Tag Archives: offering

SurveyNetwork.co.uk A Legit Site Survey Pays Up to £10 per survey Free To Join

SurveyNetwork.co.uk A Legit Site  Survey Pays Up to £10 per survey Free To Join
SurveyNetwork.co.uk A Legit Site Survey Pays Up to £10 per survey Free To Join

Thousands of online sites, each promising to reward you for participating in a program.

But does SurveyNetwork deliver on that promise?

This post is written based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training to help you start your online business.

What is SurveyNetwork?

SurveyNetwork. is a survey panel owned and operated by an American marketing research firm, SurveyEveryone Group l.

How Does SurveyNetwork Work?

Complete the form to register as a panelist and check your e-mail, where you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your registration by clicking on a link. You also get a bonus of £1

Paid surveys

The primary way of earningSurvryNetwor is through paid surveys. It works like most other survey sites with one key difference.

The surveys provided by SurveyNetwork will come from Cint Surveys. Cint Surveys is a market research platform that partners with many survey sites.

You can reside in any country worldwide and be eligible to take online surveys.

For a complete list of international survey companies, please visit Surveybounty.com.

To start, visit their online surveys list page and begin with the first company listed. Click the “Join Now” button to be brought to the survey company’s website.

Complete the form to register as a panelist and check your e-mail. You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your registration by clicking on a link; check your e-mail regularly for online study invitations.

When you answer a survey, you will have to go through a pre-qualifying process where you have to answer a set of questions. These questions are designed to determine if you belong to the demographic group the survey is intended for.

Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping consists of accepting an assignment, visiting the store, and completing a survey.

Each assignment may differ in certain aspects, like whether the shopper will reveal that they are mystery shopping, whether a purchase will need to be made, and the amount of time they must spend in the store.

Most of the time. The shopper will be paid for the visit and reimbursed for the item or items they purchased.

Paid Product Testing

Companies that offer product testing need people who can articulate their likes and dislikes about various products in various price ranges and utilities. From household cleaners to nail polish removers, your valued opinions can make or break a new product being tested on the market.

Referral program

Earn extra rewards by referring friends and family to survey websites in the UK. There is a list of market research companies offering their members extra bonuses, cash, points, etc., for referring people to their survey panel.

Make sure you’re registered as a member of the survey panel yourself, log in to your account, and click on a link that says either “refer-a-friend” or “invite others; you can also place banners and other links on any websites or blogs you might run, or even on your social media accounts.

The survey company will provide you with the tools you need so that they can keep track of who you have referred.

For every successful referral, you earn 10% of your lifetime earnings.

How do you get paid?

SurveyNetwork platform payout threshold is a  minimum of £20 through,

direct withdrawal to your PayPal account

Is SurveyNetwork Legit?

SurveyNetwork is a legit survey site that pays you for answering their surveys. Offers a simple way to earn, limited earning opportunities offered, and a high payout threshold

Recommend: Work From Home Opportunities 

Many Ways To Make Money Online

Many sites are offering overnight success, but in reality, there is no such thing. To be successful, you have to put in the time and effort.

You can make money online; I have written a post on ways to earn money online. READ MORE HERE, 

The best way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. An affiliate marketing business can be started with little or no cash.

One of the great things about the internet is that you can go into business from the comfort of your home.

You only need an internet connection, and you can make money online.

Running your business online will free you from the daily 9 to 5 desk job.

You can travel, indulge in hobbies, and spend time with your family, And you start for free.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

According to Investopedia.com. Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

Affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service by sharing it on a blog, social media platform, podcast, or website.

The affiliate earns a commission each time someone purchases through the unique affiliate link associated with their recommendation.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online; there is no need to have an inventory or worry about shipping; you do not have to sell anything.

There is no need to think about shipping, returns, or customer service; you do not have to sell to anyone personally, and best of all, no overhead expense.


With affiliate marketing, you will need a website; you can get one built for free here; you choose a niche and write content about your niche; an example would say your niche is gardening.

Your content would be about gardening, plants, soil, and methods,  and you would partner with brands and businesses within the scope of your website.

