Tag Archives: membership

Looking For Legit Ways To Make Money Or Start An Online Business Start Free

Are you looking for ways to make money online or start an online business? Both options are possible.

You can have an online career where you can earn an excellent income from a passive source.

Whatever your financial goals are, it is achievable through the affiliate marketing business model, which is a great model for beginners.

To be successful, you must be willing to learn and invest significant time working for it; only then will you have the potential to earn what you’re looking for.

In this post, I am looking at how you can make money online through the use of affiliate marketing:


Affiliate marketing is a business model that is great for beginners because the concept is easy to understand, it’s low in cost (you can start free), and you earn a passive income.

A passive income, you don’t just earn money once, but it can make you cash repeatedly.

An example would be writing a post advertising a product, and you have links to affiliate products in that post or display ads, which allows you to make money repeatedly from this one post.

Affiliate marketing is earning a commission online from generating new sales for companies you partner with.

So, if you partner with companies that carry the products your niche is about, your website will have ads for those products, and when somebody buys the product,  you make money.

When you sign up, they provide you with an affiliate link, which you will paste into your content.

When a reader lands on your page to read about the product you are advertising, they may be inclined to click a link;  tell them they could find the product; you could use a CALL TO ACTION tool like: “Click here to see the” product you are advertising.”

You would link those words with the affiliate link to the site where they can buy that product.

You will earn a commission when they click your link and visit the merchant’s site to buy the product!

That is how you can earn a commission online, and it’s one of the best ways to make money from home with it.


Many companies offer affiliate programs because it’s an excellent way to get new sales without any upfront costs.

For affiliate marketers or people who want to make money online, affiliate programs offer an easy way to monetize websites.

Affiliate marketing is a great business model because it creates a win-win situation.

Brands and companies can create affiliate programs like Target.com and Amazon.com or join an affiliate network like Clickbank or CJ.com to host their affiliate program on a platform.

So for you, as an affiliate marketer, apply at a place like Amazon, where they already have many products in one spot.

Or, you can apply to an affiliate network to get access to hundreds or thousands of merchants to choose from.

Sometimes you don’t need additional approval when finding an affiliate program you want to join. However, sometimes you must be approved individually by each company you apply to, even in an affiliate network.

How much you get paid per commission depends on the affiliate program you join; they all differ widely from 1 – 10% to 50% – 100%, and everything in between.


Everyone wants to know how much you can make, and the truth is, it’s really up to you.

If anyone guarantees you any money you can make, it’s a sure sign of a scam, and you should run away.

No one can predict or know how you’ll work, how you’ll learn, and what you’ll do with the training, even if you have it.

You can make nothing or an excellent monthly income, or you can make way more,

It’s all up to you how much work you put into your own business as this is a very much you reap what you sow.

When starting an affiliate marketing business, it’s essential to know how to create such a business and not just do it alone.

You can learn on your own and search online or watch videos on YouTube to learn, but the best way to learn is on a training course or platform where you can learn everything in one place.

Getting training is one of the keys to success, and Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent platform created to train affiliate marketers, from beginners to experts.


Wealthy Affiliate specializes in affiliate marketing training that provides comprehensive, step-by-step lessons.

Why Wealthy Affiliate?

They’re ideal for beginners.

Wealthy Affiliate; is where you can learn how to earn commissions online and get helped by others like you, from beginners to experts who care.

Wealthy Affiliate has a fantastic community. You can easily ask for help and get help in no time.

It’s the perfect training brand for aspiring online entrepreneurs who must learn how to create a WordPress site.

Wealthy Affiliate is also helpful for fresh graduates in the online industry.

The wealth of information you get on their platform is incredible and vast.

They have a Live Chat, Live Weekly Webinars, and 1-on-1 mentorship with me (more on that in a bit).

It is worth a try, and it’s free to try.

With Wealthy Affiliate, you can create an online business in any niche of your choice. You can start a small site based on a topic you are passionate about.

You’ll learn how to build your site with the proper pages you’ll need, use keywords, get your site ranking on Google, and everything in between.

They offer business tools to host your website, a keyword research tool, and offer you SSL certificates too to secure your websites.

Membership Options

With Wealthy Affiliate, you can make money in two ways:

  • Free Starter member
  • Premium member

The Starter membership is free-for-life, so there’s no pressure to upgrade.

You can use the free website to check out the platform or the 1. free website to see if you can build it on your own with the first 5. free lessons of both of their courses included in your membership.

If you can’t figure it out and need the rest of the lessons, you will upgrade to Premium ($49/month, $234/6-month, $359/year).

When you’re Premium, you will get all access to all 50 lessons in the main course, the Online Entrepreneur Certification course, and another 70 lessons in the Affiliate Bootcamp course.

You get all the above features and more; click here to see.


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding earning online or anything else, please do not hesitate to comment below. I always reply to my readers!

Best Way To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing For beginners

Are you thinking of making money online and trying to figure out the best way to go about it?

In this post, I will share what I found to be the best way to go about starting your making money online business.

The best way will be challenging; if you want to make significant money, there is simply no easy way.

Any “easy” ways to do affiliate marketing will not accomplish success with the best way to make money online.

How To Approach Affiliate Marketing For Long-Term Success

Many people go into affiliate marketing with a different mindset, and it’s essential to learn how to approach this to find long-term success.

Affiliate marketing earns commissions from driving sales for brands and companies you want to promote.

You promote these products and services by using the affiliate links you get when you apply to these brands and companies that offer affiliate programs.

Affiliate marketing offers an opportunity to earn for both the product owner and the affiliate that earns the commission.

This business model also makes it easy for anyone to start making money online without creating their products or buying and stocking products, handling customer complaints and returns.

You earn the commission when someone clicks on your affiliate link and then buys that product or service you were promoting; the part that could be more challenging is to have someone do this.

I know people try and start promoting their affiliate links on social media or online forums and such, but that does not work well at all.

Any methods like posting your affiliate links on social platforms will only work if it’s like spam links, and you will either lose followers or get your account banned for too much spamming.

Posting affiliate links all over the internet will earn you little money because people will not click on links and buy from people they do not know; online people are more sophisticated.

Therefore, the best way to approach affiliate marketing is to be helpful to others.

Best Way To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

If you’re serious about building an affiliate business and making money in the long term, the best way is to create a website where you can help others in a particular niche/topic.

A niche is a group of people interested in the same topic, and you want to help your place in a way that will help them solve problems.

A website will create a significant online presence and build trust between you and your visitors.

Building trust is the key to getting people to click on your affiliate links, and how you earn that trust is by providing value.

Offering value to your audience lets them see that you are trying to help, and it’s easy to recommend products when that’s what they’ll need to solve their problem.

So your niche is in elderly health, you write about what affects the health of the more senior people, like arthritis, and you could offer suggestions of things that help to diminish the effects of arthritis and advertise the products that satisfy.

When you advise these affiliate products, you are recommending them to your audience, and it makes sense that they click on your links to those products to check them out since what you’re telling them makes sense to solve their problem.

Do you see how you don’t have to “sell” using this method?

By helping others, you can build a more engaged following and earn their trust with your value.

How To Learn How To Build Your New Online Business

To build your website right from the beginning, get the proper training from a legitimate source.

There are a lot of products and systems offering online opportunities. But you must be careful because they mainly offer income hype about how much you could make.

They must offer accurate information and training materials to teach you how to succeed.

When affiliate marketing when  done right, the result can be amazing

Building this online business this way is worth all the hard work you put into it, and it offers you a way to work from home with just a laptop, not dependent on any location, as long as you have an internet connection and pick your schedule!

