Start Affiliate Marketing with no Experience —Make Money Online

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No experience needed

Start affiliate marketing with no experience --- no experience necessary
Start affiliate marketing with no experience — no experience necessary

One of the best ways to make money online is Affiliate Marketing; whether you have experience or not,

If you already have an existing blog, you can become an affiliate marketer by adding affiliate links

Affiliate marketing allows you to make money online, even if you have no experience in this field.

Affiliate marketing platforms will teach you affiliate marketing, and following a few simple steps can get you up and running within hours.

One of these platforms is Wealthy Affiliate, and you can become a member for free; other platforms will charge you something. I saw the lowest cost of $3.95 per month or a free trial for 14 days.


Blogging is the best way to start affiliate marketing if you have no experience. Blogging requires minimal expertise to begin blogging. If you use social media, you can blog.

A blog is a website that operates as an online journal. You don’t have to be an exceptional copywriter or fancy with words, and you can be you with a blog and still make money in affiliate marketing, .and being yourself is the best way.

What to blog about

There are many things that someone can blog about and make money in affiliate marketing. Your revenue sources are unlimited.

With over 598,500,000 Products available that you Can Instantly Sell, however, to do this, you will need a website and traffic/people.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you will be taught all about the most current traffic techniques and how you can get relevant customers to your website.

Once you have traffic, you need to “make money” from this traffic, and without spending a dime, you can promote all the top brands in the world through affiliate programs.

As a Wealthy Affiliate member, you will be shown how you can choose from close to 600 MILLION products/services and easily promote them on your website. No inventory. No shipping. No support required

You can be an affiliate for companies like Amazon, Walmart, and many other online companies with affiliate marketing programs.

There are also affiliate networks like  Shareasale, Cj affiliate, and more. You can become a member, and there are many more affiliate companies you can join.

To Sell, You First Must HELP!

If your site becomes viewed as a portal (or worse yet, a dumping zone) for promotions, it will diminish your brand integrity, and you will not become an authority within your niche.

And If you help people, they will buy from you; if you can create a relationship with people, they will buy from you, If you SELL people, you will not have a business, and you will not be able to monetize your traffic nearly as well.

You need to find a niche that you are passionate about or something you love doing, which could be a craft of some kind to be a genuine blogger. A niche is just a topic that a blogger writes about.

If you want to be in this affiliate marketing game for the long haul, as in, freedom forever – you need to find something that you can be genuine about;   Even if you are not an expert.

By researching the topic, you will become an expert. All this may seem too much for you, especially if you are a novice like me.

I found Wealthy Affiliate after searching for a way to earn some extra money online and losing some money due to the online scam.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate appealed to me because they offered a free membership that never expires, and they did not ask me for any information besides my name and email address.

I took the chance, figuring it would not cost me anything, and there was no chance of anyone crediting my credit card because my financial information was not required.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you are given step-by-step instructions on building your website and maintaining your online business.

Information on how to monetize your website without spending a dime and how you can promote all the top brands in the world through affiliate programs is made available.

Whether you are just getting started, have some experience, or are an ultra-successful affiliate marketer, Wealthy Affiliate is made for you!

As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you can choose from close to 600 MILLION products/services and easily promote them on your website, with No inventory, No shipping, and No support required.

About Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate was founded in 2005; we have a membership of over a 1.4million from approximately 193 countries.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform is the home of up-to-date, state-of-the-art, ultra-powerful, and secure hosting and is mobile-ready.

This company is for everyone. The Wealthy Affiliate platform is designed for all affiliate marketers.

Whether you are just getting started, have some experience, or are a very successful affiliate marketer, Wealthy Affiliate is made for you!

Membership Levels

There are two levels of membership at Wealthy Affiliate: free membership and premium membership. I have posted what is offered at each level:-

You may be wondering if you can be successful with a free membership; well, for me, no, I needed everything; this was my first experience with an online business, and everything was new to me.

I became a free member and stayed a free member for 2. months; then, I upgraded to premium every month and went yearly.


Final thoughts

I am not claiming that affiliate marketing is effortless; what I am saying is with work effort and dedication,

Online/affiliating marketing can be an excellent way to earn money; this depends on your input; it can be extra money or a livable income with the potential to become a passive source of income.

With Wealthy Affiliate, you have a company that teaches today’s online marketing and is genuinely helping people achieve success in business and life.

You will also have a very active community eager to help you achieve your goals.

Join WA free

Remember, you join for free and have no expiration date with free membership; you can do what I did, become a free member, try out the information and tools provided, find your niche, build your website, and post your article.

With a free membership, you have ten lessons that are the foundation of affiliate marketing.

If you decide it is not for you during your trial, you will have lost nothing; in becoming a member of Wealthy Affiliate, there is no commitment to the company.

Any commitment is to yourself to apply what is taught, and success will be yours.

You can become a free member by clicking on any of the links in this post,  and I will contact you to answer your questions; if any, I will be your mentor.

You will never know if affiliate marketing is for you unless you try (JOIN FOR FREE HERE)

Thank you for reading my post; it is really appreciated; please visit again, and should you have a question or comment, please leave it in the space provided at the bottom of this post, and I will respond ASAP and do like and share this post thanks.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

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