You would partner with affiliates that sell gardening tools and plants etc. If you mention a product or service, you link to that product or service using a unique affiliate code you received when you signed up for that affiliate program.

You make money whenever someone buys a product or service through your link.

Affiliate marketing is relatively easy and straightforward, But, Like any new business, your online income takes time to grow.

Growing your online business will take time, effort, and commitment to get your idea off the ground, and you need to stick with it even if your journey is slow when you first start.

RECOMMEND: MY #1 recommendation for making money online

In today’s World, most of us are looking for ways to make some extra money, and there are many opportunities to make money online; it is not as easy as completing surveys, but it is gratifying.

Affiliate marketing is more complex than completing surveys, but the possibility for you to make a reasonable income is good.

One of the great things about the internet is that you can go into business from the comfort of your home.

You only need an internet connection, and you can make money online.

Running your business online will free you from the daily 9 to 5 desk job.

You can travel, indulge in hobbies, and spend time with your family.

There are so many ways to make money online. To start, all you have to do is identify the profitable niche market appropriate for you.

A Niche could interest you, a hobby, or something you want to learn more about.

And with an online business, there’s no need to hire staff, rent space, or purchase expensive furniture (unless you want to).

If you want to know more, CLICK ON THIS LINK, enter your name and email, and fill in your goals, and I will contact you.

Thank you for your time; if you need to know more or have a comment, please, please do; I answer Comments and questions ASAP. Please share

The Ebuno Paid Survey Is This Site Worthwhile Free To Join

Ebuno Paid Survey Is This Site Worthwhile
Ebuno Paid Survey Is This Site Worthwhile

Many of you are looking for a way to make  money online and are trying survey sites like Ebuno, these surveys and GPT sites may be legit, but they do not offer you a decent reward for your time spent on these surveys and tasks,

You can also check out the step-by-step training to help you start your online business.

What is Ebuno.net?

Launched in 2017, Ebuno.net Ebuno is a Swedish registered company offering incentives for people to speak up about their opinion.

Continue reading The Ebuno Paid Survey Is This Site Worthwhile Free To Join

The ClickPerks Survey Panel Rewards, There Are Better Sites.

There are thousands of survey sites online, and each promises to reward you for providing them with your opinions.

But does this site deliver on that promise?

This review is written based on the information and testimonials that are available online in the public domain.

You can also check out the step-by-step training that can help you to start your online business.

In this post, I look at The ClickPerks Survey Panel

What Is ClickPerks?

ClickPerks is owned by React2Media and was registered in 2006. React 2Media is a leading full-service Interactive Boutique Agency offering a complete suite of interactive marketing opportunities.

It is located in New York City – world headquarters to traditional advertising giants for decades.

React2Media was among the first agencies to focus exclusively on online reach and touch.

ClickPerks.com is a GPT site that rewards you for completing several tasks every day.

This site is a performance marketing company that provides marketing solutions to brands, other companies, agencies, and publishers.

How Does ClickPeks WorK?

ClickPerks offers you a variety of earning opportunities that you can use to accumulate rewards.

To be a member of Clickperks, you have to be a US, UK, and Canada resident and be at least 18 years old, only 1 person per household.

There are several opportunities that ClickPerks offer for you to make money:

  • Paid Surveys
  • Paid Offers
  • Watch Videos
  • Cashback
  • Playing Games
  • Referral Programs

Paid Surveys

ClickPerrks do not offer the paid surveys provided by their clients, so you will be redirected to the company offering the survey.

Before completing each survey, you will need to fill out your profile, which can be very frustrating.

Once the survey is completed, you will receive a link from the company offering the survey to the reward, where the reward will then be credited to your account.

ClickPerks using different companies offering surveys is a good thing as it gives you access to many survey options,.

Paid offers

Paid offers are a standard method of earning on GPT sites.

Once you log in to the dashboard, you can view all the available offers under the “Earn Points” tab.

The Offers are presented with a request and its corresponding reward. The offers on ClicksPerks will usually ask you to sign up for a website or a mailing list.

Other offers will ask you to join contests, which will require you to provide your email address or some form of information.

These offers will also ask you to play games in exchange for reward points.

Once you complete the offer, your account will then be credited with the reward that was promised.

