnings online

Use a search engine to look up the company or employer’s name. Search results may show you that other people have experienced this scam.

This is often a red flag if you see job boards with warnings about a company. Likewise, if there are poor online reviews about the company, this can tell you to look for a job elsewhere.

5. The employer is overly eager to hire

One significant warning sign of a work-from-home scam is when the employer wants to hire you urgently.

Most legitimate employers are busy with their work and don’t have time to respond to you right away.

Real employers make candidates feel comfortable, so if a company is pressuring you to accept the job, stop responding to them.

Likewise, a good employer wants to screen candidates for the right fit. If they are willing to hire you on the spot or require little credentials for high-level work, it’s likely a scam.

6. You must pay to work

A common scam is employers claiming you must invest money into your work to get started. Employers are the ones who are supposed to pay you, not the opposite. Although you may need to pay a subscription fee for various legitimate online job boards, keep that in mind while searching for remote jobs.

7. The employer communicates poorly

When emailing the employer, they should seem professional and well-spoken. If words are misspelled, or punctuation is off, this is a sign of a scam. When you receive an email from an employer, look at their email address to see if it seems like other employers.

Potential work-from-home scams

These are common work-from-home scams to look out for:

  • The faulty check
  • Part-time work for full-time pay
  • Requiring you to recruit others
  • Pay for training
  • Medical billing

The faulty check

Scammers use a tactic where they send you a check for way more than they owe you and then act as if they made a mistake.

They instruct you to send them the difference of the check before trying to cash it. After you send the bill and try to cash the one they sent you, the check will bounce. This is one way they can take your money and leave you with a fake check.

Part-time work for full-time pay

Getting paid a lot to do little work sounds like a dream come true, which is why many scammers use this job tactic.

They claim that you can make a ton of money in a short amount of time and pay over the market average. Legitimate employers pay you for what your work is worth.

Requiring you to recruit others

Although some multi-level marketing (MLM) companies are legitimate, others promise many benefits for recruiting others to work for them.

Many companies require you to spend much of your money on their products. They often focus on the maximum money you can make rather than an entry-level salary.

Pay for training

People looking to start their own business at home may encounter companies claiming to enhance their business skills.

Their advertisements often show how their resources and lessons can help you quickly grow your business.

Although there are online courses and resources to help you get started as an entrepreneur, there are also scams that promise instant sales and wealth for a hefty training fee.

Medical billing

Medical billing can be a great work-from-home opportunity, which is why scammers often use this job opportunity to make some money.

They will usually require you to buy your equipment and promise reimbursement later. That’s why it’s important to only apply to jobs from medical facilities and hospitals.

Reach out to a representative before agreeing to anything.

There are many legitimate ways to make money online

  • Drop Shipping
  • Online Video
  • Information Products
  •  Blogging

And affiliate marketing

There are many more ways to make money online; of all the many ways to make money online, affiliate marketing is the most effective.

  • Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.
  • The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Affiliate marketing offers you the chance to make money online by promoting affiliate products – physical products, digital products, and services by referring people to the seller’s company website.

This type of marketing approach continues to grow in popularity because it is advantageous to both the seller and the consumer and is effective.

The Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing

  • Low start-up cost
  • Low ongoing costs
  • low or nonexistent risk
  • easy setup and implementation
  • networking possibilities with influencers
  • No inventory

And with affiliate marketing, anyone can be an affiliate marketer, but I suggest training with a good affiliate marketing platform to be successful.

Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform

It is the best platform for training affiliates, whether experienced or beginner.

You do not have to be an expert in the technicalities of using the Internet. But you must have an internet connection and be familiar with typing, and if you have ever used social media, you are ready.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to pick your niche, build your website, and add necessary tools.

The Wealthy Affiliate training platform also shows you how to manage your websites, like Google Analytics, Yahoo, and Bing; choose keywords so Google will index them; and drive an audience to your website with social media.

And you can become a member for FREE (At no Cost). And no expiration date on how long you can remain a free member.

Of course, as a free member, you would get less than a premium member; I recommend upgrading to a premium membership after you have looked around and gotten familiar with the platform. Especially if you are a newbie like I was.

Web hosting is free at Wealthy Affiliate. Other websites charge $49.00 per month for web hosting; as a free member, you are also given one free webpage: there are designs for your website to choose from at no cost.

 What is provided at Wealthy Affiliate

Building your website at Wealthy Affiliate takes less than 30 seconds, and you will be ready for business.

With the premium membership, you get access to everything you need to become a successful marketer; if you’re serious about building an online business,

The lessons provided are in-depth for the Online  Entrepreneur Certification Class; there are 5 phases, the first phase 5. lessons are free.

The Wealthy Affiliate Boot Camp class has seven steps, and each stage contains ten lessons.

There is also help 24/7; we have a community with a pay-it-forward attitude, and there is always someone to help. The site support staff are just incredible; there are always ready to assist you.

Premium membership will cost $49.00 per month. When starting a business, it usually costs you something,  no exception.

I am not saying you will be earning right away with no effort; I am saying that with effort, work, and determination, you can have a business that will allow you to make money; you determine the amount.

At Wealthy Affiliate, our extraordinary community members will share their knowledge and skill to help you achieve your goals.


I have found all  I need to start and maintain my online business here at Wealthy Affiliate, and I am sure you will find it, so if you decide to join us, you can also become a member of this great community for free risk to you.

You will not ask to provide financial information; only your name and email address are required.

So if you want to start your online business, please join us, look around, and build your website; remember, it will cost you nothing.

Should you decide affiliate marketing is not for you, you would have lost nothing, but you have gained a little knowledge and a website.

You have no obligation to Wealthy Affiliate; you have nothing to lose, and no one will call or bother you.