 Best Training Web platform

I want to introduce you to the Wealthy Affiliate web hosting platform, which will do the “heavy lifting” for you.

Wealthy Affiliate Platform teaches the ins and outs of making money from your blog, and they use the WordPress system, the best content management system.

WealthyvAffiliate is a training platform that takes you through all the steps of beginning your affiliate marketing business.

Wealthy Affiliate

To be correctly trained to succeed in making money, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

You do not have to be an expert in the technicalities of using the Internet. Still, you need to have an internet connection and are familiar with typing, and if you have ever used social media, you are ready.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to pick your niche, build your website, and add necessary tools.

To manage your websites, like Google Analytics, Yahoo, and Bing, how to choose your keywords so you are given a lesson in using SEO (Search engine optimization),

Using Seo in your content allows Google and the other search engine to find your content, index them, and drive an audience to your website with social media.

The great thing about the membership of Wealthy Affiliate is you can become a member for free (At no Cost). And no expiration date on how long you can remain a free member.

Of course, as a free member, you would get less than a premium member; I recommend upgrading to a premium membership after you have looked around and gotten familiar with the platform. Especially if you are a newbie like I was.

Web hosting is free at Wealthy Affiliate. Other websites charge $49.00 per month for web hosting; as a free member, one free webpage: there are designs for your website to choose from, included at no cost.

 What Does Wealthy Affiliate Provide?

Building your website at Wealthy Affiliate takes less than 30 seconds, and you will be ready for business.

The premium membership is where you get access to absolutely everything. If you’re serious about building an online business,

The lessons provided are in-depth for the Online  Entrepreneur Certification Class; there are 5 phases. Each phase has ten lessons. The Wealthy Affiliate Boot Camp class has seven steps, and each stage contains ten lessons.

There is also help 24/7; we have a community with a pay-it-forward attitude, and there is always someone to help. The site support staff are just incredible; there are always ready to assist you.


I am not saying you will be earning right away with no effort; I am saying that with effort, work, and determination, you can have a business that will allow you to make money; you determine the amount.

There are members here that are earning $6.000.00+. As a premium member, you have access to ten websites and the opportunity to have different business websites; some members here are so busy they have to hire writers to help them.

At Wealthy Affiliate, our extraordinary community members will share their knowledge and skill to help you achieve your goals.


I have found all  I need to start and maintain my online business here at Wealthy Affiliate, and I know you will find it, so if you decide to join us, you can also become a member of this great community for free risk to you.

You will not ask for personal information besides your name and email address. So if you want to start your online business, please join us, look around, and build your website. Should you not like us, there is no obligation; you have nothing to lose, no one will call you or bother you in any way,

Looking forward to seeing you in our community

If you have any questions or thoughts regarding the best way to make money with affiliate marketing or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below.

How To Make Money Working From Home Blogging Free To Start

Can you make money online by blogging? You can; commitment, determination, work, and consistency are required.

If you are willing to commit and follow through with the rest, then making money by blogging is possible.

Let us go through some of what it takes to make money online by blogging

  •              What It Takes To Make Money Online By Blogging.
    • How You’ll Be Able To Make Money With Your Blog
    • Essential Elements You Need For Success

 What It Takes To Make Money Online By Blogging.

You must start with much learning, especially if you are new to making money from your blog.

It will be a lot of work for basically nothing for months; if you’re willing to do this kind of work, then you can have a very profitable business.

I hope I am not scaring you, but I need you to understand that making money from your blog is not a get-rich overnight business. Still, if done correctly, the possibility of you earning a substantial income is possible.

How blogging works is, you need to build trust with the search engines. You will get a good ranking from any search engines once your blog website is about 3-4 months, sometimes earlier or later.


It takes some patience in this blogging business before things can take off.


Consistency and a lot of groundwork in writing content are a must to show the search engines you produce fresh new content several times a week.

Deciding your niche and what you will write about would be best.

To be successful and have your blog noticed by the search engines, you must learn about keywords and how they are your starting point for each post.


, Keyword research is a must to get traffic to your blog, and it is a great skill you should develop.

Traffic to a blog site works very slowly and gradually until it starts to snowball, and the traffic takes off!

The same goes for income; income is very slow initially and improves with time and work.

Expect to earn nothing for the first 3. months but by 3 – 6 months, you should be starting to make a little and then gradually growing slowly until traffic takes off, and so will your earnings.

Some people get frustrated and quit blogging, needing to understand the nature of making money blogging. They need to know how every blog starts slowly and gradually, so most will stop in the first 6. months.

The other reason it takes so long to earn rankings is that search engines want to ensure you’ll be around in the long term.

There are millions of abandoned blogs because most people will need help understanding how SEO works, how to use keywords, how to use affiliate marketing, how to use different methods to earn money with their blog, how to write, what to write, etc.

If you want to work from home and make money from your blog, you must do the work needed to succeed.


With the help of real comprehensive training, you can successfully make money from your blog.

Building a blog is more challenging than it looks; there are many things you need to learn, especially if you want to make money from your blog.

A training platform teaches you how to build your blog step-by-step and use affiliate marketing to make money with your blog.

It’s a comprehensive training platform that includes business tools for your use, web hosting, domain registrar, SSL certificates, a free website for testing purposes or use for real, live chat, live weekly webinars, and much more.


There are multiple ways to make money with your blog, and the best one to start with is affiliate marketing because of the ease of it and the lowest cost (start for free).

Affiliate marketing offers a solution to promote products and services without owning or creating any. You earn commissions when you drive new sales for the products and services you promote.; Affiliate programs are free to join,

Money will come if you first provide value to your readers before all else; this should be your primary objective for your blog.

Then you need to know how to build your blog right so that it is SEO-ready on all levels, and this is where education is essential to learn how to do all this with the training platform I use because they specialize in it.


In this section, I want to examine the foundation needed for success.


Having the proper training is essential in making money online, and you need to know how to build your blog correctly and ensure you know all the how-to’s you’ll need to know to create this online business.


Patience is tough, and you need it, especially in your 6 – 12 months period when every doubt in your mind is screaming at you while you keep moving forward to get over that hump by continuing to keep working hard.

It would be best to keep working even without earning much initially, which is what it takes to succeed as a blogger.


Your blog must provide value and help to people in your niche; you need to do this because it is how you earn people’s trust, and when you earn people’s trust, that’s when you make your money.


You must post new blogs frequently; only go too long with posting new content.

Your rankings will slowly drop if you are inconsistent with your work and have to earn it back.

Whatever weekly schedule you think you can commit to, stick to it, so make it realistic, especially when you are still in the learning phase.

You will slowly and gradually increase your weekly frequency as you get more comfortable with blogging.

Being consistent is very important, so starting with a slower schedule is better than starting with a heavy program and then getting burned out after 3 – 6 months.

 Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to start if you want to create your website and earn money online.

,1. you can start for free and remain free as long as you like

2. With a free site, you get .1 website

3. You also get 12 themes to choose

4. Web hosting is free

5. Site security is a fee

6. 5 lessons or phase 1  of The Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) training

There is also the premium membership, which is best if you are serious about establishing a successful business.

I have placed a membership option list so you can see the big difference in the information and tools provided.

Membership Options

You do not need to feel that you cannot get through the lessons; for whatever reasons.

I did not have the experience and was not a technical person, I needed to be a better writer, and I did not know I could write content for my blog.

But at Wealthy Affiliate, the training is comprehensive, and you go at your own pace; there is no competition.

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for almost 2. decades providing excellent training in affiliate marketing.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform is user-friendly, and everything is available on the platform; you can get help finding your niche, building your website, and generating traffic buying your domain, and you will not be alone throughout your training.