However, compared to other GPT sites, the offer section is slightly different and might be confusing if you have used other sites before.

Also, when you join ClickPerks, you are presented with a list of offers you have to say yes or no to before you can even get to the members’ area.

Watch Videos

Another way you can earn rewards with ClickPerks is through watching videos. But watching videos is the least paying reward on most GPT sites.


You will shop at over 1500 retailers like Amazon, Target, Starbucks, and even Walmart with cashback rewards.

You earn points for every dollar you spend if you click a link and go to the shop through ClickPerks and end up buying.

Aside from the points you earn, you will also get access to exclusive deals and even coupons from some big retailers.

Playing Games

If you love spending time playing games, you can gain points doing it in Clickperks. There is no mention of how many points you can gain from doing it.

Referral Program

ClickPerks has a referral program, but the rewards for referring someone is not made clear.

How Do You Get Paid With Clickperks?

Clickperks pays in gift cards or cash. Clickperks partnered with over a thousand brands to offer gift cards.

Some of these are Walmart, Amazon, Starbucks, and even airline companies like Delta Airlines.

The threshold for  Gift cards is 30 points can be redeemed for a  $3 gift card on Amazon.

The threshold for cash is 250 points that is equal to $25 through PayPal

Ten points are equal to $1 in most cases..

My Thoughts

This site is not a scam, but It seems your information is shared

Part of the signup process requires you to tick the box allowing marketing partners to contact you, this will enable marketers to flood your email, and you have to agree with it!

Surveys are usually not big money earners; join if you have some time to spare and do not mind the small amount you can earn.

But if you think it is a waste of your time and would like to earn more, this is possible.

There are many other ways to make money online.

However, success will not happen overnight; whatever area of making money online will take some time.

I have written a post on the many ways to earn money online.

 Simple ways to make money online. Start your own business

Of all the simple ways to make money online, I favor Affiliate marketing

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick endeavor; it will take some work and patience, but you can do it.

What Are The Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing?

The benefits are many, but I will list a few:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face to face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No vast investment involved – (Get started for FREE)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! – even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!.

You may be saying you do not know about affiliate marketing, well not to worry, there is (in my opinion) the very best training platform in AFFILIATE Marketing.

This company has been around since 2005 and has members from around the globe,

This company has an outstanding reputation and has produced many super-affiliates; they have the very best community that is very active, friendly, and helpful.

With the free membership, you will get ten lessons, a website, and a domain (for a time); you need not be an expert; you will become an expert; you have nothing to lose to try; it is FREE.

Who is Affiliate Marketing for

To give you a better idea, Affiliate Marketing is for:

  • Stay at home moms or dads
  • The disabled
  • Anyone that needs to earn some extra money
  • People that don’t like their current jobs
  • People who want to earn money from their hobbies or passions
  • Bloggers who want to make some money from their blogs
  • Students either while studying or after graduating
  • The unemployed
  • Retired people who want to earn to supplement their pensions
  • People who want to learn how to build a WordPress website
  • Local business owners who wish to start a website or improve their online presence
  • Anyone looking for fast and reliable hosting with the best support I’ve ever seen
  • People who want to learn how to make money online in an honest way
  • And many more.

Thank you for your time. I do appreciate it. Have you done any surveys from survey sites? What was your experience? I really would like to hear your thoughts on taking surveys, and I appreciate your questions and comments. And please share

.NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you.

BzzAgent Survey Share Your Opinion And Receive Free Products.

BuzzAgent Survey Review  Is this site a scam or a complete waste of time?
BuzzAgent Survey Review Is this site a scam or a waste of time?

These days there a many sites offering the opportunity to make some money online; but some of these siteslike BzzAgent are just scams or a complete waste of time.

The returns for time spent on sites like these are not worthwhile, so thwill be looking at Bzzagent in this post, I hope you find the helpful information.

BuzzAgent Survey Review Is this site Legit or a waste?

What is BzzAgent Survey

BzzAgent is a media network, operating since 2002, and is operated by PowerReviews, an international community of everyday people who are known as “BZZagents”

BuzzAgents voluntarily share their opinions and experiences on a variety of products and services for leading brands around the world simply to help others make more informed purchases.