Looking forward to seeing you in our community

Thank you for stopping by; I appreciate it immensely, and should you have a question or comment, please leave it in the place provided at the bottom of the page, and I will be sure to reply

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).



Learn How to Make Money From Affiliate Marketing

First coined in 1952 and made famous in 1964 by Neil Borden, Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest marketing practices where publishers promote a business using an affiliate link and gain commission from the sales, leads, clicks, or downloads generated for the company.

Affiliate marketing is one way to earn money passively; once you do the upfront work, you can sit back and watch the money roll in.

It is important to remember that affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Building your affiliate marketing business requires lots of time and effort before you earn anything.

Affiliate marketing also has the potential tony earn a substantial income.

What is affiliating marketing?

According to Wikipedia, Affiliate marketing is performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

With affiliate marketing, a company pays you a percentage of the sales that you help them make.

Affiliate marketing is a specialized form of marketing where an advertiser seeks to advertise or sell products or services through an affiliate network.

There are different ways to do affiliate marketing, you can write or speak about a product or service online or through social media, and if someone in your audience buys the product through a particular affiliate link, you will earn a commission on that sale.

Building a blog is one of the best methods to build an affiliate marketing business.

You can produce a blog about the product or company you are affiliated with or blend the product or service into your posts with related topics.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketers and Bloggers.

  • Low-cost start-up
  • No product inventory
  • Flexible work settings (you can work from anywhere)
  • No Sales Experience Required
  • Wide customer Base

You can apply to a company to be an affiliate marketer of theirs;  if they agree, you will be issued a unique tracking link that is used when doing business; when a purchase is made using that link, the affiliate marketer will get a commission.

There are also affiliate programs that are usually free to use, and the same applies when applying to a particular company.

Different affiliate programs use other payment terms.

Here’re some methods affiliate programs follow:

  • Pay Per Click (PPC): You make money online based on the number of visitors redirected by your affiliate site to the advertiser’s website.
  • Pay Per Sale (PPS): You make money online when the purchase is completed. The advertiser pays you a percentage of the sale.
  • Pay Per Lead (PPL): You make money online when visitors provide their contact info on the advertiser’s website.

 How To Make Money In Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a passive income source. And it is highly competitive, it is true, but you can make money online with affiliate marketing.

To be successful, you need to learn what works and what doesn’t while promoting your products.

Be Patient

Many niches in affiliate marketing work, so discovering what works for you best is a process that requires patience.

Choose More Attractive Products

Promoting everything by registering with different affiliate programs would be a mistake. Instead of promoting everything, promote a few unique, profitable products that can reach large masses.

Use Several Traffic Sources

The chance of making money online rises with more traffic you send to the sales page. It is okay to run ads on a site, but it has some missing points. The best example is from Google Adwords. By making an ad in your Adwords account, your sales page gets targeted traffic from various channels.

Attract Targeted Traffic

The core function of making money is to push people to click your affiliates’ links. There are four ways to do this: Paid advertising, free advertising, article marketing, and email marketing.

You need to combine ad copy, graphics, and a link effectively on paid services like Google AdSense in paid advertising while placing links and advertisements on free websites like Craigslist or US Free Ads in the free advertisement method. The payment methods are PPC, which is earning money regardless of whether a reader buys the product.

It would be best to have a higher ranking in search engine results for article marketing to be a credible source. There are many article submission websites like Ezine Articles. As a marketer, you submit your article, and affiliate marketers republish your article. The marketer who published the original article gradually earns higher search engine rankings. For email marketing, affiliate marketers embed an email subscription option for website visitors.

All this may seem overwhelming, but there are training platforms that can give you all the training and tools needed to be successful.

Best Way To Succeed In Affiliate Marketing

Recommend; How To Create A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business

To be successful in affiliate marketing, get formal training on how to build this online business.

You can find ways to build an affiliate business, but the information is scattered on Google.

Finding a competent training platform would be best. I am a member of the best training; this platform has taken a retired grandmother without any formal knowledge of affiliate marketing and minimal technology skills to an income-earning online grandmother.

This platform is Wealthy Affiliate, and This training platform was built for all affiliate marketers, newbies like myself, those with some knowledge of affiliate marketing, and expert affiliate marketing. (you can start for free HERE. 

 Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to start your own online business through a comprehensive training that takes you to step by step on how to do everything.

The lessons are easy-to-use and organized to track your progress to ensure you know where you are in the course and tasks at the end of each lesson to ensure you are building your online business as you are learning.

This training feature helps you move forward to take action on the lessons you just learned; I couldn’t think of a better way to apply what you learned right away to your new website.

Here are some facts that make Wealthy Affiliate the #1 affiliate marketing training platform.

  1. FREE (for LIFE) Starter Membership – This membership lets you check out the platform and get the first FIVE lessons free to ensure you like what you see. By the end of the FIVE lessons, you’ll have a free website already created live on the web with a couple of pages of content!


Beginner Package

1 Website

7 Days Limited Support

5. Classes

Level 1 Core Training

Jaaxy Starter

2. Premium Membership Includes Everything

Training platforms out there keep upselling you even when you think you have everything; at Wealthy Affiliate, the Premium membership will get you everything.


Most Popular Package


5Websites ($100/mth value)

Unlimited Support

52+ Expert Classes Per Year

All Levels Core Training

Jaaxy Lite ($19/m value)

Monthly it’s $49/month, but if you go Yearly, it’s usually $359/year,


Premium Plus

Power Users Package


Jaaxy Lite ($19/m value)

Power Users Package

50 Websites ($250/mth value)

Unlimited Priority Support

200+ Expert Classes Per Year

All Levels of Core Training

Jaaxy Enterprise ($99/mth value)

Wealthy Affiliate improves its platform year after year without raising our costs.

