Best Sites That Pays Good Money To Make Money From Home

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Are you a retiree looking for ways to supplement your budget? Or are you looking for opportunities to earn some extra cash?

I am introducing you to a few websites that allow you to start working from home that pay you per hour.

These are legitimate work-from-home jobs that pay you per hour

Let’s look at 3. Of these, the sites:

Work For Pleio

Pleio is a service that helps people take their medicine. Their website is at

Some people forget to take their medicine, especially if they are starting a new program or regimen to get themselves recovered.

If you accept this opportunity, your job will be to help people stay on schedule.

Your job includes being one of their customer service people who calls their customers and patients and reminds them to take their medicine.

It is mentioned on their website that in the US, half the population fails to take their medicine as directed.

The need to help people is why Pleio from the GoodStart company is trying to change that.

The GoodStart program strives to motivate patients and engage them when they need it to help them get to a good routine or schedule regarding their health.

Go to the  join on their webpage, scroll down to the bottom, and click ‘Careers.’Click Apply Now

Pleio allows you to have a real job working from home.

Not only will you be making money, but you will also be able to make a difference in patients’ lives, helping people.

There is also an 8-minute video on their webpage that shows you how Pleio GoodStart works.

You are going to be helping people with their journey with medicine.

There are three main benefits for those using Pleio,

Outreach: They will give you a personalized outreach explicitly designed for you.

Support: They will give you technology-based support.

Results: They will measure the results of the medicines you are taking.

So this will be the way you are going to be helping people.

Your earnings are primarily based on your performance. And as you are working online, you have a flexible schedule. You can pick the times you want to work.

They provide training before you start working, so you know what to do.

You can make $17 to $21 per hour, and you also have the chance to earn bonuses.

This website is only available in the US.

Pleio has an excellent rating of 4.3 out of 5, which means this company is trusted. They give you a perfect opportunity to start working from home.


VIP Kid is found at It is a website where you can teach English to students in China.

Like Pleio, you can make your schedule on this website and have all the flexibility you want.

Also, once you are accepted to be a teacher, you will not have to answer to anybody; you are responsible for making your schedule.

This website lets you take your teaching career online to be in the comfort of your home while teaching. All you have to do is inspire students in China to learn English.

You can teach any day of the week and be very flexible, and each class will only be for 25 minutes.

You will be able to find out more about their schedule and their teaching hours here.

The pay is about $22 per hour; other incentives and opportunities exist to earn more.

They also have a great referral program, so if you know any other teachers who would like to try out this site and have this opportunity, invite them and refer them to this site, and you will earn through that as well.

They deposit your money to your bank account directly from the 10th to the 15th of every month.

Vip Kid is a highly rated website with over 600,000 students and 70,000 teachers ranking them.

There are two main requirements that they need before you can apply to this site:

  1. Native English Speaker: You have to be a native English speaker to be able to work for VIP Kids.
  2. Bachelor’s Degree: They require you to have a bachelor’s degree. You do not need a teaching certificate.

The Chat Shop

The Chat Shop helps other brands and companies establish a line of chat modules on their website so that customers can get help immediately. And their website is at

To apply to be one of their live chat agents, go to their webpage, click ‘Careers’ in the right corner, then click ‘Live Chat Jobs’.

If you like interacting with people, learning, and sharing your knowledge with others, you can join their team to represent their customers.

Every chat will be different, and their customers are long-term, so it is essential to maintain their relationships with their customers.

You must ensure you do the job correctly to make the customers satisfied with the work that you are doing.

You will receive proper training before you start the job, and you will be learning new skills every day.

There are a few requirements that The Chat Shop needs before you apply for this job:

  1. English: You have to be a native English speaker.
  2. Organization Skills: You must have high organization skills and attention to detail.
  3. WPM: You must type above 65 words per minute and with 97% accuracy.
  4. Working Hours: You need to be able to commit to at least 20-40 hours per week and be committed to the job.

They have an excellent rating of  3.9 out of 5; you can earn $9-$10 per hour.

The Best Way To Earn A Full-Time Income Online

All the websites mentioned above are great ways to earn money online, but do you want to learn how to make a passive online income?

With a passive income, you make money any time, while you sleep, eat, on vacation, or when spending time with family, basically any time; that’s what having a passive online income stream is like.