After you have built your website and your content is written, you are shown how to apply for and get the company’s link on your website. ( the Company you are advertising for)

You will earn income from anyone clicking on these links and making a purchase; the company  or An affiliate marketing network will pay you a commission.,

The Wealthy Affiliate Community

The Wealthy Affiliate community, which consists of over 1.4 million members from 193 countries, is willing to assist you in any way they can,

There is also site support available 24/7, and it is very efficient in providing technical support whenever it is needed, and they attend to your technical problems promptly; they are the best at what they do.

And in joining Wealthy Affiliate, you will not be asked for personal information other than your name and an email address.

The premium price for membership is very reasonable for the info and training resources available to you.

Final Thoughts

I have laid out the necessary steps to starting your website and earning money, and if you need more information, I would be glad to hear from you; you can contact me by leaving a message in the space provided at the end of this post.

To be successful in the online marketing business, you will have to be patient; it takes time to build a following for your site,


But by posting new content to your site, you will build trust, be helpful and truthful, and there is no need for you to assume you need to be a language major; just be yourself and write your content like you are talking to a friend.

Please remember success does not happen overnight; it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, and sacrifice, and please never think you are too old, as the new saying in the ’70s is the new 60s.

I am in my mid 70’s, and I have met members in their 80s; we are doing it and getting along quite well, and so can you.

My favorite quote

One of my favorite quotes is Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe; it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill.

Remember, you can become a member for free; you can join, have a look around stay as long as you like.

Start Your Online Business Free

As I said, the first 5. lessons are in the free membership, and you are taught to build, write content and monetize your site, all the essential information you will need to make your site.

I joined as a free member, stayed for a month, became a monthly for a couple of months, then went yearly.

You have nothing to lose; try it; having tried it should you think it is not for you, then just quit; you would have lost nothing,

You can join for free by clicking on any of the links in this post, and I will be there to assist you in any way I can. I will be your mentor.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Thank you for reading my post; please like and share this post; I would be grateful, and if you need more information or have a comment, you can leave it in the space provided at the end of the post, and I will reply ASAP.

This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

Understanding How Affiliate Marketing Works and Make Money

Understanding How Affiliate Marketing Works and Make Money

Would you like to work from home and make money through affiliate marketing but are still determining how it’s done?

In this post, I am looking at how to start an affiliate marketing business and the benefits of an affiliate marketing business.

If you are starting affiliate marketing as a newbie, you need training, you can find all the necessary information on the Internet, but all the information is not in one place; you will have to search the Internet.

I think searching the Internet to find all the different information would be very frustrating, especially if you do not know precisely what you are searching for.

Fortunately, there are training platforms that teach you all about affiliate marketing and all that goes with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing can be very lucrative and a good source of extra income. I recommend it to anyone.

What Is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Affiliate marketing is a marketing scheme in which a company compensates partners for business created from the affiliate’s marketing tactics.

Affiliate marketing offers you the chance to make money online by promoting affiliate products – physical products, digital products, and services by referring people to the seller’s company website.

Finding Affiliate Programs.

There’s nothing wrong with affiliates making a commission in exchange for a promotion involving the placement of links, banner ads, and similar forms of advertisement in their blog post.

An affiliate marketer might occasionally highlight a product through a review or testimonial.

The marketer must then ensure that the agreement with the affiliate provides appropriate disclosure to the audience.

I think it is best to join affiliate programs instead of individual stores because sometimes some glitch causes a loss of sales and results in lost revenues for affiliates.

You will have to keep track of every transaction to be sure you are paid.

The beauty of a well-developed affiliate program is its integration with an online store.

As an affiliate marketer, you can have your business system with a merchant.

I suggest exploring options available through third-party affiliate programs such as CJ Affiliate, Shareasale, etc.

Affiliate marketing programs pay a percentage of each sale generated from the Affiliate’s activities.

Driving traffic to an online store involves placing a hyperlink or banner on a website or posting articles covering a product’s features and benefits.

Some affiliate marketers will only promote items that range between $60-$100 as the commission seems more worthwhile.

Others contend there is a volume of products at a lower price, and the certainty of making a sale is increased.

But it would probably be good to include a little of both price ranges.

In Promoting Products, Be Honest

Affiliate marketers should promote products in their niche; for example, if your niche is clothing, do not promote garden tools on the same website.

Marketers must also be transparent and honest, be sure that their articles are truthful, and only promote products they have tried or have done exhaustive research on.

Remember, your reputation is on the line, and to be a successful online entrepreneur, you must gain the trust of your audience, and to do so, you must be honest.

Who Can Be A Successful Affiliate Marketer?

Anyone Can Be a successful affiliate marketer. Approximately 4 BILLION people are using the Internet; it doesn’t matter where you head online or what topic; there are people you can connect with to create your business online.

 Requirements needed for online marketing.

There are no requirements to have technical experience or online marketing experience.

Everything related to online business is on the proper training platform.

Training is for everyone; even if you are very experienced in affiliate marketing, there is always some new information or program, and training is a way to keep up-to-date with new affiliate marketing methods.

Start Your Online Business Free Now.


You can start your own online business for free at Wealthy Affiliate, and you will be taught the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for over a decade and is known for being a platform built for every affiliate marketer.

It is constantly updating its platform; it has all the latest information and tools needed to be a successful marketer.

Wealthy Affiliate

The Wealthy Affiliate membership is over 1 million and comprises people from around the globe,

Our community is constructive and prides itself in our eagerness to assist each other to achieve success.

There is no competition among our members, and being surrounded by people with the same goals as we encourage each other is very beneficial.

Wealthy Affiliate has two types of membership, the free and premium; the free membership is just what it says it’s free, and there is no time limit for remaining free.

Free Membership

You may wonder what information and tools you will get with the free membership.

You will get one free website with five lessons, phase 1 of a ten-phase course of 50 lessons.

With the website, you will also get several themes to choose from; this is also free, so your site will be to your liking,

One of the top keyword research tools is free web hosting, backup, and 30 free keyword searches from Jaaxy. And an opportunity to earn while you learn.

This is a screenshot of the five lessons offered in the free membership.

The lessons are given via video, and there are done in a very professional manner; there is no time limit as to how much time is allotted to a video; you go at your own pace.

Here is a sample of a video lesson.

Creating Initial website content
Creating Initial Website Content Lesson 7 Phase 1

Premium Membership

Now you may wonder why you need a premium membership if so much is provided with a free membership. Well, first of all, it is well noted that premium members experience five times more success.

And as a premium member, you will have access to a lot more information and tools; well, you will have access to 10 websites and over 1,000 free themes to choose from, free access to one of the best keyword research tools, Jaaxy, and much more.

As a premium member, you will get 50 video lessons, but you will also have access to affiliate boot camp, another 70 lessons, and live video training once per week on a Friday; these live lessons cover things like Advanced WordPress Techniques/Strategies.

Here is a video of that lesson. I hope you enjoy it.

Advanced WordPress techniques
Advanced WordPress Techniques/ Strategies on July 26, 2019

And a breakdown of the premium billing

In becoming a member of Wealthy Affiliate, there is no agreement or commitment needed, and no financial information is required when joining the free membership; the only information needed is your name and email address,

And you will never be alone. Should you become a member by clicking on any of the links in this post, I will be there for you, and along with the incredible community members, we will be there to assist you in any way we can.

Tech support is available 24/7, and you can contact them from your desktop, at no extra cost, unlike some platforms that charge for each time you need technical support.

You have nothing to lose, join for free and try it, and I will be there to answer your questions and assist you in any way I can;

if affiliate marketing is something you would like to try, then OK, you can do phase 1, and at the end of phase one, your website will be up and ready for business. I am hoping to see you on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Thank you so much for reading my post; please remember to share, and you can leave your questions and comments in the space provided at the end of this post, and I will reply ASAP.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).




