Tag Archives: parents

The PanelPolls Survey Review


What is The Panelpolls?

Panelpolls is a paid survey and opinion site for families, kids, teens, young adults, parents, and adults. Surveys cover a range of fun and interesting topics including new products, services, TV shows, toys/dolls, mobile apps & games, sports, trends, and more.

Members may also receive opportunities to participate in other paid research activities like online communities, focus groups & in-person sessions, mobile app and game tests, TV show pilot tests, and movie screenings.

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OvercomeThe Baby Boomers’ Retirement Crisis Make Money Online

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The baby boomers’ retirement crisis

Retirement Crisis


Are you in a retirement crisis? Are you ready to retire but find yourself woefully short in savings and income to live a comfortable lifestyle for the rest of your life?

Not only do boomers in today’s world  have to think about their retirement plans,

But in most cases, they also have to care for their elderly parents, which can have added emotional and financial costs to their crisis.

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Job Opportunities for Retirees— Make Money Online

opportunities for retirees to earn.
Job opportunities for retirees

Retirement Savings

Many people planning for retirement have this idea that if we save, invest, and plan, there is an endless list of things to do and a life of leisure that awaits us.

They believe their time will be filled with endless family activities, hobbies, and vacation destinations.

The thought of being rewarded with a life of leisure motivates many of us to save, plan, and eventually eagerly bring our careers to an end.

But, on entering retirement, we find a  story of working and then reaping reward is not what we thought it would be.

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