Tag Archives: Retirement

How To Achieve Financial Security In Retirement

The average Social Security check paid out in 2018 was just $1,404, according to The Motley Fool.

That works out to just $16,848 per year… hardly enough to get by comfortably on these days.

And that’s before taxes!

It’s no secret that retiring in today’s economy is harder than ever for seniors. The costs of healthcare, housing, utilities, and even food have all skyrocketed. And unfortunately, the Cost Of Living Adjustment just isn’t cutting it for some seniors.

The economy always has and always will have its ups and downs. When the economy is stable it is time to start preparing for the turbulent time that will come.

By preparing adequately, cutting costs, and making sure you still have some income coming in, you can emerge out of a recession just as strong as you were before it.

Although one can never be completely prepared for a recession there are strategies that older Americans can use to prepare for a recession, and that will help them know what to do when it arrives.

There are several things you can do to help you financially through your retirement

Reduce expenses. There are many ways to cut expenses.

Cut discretionary spending. Buy nothing if you don’t need it to live. Resist sales pitches.

  • Transportation: Carpool as much as you can. Or look for ways to save money on gas.
  • Housing: Get a roommate or consider relocating to an area with a lower cost of living. Or think about Airbnb
  • Food: Stop going out to eat; instead, try to cook at home from scratch more often. Consider the benefits of the slow food movement.

Keep the money flowing in.

  • If you don’t have a job, find other ways to make money. Focus on cutting your expenses, think about starting your own online business.

Keep saving.

If you can, fit saving into your budget, You should make every effort to continue saving, in life, there are always unexpected expenses

Jobs in Retirement

How To Achieve Financial Security In Retirement
How To Achieve Financial Security In Retirement

So today I am encouraging those of us who are close to retirement and even if you are not,

I think the younger the better or maybe you have already retired and you are finding it a bit difficult to cope financially.  You can Achieve Financial Security In Retirement

You may just need some extra cash,  you should  look into making money online

There are a host of online jobs that can be a source of income for you.

You could drive Uber or Lyft or any other company that offers this kind of service,

Teaching is a good one, you could offer your services to teach or you could sell stuff online like crafts, clothes.

If you are one of those persons who can fix things you could be a handyman you would be able to set your own time and price

There are opportunities to make a decent income from either one of the jobs mentioned and there are a lot more.

How To Achieve Financial Security In Retirement

But I would like to take a look at something that is better able to serve you for a long time,

There is also a business that you will be able to make a passive income over time. And you can join for FREE

A business that after it is established you can earn without too much activity on your part. I am talking about online marketing.

What is online marketing?

Online marketing is a method used for promoting products and services through the internet.

With online marketing, you will be able to advertise your skills and services or your products you are selling,

You can also advertise for a company and collect a commission if anyone buys through your website by way of a blog.

So you may not know how to start a blog. Well  you don’t need any special knowledge, or technical skills or anything else to start your own money-making blog

You can become a member of the wealthy affiliate at no cost (for free) and you will be taught a step by step method to build your website,( the beginner training course)

Have a look at one of our training videos.

Phase 1How To create your Own website and create money

Creating keyword-rich content lesson3 phase1

You will be given 1 website for free, and web hosting will be provided for free

Also included is  Affiliate Bootcamp training phase 1 only, keyword research tools (30 free searches) 1on 1 coaching for the first 7 days

There is also a very helpful and eager community of over 1,000,000 ready to assist you a pay it forward attitude is encouraged

Wealthy Affiliate Online Marketing

Wealthy Affiliate is a BBB-rated company and has a rating of 98 /100 and it is a legitimate company.

NO SCAM and the beauty of this you can join for free you can look around at what is being offered.

Start building your website and doing the lessons and if it is something you think you would like then continue.

If you do not think it is for you that’s ok too you can quit and it will have cost you nothing

You will not be bombarded with a sales pitch on joining, you are not asked for a credit card number.

If you do decide to stay with us you will be encouraged to upgrade to a premium membership which offers you so much more

With a premium membership, you will get, here is a list of what the 2 membership offers


  • You may ask if it is possible to continue with the free website and the answer to this is a yes

I would recommend that you upgrade to premium especially if you are new to this like I was, you will need the extra information and tools to succeed.

The premium membership is $49.00 per month it is well worth the price. you can also pay yearly and get a huge discount

Should You decide to upgrade during the first  7 days you will be given the opportunity to become a premium member for only $19.00 the first month

I suggest you grab this offer as it will enable you to look further into our premium package,

There is no commitment to anything, if you are not satisfied you can quit. it’s a win-win situation.


As a retiree myself I can tell you first hand of the task of living daily on a pension that cannot meet the needs.

I am fortunate that my children chip in and help me, it is not something that I wanted but thank God they did it

I am now a part of Wealthy Affiliate and even though this is not a get rich quick or make a lot of money overnight venture,

It is a business that can create a passive income in time.

It does take discipline and work but after your website is established and you have an audience you can make money without much effort because your website will continue working.

So I am encouraging you to take the step to ensure that your retirement is not filled with stress.

Join us at Wealthy Affiliate you have nothing to lose, remember you can become a member for free.