BzzAgent has over one million member agents worldwide and uses word-of-mouth communication to generate measurable results for marketers.

Continue reading BzzAgent Survey Share Your Opinion And Receive Free Products.

How To Choose A Profitable Niche

How To Choose A Profitable Niche, Start Your Own Business Online
How To Choose A Profitable Niche, Start Your Own Business Online

There are a lot of questions from people who are going into online marketing for the first time, and one of the questions that are frequently asked is How to choose a profitable niche.

I think people go into online marketing to make money, and when you are not making money, you tend to become de-motivated.

But any niche can make money, but I think you should pick a niche you like or are passionate about.

You will need to build your brand; you make your brand by offering help to your audience; you do this by being consistent and gaining trust.

Building a brand gives you room to grow!

When you build a brand, people purchase from you since they know, trust, and like you.

Selling is easy because you have built trust, and trust is far more critical than having a slick sales page or being an expert marketer.

Learning all the marketing techniques will always help you sell more products; also, building a brand will enable you to get a long-term business that continues to grow due to all the trust you have made and the hard work you have put into it.


1. You Don’t Need to Be an Expert

You may have a passion or a hobby and feel you can’t start a website because you are not an expert.

When we started, I think most of us online marketers had no expertise in the niche we chose, but in time you will find that you will become an expert because you will have to research the content which will add real value to your site.

Like with everything, when you first start, you will face problems and obstacles that you will have to learn to overcome. If you are new to online marketing and the technology itself, I would strongly recommend that you find a website that will instruct you.

Some niches seem to do very well.

2. They Are Health, Wealth & Relationships (Happiness)

In any of these niches, people are always looking for solutions to issues they are trying to solve.

You can never go wrong with any niche in these three categories if you want a profitable niche that is productive for a long time and has repeat buyers. In each one of these niches, you will be able to have a lot of sub-niches.

There will be people looking for information on how to make money, and you can create an e-book on the process you passed through setting up your online business.

People constantly look for health tips, like diets, exercise, skincare, etc.

Hobby niches are profitable.

Hobby niches are profitable as people never stop spending money on their hobby since it brings them entertainment and a sense of satisfaction.

Many people spend a lot of money on games. Whether hunting, video games, dirt bike riding, or photography. The equipment and gadgets for these hobbies cost a lot of money.

Many online marketers prefer to sell high-ticket items and trade items that will bring them $1000 in commission, but I think those commissions do not come too often, so I suggest a mix of both.

 Competitive Niche

Being in a competitive niche may seem like a bad thing as it would seem like too many sellers, but Competition is the best thing you can ask for in a place. If there is Competition in a niche, then it means that there is money to be made.

Checking out the Competition

There are many tools you can use to check on how competitive a niche is, such as Google Trends or Amazon Reviews  (these are free); there are others that are not free, a couple of them are  SEMRush and SpyFu.

With Amazon Reviews, you can check if products are being sold, and if a moderate to a large number of people are purchasing those products and leaving reviews, then it’s probably a safe bet that that niche is making money.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online, there is no inventory, no staff, no shipping, and no person-to-person sale, and I must tell you you will not be successful overnight; it will take some work, determination, and patience,

So if you are thinking of becoming an affiliate marketer, may I suggest Wealthy Affiliate,

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform built with everyone in mind; attention is paid to every detail,

You are given step-by-step instructions via video and the written word.

If you would like to know more, PLEASE CLICK HERE.  

It’s nice having you stop by, please leave your questions about this post, and I will reply. Thank you, and remember to share.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you)

Earnably Review

Earnably Review  Is This Site Worth Your Time?
Earnably Review Is This Site Worth Your Time?

Earnably is GPT sites, or Get Paid To sites, these are very common online.

They offer rewards for various tasks.

As with everything, there will be some sites that better than some.

In this post, we will be looking at  Earnably and find out what it has to offer, is it worth your time.

There are many sites that are offering ways to make money online that are scams and there are some that will allow you to make enough to be a sustainable income and in time become a passive income earner

Be your own boss

What is Earnably?

Earnably is a GPT (get paid to) site where members get paid to complete surveys, do various tasks, such as complete offers, watch videos, and more!