Have you been trying to make money from your home but failed? You may have tried many programs and courses that get you nowhere to make money online.

And you have gotten scammed and lost some cash along the way.

You may have even heard of affiliate marketing but do not understand it or didn’t have the proper training to take you to the levels of a job-replacing income.


The best business model to use to make money online is affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

According to Wikipedia, Affiliate marketing is performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

With affiliate marketing, a company pays you a percentage of the sales that you help them make.

You make money by making a commission by promoting other people’s products.

You would say join Amazon’s affiliate program called Amazon Associates, and you will be issued an affiliate link from Amazon that you use to start promoting the types of products you want.

When you promote that link, and someone clicks on it and buys that product, you make a commission,

The principle of making money from affiliate marketing is simple, but building a successful online business takes a little more learning.

There’s a methodical way to build an online business; if you don’t build it the right way, you’ll get nowhere and give up.

Why The Affiliate Marketing Business Model Works.

Affiliate marketing works if done right. There are a vast amount of people searching the internet for answers.

When I need an answer, I Google Yahoo or Bing to get the answers, and I am sure you do too.

People search for answers daily on the internet, so when someone searches.

Google always serves the most relevant results to what you’re searching for, and it’s brilliant.

For that person searching about a particular subject, Google presents the article and tells that person the relevant answer th their question.

That article will also make suggestions and recommend products that this person searching will need.

The person reading this article will most likely click on those suggestions to check out the products on the websites that sell them, and if the products look good to him, he will buy them.

Once he buys, the person who wrote that article makes a commission!

This can start a passive income stream for the writer because that one article will keep making money as long as people keep finding it on the web and buying from the recommended links.


You must remember that making money online is about learning a new skill.

So affiliate marketing, it’s one of the more accessible business models to learn and use.

With the proper training, you can build an online business producing a comfortable income stream.

This is not a “get rich quick” scheme; many try to use this business model for scams, but it never works out.

Build Your Business The Right Way

To properly build this affiliate marketing business, you must build a website or another online asset like a YouTube channel offering VALUE.

You need to build a business that HELPS people.  If you help people, there will be no need to sell; the help you are offering will encourage your readers to buy.

In building an online business, it is best to have a website, and you need to know how to use and choose the words people use to search on Google and other search engines so that your website can be FOUND.

Once you know that, the traffic (visitors) comes to you, the money comes to you, and you don’t need to chase the money (like the scam products make you do).

 Everyone Has Concerns About Starting

I know, especially if you are new to this “A website may seem an impossible task for me, and I know nothing about it.”

Or, like me, you may think, “I don’t know how to write; I hate writing.  What will I say?”

And you may even think, “I don’t know what I can offer people of value; what topic should I choose?”

These are all relevant concerns, and I know because I had them.

But We all had to start from scratch. No one wakes up one day and knows how to do all this.

Everything new in life, you have to learn how to do it, and it always seems complicated at first, but as you get into it and the more you do something, the more it gets easier.


There are many affiliate marketing training sites, but for me, the best one is Wealthy Affiliate, this site not only provides the relevant information but supplies the necessary tools.

Wealthy Affiliate trains you in the following;

How to build a website

How to make a YouTube channel

How to promote your site using social media

When I found this training platform, I was happy to finally see an accurate training site to teach me how to build this business.

Best Training Course

The Online Entrepreneur Certification course will help you to lay a strong foundation for your online business.

This has a total of 50 lessons, and each class is a step-by-step process that walks you through how to build your website, choose your topic, what you should write, how to write, how to select the search words called keywords, and much more.

All the lessons also have tasks at the end of each, encouraging you to take action and build your online business as you learn side by side.

There are discussion areas and an Ask A Question button by the lessons, too, if you have any questions or concerns.

The first 5. Lessons are free. You can become a member for free; no financial information is required, just your name and e-mail address,

At the end of the 5. Lessons your business will be up and running, you can go further if you wish; if not, you can quit, and there would be no loss.

Best Business Tools

  1. Wealthy Affiliate gives you ONE  FREE website to start with so you can test out the waters.
  2. Hosting – You can rest assured that the hosting will be available. Not just any hosting, they provide the state-of-the-art type of hosting that’s fast, secure, and backs up your websites daily.
  3. Live weekly training webinars – Training courses not enough? They have weekly live webinars you can learn from on specific topics to help our business further.
  4. Keyword Search Tool – this will be your best friend to finding the secret ingredient to drive tons of organic free traffic to your website.
  5. SSL Certificates – To make your websites even more secure, they offer unlimited SSL certificates free to all Premium members.

Best Support System

Recommend: Work From Home Opportunities 

The Wealthy Affiliate community is one of their significant assets; you can get help from the vast community of members, including the owners themselves!

There is also Live Chat, where you can get instant help if you have questions about your training or are stuck trying to get something done.

They also have Site Support 24/7 for all your technical questions about your website. And they are very prompt in their service.

If you want to start your online business, let me give you more information on their memberships.

  1. FREE Starter Membership – Sign Up HERE – you will get 1. free website, first 5. lessons free, 30 searches in the keyword tool, and you’ll get to test the Premium features for the first 7. days. You can keep your free membership status as long as you want.
  2. Premium Membership – Sign Up HERE – $49/month, or $495/year (savings of $93/year), you’ll get:
    • 10. websites to host (combo of free & custom domains)
    • Full Access to All Training Courses
    • SSL Certifications
    • Private Domain Registration
    • Unlimited Email Accounts
    • Private Messaging
    • Live Chat
    • Live Weekly Training Webinars
    • Unlimited Keyword Searches
    • Private access to owners
    • Website Feedback platform
    • Website Comment Platform


The only other thing you have to pay is if you want to get your domain name available for purchase on the platform, or you could buy elsewhere and host it at Wealthy Affiliate.

They also update their training and platform throughout the year, every year.  They are in the business of helping their members and not scamming them.

You will only get a great learning experience!

RECOMMEND: MY #1 recommendation for making money online

The Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing.

The benefits are many, but I will list a few:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face-to-face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment is involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No vast investment involved – (Get started for FREE)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! – even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more! No limit to your earning potential!

If you are looking for emergency cash or to get rich quickly, then affiliate marketing is not for you; affiliate marketing is building a sustainable income which takes time, like any business model, and to help you along the way, you need a company that:

  • You can learn as you go
  • A beginner-friendly and online approach
  • With people who have already achieved results
  • Where you can learn as you go and get the mentoring I need

You can find all the above with the best affiliate marketing training platform. START FOR FREE HERE

Simple Ways To Make Money Free To Start

If you, like most of us, are looking for ways to increase your income, here are a few simple ways to do so,

Most of the suggestions in this post will not make you rich but will allow you to add something to your finances,

Earn For Sharing Your Opinion

Brands want to hear your opinion to help inform their business decisions on everything from products and services to logos and ads, and you can make some extra dollars,

Taking surveys is a free and easy way to earn some extra cash, and there are many legit sites like

These are just a few surveys available for you to join and make some cash

Creating a free account and getting paid to speak your mind takes just a minute. Most surveys take five to 15 minutes, and you can check how long they’ll take ahead of time.

Try Out Apps On Your SmartPhone And Earn

There is so much we can do on our smartphones besides browsing Facebook or other social media, and you can earn money by downloading an app.

As a user tester, you test the app’s functionality by using the app the way a regular user would, ensuring the user experience is overall positive while noting any glitches. Once you’ve reported your feedback to the developer, you get rewarded.

While the job may sound simple, it does require some practice and patience to get it down pat.

