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Juice Plus Business Opportunity How Much Can You Make

Juice Plus Business Opportunity How Much Can You Make
Juice Plus Business Opportunity How Much Can You Make

What Is Juice Plus?

JuicePlus.com is a health and wellness company founded in 1970 by Jay Martin.

JuicePlus also offers a business opportunity to distributors in a system they call a “virtual franchise,”

The JuicePluss virtual Francgise comes with pre-made online marketing materials like a website, app, social media, direct selling, and multi-level marketing (MLM). Their headquarters are in Collierville, Tennessee,

Juice Plus Product Claims

Leading universities, hospitals, and research centers worldwide clinically research Juice Plus+.

Juice Plus+ supplements dehydrate whole fruits and vegetables and put them into capsule form.

They claim that these supplements are the next best thing to eating the total recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables and that they can be used to “fill the gap” when we aren’t eating enough of these healthy foods.

Juice Plus+ points out many health benefits of the vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables.

These claims are valid, undoubtedly, and backed by science. However, the fact that certain foods or nutrients are good for you isn’t the same as saying that Juice Plus is good for you.

How Much Does It Cost To Be A Juice Plus Distributor?

It costs a one-time fee of $50 to join the Juice Plus Virtual Franchise system. With this membership, you get a corporate website, a mobile app, and other marketing materials.

Juice Plus compensation plan

Juice Plus Compensation Plan

there are 7. promotional levels. These are the levels starting from the lowest to the highest rank and what they can earn:

  1. Distributor: Retail sales profit only
  2. Direct Distributor: Retail sales profit + 6% commission
  3. Virtual Franchisee: Retail sales profit + 14% commission
  4. Sales Coordinator: Retail sales profit + 22% commission
  5. Senior Sales Coordinator: Retail sales profit + 22% commission
  6. Qualifying National Marketing Director: Retail sales profit + 22% commission
  7. National Marketing Director: Retail sales profit + 22% commission

Once you reach a designated level, that will be your permanent level until you earn enough sales to move to the next level.

You can’t get demoted if you don’t make any sales. Your level is fixed.

There are 4. ways to get paid:

  • Retail Sales Profit (RSP): Every product has a set amount of retail sales profit paid to you whenever your recruit reorders. Depending on the product, you can get paid between $13-$55.
  • Sales Commission: Once you move onto the second level in the compensation plan (Direct Distributor and higher), you receive a sales commission on top of the retail sales profit. The commission starts at 6% and goes to 22%, depending on your level.
  • Bonuses: They offer one-time bonuses ranging from $100 to $3000. They also have bonuses from the third level (Virtual Franchisee and higher). These ongoing bonuses depend on your team’s performance.
  • Benefits: At the top level (National Marketing Director), they offer benefits such as health, dental, vision, and more. It’s a complete corporate package.

How Much Money Can Juice Plus Distributors Make?

I found this on the finance guy.

It took some effort, but we managed to find the Australian copy of the 2017 Juice Plus+ income disclosure, shown in the table below:

Finding an income disclosure statement for Juice Plus took a lot of work, like most MLMs. But I found this on the Finance Guy site.

Solid Reputation

Juice Plus has been in the health and wellness industry for 50 years and has a solid brand and reputation.

Exaggerated medical claims

Juice Plus or its affiliates have a history of selling the product by making debatable medical claims, saying that it helps diabetes, can help you lose weight, etc.

These medical claims led to many consumer complaints from people who have taken the product and not had those results, leading to a backlash in consumer reviews.

The clinical studies they cite are for the health benefits of vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables and not studies to prove that Juice Plus works.

Is It Difficult To Make Money With Juice Plus?

The business model makes it hard to make money with Juice Plus or any MLM. We looked at Juice Plus using Dr. Jon Tayolors 5 Step MLM evaluation. According to his research, if you join Juice Plus+, you have less than a 1% chance of making money. His research is in line with our findings from their income summary.

The reason it’s difficult to make money with Juice Plus is because the system is designed for the company to make money. They aim to make you a Juice Plus+ customer rather than a business partner.