The platform was founded in 2015 by a UK-based company called Forma Creative Ltd. It’s currently available for residents in the following countries:

The United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, and Switzerland.

How does Earnable Survey Work?

Completing Offers
Earnably pays its user to try various products or service offers. These offers can be either free or paid and they are very diverse.

For example, you may find free offers asking you to sign up on a certain website in return for about 50-100 points.

Paid offers usually involve purchasing goods and services or signing up for trials, but they also pay more; they pay about 300-500 points.

Whenever you complete an online activity, Earnably will give you points that you can redeem for cash via Paypal and a variety of gift cards.

Downloading Apps
There’s a tab called apps where you can make some extra points just by downloading various apps into your phone. All you need to do is to choose a device that you’re using and see if there are apps for you that you can download and earning extra points that later you can exchange into money.

  • Watching videos

If you are into watching videos this way to make money. This task pays the lowest around 0.5 – 1 point per video.

  • Answering Surveys

Also, you can answer surveys for the companies or partners that are in partnership with earnable.

The survey sites are in one place, and there are usually a lot of options to choose from. With surveys, you can typically get up to 100 points per survey. But many pay much less.

As per usual you have to qualify to do each survey, which means it is not a certainty that you will find a survey that you will be qualified for on a particular day, the good thing is there are surveys daily.

  • Listening to radio

If you love to listen to music with earnable you can listen to the radio and for that earn points. For 10 minutes they pay half a point. So if you want to redeem a minimal reward you need to around 33 hours of radio.

Referring people

You can earn by referring people Earnably will provide you a referral link, you can share this link on your social media page, and if anyone signs-up through your link and starts to earn points you will be earning.

You will earn 10% of everything that your referrals earn from offers. In addition, you can earn also 5% of the referrals of your referrals.

For each completed task you’ll be earning points that later you can exchange for cash into a PayPal account or amazon gift card or even bitcoin.

What Are The Rewards

Earnably has a low payout threshold,  you can convert your points into PayPal payments, you can cash out 125 points and earn $1.

It would maybe if you save up and cash out later. You will be able to earn a $5 PayPal payment for 500 points and for payments above $50, it takes just 4975 points.

Also with Earnably, there is a huge range of options for cashing out. You can choose to convert your points for PayPal payments, prepaid Visa cards, cryptocurrency,  or gift cards from a variety of retailers.

The retailers available to you will depend on what country you’re based in, but generally include major stores like Amazon, Starbucks, iTunes, Nintendo, Xbox, etc.

You also have the option to set up an auto-redeem when you hit a certain number of points, but for this convenience will cost you a 1% fee.

Earnably Reviews  -  there is a huge range of options for cashing out.
Earnably Reviews – there is a huge range of options for cashing out.

Who can become a member of Earnably

Anyone who is 18+ and resides in any of the  30+countries that Earnsably operates in. Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Is Earnably Legitimate?

Earnably is a legitimate website. They have existed for over 5 years and have paid out over a million dollars in rewards to their members.

Earnably is not a scam and as a member, you’ll be required to provide your phone number when cashing out, so that they can verify your identity.

 Tired of Earning Little Money Online? Start a Step-By-Step Training for a Full-Time Income Today! (For FREE)

This is to protect themselves again scammers and unscrupulous users of their website.



  • You can earn faster than on other “get-paid-to” websites
  • Low cashout limit ($2)


  • Earning potential is still extremely low
  • Your time could be better spent pursuing other methods of earning money online.

Final Thoughts

Survey sites are a profitable business for their creators but not for those who fill out the surveys.

If you really want to earn a decent income online I would like to recommend one of the best training platforms to you, This training can help you to generate a life-changing income.

It won’t happen in a day or a week but I know from my own and other people’s experience that the training really works. I’ll offer my 1-on-1 support and mentoring inside the community. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below

Thank you for your time, thoughts, and comments it is greatly appreciated. Please remember to share.

.NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you)

I have left some reviews by members of Earnably these were taken from Trust Pilot site.

A day ago

419 alert

I cashed out for a 5 pound paypal and it still hasn’t come to my PayPal they need to fix up and give me my money.