The  Wealthy Affiliate is a place  where you can learn as you go, beginner-friendly and online approach, with people who have already achieved results, and you can learn as you go, and get the mentoring you need

Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Yes, Affiliate marketing does work; Wealthy Affiliate’s strategy is for the long term, meaning you will not see results right away because, with the online business, you need to give it time to build, to gain authority in search engines’ eyes,

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich venture, but when done right, the rewards can be significant; there is a saying Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.this is very accurate.

Thanks for stopping by; I hope you found the information helpful; please share; thanks,  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase to you)

Learn How To Make Money From Your Blog You Can Start For Free

Learn How To Make Money From Your Blog
Learn How To Make Money From Your Blog

Learn How To Make Money From A Blog

I know many of us Want to learn how to make money working from home, especially with the financial climate we are in today.

Working from home and making some extra money is a great idea, and it can happen.

At first, it will seem frustrating; making money from a blog is more challenging than answering surveys, doing mystery shopping, or participating in a survey panel. Still, when done right, the rewards are gratifying. You can learn how to make money from a blog.

There are A Few Things To Expect When Making Money From Your Blog

It can be an enjoyable experience; it may initially seem challenging and frustrating, but stick with it; it will improve later in your journey.

Affiliate marketing is the best way to earn online, but success takes time. And To succeed, there is learning, waiting, working, and doing a lot of leg work to build your blog up.

It will take work for basically nothing for months; if you’re willing to do this kind of work, then you can have a very profitable business.

There is a saying among entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.

How blogging works is, you need to build trust with the search engines. They won’t give you any good rankings until your blog website is about 3-4 months, sometimes earlier or later.

Blogging takes patience before things can take off; it will take writing content; you need to consistently write on your blog to show the search engines you produce fresh new content every day.

In writing content for search engines, you must learn about keywords and how they are your starting point for each post. You’ll need to know how to find and use them.

Keyword research is a skill you should develop and learn, as these elements drive tons of traffic to your blog.

Driving Traffic To Your Website

Traffic to your website is prolonged at the start and slowly and gradually grows until it starts to snowball and the traffic takes off!

It is the same with income; what you can expect is very slow initially.

You should expect nothing for the first 3. months, but by 3 – 6 months, you should start to earn a little bit and then gradually grow until traffic takes off, and so will your earnings.

Many people going into blogging think you can make money quickly; they don’t understand how every blog starts slowly and gradually builds, so most will quit in the first 6. months.

Search Engines

Search engines want to be sure you will be around for a time, so they take time to rank your website.

There are millions of abandoned blogs because most people need more patience and an understanding of how SEO works and all that goes into your blog to make money.

You need to know how to use keywords, affiliate marketing, different methods to earn money with your blog, how to write, what to write, etc.

It’s a lot of learning, but I did it, so I’m sure you can, too I started this working-from-home method as a novice, but I was fortunate to find this training platform, and I started for free, and you can use the same training platform I use.

With the help of real comprehensive training, I learned everything in one course and built my website alongside the lessons.

Building a blog is more challenging than it looks; there are many things you need to learn, especially if you want to make money from your blog.

My training platform teaches you how to build your blog in a step-by-step manner and how to use affiliate marketing to make money with your blog.

It’s a comprehensive training platform includes business tools for your use, web hosting, domain registrar, SSL certificates, free websites for testing purposes or use for real, live chat, live weekly webinars, and much more.

The platform, which you can sign up for FREE; find out how:


There are multiple ways to make money with your blog, and the best one to start with is affiliate marketing because of the ease of it and the lowest cost (free).

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a specialized form of marketing where an advertiser seeks to advertise or sell products or services through an affiliate network.

Affiliate marketing offers you a solution to promote products and services without owning or creating any of them. You earn commissions when you drive new sales for the products and services you promote.

Affiliate programs are free to join; I would be suspicious of those that ask for money to join their affiliate program.

Display ads don’t earn you much until your site has a lot of traffic; then, you can get into ad networks that pay for quality blogs.

After a while, you can create your digital product and sell it through your blog because by then, you will have become an expert in your niche and have a following.

Money will come if you first provide value to your readers before all else; this should be your primary objective for your blog.


From my experience and knowing what I went through, I want to offer you the key elements that have helped me succeed thus far.


You need to know how to build your blog correctly and ensure you know all the how-to’s you’ll need to know to create this online business, and this is where having excellent training comes in.


This will be a very hard one, and you will need it, especially in your 6 – 12 months period when every doubt in your mind is screaming at you while you keep moving forward to get over that hump by continuing to keep working hard.

This is what it will take to succeed as a blogger. It would help if you kept working even without earning much initially.


Your blog must provide value and help to people in your niche; you need to do this because it is how you earn people’s trust, and when you earn people’s trust, that’s when you make your money.


Don’t let your blog be still for too long with months of not blogging. Your rankings will slowly drop if you are inconsistent with your work and have to earn it back.

Whatever weekly schedule you think you can commit to, then stick to it, so make it realistic, especially in the beginning when you are still in the learning phase.

Gradually increase your weekly frequency as you get more comfortable with blogging.

Being consistent is very important, so starting with a slower schedule is better than starting with a heavy plan and then getting burned out after 3 – 6 months.

Training Platform

With the training platform, you have an affiliate marketing platform built with everyone in mind, the newbies, those with some knowledge about affiliate marketing, and the super affiliate marketers.

I like to think of THIS PLATFORM as a school/university where you are taught the ABC of affiliate marketing and are given the proper tools to accomplish your goals.

I am by no means saying you will achieve your goals overnight; a great man once said,   Success is no accident; it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and a love for what you are doing.