It is a sales job if you join Juice Plus or any other network marketing deal. The only way to make money is to make sales. As any salesperson will tell you, the best way to make sales is with a good product. (https://www.finance-guy.net/)


Expensive Products and Minimum Order Quantity

Juice Plus is costly, and, unlike other supplements, consumers have to buy it in four-month blocks, and it is difficult or impossible to cancel.

Customers might be tempted to buy a single bottle and see if it works, making an already costly supplement even more of an investment.

Juice Plus Vegetable and Berry Blend Capsules cost $71.25, and you need to order a 4-month supply. That makes it $285.00; they will ship it to you monthly. Which is a significant expense for some of us,

Get Ready To Recruit!

Making money on Juice Plus is only possible with recruiting With Juice Plus, distributors have to sell many products before they earn any commission.

Is Juice Plus Legit or a Scam?

Juice Plus is not a scam, and they have been in business for 50 years, so they have a good reputation. Remember that more than 99 / 100 people will earn less than minimum wage with Juice Plus.

If you are like me and would like to avoid the recruiting aspect of the MLM business, there are many ways to make money online.

Recommended The Best Way To Make Money Online Starting For Free

Affiliate Marketing

As I mentioned, there are many ways to make money online, but the most effective way to make money online is through Affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is recommending someone’s products and services to target customers.

Recommended Products are effective when sales you make a sale and you earn commissions.

Many bloggers and website owners already engage in this type of sales tactic.

It doesn’t matter what level you’re at. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, affiliate marketing is the most effective way to earn money online.

If you are new to affiliate marketing and may find the name intimidating or you cannot understand the concept, (for step by step guide to building a website, click here for free )

Affiliate marketing is about making money online using ads, courses, e-books, sponsored posts, etc., and is an excellent work-at-home business idea; it gives one freedom and flexibility.

You can either sell your goods or services or sell or promote someone else goods or services and get paid to do so.

If you intend to monetize your website, then proper training is necessary.

It would help if you considered learning the technical aspects of managing a website, like dealing with search engines.

You will know how to succeed in affiliate marketing with the proper training.

Recommended Learn The Ins and outs of affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing offers you the chance to make money online by promoting affiliate products – physical products, digital products, and services by referring people to the seller’s company website.

You will receive a specific commission once the customer completes the process of accepting the offer through your unique affiliate link.

This type of marketing approach continues to grow in popularity because it is advantageous to both the seller and the consumer and is effective.

In most cases, you’ll need a lot of money to start your business. However, with affiliate marketing, it’s different; you can start for free.

To start affiliate marketing, I recommend getting some training in the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

Who Can Be A Successful Affiliate Marketer?

Anyone Can Be a successful affiliate marketer. Approximately 4 BILLION people are using the Internet; it doesn’t matter where you head online or what topic; there are people you can connect with to create your business online.

 Requirements needed for online marketing.

There are no requirements to have technical experience or online marketing experience.

Everything related to online business is on the right training platform.

If you would like to know more about affiliate marketing, I recommend reading this blog  Learn The in And outs Of Affiliate Marketing Online Start Free.

With affiliate marketing, the benefits are not having to carry inventory, deal with customers, ship orders, or handle returns. And anyone can be an affiliate marketer.

Thank you for stopping by; if you have any questions about MLM business or affiliate marketing, please do not hesitate to ask; I will reply ASAP.

How Does One Make Money By Blogging? Learn How

How Does One Make Money By Blogging?
How Does One Make Money By Blogging?

How Does One Make Money By Blogging? Start For Free

Blogging is actively a considerable part of the internet today. There are a lot of people who are engaged in blogs.

Some do it for leisure, while others strictly do it for monetization.

Making money from Blogging is okay if the content and services are reputable and legitimate.

Monetizing a particular site via blogging is plausible. And the gains that you can get from it are highly significant.

 How to Monetize Your Blog?

Blogging about your hobby can also become an excellent venue for revenue. People are already making a career out of it.

Having a blog is a vehicle you can use to make money from home; here are some of the methods on how to earn money from your blog:

Creating a Business Directory –

A business directory is a website or printed information listing businesses within niche-based categories. A company may be compiled manually or through an automated online search software.

This one allows you to promote products and services. If your blog has a lot of audiences and they typically ask for various recommendations, then you should take advantage of that. Create a business directory from your site and earn money from listing businesses or selling their products directly.