Reply from Earnably

9 hours ago

Hi Adil, your first payment will take up to 5 days to be processed. After this, you should be eligible for instant payments. ???? Just let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at help@earnably.com.


Igor Pereira

Igor Pereira

1 review

Updated 9 hours ago

Account suspended!!

Account suspended!!!

For no aparent reason my account was just suspended. I have complete 2 surveys and BOOM, account suspended!!

I had at least 250 points, it may not seen much but a spend hours collecting these points. I deserve my points and my account back !!

Updated: the bug was solved and everything is fine. Thanks!



Reply from Earnably

9 hours ago

Hi Igor! I’m really sorry to hear this; I see that your account was reinstated after a bug was found in our system. This bug has now been fixed. ???? Just let us know if we can help with anything else!

Daniel Petri

Daniel Petri

1 review

Updated 5 days ago

Today i make a Test with this site.

Today i make a Test with this site.

I make 2 full

Survey over 1hour and finaly i earn 0.71 cent

its a joke. Use ur Time for better .. read a book.



Reply from Earnably

5 days ago

Hi Daniel, I’m really sorry that you didn’t earn many points for completing that survey. I would like to look into this for you as that does not sound fair to me – would you be up for emailing us the details of the survey at ryan@earnably.com?

prakash gautam

prakash gautam

3 reviews

11 Aug 2020

Why nepal is not supported ??



Reply from Earnably

13 Aug 2020

Hi Prakash! There is very limited offer availability in Nepal. We regularly test and add new supported countries as offer availability increases in certain areas. Please add your email address at https://earnably.com/unsupported and we’ll be in touch if this changes.

Quick Rewards Survey Get Paid To Complete Surveys

Quick Rewards Survey Review  Legit No Scam.
Quick Rewards Survey Review Legit No Scam.


With the continued effort for us to earn some extra money to help us financially in some way, whether to pay a bill, save for a vacation, or have a little extra cash

We tend to look for ways to earn online, and many sites offer this opportunity, but some are just scams. So in the review, I will look at a survey site called Quick Rewards.

Continue reading Quick Rewards Survey Get Paid To Complete Surveys

Survey Compare Is This Site Legit

Survey Compare Is This Site Legit
Survey Compare Is This Site Legit

What Is Survey Compare?

In this blog post, we will be looking at survey Compare, is this a waste of time,  or a legit work from home opportunity.

Because of the terrific amount of people that are shopping for merchandise buying things and services, the companies usually offer surveys to get a feel of what the population is thinking.

Some companies do not offer surveys themselves but have another company that acts as an intermediary or middle man to gather the relevant information by offering survey opportunities.

One of these many companies is Survey Compare and we will be having a look at all the necessary aspects of this company to determine its legitimacy.

Some facts about Survey Compare

According to Bloomberg News. https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/0986074D:LN

Survey Compare is owned by Marketing VF LTD.

Marketing VF Ltd, doing business as MVF, provides a customer generation platform. The Company offers technology, digital marketing, sales, data analysis, publishing, and customer service. MVF serves clients worldwide.






Advertising & Marketing




Imperial Works Block C, Perren Street London, NW5 3ED United Kingdom







What is Survey Compare

SurveyCompare.net is UK based but operates in several countries, each country of operation has a unique name, example the United Kingdom would be Survey Compare UK and USA. would be Survey Compare US.

Survey Compare is a site that does not offer work at home opportunities for its self but finds companies that offer surveys and other money-making opportunities and makes it easy for you to sign up to one or all of them. It’s free to use – at no point will you pay a single penny.


How does Survey Compare Work

Major companies want to understand what their consumers think about their products and services. To do this they hire survey companies to ask people like you for your thoughts and opinions, in the form of online surveys.

For your time and effort, companies are willing to reward you with cash, gift vouchers, and other rewards. You won’t get rich from doing online surveys, but if you like to earn extra cash for giving your opinions, you’ve come to the right place!

SurveyCompare states the company continuously searches the fairest, most trusted and most rewarding paid survey companies and lets you easily join them all in one go. There is no catch, and best of all, it’s free to become a member.

start your own business
start your own business

And the company has made it very easy for you to do your tasks, the market research companies you selected during the sign-up process  will email survey invites directly to your e-mail

Survey Compare does not create user accounts.