There are no promises of getting rich quickly; this is not a scam, but you have a company updated with the latest online marketing strategies. with a vision to genuinely help people achieve success in business and life

Start Your Online Business Free HERE

.And is dedicated to assisting others to become great and achieve true financial independence.

And a community of fellow members eager to assist you in any way they can to help you achieve your goals.

Remember, Whatever man’s mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill.

Thank you for reading my post; please like and share; if you have a question or a  comment, you can leave it at the end of this post, and I will reply ASAP.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

SurveyDownline Make Money Answering Surveys Free To Join

SurveyDownline Make Money Answering Surveys Free To Join
SurveyDownline Make Money Answering Surveys Free To Join

There are thousands of online sites, and each promises to reward you for participating in a program.

But does SurveyDownline deliver on that promise?

This post is written based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training to help you start your online business.

What is SurveyDownline?

SurveyDownline is a survey site that pays you for completing offered surveys and offers a reward for inviting people to join,

SurveyDownline began in 2009 and is operated by Precision Sample, LLC.; they work with hundreds of companies to offer surveys for members of SurveyDownline.

How Does SurveyDownline Work?

As with most survey sites, you must register before earning; the signup process is straightforward.

The signup form is found on their main page. And all that is needed is for you to provide your basic information, like your name, email, and physical mailing address.

Additionally, it would help if you also gave them your birthday, gender, and your race, the

information is needed to determine which surveys you will qualify for.

After you’ve completed the registration process, there are further questions that you must answer; you will need to answer a few household questions.

That’s Survey Downline’s way of gathering more information about you to tailor the survey invitations that you get.

Those questions will weed out some of the surveys you don’t qualify for based on the number of people in your home or the products you do or don’t use.

Only residents of Canada, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom 18 years up can become members of SurveyDownline.

Paid Surveys

Paid surveys are the primary earning opportunity of SurveyDownline.

Surveys are by invitation, and there are some basic questions you must answer to ensure that you qualify, and then you will be required to finish the survey to get credit. Surveys

The amount of the reward for each survey (typically between $1-$5) will be stipulated in the email invitation and on the site.

When you finish the registration process, you can log in to the member dashboard and see all the available paid surveys you can take, click on it, and it will open up a new window.

The amount of money you make for a survey depends on how long the survey is stated, and you can make anywhere from $0.10 to $20; most users claim that most surveys pay out around $2 – $4.

If you are a consistent member of the program, there is a chance that you will get invited to a focus group, which can pay as much as $100. These focus groups are more involved than a traditional survey,

Referral Program

The other way you can earn from SurveyDownline is by inviting people to join the site. This is where the “downline” part comes in.

You can click the Facebook or Twitter button in their Downline section to invite people to join.

Users who click that Facebook or Twitter post and register to SurveyDownline will become your downline/referral.

You can also share your downline link with your friends. The reward is you stand to earn a portion of their rewards.

SurveyDownline pays you 10% of the revenue every time your downline completes a survey. If you have a lot of referrals, it can be a significant amount.

How do you get paid?

PayPal is their primary payment method if you want to receive cash, but you can also choose to receive gift cards instead.

The threshold to redeem gift cards is $10. If you choose to withdraw via PayPal, the threshold is $20.

You can exchange your accumulated money for certain gift cards like Amazon or Footlocker. There are a variety of gift cards you can choose from;   you can also donate your earnings to a charity partnered with SurveyDownline.

Is SurveyDownline Legit?

SurveyDownline is a legit survey site with limited earning opportunities; another complaint with the program is how often they pay out their members through PayPal. They only offer payouts every 1st and 15th of every month.

Recommend: Work From Home Opportunities 

Many sites like SurveyDownline offers a way to make some extra money, but in reality, the reward is low for the time spent completing the surveys and waiting for an invitation.

There are many ways you can make money online; I have written a post on some ways to earn money online. READ MORE HERE, 

The best way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. An affiliate marketing business can be started with little or no cash.

One of the great things about the internet is that you can go into business from the comfort of your home.

You only need an internet connection, and you can make money online.

Running your own business online will allow you the freedom from the daily 9 to 5 desk job.

You can travel, indulge in hobbies, and spend time with your family, And you start for free.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

According to Investopedia.com. Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

Affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service by sharing it on a blog, social media platform, podcast, or website.

The affiliate earns a commission each time someone purchases through the unique affiliate link associated with their recommendation.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online; there is no need to have an inventory or worry about shipping; you do not have to sell anything.

There is no need to think about shipping or returns or customer service; you do not have to sell to anyone personally, and best of all, no overhead expense.


With affiliate marketing, you will need a website; you can get one built for free here; you choose a niche and write content about your niche; an example would say your niche is about gardening.

Your content would be about gardening, plants, soil, and methods,  and you would partner with brands and businesses within the scope of your website.

You would partner with affiliates that sell gardening tools and plants etc. If you mention a product or service, you link to that product or service using a unique affiliate code you received when you signed up for that affiliate program.

You make money whenever someone buys a product or service through your link.

Affiliate marketing is relatively straightforward, But, Like any new business, your online income takes time to grow.

Growing your online business will take time, effort, and commitment to get your idea off the ground, and you need to stick with it even if your journey is slow when you first start.

RECOMMEND: MY #1 recommendation for making money online

In today’s World, most of us are looking for ways to make some extra money, and there are many opportunities to make money online; it is not as easy as completing surveys, but it is gratifying.

Affiliate marketing is more complex than completing surveys, but the possibility for you to make a reasonable income is good.

One of the great things about the internet is that you can go into business from the comfort of your home.

You only need an internet connection, and you can make money online.

Running your own business online will allow you the freedom from the daily 9 to 5 desk job.

