How To Start An Online Marketing Business—Changing Career— Make Money Online

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How To Start An Online Marketing Business---Changing Career
How To Start An Online Marketing Business—Changing Career

Career Change

In this post, I am asking you to think of a change in your way of making money; it may take the path of a change in your career choice.

A different way of earning a livable income and, in time, become a passive income; in this change, you will be able to control your time, a career where you will be your boss, and You will be in charge of yourself.

You can develop into a go-getter who aspires to succeed in all areas of life.

You can build a solid online career, making you self-sufficient; I think of online marketing.

By becoming an online entrepreneur, you are choosing to become independent. And this will allow you the Freedom you want

This will not happen overnight, but by learning and applying what you have learned, you will grow and prosper and have control of your time; you will be able to work from home or anywhere as long as you have access to a computer and internet service (start your business for free here)

It is almost impossible to achieve wealth working for someone else; if you are a retiree or soon to be retired, you will need about $500.000.00 to retire comfortably if your health does not require anything significant.

Not Enough Savings

I do not think most of us will save that much in our lifetime, and I know that I am a retiree and have not saved anything near that.

I had to retire in 2015 due to an accident that left me with a disability. And I looked online for work-from-home jobs got scammed a few times until I found Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is what I like to call an online affiliate marketing university, and you do not need to be versed in computer technology; you will be taught step by step (JOIN FOR FREE HERE)

I have found Wealthy Affiliate to be a company that teaches today’s online marketing and is continuously upgrading its platform with the newest techniques,

It is a company with a vision and purpose to help people succeed in business and life.\

Wealthy Affiliate

Our community at Wealthy Affiliate is dedicated to helping others become great and achieve true financial independence; we help each other, not compete against each other.

You can become a member of Wealthy Affiliate for free ( no cost); no commitment to Wealthy Affiliate; the responsibility is yours.

You will be provided with information and tools and a forum to ask questions and receive answers; everything is geared for you to succeed.

I am not saying it is effortless because it is not, but I also know You can Be, Do, and Have whatever you can think.

Wealthy Affiliate has existed for over 14 years, we also have a community of more than 1,400,000 individuals, and we are a worldwide community from 193 countries, to be exact.

There are two types of memberships, FREE and PREMIUM; with the free membership, you will receive A free membership never expires.

Free Membership

  • Live Help – First 7 Days
  • Several website themes to choose from
  • 1 Website
  • Website Backup
  • Beginner Training Course
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Affiliate Boot Camp Training – Phase 1 Only
  • Video Walkthroughs
  • Keyword Research Tool – 30 Searches
  • Training Classrooms – 2
  • Affiliate Program
  • 1-on-1 Coaching – First 7 Day

Here is an example of one of the  video training in Phase 1

Level 1 lesson 9
Understanding Keywords, The Start of Your Content

And for the premium, you will receive

  • Research Tool – Unlimited Searches, Training Classrooms – 2, Affiliate Program – 2x Higher Payout, Earn While You Learn,1-on-1 Coaching – Ultimate. Here are some things that are included with the Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership:
  • Live Help – Unlimited
  • Private Messaging – Unlimited
  • 10 Websites
  • Website Security Package
  • Website Backup
  • Beginner Training Course – Full Access
  • Personal Affiliate Blog
  • Affiliate Boot Camp Training – All Phases (7)
  • Live Video Classes
  • Video Walkthroughs
  • Keyword Research Tool – Unlimited Searches
  • Training Classrooms – 2
  • Affiliate Program – 2x Higher Payout
  • Earn While You Learn
  • 1-on-1 Coaching – Unlimited
  • Private Access to Webinars
  • 24/7/365 Website Support
  • Website Feedback Platform
  • Website Comment Platform
  • Website Analysis

Are you wondering if you need to upgrade to premium?


You may be wondering if you need to upgrade to premium. If you look at the information and tools provided, I recommend upgrading to premium, especially if you have little or no knowledge of online marketing.

I became a member of Wealthy Affiliate by becoming a free member; I had been scammed several times before and was reluctant to spend any more money.

On joining and looking around the platform, I felt comfortable. I felt this was what I needed and where I needed to be.

If you become a member using the free account and are uncomfortable with your decision, you can quit; you will not lose anything.

And should you become a premium member and then decide to quit, you can stop; there is no cost for stopping your membership.

Here is a sample of a live video class offered to premium members

keyword research
Understanding Keyword Research June 2018



Wealthy Affiliate is for you; whether you are just getting started, have some experience, or are an ultra-successful affiliate marketer,

You will be shown how to turn your ideas, passions, or hobbies into a profitable business.

By following the instructions on building your website at Wealthy Affiliate, you will have a beautiful profit-ready website in 30 seconds, with no design skills needed.

To profit from your website, you will need an audience at Wealthy Affiliate; you will learn all about the most current traffic techniques and how to get relevant customers to your website.

Success is no accident,

I am not saying it is easy, but as a very successful soccer player said, Success is no accident; it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and a love for what you are doing.

Thank you for reading this post. I appreciate it, and should you decide to become a member of Wealthy Affiliate for free, you can do so by clicking on any of the links within this post.

As soon as you do, I will contact you; I will be there for you; I will be your mentor, so try it; this can be your way out of your financial difficulties while becoming a passive income line for you.

I hope this post provided you with the information you needed. If you have a comment or question, please leave it in the space at the bottom of this post, and I will reply ASAP. See you at Wealthy Affiliate. Please like and post; I really would appreciate it.

NOTE: This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).


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