Here are a couple of sites you could join and make some money.

  • UserTesting
  • . Userlytics
  • TryMyUI

It takes just a minute to sign up, and in some cases, you are rewarded with a bonus.

Working From Home

Working from home is ideal for some of us, especially those who have worked from home during the pandemic and found it very convenient. So, returning to an office routine without flexibility doesn’t work for many people.

You can do many jobs from home, and bookkeeping is one of them.

According to an article in Inc Magazine, bookkeeping is the No. 1 most profitable business.

And you could earn up to $69 an hour by starting your own bookkeeping business, according to Intuit, the creator of QuickBooks.

You don’t have to be an accountant or good at calculus to be successful at bookkeeping. Bookkeepers.com will teach you everything you need to know if you’re motivated. It’s one of the leading training courses in the field, and it even gives you the first three classes for free.

Taking one class a week should take three months to get started. Make your schedule, earn up to $69 an hour, and have more time for yourself.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another way to make money from home. There are many ways to make money online; Some methods help supplement your income by allowing you to make a little extra cash, and some have the potential to become a sustainable income.

With significant technological advances, making money online has become a favored way.

It doesn’t matter what method you use to generate an income online; you must adjust your mindset to enable rather than discourage you.

Success takes time; you should remain focused on your goal and avoid the pitfalls of doubt and negativity that will come.

Suppose you’re serious about generating a full-time income and possibly more from your online activities. In that case, you should focus on a type of business allowing you to make both an active and passive income.

An active income will help you take care of your day-to-day expenses. But it’s a passive income that will continue, even when you can no longer work.

Many ways to make money online start with having a blog, developing substantial traffic, and building an audience and a list.

It may not be easy, but it’s worth it. And some platforms can teach you these foundation principles; one such platform is Wealthy Affiliate, and you can join for free.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Just what is affiliate marketing? According to Wikipedia, Affiliate marketing is performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

You are paid a commission with affiliate marketing by promoting other people’s products.

The most efficient way I found to earn money online is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is my favorite way to make money online, and I have tried a few. Mainly because:

  1. It has allowed me to earn a passive income and;
  2. It’s also about helping others

And Affiliate marketing is one of the most cost-effective online marketing strategies. The seller will only compensate the affiliate when there is a sale. If there isn’t, the seller is not obligated to pay any commission.

To be successful in affiliate marketing, get formal training on how to build this online business.

Finding a competent training platform would be best. I am a member of the best training; this platform has taken a retired grandmother without any formal knowledge of affiliate marketing and minimal technology skills to an income-earning online grandmother.

This platform is Wealthy Affiliate, and This training platform was built for all affiliate marketers, newbies like myself, and those with some knowledge of affiliate marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is a company that takes you through all the steps you need to take to start your blogs and build a website.

You can also upgrade your membership from free to premium membership, which has everything you will need to continue the growth of your business.

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for over a decade,  with a membership of over 1.4 million, consisting of persons from around the globe, 195 countries total.

The BBB accredits Wealthy Affiliate with an A+ accreditation, this company’s platform is constantly being updated, so the platform is current with all the information and tools needed in today’s making money online niche.

Free Membership

With free membership, you are given 5. lessons. Level one is a 5-lesson course in the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification. It will walk you through creating a successful online business.

Getting started on the course (level 1) is your first step to realizing your potential as an online business owner.

Here is a copy of all the lessons available with the free membership

First five free lessns

No prior experience is necessary to be an affiliate marketer, and age is not a problem; the lessons are easy to understand. With the active members of Wealthy Affiliates willing to assist you in any way they can, you will have all the help you need.

Becoming a member of Wealth Affiliate is pretty straightforward click on this link and JOIN FOR FREE.

The good thing about joining for free is you will not be asked for any financial information; only your name and email address are required; the free membership does not have an expiration date, so you can go at your own pace. Join for FREE and see what is offered; you have nothing to lose.

You can do a lot of business from home, but choosing the right one will make all the difference to your success. If you are comfortable doing surveys, then that’s ok.

I want to encourage anyone who needs to supplement their income, whether you are a retiree like myself or someone who needs some extra cash, to give Wealthy Affiliate a try for free you have nothing to lose.

Legit Way To Make Money

If you want to find a legit way to make a full-time income online, I highly suggest affiliate marketing with step-by-step training at Wealthy Affiliate.

This program will help you to start your own affiliate marketing business. I joined that website a few years ago and learned many essential skills that helped with my projects.

I do hope you found the information here helpful in making a decision. Please o like and share this post; thank you.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

Affiliate Marketing Is The Most Effective Way To Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing  Is The Most Effective Way To Make  Money Online
Affiliate Marketing Is The Most Effective Way To Make Money Online

Why Affiliate Marketing Is  A Better Way To Make Make Money Online

In this climate of financial uncertainty, many of us are looking for ways to make an extra income to supplement our budget, or for some retirees, it is crucial to our survival.

There are many ways to make extra money; some can take an extra job, but for some of us, it is not an option for different reasons.

But with access to the world wide web making money online is possible.

There are many options for making money online: I have listed a few examples below.

  •  Write And Sell An Ebook
  • Use Mechanical Turk
  •   Offer Gigs On Fiverr
  • Sell Professional Services On Upwork or 99Designs
  • Build A Blog
  • Email Marketing

There are many more ways to make money online, and affiliate marketing is the best of them all.

Affiliate Marketing Is The Best Wyt To Make Money Online.

Like you, I’m always figuring out ways to earn extra for my family.

As a retiree with insufficient money to adequately meet my financial needs, I needed to find another source of income to continue to fulfill my priorities.

The most efficient way I found to earn money online is affiliate marketing.

About Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is my favorite way to make money online, and I have tried a few, mainly because:

  1. It has allowed me to earn a passive income and;
  2. It’s also about helping others.

Affiliate marketing is a specialized form of marketing where an advertiser seeks to advertise or sell products or services through an affiliate network.

There is more to affiliate marketing if you want to be successful in this business.

The Best Method To Build An Affiliate Marketing Business.

Building a blog is one of the best methods to build an affiliate marketing business.

You can produce a blog about the product or company you are affiliated with or blend the product or service into your posts with related topics.

Benefits For the Seller:

  • Low Marketing Cost

Promoting through direct marketing, like television commercials, newspaper ads, and billboards can hurt the seller’s budget.

Affiliate marketing is a low-cost choice as the sellers only need to compensate the commission when their product or service is sold.

  • Increased Visibility Through Search Engines

Affiliates always ensure that their websites and content follow the SEO guidelines; This helps them rank better in search results, improving the chances of people clicking on the seller’s ad and purchasing the products.

  • Free Brand Exposure

The seller doesn’t have to pay for the ads on the affiliate’s page. This means they get free brand exposure, which can cost a lot for other online marketing strategies.

  • Targeted Customers

The goal of every affiliate is to generate income, meaning they will select the ads displayed on their sites carefully. They study the interests of their followers and target customers. They know which ads will entice these people and make them visit the seller’s website and purchase the products.

  • Cost-efficient Marketing Strategy

Affiliate marketing is one of the most cost-effective online marketing strategies. The seller will only compensate the affiliate when there is a sale. If there isn’t, the seller is not obligated to pay any commission.

  • Easy Track of Sales

Tracking sales and maintaining transparency with affiliates can be achieved easily. The seller can directly count how many products were sold through the affiliate’s site.

  • Marketing Analysis

Affiliate marketing software is available to help determine which places most of the website traffic is created. Also, they provide the exact number of visitors clicking the ads from a specific location. This will help determine and decide which affiliates the seller should focus on.

