High Income Work From Home Jobs That You Can Start Today Free To Start

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Are you a retiree or a stay-at-home parent? And need to make some extra cash.

There are many ways to make money online; I will look at a few in this post.

Working at these opportunities is an excellent way to make money online.

Here are a few opportunities you can make money from home:

  • Being A Virtual Assistant
  • Social Media Manager
  • Be A Freelancer
  • You Can Be A YouTuber
  • Start A Blog

Virtual Assistant (VA) is an extensive name. If you want to start being a VA, there are many things you can do as your task.

Some VA tasks are simple, like approving people for a Facebook group.

On the other hand, some VA tasks could be managing emails, like going through your employer’s emails and answering questions for them.

You can be given many tasks online, including scheduling and answering calls.

All these things will depend on who is hiring you and what kind of work your employer does.

Scheduling and flexibility will also depend on the person hiring you; even though you work from home, you might have to work according to their schedules.

And it is needless to say that you will have deadlines and responsibilities.

There are some websites where you can apply to be a VA online. I will list the three best ones and describe them a little bit for your benefit:

  1. Flexjobs: This is Found at flexjobs.com, and is highly recommended for finding VA jobs.
  2. Upwork: Found at upwork.com. On this website. You can make a detailed profile and even set your prices and skills. They can pay you through PayPal.
  3. Indeed: Found at indeed.com. Here, you can upload your resume and let clients find you or even look through the various jobs that they already have listed on the website.

You can even find VA listings on Craigslist at craigslist.com. However, I do not recommend it as it is tough to verify anything on Craigslist.

Social Media Manager

Social media management is in demand now as it is a substantial online draw for traffic for visitors for companies and brands.

Companies and brands must have an online presence on all social media platforms to create a loyal customer base.

But they are too busy to post daily or frequently on their accounts, where a social media manager is needed.

Companies need someone to curate their content and post consistently on their behalf.

The job might include creating images, promoting the brand on platforms like Instagram, and building followers.

You also respond to comments, create campaigns, and are responsible for their presence on social media.

To do this job, you must have a creative mindset, communication, and strategic planning skills, as social media is all about engagement.

There are a few websites where you can apply to be a social media manager, and I will list a few important ones for you:

  • ModSquad: This website found at modsquad.com is all about giving digital engagement services, and you can apply to be a mod and get a job as a social media manager here.
  • Facebook: There are groups where you can apply to be a social media manager and look at job listings.
  • Guru: Found at guru.com. This freelancing marketplace allows you to upload your resume or look through already-posted job listings. It is a site that will enable posting jobs for free, so many job listings exist.

Be A Freelancer

Freelancing is an easy earning opportunity, as you can offer any skill you possess and are good at.

The skill could range from writing to writing forms such as blog posts, articles, etc.

Also, skills such as logo making, Photoshop, data entry, and transcribing are valued.

If you have skills to offer, you can go to platforms such as Fiverr, found at fiverr.com.

On this site, you can see different categories of skills listed and get some ideas from that.

You must create a gig like an advertisement or resume for yourself, listing the services you offer.

And through the gigs, the clients looking for your services can find you.

Some people create multiple gigs for the same services, increasing your chances of getting clients.

If you have other skills, you can create different gigs to find clients for your services.

So go to Fiverr and check out the categories and subcategories, as there may be something you can offer in your gig, and it will give you ideas.

There are also gigs where people are hiring, and you can look at those and see if you can be a freelancer on a per-job basis.

You Can Be A YouTuber

Yes, you can earn money on YouTube;

Not only that, there are multiple ways that you can earn through YouTube.

You only need a phone with a working camera, and all you have to do is create a channel regarding something that you are good at, something that you like and talk about.

Everyone has something that they can offer, something that someone else cannot do, and all you need to do is show how to do it on your YouTube channel.

As long as your content offers value to a targeted audience, it could be something you do regularly, such as cooking.

If you are good at cooking, you can show recipes and tricks you use in your kitchen, making your cooking experience easier and showing your audience how to cook.