How much can you earn

How much you earn will depend on how many companies you choose to sign up to and how much time you want to spend taking surveys. If you want to maximize your earnings, we advise that you sign up for as many survey panels as you can.

Paid surveys can earn you $0.50-$50 per survey, as well as more for specialist surveys. Other Survey Companies will also reward you with gift vouchers, points redeemable for cash and entries into competitions.

Their website states The amount of money you can earn depends on how many companies you choose to sign up for and how long you want to spend completing surveys. For instance, the average survey pays $5; taking 5 surveys a day, 5 days a week gives $500/month

Please remember that doing paid surveys will make you “pocket money”, not a full-time salary. We would strongly advise you to stay clear of any websites that claim you can get rich by taking paid surveys.

There are other online opportunities where you will be able to make a full-time salary and can also become a passive income earner, it is not easy and you will need to put in time and effort if you would like to know more click here. 

To become a member you should be16 or above, to become a member. However, some companies have a minimum age as low as 13 or 14 – you can find out which ones when you are choosing the survey companies.

Is This A Scam?

In my opinion, this site is a legitimate site, this is a real company based in North London and they do provide a well-established service that connects survey takers with legitimate Survey Companies.

My Thoughts

I like the fact it is free to join and you can sign up for as many survey sites as you want,

So if you want to earn some pocket money then you can join this site, however, if you would something more  than pocket money, then CLICK HERE   

There are more profitable ways to  earn online than on surveys or  GPT sites; of all the ways to make money online, I favor affiliate marketing,

I have written a post about the many ways to make a living online ( you can read it here.) What is affiliate marketing, and why affiliate marketing, you ask?

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best business models to make money online, and you can start for free.

As with these sites, the potential for earning anything substantial is almost nill, but there are other earning opportunities online that can be better income earners,

There are more profitable ways to  earn online than on surveys or  GPT sites; of all the ways to make money online, I favor affiliate marketing,

I have written a post about the many ways to make a living online ( you can read it here.) What is affiliate marketing, and why affiliate marketing, you ask?

Affiliate marketing is one of the best business models to make money online, and you can start for free.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick endeavor; it will take some work and patience, but you can do it.

What Are The Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing?

The benefits are many, but I will list a few:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face to face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No vast investment involved – (Get started for FREE)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! – even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!.

You may be saying you do not know about affiliate marketing, well not to worry, there is (in my opinion) the very best training platform in AFFILIATE Marketing.

This company has been around since 2005 and has members from around the globe,

This company has an outstanding reputation and has produced many super-affiliates; they have the very best community that is very active, friendly, and helpful.

With the free membership, you will get ten lessons, a website, a domain (for a time), and free web hosting; you need not be an expert; you will become an expert; you have nothing to lose to try; it is FREE.

CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT MY #1 recommendation for making money online

Who is Affiliate Marketing for

  • Students either while studying or after graduating
  • The unemployed
  • Retired people who want to earn to supplement their pensions
  • People who want to learn how to build a WordPress website
  • Local business owners who wish to start a website or improve their online presence
  • Anyone wishing to create a website or improve their online presence
  •  People who want to learn how to make money online in an honest way
  • And many more.

Make Money Online

Many of us are looking for ways to make money online, and you can make money online from the comfort of your home or anywhere you choose.

One of the great things about the internet is that you can go into business for yourself from the comfort of your home.

All you need is an internet connection, and you can make money online.

Running your own business online will allow the freedom from the daily 9 to 5 desk job.

You will be able to travel, indulge in hobbies, and spend time with the family.

Thank you for your time. I do appreciate it. Have you done any surveys from survey sites? What was your experience?

I really would like to hear from you. Do you have any experience on sites like this one, and If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with this website yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below. And please share

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase to you)
This Survey Compare review has been researched with information and testimonials that are available online in the public domain. Any conclusions drawn by are my opinions.

Thank you for your time, hope you found the article informative, I welcome your questions and comments and I do reply to them, and please rember to share.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you)