For Affiliate Marketers and Bloggers:

  • Low-cost Start-up

The cost of starting your affiliate campaign is relatively low. All you need at first is a website where sellers can put their ads and market their brands.

But you need to invest a lot in your time and efforts. You’ll have to keep updating your website with fresh and valuable content.

You must provide your readers with helpful info to gain their trust. After that, it will be easy for you to sway them to click on the ads and make a purchase.

By the time your website generates a lot of traffic and income, you can already outsource some of the tasks so you can focus on other things.

To start your affiliate campaign, you don’t need to develop your products. You’re going to promote those that are already existing.

It would be best to focus on finding the right products and services to promote. You can’t choose a product just because the demand is high. You must consider several factors, like determining a product you know about and have experience using.

  • Tools for Affiliate Marketing

Because affiliate marketing has been growing for the past few years, more and more marketing tools are becoming available, such as those that help make text and banner ads, back-end operations, and sales tracking you can use for your business.

  • Flexible Work Setting

You can work anywhere you feel comfortable. You can work at home, anywhere you are pleased with, or even the park if you want fresh air.

  • No Sales Experience Required

Being an affiliate doesn’t require you to have sales experience. There is no direct selling; all that needs to be done is the seller putting their ads on your site. Even when the customer buys a product, they will be on the seller’s website, and the transaction will be between them.

  • Wide Base for Customers

Since it’s online marketing, the customer base is global. This means you are reaching customers from other parts of the world, which means the chances of converting followers to customers are pretty high (if you work hard to let your campaign thrive).

Affiliate marketing is almost perfect for those who wish to have complete control of their profits. Although your success will heavily rely on your marketing skills, it’s a proven method to earn high passive income.

affiliate marketing is better than other make-money-online opportunities because of its unique benefits. It’s a cost-efficient and low-risk method to achieve your goals.

Best Way To Succeed In Affiliate Marketing

To be successful in affiliate marketing, I suggest you get formal training on how to build this online business.

You can find ways to build an affiliate business, but the information is scattered on Google.

Finding a competent training platform would be best. I am a member of the best training ( I think); this platform has taken a retired grandmother without any formal knowledge of affiliate marketing and minimal technology skills to an income-earning online grandmother.

This platform is Wealthy Affiliate, and This training platform was built for all affiliate marketers, newbies like myself, those with some knowledge of affiliate marketing, and expert affiliate marketing. (you can start for free HERE.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to start your own online business through comprehensive training that takes you to step by step on how to do everything.

The lessons are easy-to-use and organized to track your progress to ensure you know where you are in the course and tasks at the end of each class to ensure you build your online business as you learn.

This training feature helps you move forward to take action on the lessons you just learned; I couldn’t think of a better way to apply what you learned right away to your new website.

Here are some facts that make Wealthy Affiliate the #1 affiliate marketing training platform.

  1. FREE (for LIFE) Starter Membership – This membership lets you check out the platform and get the first FIVE lessons free to ensure you like what you see.  By the end of the FIVE lessons, you’ll have a free website already created live on the web with a couple of pages of content!

Beginner Package

1 Website

7 Days Limited Support

5. Classes

Level 1 Core Training

Jaaxy Starter

2. Premium Membership Includes Everything – There are training platforms out there that keep upselling you even when you think you got everything you need; at Wealthy Affiliate, the Premium membership will get you everything.


Most Popular Package


5Websites ($100/mth value)

Unlimited Support

52+ Expert Classes Per Year

All Levels Core Training

Jaaxy Lite ($19/m value)

Monthly it’s $49/month, but if you go Yearly, it’s usually $359/year,


Premium Plus

Power Users Package


Jaaxy Lite ($19/m value)

Power Users Package

50 Websites ($250/mth value)

Unlimited Priority Support

200+ Expert Classes Per Year

All Levels of Core Training

Jaaxy Enterprise ($99/mth value)

Wealthy Affiliate improves its platform year after year without raising our costs.

Wealthy Affiliate is a place  where you can learn as you go, beginner-friendly and online approach, with people who have already achieved results, and you can learn as you go, and get the mentoring you need

Does Affiliate Marketing Works?

Yes, Affiliate marketing does work; Wealthy Affiliate’s strategy is for the long term, meaning you will not see results right away because, with the online business, you need to give it time to build, to gain authority in search engines’ eyes,

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich venture, but when done right, the rewards can be significant; there is a saying Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.this is very accurate.

Thanks for stopping by; I hope you found the information helpful; please share; thanks,  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase to you)

Become Financially Stable Making Money Online Start For Free

Become Financially Stable Making Money Online Start For Free
Become Financially Stable Making Money Online Start For Free

For many of us, financial concerns have become whelming, especially with the uncertainties of today’s economy.

It would be constructive to have the plan to manage financial challenges that can help ease some of the stress.

Coping with financial problems can cause stress-related problems, so there are benefits to dealing with economic issues;

Paying off your bills, saving more, and reducing debt would affect not only improve your overall outlook but your stress level would be less.

There are a couple of ways to go about getting your finances under control.

  • Identify top sources of financial stress.

  • Create a monthly budget.

  • Build an emergency fund.

Identify top sources of financial stress.

To overcome your problem,  start by identifying the specific issues that are causing you; pinpointing the source of your stress will help you determine your next move.

 Create a monthly budget.

A budget is a powerful tool for controlling—and understanding—your finances.

A budget helps you avoid spending more than you have and save for future goals.

Once you have a complete picture of where your money is going every month, you can look for opportunities to redirect some of it to the areas causing your financial stress. But you must stick to the budget for success.

Build an emergency fund.

Having money set aside for an emergency, such as car repairs, job loss, or illness, can go a long way toward relieving financial anxiety.

However, building an emergency fund can seem overwhelming, especially with the need for enough to cover three to six months of expenses.

In some instances, it may need you to make some extra money.

Earn More Money

Making some extra money would not only help reduce your financial problems but your stress level would be reduced.

There are many ways to make money without you leaving your home.

  1. Buy products in bulk and sell them online.
  2. Sell homemade products.
  3. Start a dropshipping store.
  4. Start a print-on-demand business.
  5. Offer online services.
  6. Teach online classes.
  7. Productize your service or expertise.
  8. Grow an audience you can monetize.

There are many more ways to make money online; the one I favor is affiliate marketing,

Why affiliate marketing? Affiliate Marketing is a growing industry, and it is only said to grow to a nearly 7 billion dollar industry by the time the year.

More companies are starting affiliate programs.

With the ease of shopping online, most companies now have affiliate programs needed more, and there are more companies out there starting affiliate programs.

These companies understand that it is more important to have a digital presence as most customers are shopping online.


You can start for free.

To start affiliate marketing, you need at least a website, find a niche you like (or would like to know more about) start writing about your niche (a blog); you can blog about anything.

Many potential ideas

Affiliate Marketing is ever-growing worldwide. There are blogs promoting workout programs and photography equipment; There is no idea that is off limits. I have seen some I thought were silly, but someone probably makes money from it;  no idea is ever off limits.

It’s Potential Passive Income

Most people who are affiliate marketers started because they want both time freedom as well as financial freedom.

Pros of affiliate marketing

You don’t have to produce

You don’t have to produce the product. Instead, someone else’s product is being sold, and you promote the Low hassle/responsibility part.

There is no inventory,

There is no inventory, customer service, infrastructure, shipping, returns, follow-up, etc. These are all the responsibilities of the advertiser.

You then have Freedom & flexibility.

You then have Freedom & flexibility. Because the seller is doing the hard work of creating, customer service, etc., you have more time to focus on what you want to do while still making money in the background, with no hard selling.

If you partner with the right advertisers, you must refer potential customers to them.