Ad Spaces – Many bloggers are already implementing this strategy, as it can be done quickly. They are making spaces in their blog for banner placements. Sites with significant traffic are the ideal candidates for this method since they can reach an extensive network of potential clients.

Sponsored posts – When you have more of an established blog, you’ll have the opportunity to offer sponsored posts where a company or brand wants you to either evaluate a product or service for them or pay you to get their guest post on your blog.

Your Products/Services – You can offer your products or service one day if you have an ebook you wrote or offer coaching services to your readers.  You must establish yourself before you take this one on, though.

Be An Affiliate Marketer – Earning money by becoming an affiliate to third-party retailers is quite a sound idea.

You will act as a promoter, endorsing the products that online stores like Amazon sell and earning commissions when you make sales. The more products you can sell through referrals, the more money you can earn.

What’s The Best Way To Monetize Your Blog?

Affiliate marketing has been around for years, and it’s an incredible way for anyone to get started earning money online with their blogs because you can get started very quickly and at no cost, as most affiliate programs are free to join.

The blog format is perfect for affiliate marketing because you can warm up your visitors and show them how these affiliate products you want to promote can help them solve their problems.

If you can do that, the more trust you earn, the more likely your visitors will want to check out your recommendations, and the more money you’ll make as more visitors buy.

Display ads are another way to make a passive income; just set that up, and you are earning on autopilot after that;  but you have to have a lot of traffic to get to the outstanding ad networks where you can make $20 – $100+/day.

There is much to learn about this concept and how to apply it to your blog, so training on how to do it correctly would be a wise investment.

 The Five Success Principles In Motizing Your Blog

If you don’t build your blog website properly to get targeted visitors, You will not be successful.

You must know what you need to provide on your blog to attract the right visitors and make sales.

Here are 5. principles you can apply to your blog to get you earning and make your blog a success:

#1) Provide Great and Valuable Content

You must produce good content; there is a myth that any content is good. No. That’s not how it works, especially when discussing SEO content.

The content has to be substantial and relevant. If you want high conversion rates, you must ensure you have provided valuable content to people in your niche.; Content is king.

With good content, people will stay, but if the content could be better, you can expect everybody to leave.

The art of making content is crucial. One way or another, your blog’s potential to earn money relies on it. Conversion happens within the content.

If your content has high-quality write-ups and excellent call-to-actions, people will want what you are promoting.

However, as I said, ordinary and lousy content doesn’t work.

When you write content, you must ensure it is relevant, organic, and original.  Your content should help your readers with something, offering suggestions to help fix a problem or provide solutions they didn’t think of.

Providing high-quality content means that your creation should be free of spammy attributes. Google does penalize it, and it is a very, very bad thing.

The goal of providing valuable content to your readers is to build trust.  Once you have confidence, they will listen to your recommendations and buy.

#2) How To Get Massive Traffic On Your Blog

Another crucial part of making money out of search engines is understanding SEO for the high-quality content you have created, and you want to ensure people can find your blog posts.

There’s no better than using SEO to get visitors from search engines.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the heart of every profitable blog. Without SEO, they will not reach their stature at all.

This article is not enough to thoroughly understand how to master SEO. Even if you dedicate a day to your life, learning the ins and outs is still tricky. That’s how complex this matter is.

Do not be discouraged; if your objective is to earn money through blogging, SEO is indeed crucial.

Well, SEO is the one that allows people to see your blog or site on the internet without having to promote it yourself.  You must realize that you are one of many with have different mindsets.

Furthermore, you must remember that you are not the only one creating content for a particular subject matter.

It is not an exaggeration if we say that you have thousands of competitors that are trying to steal the spotlight.

SEO determines the winner of this fierce competition. Therefore, before you start making blogs, you have to ensure they are optimized for various search engines to see them.

Great title headlines, use of keywords, appealing meta descriptions, and essential links are among the basic stuff that you should learn.

Make Money From Blogging

Blogging makes you money if you consistently have a stream of free traffic on your blog daily.

To make money from your blog, you need to make sure that you master the concept of SEO; if you don’t, you will not have many visitors to your blog, and you won’t be making money.

It is best to get your training at a  training platform that trains bloggers on how to use this SEO method and apply affiliate marketing properly to your content.

