Monthly Archives: July 2023

Is Affiliate Marketing The Best Make Money Online Opportunity today

Affiliate marketing is the best business model for making money online, and there are many reasons.

Making money online through affiliate marketing is not only efficient but also simple.

Affiliate marketing allows you to choose your time, place, and who to work for and creates a passive income.

What Is Affiliate Marketing

  • Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.
  • The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Affiliate marketing is a marketing scheme in which a company compensates partners for business created from the affiliate’s marketing tactics.

Affiliate marketing is a business model wherein an affiliate partners with companies to earn commissions by referring their followers to specific products and services.

You can create a blog, affiliate with a particular company, and earn money by placing banners, links, and buttons within your blog posts to lead your followers to the company’s products or services.

Therefore, to create this win-win situation, if you can provide valuable information about your niche topic to your readers, you’ll build trust between you and them.

Once you have trust, you can recommend products to them, which they will gladly check out and see if that product or service can help them.

If it does and they buy, YOU make a commission!

 Affiliate Marketing Method & Examples

Creating a blog is the best way to build this affiliate marketing business.

Blogging produces content mainly about a company or product, and you blend the product or service into content-related topics.

Suppose you are a travel blogger, and your blog contains information about specific destinations.

If you affiliate with specific hotels and guest houses, you can mention them in your blog by giving vital information about the amenities and benefits of staying at these places.

You should include a banner, link, or button that will lead your readers directly to the product.

You will earn that commission if they decide to stay at one of the advertised hotels in your blog by booking through the link in your post.

Many bloggers have published classic collections of their articles, promoting affiliate marketing opportunities within their online writings.

The Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing offers many benefits for the merchant and the affiliate, making affiliate marketing better than other make-money-online opportunities.

For the Seller:

  • Low Marketing Cost

Affiliate marketing is a low-cost choice for sellers as they only need to compensate the commission when their product or service is sold.

In Comparrission to promoting brands through direct marketing, television commercials, newspaper ads, and billboards.

Sellers would also benefit from increased visibility; an affiliate’s success depends on the visibility of their website, and they do this by using the SEO guidelines.

The affiliate’s goal  is to generate income and to do this, and they display ads on their website carefully

. They are aware of the interests of their followers and target customers, and they know what ads will make them visit the seller’s website and purchase the products.

Affiliate marketing is also one of the most cost-effective online marketing strategies. The seller will only compensate the affiliate when there is a sale. If there isn’t, the seller is not obligated to pay any commission.

For Affiliate Marketers

Low-cost Start-up

The cost of starting your affiliate campaign is relatively low. In some cases, you can start for free.

All you need at first is a website where sellers can put their ads and market their brands.

But you need to invest a lot in your time and efforts. You’ll have to keep updating your website with fresh and valuable content.

You also need to provide your readers with useful info so you’ll gain their trust. After that, it will be easy for you to sway them to click on the ads and make a purchase.


Training to help you along is available on specific affiliate marketing training platforms.

Also, with affiliate marketing, you don’t need to develop your products. You’re going to promote those that are already existing.

Your job is to find the right products and services to promote. You can’t choose a product just because the demand is high.

It would be best to consider several factors, like choosing a product you know and have experience using.

With affiliate marketing, you can work anywhere you feel comfortable. You can work at home, in a coffee shop, or the park for fresh air.

Another good thing is that being an affiliate doesn’t require sales experience. There is no direct selling; all that is needed is the seller putting their ads on your site.

The purchase transaction occurs on the seller’s website between them.

Affiliate marketing is perfect for those who wish to have complete control of their profits. Your success will heavily rely on your marketing skills, a proven method to earn high passive income.

Affiliate marketing is better than other make-money-online opportunities because of its unique benefits. It’s a cost-efficient and low-risk method to achieve your goals.

Best Way To Succeed In Affiliate Marketing

If you want to succeed with affiliate marketing, get formal training on how to build an affiliate marketing business.

Some platforms offer affiliate marketing training, and I am introducing you to the best one, the one I am a part of, Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate 

To be correctly trained to succeed in making money, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

You do not have to be an expert in the technicalities of using the Internet. Still, you need to have an internet connection and are familiar with typing, and if you have ever used social media, you are ready.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to pick your niche, build your website, and add necessary tools.

Start Your Online Business Free HERE

To manage your websites, like Google Analytics, Yahoo, and Bing, how to choose your keywords so you are given a lesson in using SEO (Search engine optimization),

Using Seo in your content allows Google and the other search engine to find your content, index them, and drive an audience to your website with social media.


The great thing about the membership of Wealthy Affiliate is you can become a member for free (At no Cost). And no expiration date on how long you can remain a free member.