There is a community of very helpful  people  including myself ready to assist  you in any way we can

You join by clicking on any link in this post I will be there to show you around the platform and answer any questions you may have

I appreciate you taking the time to read this post hope you found it helpful   Remember to share this post. It would be appreciated.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

How To Solve The Top Concerns For Retired Boomers



concerns of retired boomers
Top Concerns of retired Boomers.



Top Concerns for retiring boomers

According to the Census Bureau, many baby boomers born between 1946-1964 have the lowest poverty rate among all age groups.

This group was born during the years of post-war prosperity. They were also the generation of fighters trying to survive and thrive.

The characteristics of the baby boomers tell us they are fighters and self-reliant. And hard-working

Continue reading How To Solve The Top Concerns For Retired Boomers

Make Extra Money While On Social Security ( Find Out How )

Make money while on Social Security.

It is suggested by Business Insider online magazine that there could be trouble up ahead for retirees.

It sets out three reasons why they think serious trouble awaits retirees.

They state :

  • Baby boomers are expected to live longer than previous generations, creating retirement challenges.
  • Living longer means boomers must work longer to support themselves or worry about outliving their savings.
  • Working longer, however, is not an option for many.

Continue reading Make Extra Money While On Social Security ( Find Out How )

The Ugly Facts About Retirement Start Earning Extra Online

Approach to take
The ugly facts about Retirement

The Ugly Facts About Retirement

Most boomers still have a long way to go to ensure a comfortable, financially secure retirement.

But, with consistency and dedication, retirement can be comfortable and financially secure.

We will take a look at some facts about retirement planning.

Continue reading The Ugly Facts About Retirement Start Earning Extra Online

Beat The Retirement Crisis By Starting Your Own Business Start For Free

Beat the crisis, start your own business.
Facts on the retirement crisis


Facts on the Retirement Crisis

According to a survey done by the Bankrate survey team from Early February to March, one in five American adults has nothing saved for retirement or emergencies.

A further 20 percent have saved away only 5 percent or less of their annual income to meet specific financial goals. Less than a third of Americans have saved at least 11 percent or more.

Continue reading Beat The Retirement Crisis By Starting Your Own Business Start For Free

How To Avoid Being Scammed In Affiliate Marketing-Financial Independence

How To Avoid Being Scammed In Affiliate Marketing-Financial Independence
How To Avoid Being Scammed In Affiliate Marketing-Financial Independence


Scams to watch out for

Some very frightening facts face those who are retired or will retire shortly.

According to financial experts like the Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL).

Workers approaching retirement must either work beyond age 65, reduce their standard of living, or do some combination of the two.

And as these unfortunate facts face us, the older generation and not only us but also people among us who faces financial woes.

We tend to reach out for anything to help alleviate this problem. And this is the time when heartless and ruthless individuals easily scam us.

Most of these scams take place online, the so-called online business that is supposed to offer you the opportunity to earn extra money to alleviate your financial problems.

I want to look at some of these scams and, hopefully, give you a heads-up in spotting the red flag in these offers.

Continue reading How To Avoid Being Scammed In Affiliate Marketing-Financial Independence

How to Earn Extra Income After Retirement —-Financial Independence

Retirement Concerns

Preparing for this post, I saw  Prudential’s 2016 retirement study stating that 54% of Americans nearing retirement age have no idea how much money they will need for those 20  or 30 years after retirement.

The study also states that 54% of them nearing retirement age have only $150.000 retirement saved; this is nowhere near enough cash to live on for 20 or even 30 years.

Continue reading How to Earn Extra Income After Retirement —-Financial Independence

Job Opportunities for Retirees— Make Money Online

opportunities for retirees to earn.
Job opportunities for retirees

Retirement Savings

Many people planning for retirement have this idea that if we save, invest, and plan, there is an endless list of things to do and a life of leisure that awaits us.

They believe their time will be filled with endless family activities, hobbies, and vacation destinations.

The thought of being rewarded with a life of leisure motivates many of us to save, plan, and eventually eagerly bring our careers to an end.

But, on entering retirement, we find a  story of working and then reaping reward is not what we thought it would be.

Continue reading Job Opportunities for Retirees— Make Money Online

Genuine Work From Home Opportunities—Make Money Online

Opportunities to start a work from home business
Genuine work-from-home opportunities

Retirement Planning

After working for several years, we usually look forward to when we retire; having worked for 30 to 40 years, we eagerly anticipate a comfortable retirement.

But older workers find it tough to retire at 60-65  After four decades in an office or a factory because their savings have been wiped out or they do not have enough to live on during retirement.

We must be prepared to live 30 years without employment, as the new life expectancy is 90 years.

Continue reading Genuine Work From Home Opportunities—Make Money Online

Earn Extra Retirement Income —-Make Money Online

Earn extra Retirement Income

Retirees Income

Many retirees and soon-to-be retirees are on a fixed income. They have to be very careful with their money, or they could be faced with outliving retirement savings and finding themselves in a difficult financial situation.

The way to avoid running into trouble is to regularly do a personal audit to identify any unnecessary expenses or overspending that may have crept up over time.

It is best to stick to your budget as much as possible because, as we know, lots of little expenses quickly add up, and you end up spending more than you intended.

Continue reading Earn Extra Retirement Income —-Make Money Online