#3) Consistency and Patience

One of the biggest things new bloggers need to improve is rushing things out. They have this idea that money will soon come after once they have published an article or content on their platforms. That’s a big no.

Monetizing a site requires a lot of time and dedication, and success only happens after some time. You’re going to need a lot of articles, and you will need to be consistent with your content creation.

In the first months of your blog, you have to expect small or no yields. But that’s completely okay because it takes time for the SEO method to work.

Nobody makes it big on the internet overnight. Some even have spent decades getting established.

Being patient and consistent go hand-in-hand with each other. While exercising patience, you also have to be consistent in your work.

You should be consistent in creating high-quality content all the time. People should not see that your quality is degrading over time.

That would cause them to lose interest in your blog, losing your opportunity to earn.

Do the right thing even if nobody is looking right now. When the time comes, you will be able to earn the trust of your audience.

Creating engaging and relevant content on a weekly schedule will help boost your ranks eventually.

4) Work Hard

For some, blogging is a form of leisure. They just do it to entertain others or make sense of their daily adventures.

These blogs are better than we have already seen personal blogs that have great content. They are simply amusing to read and view.

However, when blogging to make money, you must take this blog more seriously because you are in business now.

Because this has become your business, you must work hard to see your blog’s success and learn the techniques required to get massive traffic.

People who don’t take it seriously won’t be building their blogs the way they should and will not be successful in making money.

To make your blog work, you must put in a lot of time and hard work; dedicate 15-20 hours a week to work on your blog, even more, when you can add more time to your business.

You need to work hard to make a good blog that earns money. When your blog becomes successful, there will come a point where you need to hire people to work with you. That’s the kind of weight that you have to carry for you to make something big.

If you want to be successful and don’t have the heart for it, you will eventually stop and fail, making you lose your chances of earning a significant stream of income from your blog.

#5) Get Training

Blogging seems like it would be easy and can be freestyle. After all, they are making blogs about the things they are interested in.

If you intend to monetize your blog, then proper training is necessary.

You must consider learning the technical aspects of blogging, like dealing with search engines.

To appear on the index, you must ensure your blog has all the necessary qualities.

Training yourself by searching Google for relevant information will be frustrating, as the information gathering will be in bits and pieces.

To make a successful blog is imperative to overcome that you are given the correct tools and information promptly, and the best place to do that is a training platform.

Fortunately, the blog training platform I found has all the essential information and tools. It is a well-established training platform for all bloggers, from newbies to well-established bloggers; you can start for FREE.

Getting trained from a proper place is worth your time and investment because you will learn fundamental online skills that will make you money for years.

In addition, you will have help along the way, and this training platform has a fantastic, constructive community.

Because the membership is scattered around the globe, someone is always available to assist you.

Can You Make Money From Blogging?

Blogging for money is very popular today; the internet has progressed, and people are slowly discovering the potential of these blogs as money-making tools.

There’s a lot to gain from them, especially since there are a variety of third-party sites that doubles your opportunity to earn from blogs.

It is essential to learn all the fundamental aspects of blogging first. You can only make it big if you have a strong foundation.

The things we have discussed here will guide you in making a successful and profit-oriented site.

How long it takes depends on the niche you choose, the content you write, the traffic you get, and how hard you work.

You will earn very little initially, but if you are consistent, patient, and working hard during this first year of hardly any income, you will thrive in your second and beyond!

If you have any questions or thoughts regarding “Does blogging make you money?” or anything else, please do not hesitate to comment below. I always reply to my readers!

How To Be A Successful Online Marketer—Make Money Online

Be A successful online marketer- With the right training, you can be a successful online marketer.
Be A successful online marketer- With the proper training, you can be a successful online marketer.

Be a successful online marketer.

A very successful online marketer can earn more than five figures per month.

When affiliates reach this elite level, they are called “super affiliates.” However, not every Affiliate has achieved this level of success,

This level of success does not come about by luck but by hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, a love for what you are doing, a lot of time, and commitment: persistence, patience, and a thirst for knowledge.

Find Your  Niche

The first step to success is finding a niche you will promote. Do not make your niche too broad; that would be a big mistake; you can’t promote everything, say focus on a specific niche market.

Continue reading How To Be A Successful Online Marketer—Make Money Online