Of course, as a free member, you would get less than a premium member; I recommend upgrading to a premium membership after you have looked around and gotten familiar with the platform. Especially if you are a newbie like I was.

Web hosting is free at Wealthy Affiliate. Other websites charge $49.00 per month for web hosting; as a free member, one free website: there are designs for your website to choose from at no cost.

I have found all  I need to start and maintain my online business here at Wealthy Affiliate, and I know you will find it, so if you decide to join us, you can also become a member of this great community for free, no-risk to you.

You will not ask for personal information besides your name and email address. So if you want to start your online business, please join us, look around, and build your website. Should you not like us, there is no obligation; you have nothing to lose, no one will call you or bother you in any way,

Looking forward to seeing you in our community

Thank you for stopping by; I appreciate it immensely, and should you have a question about this post or affiliate marketing, please leave  a comment at the bottom of the page, and I will be sure to reply

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

Is Affiliate Marketing Still Effective To Make Money

Affiliate Marketing has existed for a long time and has provided many people a substantial opportunity to make money online.

Are you looking for a way to make some extra cash and wondering if affiliate marketing is still an effective way to make money online?

Or have you been trying affiliate marketing for a few months and have yet to get the expected results? And you are now wondering if affiliate marketing is still effective.

Let me assure you Affiliate marketing is very effective and is the best business model to make money online,

You must Do affiliate Marketing right to be successful in the affiliate marketing business; Everyone needs training, whether you are an experienced affiliate marketer or a newbie.

Affiliate marketing is over a  $5 billion industry, making it one of the biggest industries in the U.S.

Affiliate marketing is a massive part of online marketing and accounts for about 15% of all digital marketing revenue.

But with more ways to make money online, people make money differently by selling their products or services.

I think affiliate marketing is far from over. But with more people using the Internet, s only getting “bigger.”

Affiliate Marketing growth is expected to double in billion dollars in revenue, but the change will also be in the network.

With more networks, people will have more options to choose from.

Network Improvements

More competition and better performance results improve technology, and affiliate networks have developed better techniques and payment methods.

All the big merchants are available on the online shopping market, making the need for online marketers more necessary in today’s world. About 96% of the U.S.A. population has access to the Internet and has made some online purchases.

Global Audience

With 96% of the U.S.A. population and the wider international audience having access to the Internet, the potential of affiliate marketing gives you the power to reach a global audience.

With more and more people using the Internet today, you have the whole world as your target audience.

Many people prefer to shop online; in most cases, shipping is free, and returns are usually not a hassle, especially if you purchase from a well-established merchant.

The public as a whole has grown to trust online shopping. Now users are not afraid of sharing their personal information on the web.

Trust in online shopping has grown was not the case, buyers preferred to go to a physical store due to the fear of their information being stolen, but now with better security measures in place, buyers are willing to shop online.

Even though there is a growing concern about common data breaches, the new method for securing these sites keeps improving.

More Products to Offer

You can sell almost everything with affiliate marketing today. There was a time when only specific items, such as electronics, were sold under affiliate marketing campaigns,

But now, everything from software to eBooks is sold and purchased under affiliate marketing.

To be successful in affiliate marketing, you have to gain your audience’s trust, which doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time and patience.

Like any other business, it takes work, dedication to learning new ways, and determination.

To gain the audience’s trust, you must help them and offer good products you know will help them.

Some platforms are making false statements like affiliate marketing is easy and you can make a lot of money quickly, but that is not true; it doesn’t work like that.

Affiliate Marketing, like any business, takes time, effort, constituency, determination, and hard work.

RECOMMENDED Best Way To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing For beginners

The important thing is you can be successful; I must stress training is a must; you can find all the information needed on the Internet.

You need to know what to search for to find the information necessary, and all the information you need is scattered throughout the Internet.

It is best to have a reputable platform that has all the necessary information available to you in one place.

I am introducing you to Wealthy Affiliate, a platform where you can start for free and remain free. You are given step-by-step instructions for building an affiliate marketing website.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

 According to Wikipedia, Affiliate marketing is performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

With affiliate marketing, a company pays you a percentage of the sales that you help them make.

You make money by making a commission by promoting other people’s products.

Wealthy Affiliate

A training platform teaches you how to build your blog in a step-by-step manner on how to use affiliate marketing to make money with your blog.

It’s a comprehensive training platform that includes business tools for your use, web hosting, domain registrar, SSL certificates, a free website for testing purposes or use for real, live chat, live weekly webinars, and much more.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you have the information and tools needed to meet your goals. As a company, Wealthy Affiliate has members from 193 countries.