You can travel, indulge in hobbies, and spend time with your family.

There are so many ways to make money online. To start, all you have to do is identify the profitable niche market appropriate for you.

A Niche could be something that interests you, a hobby, or something you would like to gain more knowledge about.

And with an online business, there’s no need to hire staff, rent space, or purchase expensive furniture (unless you want to).

If you want to know more, CLICK ON THIS LINK, enter your name and email, and fill in your goals, and I will contact you.

Thank you for your time; please share,

Small Business Knowledge Center Earn By Forwarding Your Junk Mail To Them Free To Join

Small Business Knowledge Center Earn By Forwarding Your Junk Mail To Them Free To Join
Small Business Knowledge Center Earn By Forwarding Your Junk Mail To Them Free To Join

There are thousands of online sites, and each promises to reward you for participating in a program.

But does Small Business Knowledge Center deliver on that promise?

This post is written based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training to help you start your online business.

What is Small Business Knowledge Center?

Small Business Knowledge Center is a market research company that pays you for completing their survey, and you will be rewarded.

There is also an earning opportunity by simply forwarding your junk and spam mail to them.

They have two panels, one for consumers (consumers, small business owners, or the self-employed) and one for producers (insurance agents, producers, or financial advisors).

 Sending Mails and Emails,

the main income generator of SBKC is through sending mails and emails. There are 2. Panels The Consumer Panel and The Producer Panel.

Consumer Panel

As a member of the Consumer Panel, you are asked to forward all of your direct mail and email communication related to the following:

Examples of the type of mail/emails you can forward to SBKC:

  • Insurance: Life, Health, and Auto/Property
  • Banking: Money Market, Rewards or Loyalty Programs, Savings
  • Telecommunications: TV/Cable, Internet, and Wireless Networks from AT&T or Verizon
  • Travel & Leisure: Airlines, Cruises, and Rental services
  • Credit Cards
  • Mortgage and Loans: auto, home equity, mortgage, personal loan, etc.

How It Works

Once you have determined what mail you would like to send to the SBKC, put it into the postage-paid envelopes and send it in once per week.

With emails, please forward them to: consumers@sbkcenter.com after receiving them. There is no limit to how many materials you can send in.

Producer Panel

If you are an insurance agent, producer, or financial advisor, you may be eligible to join the Producer Panel with SBKC.

As a Producer Panel member, collect any insurance materials you receive in any of the following topics: Annuities, Accidental Death, Auto, Critical Illness, Dental, Disability (STD, LTD), Group / Individual Health, Investments, Life (VUL, Term, etc.), Long Term Care, P&C, and Worksite Marketing.

Any Financial Planning, Investment, Retirement, and Group Benefits Plans marketing information is also suitable material to send in.

*Sales Kits, CDs, Software Updates, New Product Announcements, Sales Contests, and other promo materials are special items that SBKC is particularly excited to study.

How it Works

Like the Consumer Panel, once you have determined what mail you would like to send to the SBKC, put it into the postage-paid envelopes and send it in once per week. With emails, just forward after receiving them directly to the Producer Panel email producers@sbkcenter.com. There is no limit to how many materials you can send in.

Producer Panel Compensation

Each time you send direct marketing materials to SBKC, you receive an entry into the quarterly prize draw. Rewards may also come in other forms, depending on what type of audience section you are part of within the Producer Panel.

All you need to do is forward these emails to consumers@sbkcenter.com and receive rewards.

Mystery Shopping Surveys

The mystery shopper is another way to earn on SBKC complete mystery shopping surveys. Once you complete the survey, you then receive the reward.

How do you get paid?

The cash-out threshold is 2,000 points worth a $20.00 Visa gift card They send a monthly newsletter updating you about your accumulated points. But apart from that, there is no way for you to check your point balance.

Is Small Business Knowledge Legit?

Small Business Knowledge Center is a legit market research company that pays you to send your junk mail and emails and complete their surveys; there is an opportunity to make money by turning your spam emails into an earning opportunity.

There are better ways to make money online, and I favor affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is more complex than sending your junk mail to SBKC, but the possibility for you to make a reasonable income is good.

One of the great things about the internet is that you can go into business from the comfort of your home.

You only need an internet connection, and you can make money online.

Running your own business online will allow you the freedom from the daily 9 to 5 desk job.

You can travel, indulge in hobbies, and spend time with your family.

There are so many ways to make money online. To start, all you have to do is identify the profitable niche market appropriate for you.

A Niche could be something that interests you, a hobby, or something you would like to gain more knowledge about.

And with an online business, there’s no need to hire staff, rent space, or purchase expensive furniture (unless you want to).

RECOMMENDED: Ways To Make Money Online Without Any Monetary Investment

Some of the ways to earn money from your home can be

Selling on Amazon,
Selling E-books
Your YouTube Channel
Affiliate Marketing

Out of all these options, I prefer Affiliate marketing. I have written a post about the many ways to make a living online ( you can read it here.) What is affiliate marketing, and why affiliate marketing, you ask?

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best business models to make money online, and you can start for free.

There are more profitable ways to  earn online than on surveys or  GPT sites; of all the ways to make money online, I favor affiliate marketing,

I have written a post about the many ways to make a living online ( you can read it here.) What is affiliate marketing, and why affiliate marketing, you ask?

Affiliate marketing is one of the best business models to make money online, and you can start for free.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick endeavor; it will take some work and patience, but you can do it.

RECOMMENDED: How Do You Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

What Are The Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing?

The benefits are many, but I will list a few:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face-to-face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment is involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No vast investment involved – (Get started for FREE)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! – even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more! No limit to your earning potential!
You may be saying you do not know about affiliate marketing; well, there is (in my opinion) the very best training platform in AFFILIATE Marketing.