If you constantly post every day or at least every week, and once you get a certain amount of subscribers and a bigger following, you can start monetizing from your channel.

There are 3. ways mainly that you can monetize from your YouTube channel:

  1. Own Product: For example, if you are doing a cooking channel and it grows big enough, you can make a recipe book that will be your product and promote that on your channel.
  2. Promote Other People’s Products: If your YouTube channel has enough subscribers, they can pay you to promote their products or services on your channel.
  3. Google Ads: This is another way to make money; Google will pay you to play their ads on your videos.

If you want to start a YouTube channel but need help, I suggest a YouTube course called Tube Marketing 101.

Start A Blog

There are multiple ways to make money with your blog, and the best one to start with is affiliate marketing because of the ease of it and the lowest cost (create for free).

Affiliate marketing offers a solution to promote products and services without owning or creating any. You earn commissions when you drive new sales for the products and services you promote.; Affiliate programs are free to join,

Money will come if you first provide value to your readers before all else; this should be your primary objective for your blog.

Then, you need to know how to build your blog right so that it is SEO-ready on all levels, and this is where education is essential to learn how to do all this with the training platform I use because they specialize in it.

Being consistent is very important, so starting with a slower schedule is better than starting with a heavy program and then getting burned out after 3 – to 6 months.

 Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to start if you want to create your website and earn money online.

,1. You can start for free and remain free as long as you like

2. With a free site, you get .1 website

3. You also get 12 themes to choose

4. Web hosting is free

5. Site security is a fee

6. 5 lessons or phase 1  of The Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) training

There is also the premium membership, which is best if you are serious about establishing a successful business.

I have placed a membership option list so you can see the big difference in the information and tools provided.

You do not need to feel that you cannot get through the lessons for whatever reasons.

I did not have the experience and was not a technical person; I needed to be a better writer, and I did not know I could write content for my blog.

But at Wealthy Affiliate, the training is comprehensive, and you go at your own pace; there is no competition.

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for almost 2. decades, providing excellent training in affiliate marketing.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform is user-friendly, and everything is available on the platform; you can get help finding your niche, building your website, and generating traffic buying your domain, and you will not be alone throughout your training.

After you have built your website and your content is written, you learn how to apply for and get the company’s link on your website. ( the Company you are advertising for)

You will earn income from anyone clicking on these links and making a purchase; the company  or An affiliate marketing network will pay you a commission.,

The Wealthy Affiliate Community

The Wealthy Affiliate community, which consists of over 1.4 million members from 193 countries, is willing to assist you in any way they can,

There is also site support available 24/7, which is very efficient in providing technical support whenever needed. The support site promptly attends to your technical problems; they are the best at their work.

And in joining Wealthy Affiliate, you will not be asked for personal information other than your name and an email address.

The premium price for membership is very reasonable for the info and training resources available to you.


But by posting new content to your site, you will build trust be helpful and truthful, and there is no need for you to assume you need to be a language major; just be yourself and write your content like you are talking to a friend.

Please remember success does not happen overnight; it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, and sacrifice, and please never think you are too old, as the new saying in the ’70s is the new 60s.

I am in my mid-70s, and I have met members in their 80s; we are doing it and getting along quite well, and so can you.

My favorite quote

One of my favorite quotes is Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe; it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill.

Remember, you can become a member for free; you can join, have a look around, and stay as long as you like.

As I said, the first 5. lessons are in the free membership, and you learn to build, write content, and monetize your site, all the essential information you will need to make your site.

I joined as a free member, stayed for a month, became a monthly for a couple of months, and then went yearly.

You have nothing to lose; try it. Having tried it, should you think it is not for you, then just quit; you would have lost nothing,

You can join for free by clicking on any of the links in this post, and I will be there to assist you in any way I can. I will be your mentor.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Thank you for reading my post; please like and share this post. I would be grateful if you need more information or have a comment. You can leave it in the space provided at the end of the post, and I will reply ASAP.

This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

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