RECOMMENDED Understanding How Affiliate Marketing Works and Make Money

If you are serious about building an online business, consider upgrading to a premium membership.

The premium membership offers more information and tools, which will enormously help your success.

With a free membership, you can choose your niche. If you need help choosing your niche at Wealthy Affiliate, there is help in determining the direction of your business from over 1,000,000 different places.

You can then build your website; the best part is you do not need any design skills; follow the instructions, and in 30 seconds, you will have a beautiful-looking website.

This website will be mobile and revenue-ready, state-of-the-art, ultra-powerful, and secure hosting that will allow you to grow your business.

Start Writing Content

You can write and publish your post on the world wide web; lessons on choosing the right keywords to index it on Google are provided.

Your blog must provide value and help to people in your niche; you need to do this because it is how you earn people’s trust, and when you earn people’s trust, that’s when you make your money.


You must know the current traffic techniques on how to get relevant customers to your website; these techniques are taught within the first few lessons at Wealthy Affiliate,

Wealthy Affiliate is for anyone, whether you are a newbie to affiliate marketing, have some knowledge, or are very successful at affiliating marketing;

You can become a member by clicking on any of the links in this post, and I will contact you to answer your questions and assist you in any way I can.

The community of Wealthy Affiliate members is eager to help you, but I will be your mentor. I do hope to see you in our incredible community.

Start Your Online Business Free

Thank you so much for reading this post. I appreciate it so much, and please remember to share this post;  should you have a question or comment, please leave it in the space provided, and I will reply ASAP.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

Best Way To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing For beginners

Are you thinking of making money online and trying to figure out the best way to go about it?

In this post, I will share what I found to be the best way to go about starting your making money online business.

The best way will be challenging; if you want to make significant money, there is simply no easy way.

Any “easy” ways to do affiliate marketing will not accomplish success with the best way to make money online.

How To Approach Affiliate Marketing For Long-Term Success

Many people go into affiliate marketing with a different mindset, and it’s essential to learn how to approach this to find long-term success.

Affiliate marketing earns commissions from driving sales for brands and companies you want to promote.

You promote these products and services by using the affiliate links you get when you apply to these brands and companies that offer affiliate programs.

Affiliate marketing offers an opportunity to earn for both the product owner and the affiliate that earns the commission.

This business model also makes it easy for anyone to start making money online without creating their products or buying and stocking products, handling customer complaints and returns.

You earn the commission when someone clicks on your affiliate link and then buys that product or service you were promoting; the part that could be more challenging is to have someone do this.

I know people try and start promoting their affiliate links on social media or online forums and such, but that does not work well at all.

Any methods like posting your affiliate links on social platforms will only work if it’s like spam links, and you will either lose followers or get your account banned for too much spamming.

Posting affiliate links all over the internet will earn you little money because people will not click on links and buy from people they do not know; online people are more sophisticated.

Therefore, the best way to approach affiliate marketing is to be helpful to others.

Best Way To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

If you’re serious about building an affiliate business and making money in the long term, the best way is to create a website where you can help others in a particular niche/topic.

A niche is a group of people interested in the same topic, and you want to help your place in a way that will help them solve problems.

A website will create a significant online presence and build trust between you and your visitors.

Building trust is the key to getting people to click on your affiliate links, and how you earn that trust is by providing value.

Offering value to your audience lets them see that you are trying to help, and it’s easy to recommend products when that’s what they’ll need to solve their problem.

So your niche is in elderly health, you write about what affects the health of the more senior people, like arthritis, and you could offer suggestions of things that help to diminish the effects of arthritis and advertise the products that satisfy.

When you advise these affiliate products, you are recommending them to your audience, and it makes sense that they click on your links to those products to check them out since what you’re telling them makes sense to solve their problem.

Do you see how you don’t have to “sell” using this method?

By helping others, you can build a more engaged following and earn their trust with your value.

How To Learn How To Build Your New Online Business

To build your website right from the beginning, get the proper training from a legitimate source.

There are a lot of products and systems offering online opportunities. But you must be careful because they mainly offer income hype about how much you could make.

They must offer accurate information and training materials to teach you how to succeed.

When affiliate marketing when  done right, the result can be amazing

Building this online business this way is worth all the hard work you put into it, and it offers you a way to work from home with just a laptop, not dependent on any location, as long as you have an internet connection and pick your schedule!

 Best Training Web platform

I want to introduce you to the Wealthy Affiliate web hosting platform, which will do the “heavy lifting” for you.

Wealthy Affiliate Platform teaches the ins and outs of making money from your blog, and they use the WordPress system, the best content management system.

