What To Do If You think you Have Been Scammed

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Have You Been Scammed (Take these steps)
Have You Ever Been Scammed (Do This)

Have You Ever Been Scammed? (Do this)

Being Scammed has been on the rise with the ongoing popularity of making money online.

Nobody wants to go through this, but unfortunately, from time to time this does happen.

If you believe you’ve been a victim of a work-at-home scam, then you’ll want to take some steps right away to report it, try to get your money back, and learn what to do to protect yourself in the future.

I would like to suggest not to invest in any online venture unless there is a free membership or there is an option in getting a refund of any cash that is invested.

Before you accuse a company or person of scamming you, you should make every effort in speaking to the company respective to make sure you really were scammed, and not just the victim of bad service or a misunderstanding.

Having satisfied that you really have been scammed, and there was no misunderstanding on either side you are now ready to take some action in being reimbursed for any money spent.

Report the issue to your bank or credit card company.

If you used a credit or debit card to make payment to the company in question then you can always dispute the charges.

Many financial institutions have a policy that will refund your money if they determine you were the victim of fraud.

But keep in mind each institution has its own rules about what it considers fraud, so be sure to check with yours to find out.

You can also Lock Down Your Bank Accounts and Credit Cards If you’re concerned you’ll continue to get billed on a recurring basis by the scammer company,

It is best not to delay in taking action, the sooner you make the calls, the sooner your money and credit will be protected.

And in case you are been charged with extra charges on your account later, it will be easier to get the issue resolved because you would have already alerted the company you’re the victim of a scam and there would be proof of the matter recorded.

Credit Bureau

Then it’s time to get in touch with the three major credit bureaus,

  • TransUnion1-800-680-7289
  • Experian      1-888-397-3742
  • Equifax          1-888-766-0008

 Change Your Passwords

IT is very important If you were scammed online, be sure to change your passwords right away. Sometimes in the stress of the moment we overlook this obvious step,

Be sure to make your new passwords strong and is very different from the previous ones.

Report the Scam

Report the scam, whether you get your money back or not, by you reporting the scam you may be able to take action against the scammer, and this action may put them out of business, saving someone else from being scammed

There are several places you can make a report of being scammed.

The State Attorney General’s Office or the Secretary of State

Contact the State Attorney General’s Office or the Secretary of State in the state the company is located in to report the fraud.

This can be done even if you live in a different state, contact the state that the company is doing business in.

This information can be ascertained just by doing a Google search with the state’s name and “Attorney General’s Office.

Federal Bureau of investigations

The FBI IC3 investigates complaints of internet crimes and requires accurate and complete details to do so.

They then analyze the complaint and will work with federal, state, local or international law enforcement or regulatory agencies with jurisdiction to take action

The FTC Federal Trade Commission

The FTC will not be able to resolve your specific dispute, but if there are others who have had the same experience and are filing a complaint, it can investigate and prosecute the scammers.


This site is a nonprofit advocacy organization and is a project of the National Consumers League (NCL), its aims are to protect consumers. It can’t get your money back on your behalf, but it will forward the complaint to the proper authorities, including the FTC

Better Business Bureau (BBB)

A company does not have to be listed at the BBB for a complaint to be made.

It can be made by just lodging a complaint to the BBB where the company does business.

The BBB usually contact the company on your behalf and attempt to solve your complaint.

People who search the BBB for information can see the complaint, so it may help protect other consumers

The best way to deal with scams is to avoid them, and to avoid them is to do business with reputable companies.

If you are doing business with a company especially if it is one that is new to you, it is best to check out this company thoroughly.

Go online and read reviews, go to the BBB and check their ratings or if any complaint has been lodged against them, and I would also suggest that you do not turn over any large sums of money or financial information.

You can also get a credit card with just the money you need for that particular transaction this is a way of shielding your financial information.

And another tip if you are looking to find employment online, you should never pay to get employed, then is one of the most common scams there is.

If you are interested in building your own online business, I am recommending the platform I am a part of Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for over 14 years and has a membership of over 1.4 million, the membership of Wealthy Affiliate is from across the globe. And the cost of becoming a member is FREE.

With the free membership, you will get two websites, and phase 1 of our main course, Online Entrepreneur  Course, phase 1 consists of 10 lessons and at the end of these lessons, your website will be up and running and ready for business.

There is no time limit on being a free member, With an online website you can do so much, you will be able to advertise your own product, your services, or better become an online marketer.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you will be taught every about affiliate marketing and you will be in a community of like-minded people, who are willing to assist you in your journey of becoming a successful marketer.

And remember you can join for free, so if you join and do not like what is being offered you can quit, you would have lost nothing.

You can join by clicking on any of the links in this post, and I will meet you there o show you around. Please leave your comments and question in the space provided and I will reply ASAP and remember to share. Thank you.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

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