The best way to make passive income online is by using the affiliate marketing model if you need to become more familiar with affiliate marketing, I will give you a brief idea of what it is and how it works.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is recommending someone’s products and services to target customers.

Recommended Products are effective when sales you make a sale and you earn commissions.

Many bloggers and website owners already engage in this type of sales tactic.

It doesn’t matter what level you’re at. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, affiliate marketing is the most effective way to earn money online.

If you are new to affiliate marketing and may find the name intimidating or you cannot understand the concept, (for step by step guide to building a website, click here for free )

Affiliate marketing is about making money online using ads, courses, e-books, sponsored posts, etc., and is an excellent work-at-home business idea; it gives one freedom and flexibility.

You can either sell your goods or services or sell or promote someone else goods or services and get paid to do so.

You may think you need more start-up cash to create your business, but that is not so with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a good place for beginners because it’s simple to get into and has a meager cost to enter, and you can start for free.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

There are training platforms that teach you affiliate marketing.

To start your Affiliate marketing business, get training. I recommend this, especially if you are new to affiliate marketing.

The first thing you need to do is choose your niche. I recommend it be something you love, like a hobby, or know about. Creating content for something you don’t know or have no experience with will be difficult.

Do your research and check if your topic is profitable so you know the products you promote appeal to your customers.

Also, there should be a low volume of competition so you would not have to compete with well-known companies. Find the balance.

Your niche must be specific and not too broad; remember you are not targeting a particular audience, and if your niche is too broad, that will also give you a hard time selling.

Many companies offer affiliate programs for their products and services.

Once they trust you, you can now start promoting your affiliate products. It will be easier to convince them to click your affiliate link once you have gained their trust.

Be consistent. Keep making content and keep engaging with your readers. Remember, any business is a continuous process.

Continue to work hard and devote some time to strengthening your affiliate marketing business.

Start Your Online Business Free


Everything is now available on the Internet for free. When it comes to affiliate marketing, unfortunately, it is not.

Everything may be available on the internet, but it is not available in a manner that makes it easy to get all the information needed promptly.

With proper training, you can access the correct information in one place instead of searching all over the web. The best training platform is Wealthy Affiliate.

To make a successful website, you must have the correct tools and information promptly, and the best place to do that is a training platform.

Fortunately, the training platform I found has all the essential information and tools. It is a well-established training platform for all bloggers, from newbies to well-established bloggers; you can start for FREE.

Getting trained from a proper place is worth your time and investment because you will learn fundamental online skills that will make you money for years.

In addition, you will have help along the way, and this training platform has a fantastic, constructive community.

Because the membership is around the globe, someone is always available to assist you.


Promote your website.

You now have to promote your website using all the available means, like social media, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and others. You can also start an email list or ebooks

Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to start if you want to create your website and earn money online.

,1. you can start for free and remain free as long as you like

2. With a free site, you get .1 website

3. You also get 12 themes to choose

4. Web hosting is free

5. Site security is a fee

6. 5 lessons or phase 1  of The Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) training

A Wealthy Affiliate, the training is comprehensive, and you go at your own pace; there is no competition.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform is user-friendly, and everything is available on the platform; you can get help finding your niche, building your website, and generating traffic buying your domain, and you will not be alone throughout your training.

After you have built your website and your content is written, you are shown how to apply for and get the company’s link on your website. ( the Company you are advertising for)

You will earn income from anyone clicking on these links and making a purchase; the company  or An affiliate marketing network will pay you a commission.,

Final Thoughts

To be successful in the online marketing business, you will have to be patient; it takes time to build a following for your site,


But by posting new content to your site, you will build trust be helpful and truthful, and there is no need for you to assume you need to be a language major; just be yourself and write your content like you are talking to a friend.

Please remember success does not happen overnight; it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, and sacrifice, and please never think you are too old, as the new saying in the ’70s is the new 60s.

Remember, you can become a member for free; you can join, have a look around, and stay as long as you like.

I joined as a free member, stayed for a month, became a monthly for a couple of months, and then went yearly.

You have nothing to lose; try it. Having tried it, should you think it is not for you, then just quit; you would have lost nothing,

You can join for free by clicking on any of the links in this post, and I will be there to assist you in any way I can. I will be your mentor.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Thank you for reading my post; please like and share this post. I would be grateful, and if you need more information or have a comment, you can leave it in the space provided at the end of the post, and I will reply ASAP.

This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

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