WealthyvAffiliate is a training platform that takes you through all the steps of beginning your affiliate marketing business.

Wealthy Affiliate

To be correctly trained to succeed in making money, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

You do not have to be an expert in the technicalities of using the Internet. Still, you need to have an internet connection and are familiar with typing, and if you have ever used social media, you are ready.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to pick your niche, build your website, and add necessary tools.

To manage your websites, like Google Analytics, Yahoo, and Bing, how to choose your keywords so you are given a lesson in using SEO (Search engine optimization),

Using Seo in your content allows Google and the other search engine to find your content, index them, and drive an audience to your website with social media.

The great thing about the membership of Wealthy Affiliate is you can become a member for free (At no Cost). And no expiration date on how long you can remain a free member.

Of course, as a free member, you would get less than a premium member; I recommend upgrading to a premium membership after you have looked around and gotten familiar with the platform. Especially if you are a newbie like I was.

Web hosting is free at Wealthy Affiliate. Other websites charge $49.00 per month for web hosting; as a free member, one free webpage: there are designs for your website to choose from, included at no cost.

 What Does Wealthy Affiliate Provide?

Building your website at Wealthy Affiliate takes less than 30 seconds, and you will be ready for business.

The premium membership is where you get access to absolutely everything. If you’re serious about building an online business,

The lessons provided are in-depth for the Online  Entrepreneur Certification Class; there are 5 phases. Each phase has ten lessons. The Wealthy Affiliate Boot Camp class has seven steps, and each stage contains ten lessons.

There is also help 24/7; we have a community with a pay-it-forward attitude, and there is always someone to help. The site support staff are just incredible; there are always ready to assist you.


I am not saying you will be earning right away with no effort; I am saying that with effort, work, and determination, you can have a business that will allow you to make money; you determine the amount.

There are members here that are earning $6.000.00+. As a premium member, you have access to ten websites and the opportunity to have different business websites; some members here are so busy they have to hire writers to help them.

At Wealthy Affiliate, our extraordinary community members will share their knowledge and skill to help you achieve your goals.


I have found all  I need to start and maintain my online business here at Wealthy Affiliate, and I know you will find it, so if you decide to join us, you can also become a member of this great community for free risk to you.

You will not ask for personal information besides your name and email address. So if you want to start your online business, please join us, look around, and build your website. Should you not like us, there is no obligation; you have nothing to lose, no one will call you or bother you in any way,

Looking forward to seeing you in our community

If you have any questions or thoughts regarding the best way to make money with affiliate marketing or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below.

How To Start A Profitable Home Based Online Affiliate Marketing Business

Sometimes you decide it’s time for a change; maybe you are nearing retirement, do not have anything saved, and are worried about how you will survive your retirement life.

Or are you tired of your current job, the daily commute, the office politicking, or that obnoxious co-worker? It may be time for a career change.

A career change where you can take control of your life and make decisions that benefit you.

You can create a business for yourself and make money; there are many ways to make money, and with the invention and development of the internet, there are even more opportunities to make a sustainable income online.

Here are some ways to make money online

Sign up for a gig-working platform.

There are several platforms designed for online gig work. For example, Amazon Mechanical Turk is a site you can use to take on small tasks for businesses across the globe. They include moderating content, taking a survey, or transcribing audio.

Clickworker is a similar platform, or if you have a specific skill — like copywriting, editing, or graphic design — you can use freelancing platforms like Fiverr,, and Upwork to connect with potential clients.

Start an online store.

If you’re creative, consider selling your products online through a site like Etsy.

Sellers on Etsy offer everything from jewelry and clothing to artwork, invitations, yard signs, templates, and more.

You could start a drop-shipping store, which is essentially a storefront.

When a customer makes an order, you order that product from a third party (a manufacturer, vendor, or wholesaler) and ship it directly to the customer.

Start a YouTube channel.

YouTube creators can make money, and getting started can require little expertise.

You can create how-to or explainer videos on virtually any subject or go more personal and put yourself in the videos.

Consider different successful formats on the platform, like interviewing subject matter experts, providing tips and tricks, or even just showing yourself playing various video, mobile, or board games.

Like blogging, finding a niche and building a following is essential. You can then integrate Google Ads, become a YouTube Partner, and profit from memberships, live chats, and subscriptions.

Recommend How To Make Money Working From Home Blogging Free To Start

 Make money from photography.

If you’re known as the photographer in the family, you can make some extra money by selling your photos online.

Websites like Fine Art America allow you to upload your images and have them featured on merchandise sold.

 Become a transcriptionist

If you’re a fast typer, consider doing online transcription for cash. You’ll listen to audio files and then accurately type what you hear.