Advertisers do hard selling. Affiliate marketing is great for those who dislike selling and dealing with customer service problems.

The Average commission paid by some affiliate programs is 5-10%; a few offer a higher percentage rate like those on Digital products, for example, often have commission rates near 50%.

As with everything, there are some cons.

Cons of affiliate marketing

It takes time to build trust. Even though becoming an affiliate marketer is easy, you will only make money with an audience that trusts you first.

Building trust takes time and is the hard part of affiliate marketing, it does take a lot of patience up front, and It takes time to gain traffic and subscriber.

What Is Affiliate Market

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Would you like to try affiliate marketing? You can start for free at Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is among the most reputable and highest-rated online resources for teaching digital marketing and online business ins and outs.

At Wealthy Affiliate, the lessons are taught on building a website and choosing a niche; you are given all the information and tools needed to succeed; the classes are through step-by-step video presentations.

The beauty of this is you have access to the videos to go over the lessons at any time.

You can go through the course at your own pace; there is also an active community of WA members willing and able to answer any questions.

There are also training videos and blogs on training written by community members, which are available to you for free.

Wealthy Affiliate Free Membership

You can become a member of Wealthy Affiliate for free, and you will be able to look around the site and decide if it is something you would like to do, and if you do not, you will have lost nothing.

Can you do business by using only the free membership option at Wealthy Affiliate? I have seen where others have done it, but I would not recommend it.

I signed up using the free offer for a month, and seeing that this site was not a scam and had the potential to earn a decent income, I upgraded to premium.

What is good about it is that you can judge, based on the free membership, whether it is worth signing up for a premium. (a free membership never expires)

Only you can decide if Wealthy Affiliate is a good option for you. However, you will get more than enough of an idea by signing up for the free membership option.

RECOMMEND: MY #1 recommendation for making money online

About 1 in every eight people upgrades to a premium membership. There is so much more offered to you in the premium option.

Please look at the video below; it is one of the five lessons offered in the free package.

Building your own niche siteBuilding your Niche website

Unlimited keyword research

You see that with the premium, you have unlimited keyword research with a membership. Other paid keyword research tools sell for $49 or more monthly. And Add in website hosting, at $10.00 per mth—and a website security package.

As you can see, Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent deal with all the resources and tools you will need in one convenient place.

Not to mention all the training, tutorials, and support included with the membership.

It costs to start and keep any business successful, and you will start at a meager cost. You may not see the returns on your business very quickly, but you will see returns.

Remember, this is not a get-rich-quick business, and it is not promoted as one, but with time, patience, and work, you will see success.


In conclusion, you can do a lot of business from home, but choosing the right one will make all the difference to your success. If you are comfortable doing surveys, then that’s ok.

I can tell you I tried it, and it did not work for me; I would be doing a survey, and after 15 min, I would be notified I did not qualify for that survey.

And the information I gave them about myself they sold to other companies, and I kept getting calls offering to sell me something.

I tried watching videos for 5c a video; the videos did not last long, but the contents left me feeling like my brain was turning to mush.

I tried so many things until I found Wealthy Affiliate, And I started on an adventure I never dreamed would be possible.

As a retiree without experience, I never thought I would do it. But with the 1on1 coaching and asking questions at any time, the training videos, and so much more, I now have a couple of websites I have started earning some small dividends. I have been at this since April 2018

Needs to supplement your income

I want to encourage anyone who needs to supplement their income, whether you are a retiree like myself or someone who needs some extra cash, to give Wealthy Affiliate a try for free you have nothing to lose.

Thank you so much for reading my post. I do hope you found the information here helpful in making a decision. Please stop by again. Remember to like and share this post; thank you.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

NeoBux Survey A Legit Site But Is It Worth Your Time Free To Join

NeoBux Survey A Legit Site But Is It Worth Your Time Free To Join
NeoBux Survey A Legit Site, But Is It Worth Your Time Free To Join





There are thousands of online sites, and each promises to reward you for participating in a program.

But does NeoBaux deliver on that promise?

This review is based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training to help you start your online business.

What is NeoBux?

NeoBux has existed since 2008. the company behind NeoBux is NeoDev Lda, based in Portugal. 

NeoBux is a GPT (Get-Paid-To) site that offers several ways to earn. But because of the system on the site.

It’s free to join NeoBux and is available in most countries 

How To Earn On NeoBux?

To start earning on NeoBux, you must register and become a member; there are two primary memberships: a standard (free) membership and a golden membership ($90 per year).

Once you upgrade to the golden membership, you can buy additional golden packs that will give you more advantages.

How do you earn from Neobux?

You can earn extra bucks in Neobux in your free time.

1. NeoBux Clicking ads

This Task is simple: after logging into your NeoBux account, click the “View Advertisements.” then the orange box and the red dot inside it.

When the new tab opens up, wait until the “O” of the Neobux logo completes loading, and you get credited. Repeat this process to keep earning. Each click makes you $0.001.

NeoBux Click Ads
NeoBux Click Ads

2. NeoBux Viewing AdPrize

For each advertisement you watch, you receive 1 point and 3 AdPrize chances. Viewing the Adprize ads allows you to instantly win free Golden membership, points, or cash prizes (like $0.50, $1 up to $50).

3. Completing  NeoBux Offers

Coins are Neobux currency; you can convert these coins into money upon reaching the minimum payout threshold.

By doing Offers on the Neobux platform, you earn points and coins. You can use Points to extend referrals to Golden membership or increase the direct referrals limit.

4. Completing NeoBux Surveys

You get paid for completing surveys like any other paid survey site. Answering surveys allow you to reach the payout threshold faster instead of just clicking ads that only earn you $0.001.


NeoBux AdPrize chances:

You get 4 AdPrize chances for each paid ad you click, and you must use them within 240 minutes (4 hours) or lose them.

The AdPrize chances are the same as the ads. You click an ad, watch for 5-10 seconds, and you do not get paid, but you have a chance to win a prize; you are notified if you have won.

NeoBux Paid offers:

With the Paid offers on NeoBux, you have several different online offers you can earn by taking. The offers could include downloading apps, extra surveys, free web trials, and more.

NeoBux Paid games:

There is a good selection of games you can play, from card games, casino games, arcade games, strategy games, and more, and you can find some fun games to play.

You must play a game for at least 2 minutes to get credits. For each game session, you earn $0.001 and are allowed to play for a maximum of 100 game sessions a day.

Before you can play a game, you first have to watch small ads before you get to the actual game; playing 100 sessions a day would earn $0.10 and take you a long time.

 Invite people to join NeoBux:

Referring people to become members of NeoBaux is a way to earn a small commission every time that person earns (the earnings for the person you invited will not be affected, and Neobux pays the commission).

As a member of NeoBux, you are provided with a link to share with people, and if they join through the link and start using the platform, you receive a small reward.

There is, however, a limit of referrals you can have depending on your membership type, and you do not get paid for your referral clicks on ads unless you have clicked a certain number of ads yourself in the last 24 hours (the amount depends on your membership type).

The commission for ad clicks ranges from  $0.005-$0.01 per click from your referrals, 12% of the mini-jobs they do, and 20% for coin offers. 

There is also the option of renting referrals at NeoBux, the rented referrals are still active, but there is no guarantee of how active they will be.

The price for renting a referral depends on how many you want to rent, but it will be between $0.20-$0.27 per referral for a 1-month rental. 

NeoBaux Referral Rental
NeoBaux Referral Rental

How do you get paid?

NeoBux rewards you in cash, coins, or point; clicks on ads, surveys, games, and mini-jobs pay in cash. Cash payments are made through Skrill, Payza, or Neteller.