This company has been around since 2005 and has members from around the globe,

This company has an outstanding reputation and has produced many super-affiliates; they have the very best community that is very active, friendly, and helpful.

With the free membership, you will get ten lessons, a website, a domain (for a time), and free web hosting; you need not be an expert; you will become an expert; you have nothing to lose to try; it is FREE.

RECOMMENDED: MY #1 recommendation for making money online

Who is Affiliate Marketing for

  • Students, either while studying or after graduating
  • The unemployed
  • Retired people who want to earn to supplement their pensions
  • People who want to learn how to build a WordPress website
  • Local business owners who wish to start a website or improve their online presence
  • Anyone wishing to create a website or improve their online presence
  •  People who want to learn how to make money online in an honest way
  • And many more.

Make Money Online

Many of us are looking for ways to make money online, and you can make money online from the comfort of your home or anywhere you choose.

One of the great things about the internet is that you can go into business from the comfort of your home.

You only need an internet connection, and you can make money online.

Running your own business online will allow you the freedom from the daily 9 to 5 desk job.

You can travel, indulge in hobbies, and spend time with your family.

Thank you for your time. I do appreciate it. Have you done any surveys from survey sites? What was your experience?

I really would like to hear from you. Do you have any experience with sites like this? If you have any comments, questions, or experiences with this website, I would love to hear from you.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase to you).

The MDforLives Survey Panel Review for Medical Personnel Only

The MDforLives Survey Panel Review for Medical Personnel Only
The MDforLives Survey Panel Review for Medical Personnel Only

There are thousands of survey sites online, and each promises to reward you for providing them

with your opinions.

But does this site deliver on that promise?

This review is written based on the information and testimonials that are available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training that can help you to start your online business.

I will be looking at MDforLives Survey Panel.

What Is MDforLives

MDforLives is a distinctive community of doctors from all around the world.

The parent company for MDforLives is  Borderless Access, a digital MR products and solutions company. Borderless Access also runs The Panel Station, a ‘regular’ survey panel.

. Borderless Access was founded ten years ago, and it is pretty successful.

They have more than 6 million panelists across 34 countries and offices in the USA and India. So, you don’t have to worry about legitimacy. MDforLives is a panel owned by an honest and legit company.

Continue reading The MDforLives Survey Panel Review for Medical Personnel Only

The Science Advisory Board Panel Review For Health Scientist


The Science Advisory Board Panel Review For The Science Community
The Science Advisory Board Panel Review For The Science Community


There are thousands of survey sites online, and each promises to reward you for providing them

with your opinions.

But does this site deliver on that promise?

This review is written based on the information and testimonials that are available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training that can help you to start your online business.

I will be looking at The Science Advisory Board.

What is the Science Advisory Board

Established in 1997, The Science Advisory Board is an international community of science and medical experts.

It connects a global network of research, development, and manufacturing professionals to work together on the future of scientific technology.

Members share their knowledge and experience with the community, advise and consult leading life science companies, and earn rewards for their engagement.

Continue reading The Science Advisory Board Panel Review For Health Scientist

How To Succeed In Affiliate Marketing

How to Succeed In Affiliate Marketing --  Seek Knowledge and Embrace Change
How to Succeed In Affiliate Marketing — Seek Knowledge and Embrace Change

How To Succeed In Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing or Online marketing, has become very popular and has grown a lot, and because of this, there are always strategies that work today that may not work tomorrow.

So to remain relevant in the field of affiliate marketers you’ve got to keep yourself informed on the latest tactics, and one of the best ways to do this is to be apart of a platform that is always upgrading with the most up-to-date information and tools.

Affiliate marketers can make an income of more than five figures per month, at this level affiliates are often referred to as “super affiliates.

But unfortunately not all affiliate marketers reach the level of super affiliates. Here are a few tips on how to succeed in affiliate marketing.

How To Succeed In Affiliate Marketing

Anyone can succeed in affiliate marketing,  but it will not come without some hard work and a lot of commitment.

A typical super affiliate also possesses persistence, patience, and a thirst for knowledge.

There are now over 4.75 BILLION people using the Internet, and regardless of the direction you choose online, there is a very large number of people there that you can connect with and leverage to create a business online.

Anything NEW Can “Appear” to be Overwhelming at First. but  Don’t worry, you will quickly get the hang of things!

Success is a Journey. Success is very cumulative by design. This means that everything you do now, and every step you take will contribute towards your personal success in the future

Find a Unique Niche

The mistake that many affiliate marketing hopefuls have in common is that they try to offer everything under the sun rather than focusing on a specific niche market.

When choosing a niche it is best that you do not scatter your efforts. Focus on your niche, promote it, and sell it well.

A common mistake that new affiliates make is to rush through the research phase. It’s important to take your time figuring out what area is right for you and what will set you up for success. Ask yourself:

  • What am I interested in?
  • Do people spend money in this niche?
  • Are there products to promote?

Explore the Categories

Generally, topics fall into four different categories: Passions, hobbies, problems, trends.

Passions are things like fitness, causes, and lifestyles. They are typical elements of people’s lives that take up a substantial amount of emotional and physical energy.

Hobbies are things like chess, golf, and canning. These are also important parts of people’s lives, but they are generally approached with less intensity than passions.

Problems are things that people believe to add suffering to their life or impede their progress.

Trends are things that are currently gaining a lot of attention or traction.

Explore markets and products

Explore the market. To find what area are people spending their money, and take a look at what kind of products are out there related to the topic/ niche.

Narrow it Down

Some common mistakes that some affiliate marketers make are going too wide with their area of interest. Narrow down your niche.

Be more specific with your niche, this e reduces competition and provides a particular audience to reach.