Points for watching ads and AdPrize, points cannot be exchanged for cash but can be used for upgrading to golden membership (for 30000 points for a 1-year membership);

You can use points to extend your rented referrals or to increase your direct referrals limit (500 points increase the limit by one referral).

Also, you can get paid via cryptocurrencies, one of the most recent payout options Neobux has added.

Is BeoBux Legit?

 NeoBux is Legit and offers many different opportunities, and it is not a scam site; the rewards offered are very meager and seem to be a bit confusing.

My Thoughts 

NeoBux is a legit site, but the small payout, is this worth your valuable time? 

It will be hard to make a sustainable income: there are better ways to earn money online.

I have written a post about the many ways to make a living online ( you can read it here.) What is affiliate marketing, and why affiliate marketing, you ask?

Affiliate marketing is one of the best business models to make money online, and you can start for free.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick endeavor; it will take some work and patience, but you can do it.

What Are The Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing?

The benefits are many, but I will list a few:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face-to-face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment is involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No vast investment involved – (Get started for FREE)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! – even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more! No limit to your earning potential!

You may be saying you do not know about affiliate marketing; well, not to worry, there is (in my opinion) the very best training platform in AFFILIATE Marketing.

This company has been around since 2005 and has members from around the globe,

This company has an outstanding reputation and has produced many super-affiliates; they have the very best community that is very active, friendly, and helpful.

With the free membership, you will get ten lessons, a website, and a domain (for a time); you need not be an expert; you will become an expert; you have nothing to lose to try; it is FREE.

CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT MY #1 recommendation for making money online

Who is Affiliate Marketing for

  • Stay-at-home moms or dads
  • The disabled
  • Anyone that needs to earn some extra money
  • People that don’t like their current jobs
  • People who want to earn money from their hobbies or passions
  • Bloggers who want to make some money from their blogs
  • Students, either while studying or after graduating
  • The unemployed
  • Retired people who want to earn to supplement their pensions
  • People who want to learn how to build a WordPress website
  • Local business owners who wish to start a website or improve their online presence
  • Anyone wishing to create a website or improve their online presence
  •  People who want to learn how to make money online in an honest way
  • And many more.

Thank you for your time. I do appreciate it. Have you done any surveys from survey sites? What was your experience?

I would like to hear your thoughts on taking surveys, and If you have any comments, questions, or experiences with this website, I would love to hear from you in a comment below. And please share

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase to you).


MindsPay A Legit GPT Site Or A Scam Free To Join

MindsPay A Legit GPT Site Or A Scam Free To Join
MindsPay A Legit GPT Site Or A Scam Free To Join


There are thousands of online sites, and each promises to reward you for participating in a program.

But does MindsPay deliver on that promise?

This post is written based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training to help you start your online business.

What is MindsPay?

MindsPay is a (GPT) get-paid-to site that allows users to complete surveys and get paid for their feedback and time.

The company has been around since 2011; according to its website Share your opinion and make money and Review products and participate in paid offers.”

How Does MindsPay Work?

MindsPay A Legit GPT Site Or A Scam Free To Join
MindsPay A Legit GPT Site Or A Scam Free To Join

Before you can start earning, you have to be a member; signing up is straightforward and involves answering questions about your demographics, e.g., your age, gender, and other details, including a valid email address,

Your account information must be complete and accurate. Membership is open to US residents over the age of 18, and on completion of sign-up, you’ll receive a $3 bonus.

Ways To Earn On MindsPay?

  • Surveys
  • Read emails
  • Trial offers
  • Referral Program

Surveys and offers

Before you get to the survey offer, there are several pages of promotional offers that you are forced to go through before reaching the member’s area, where there is an overview of the MindsPay earning methods.

Taking surveys on MindsPay can be wearisome; for every survey you attempt, you need to sign up with a third-party survey site; the sign-ups often ask for private information.

The time it takes to complete surveys ranges from a minute or far longer; the payment per survey is between $3 and $75, depending on the length and complexity of the survey.

It is noted, however, that there is a disqualification rate of approximately three surveys for every five attempts, and there are no rewards for disqualification from a survey.

MindsPay acts as a middleman, and they get paid to promote these offers and to get you to sign up, so for every earning, you are taken to another survey site to sign up and take the surveys there.

MindsPay– Paid emails

As a member of the Mindspay platform, promotional emails are sent to your email address.

Some of the emails are paid emails; you earn 3 cents by clicking on the link in the email and reading the offer.

MindsPay Referral Program


Another way to earn on MindsPay is to invite friends to join, and you receive 10% of their earnings (paid by MindsPay).

How Do Mindspay Pay You?

MindsPay offers one payout method, and that is PayPal. (Open a PayPal account here.) the payout threshold is $50.00, and the payout is on the 15th and 30th of the month

Is MindsPay legit or a scam?

MindsPay is a legit site as you can earn on the MindsPay site; it is free to join, and the surveys offered on the site are from other survey sites MindsPay is primarily a promotional platform.

My Thoughts

Ways To Make Money Online

Many of us are looking for ways to make money online, and you can make money online from the comfort of your home or anywhere you choose.

One of the great things about the internet is that you can go into business for yourself from the comfort of your home.

It would be best if you had an internet connection to a computer to make money online.

Running your own business online will allow you the freedom from the daily 9 to 5 desk job.

You will be able to travel, indulge in hobbies, and be with your family,

There are more profitable ways to  earn online than on surveys or  GPT sites; of all the ways to make money online, I favor affiliate marketing,

I have written a post about the many ways to make a living online ( you can read it here.) What is affiliate marketing, and why affiliate marketing, you ask?

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best business models to make money online, and you can start for free.

As with these sites, the potential for earning anything substantial is almost nill, but there are other earning opportunities online that can be better income earners,

There are more profitable ways to  earn online than on surveys or  GPT sites; of all the ways to make money online, I favor affiliate marketing,

I have written a post about the many ways to make a living online ( you can read it here.) What is affiliate marketing, and why affiliate marketing, you ask?

Affiliate marketing is one of the best business models to make money online, and you can start for free.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick endeavor; it will take some work and patience, but you can do it.

What Are The Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing?

The benefits are many, but I will list a few:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face to face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment is involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No vast investment involved – (Get started for FREE)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! – even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!.

You may be saying you do not know about affiliate marketing; well, not to worry, there is (in my opinion) the very best training platform in AFFILIATE Marketing.

This company has been around since 2005 and has members from around the globe,

This company has an outstanding reputation and has produced many super-affiliates; they have the very best community that is very active, friendly, and helpful.

With the free membership, you will get ten lessons, a website, a domain (for a time), and free web hosting; you need not be an expert; you will become an expert; you have nothing to lose to try; it is FREE.

CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT MY #1 recommendation for making money online

Who is Affiliate Marketing for

  • Stay-at-home moms or dads
  • The disabled
  • Anyone that needs to earn some extra money
  • People that don’t like their current jobs
  • People who want to earn money from their hobbies or passions
  • Bloggers who want to make some money from their blogs
  • Students either while studying or after graduating
  • The unemployed
  • Retired people who want to earn to supplement their pensions
  • People who want to learn how to build a WordPress website
  • Local business owners who wish to start a website or improve their online presence
  • Anyone wishing to create a website or improve their online presence
  •  People who want to learn how to make money online in an honest way
  • And many more.

As I said before, Affiliate Marketing is not a get-rich venture, it does take time to be successful, but as with all businesses, success does not happen overnight. But success is achievable.

Thank you for your time. I do appreciate it. Have you done any surveys from survey sites? What was your experience?

I really would like to hear from you. Do you have any experience with sites like this one? If you have any comments, questions, or experiences with this website, I would love to hear from you.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase to you)