A Quick Look at How YOU Will Be Creating Success.

Success online is very simple at its core. There is a 4-step business building process that you are going to be learning here at Wealthy Affiliate. Here is a quick diagram breaking down the process.

Broken, down, the process looks like this:

Step 1: Choose an Interest. This can be anything at all, any interest, passion, or even something you have no personal experience with.

Step 2: Build a Website. Your website is your foundation and we have the most sophisticated and feature-rich website and hosting platform here at Wealthy Affiliate.

Step 3: Attract Visitors. You are going to be learning all about how to get traffic and visitors to your website. The first focus is a FREE traffic and there is A LOT of it out there.

Step 4: Earn Revenue. Once you have people on your site and traffic, you can earn revenue. There are over 50 ways you can monetize traffic online and over 550 MILLION products/services that you can promote as an affiliate

Know Your Product, Know Your Audience

Your website is a resource for consumers. It is important that you take the time to learn about the products or services that you’re offering, as well as your target audience, this will help you to create content for your website that builds your credibility, and trust.

If your audience does not have trust in you then it’s more likely that they will not purchase from you.

 Protect yourself and diversify

It is best to promote products from different merchants within your niche. This way, if you have a problem with a merchant or their products may not convert well, the effects on your business will be minimal.

Pay close attention to agreements, watch out for exclusive agreements. Agreements that have an exclusive clause could limit you from choosing to do business with other merchants.

Protect yourself and diversify so that you do not lose sales if something goes wrong.

This is your business, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with promoting niche products from different merchants.

Increase your  Knowledge and Embrace Change

With internet marketing, there is always the possibility that what worked three months ago may not work today.

Stay up to date on the current trends. Further your knowledge, and start by learning something new about affiliate marketing daily.

To be a super affiliate you must always spend time learning and embracing the changes in Internet marketing.

This can be done by being a part of a platform that is active in updating their information and tools along with reading blogs by leading affiliate marketers.

Giving  Up Is Not An Option

Many people who try affiliate marketing give up if they don’t see immediate success.

Set realistic expectations at the beginning and carefully monitor your statistics to see what is working and what is not.

Make changes when necessary, and you’ll likely start getting more payments. Remember that becoming a successful affiliate marketer will not happen overnight.

Wealthy Affiliate

You can build a platform to promote your products on, by starting a blog, create a brand, get a website, and create a mailing list and you could find the instructions on Google if you know where to search

You could also do it the easier way by joining a platform like Wealthy Affiliate that has everything you need to build a successful affiliate marketing business,

On the Wealthy Affiliate platform, there is a very active community, that always comes to your rescue when asked.

Community members are always sharing their experience in solving a particular problem which will add to your knowledge.

If you have been thinking about starting an online business, but not sure how to, you can join Wealthy Affiliate, FREE of cost, do the 10 lessons course and at the end of these courses you will have a business up and ready,

You will get a chance to decide if it something you want to do, and the good thing is it would have cost you nothing.

Wealthy Affiliate has been in operation for over 15 years and has members across the globe, this platform is not only for newbies but is for anyone even experts, give it a try now, it is free to try.

Thank you for your time it is appreciated, I look forward to receiving your comments and questions,  and please remember to share.

.NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you)


doTerra A MLM Business How Much Can You Make

doTerra A MLM Business How Much Can You Make
doTerra A MLM Business How Much Can You Make

In this post, I am taking a look at another home business opportunity it is doTerra Business Opportunity,

doTERRA was founded in 2008 to share the highest quality essential oils with the world.

Having satisfied their purpose, they decided they needed a  team of people dedicated to hard work, commitment, passion, and vision, and the business opportunity was started.

What is doTerra

Healthcare and Business.

DoTerra offers an herbal alternative to health and wellness through the powers of essential oils.

DoTerra, has many healthcare and hospital professionals on its board, allowing the continued experiment with these essential oils, and expanding on their knowledge of all the benefits of these oils.

doTerra is a multi-level-marketing (MLM) company DoTerra’s headquarters are based in Utah, selling essential oils and personal care products via the MLM platform.

doTerra Products.

Essential oils Include citrus blends and oils to help you breathe and sleep better.

Personal care  This includes skin, hair, and body care.

Supplements   This includes Weight Management, Digestive and Children’s vitamins.

Business Opportunities

To join the doTerra business is as simple as signing up online. Purchase a membership, buy yourself a kit, and you’re ready to go. It’s that easy.

As A Wellness Advocate, you can engage in all the monthly training, social activities, and any other events that will keep you informed about the company updates, etc.

Your yearly membership as a Wellness Advocate will cost you $35.00, allowing you to purchase products at a 25% discount off RRP (recommended retail price). Also, it will be necessary for you to buy a kit to get started.

How Does it Work

Becoming a Wellness Advocate is as simple as opening your oils and sharing how doTERRA can bless their lives with others. You can begin communicating using your doTERRA Essentials book and your fat kit.

Participate in Monthly Training, Community, and Events

Learn the Basics of Sharing and Building

There are different levels or ranks to be obtained, and your potential earnings increases with each rank. The levels are  Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond


You have an opportunity to earn money by being a wellness advocate or Wholesale customer; there are certain benefits.

 Benefits of Being a Wholesale Customer


  • Product Discounts: 25% off retail prices
  • Loyalty Reward Points: Receive 10–30% of orders back in points redeemable for free product
  • Shipping Reward Points: Option to receive the cost of your shipping back in points redeemable for free product
  • Free Product: Place a monthly order over 125 PV and receive the free product of the month
  • Renewal Fee “Covered”: After becoming a Member, the yearly renewal fee for a wholesale membership is $25.00. This renewal fee comes with a complimentary bottle of Peppermint, one of the most popular oils doTERRA offers, with a retail value of $27.33

Wellness Advocate

Wellness Advocates are those who want to create an income through doTERRA. They are excited about doTERRA products and want to share them with the people they love. Wellness Advocates commit to placing a 100 PV LRP order each month to receive a commission.

Benefits of Being a Wellness Advocate

  • Bonuses & Compensation: doTERRA provides a business opportunity for those interested in creating an income
  • doTERRA Personal Website: Receive a personal website that can be used if you would like to share essential oils with others
  • Plus, all Wholesale Customer benefits

You will also have to purchase an enrollment  kit which costs between $150-760.00

But as with all MLM, the emphasis is on recruiting, and you have to recruit to make money.

Your ability to recruit a downline determines your success for several reasons.

  1. You’ll earn a residual income.
  2. And help your chances of progressing up the hierarchy levels.

As a Wellness Advocate, you will also be expected to help and train new members within your team and in your time and reach monthly sales targets for your required personal sales.

Once your team begins to develop and makes sales, you will earn a passive income and bonuses through the varied doTerra compensation-plan system. And that will ultimately get you ranked to higher levels within the organization.

Is doTerra Legitimate

Yes, doTerra is legitimate; it is registered with the BBB but has no rating

Business Details

Location of This Business

389 S 1300 W, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062-3761

BBB File Opened:


Years in Business:


Business Started:


Business Started Locally:


Business Incorporated:


Accredited Since:


Type of Entity:

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Alternate Business Name

  • doTERRA International, LLC

Additional Contact Information

Fax Numbers

  • (801) 615-7205Primar

Will, You Make Money with doTerra?

According to Motley Fool, a financial magazine https://www.fool.com/investing/2018/12/02/why-you-should-avoid-doterra-like-the-plague.aspx

It would be best if you avoided doTerra, it states. 

The reality is that doTERRA, like all multilevel marketing businesses, has a simple mathematical flaw: Only the top 1% will earn anything more than minimum wage, and even then, hard work is no guarantee that you’ll get into the top 1%.

What doTERRA sellers earn

The Federal Trade Commission requires MLMs to disclose how much their members earn selling products to others. How the MLM decides to disclose this information is mainly up to the company, resulting in highly misleading presentations about how much you can earn peddling products to friends and family.

I’m picking on doTERRA today because its income disclosure statement is especially egregious. It highlights how much its “advocates” earn in a table on its website.

The doTERRA income disclosure statement paints a rather rosy picture where even its lowest-earning advocates (Silver rank) are pocketing more than $27,500 per year, the equivalent to about $13.75 per hour for a full-time worker. Based on the table, roughly 1 in 6 sellers achieve a rank in which the average earnings top $100,000 per year.

But the smaller print in the same disclosure reveals the realities that doTERRA and other MLMs would prefer kept hidden: The table only includes the most elite group of doTERRA advocates — those who are in the top 1% based on their ability to sell the product, and more importantly, sell others on the dream of selling its products.

When the top 1% earn $28,000 per year

Getting in the top 1% of doTERRA is no easy feat. For instance, achieving the “Silver” rank requires recruiting at least three people who personally sell — or recruit people who sell — at least $3,000 in products per month.

So if you recruit three people who each sell $500 of product per month, and each of your recruits more people who sell $2,500 of the product combined per month, you’ll make it to Silver, putting you into the top 1% of the organization. At a minimum, this requires at least $9,000 in “organizational” volume from the people you recruit, though few will reach this rank with exactly $9,000 in monthly volume.

You’ll be in the top 1% of doTERRA advocates upon reaching Silver. At this level, the average earnings among advocates are $27,557. Nowhere else does being in the top 1% yield so little. The top 1% of individual American earners hauled in about $308,000 in 2016, yet the top 1% of doTERRA reps earn barely more than a recently hired, full-time Target-store worker.

Who is doTerra Business For

Someone who has the ability to Constant Recruit New Members and can sell at least $100 per month.

I know that essential oils are the in-thing today, but I am not sure about the benefits of using them, as I have not used them myself.

start your own business
Start your own business.

But I found this website from an article published by Finance Guy.net, and the supplement police found that doTERRA oils were pure and high quality.

And also another site by essential oil haven confirmed that doTERRA is producing quality oils. They did mention that doTERRA products are no different from the high-quality pure essential oils made by their competitors.

I have also tried a couple of MLM companies to try and make some extra money, but it cost more than I ever made because I had to buy products to meet my PV so I would remain active.

In my opinion, affiliate marketing is a better choice, and you have nothing to sell; you do not need to buy anything to remain active, and you do not need to recruit anyone.

You do not need to be an expert, the platform I am a part of will train you step by step via video, there is a community of willing members to assist you, and the best part is you can start for FREE. You can know more by clicking this link.

Have you ever been a part of an MLM? What has been your experience?

I appreciate your time and look forward to your questions and comments, thank you, and please share.

.NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you)

How To Be A Successful Online Marketer—Make Money Online

Be A successful online marketer- With the right training, you can be a successful online marketer.
Be A successful online marketer- With the proper training, you can be a successful online marketer.

Be a successful online marketer.

A very successful online marketer can earn more than five figures per month.

When affiliates reach this elite level, they are called “super affiliates.” However, not every Affiliate has achieved this level of success,

This level of success does not come about by luck but by hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, a love for what you are doing, a lot of time, and commitment: persistence, patience, and a thirst for knowledge.

Find Your  Niche

The first step to success is finding a niche you will promote. Do not make your niche too broad; that would be a big mistake; you can’t promote everything, say focus on a specific niche market.

Continue reading How To Be A Successful Online Marketer—Make Money Online