You get paid per piece, so the faster you can type, the better when making money., GoTranscript, and TranscribeMe are just a few sites where you can find online transcription work.

 Become a virtual assistant.

More work than ever is being done online following the recent rise in remote work.

Remote help is more common, too. By becoming a virtual assistant via websites like Indeed (search for “Remote Virtual Assistant”), you can work for a business in need from the comfort of your home office.

The work needed varies — you might find gigs ranging from writing to social media management to traditional bookkeeping — so look around for something that fits your skills and background.

Recommend How To Make Money At Home Doing Simple Tasks.

Test websites and apps

Fancy yourself the tech-savvy type? If so, you can get paid to test new websites and mobile apps and hunt down any glitches.

At, for example, you can test new sites and products from popular brands today.

It would be best to have a reliable WiFi connection, a microphone, a computer or mobile device, and you can get to work., UserZoom, and Userlytics are other similar platforms.

 Buy and sell domain names.

Those with similarly web-savvy skills might consider passive income by purchasing and selling domain names.

Sites like can even help complete the sale via an online auction.

Start a blog

Blogs aren’t just for fun these days. They can be quite the moneymaker when done right.

The key to creating a successful blog is to pick your niche, build your audience, and monetize. Building a following can take some time, though, so be patient.

With making money online, you will not GET RICH OVERNIGHT; it would help if you devoted the time and energy to get your business up and running; thousands of people make a substantial income from the company online.

The concept of making money online is an excellent idea; there is no limit to the potential of how much you can make; having a blog enhances your chances of being successful in making money online.

You make money from your blog by using the affiliate marketing method,

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

According to Wikipedia, Affiliate marketing is performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

With affiliate marketing, a company pays you a percentage of the sales that you help them make.

You make money by making a commission by promoting other people’s products.

Affiliate Marketing is for Anybody

No specific skills are needed to be an affiliate marketer; you need consistency, determination, and hard work.

When I started affiliate marketing, I had no l knowledge of affiliate marketing and no writing skills, but with the natural evolution of learning, I did it, and you can, too; you will build and grow and achieve your goals.

Affiliate marketing works if done the right way.

In my search to make money online, I found a training website for affiliate marketing, Wealthy Affiliate.

On the Wealthy Affiliate training platform, you get ideas for turning your ideas into profit.

Suppose you have a hobby or something you are passionate about. that gets you excited and motivated when you think about it, even if you don’t have any ideas. In that case, Wealthy Affiliate will help you choose the direction of your business from over 1,000,000 different niches.

You can have your website.

You can have your website up and ready in just 30 seconds; your website will be beautiful looking, mobile, and revenue ready, with state-of-the-art, ultra-powerful, and secure hosting, allowing you to grow your business.

You do not need to be a website designer; you have a choice of 12 designs to choose from with your free starter program.

To be successful in affiliate marketing, you need to have an audience, and at Wealthy Affiliate, you are taught how to attract visitors to your site.

Wealthy Affiliate is an up-to-date company that teaches today’s online marketing strategies. Its vision is to help people succeed in business and life genuinely, and it is a company dedicated to assisting others to become great and achieve true financial independence.

Free Membership

And you can become a member for free and get the first 5. lessons or phase 1 of a wealthy affiliate’s online entrepreneur course, and at the end of these 5. classes, you will have a fantastic functional website.

Two Tier Membership

There are two-tier memberships, the free and the premium; the premium membership has more information and tools, which will better enable you to succeed in the online business.

There is a price tag associated with the premium membership, but the price asked is very reasonable for the amount of quality information and tools offered.

As you can see, premium membership prices are reasonably priced; many platforms are asking much more for their training, and in some cases, you will have to pay more to get advanced training.

You are given step-by-step instructions through videos; with the premium membership, there are 5 phases which consist of 50 lessons, and you also get the affiliate boot camp tutorials which are 7 phases or 70 studies.

The premium membership will give you 50 websites and choices of over 1000 themes.

Here is a list of what is offered in each membership.

With the premium membership, you are also given a live video class once per week; here is a replay of one of the live videos; please look.

With all the excellent training at Wealthy Affiliate, there is something that you must become aware of, and that is affiliate marketing is not a get-rich type of business.

There is no legitimate business that offers an opportunity to become wealthy overnight. Scams are usually the ones that are making those claims.

You must work and be disciplined, determined, and patient with affiliate marketing.


After seeking employment and experiencing all the rigors of applying for a job, I experienced the lengthy application questionnaire. In some cases, little questions are asked.

So if you are frustrated at your wit’s end, why not try Wealthy Affiliate? It’s free, and you can do the 5. lessons build your website, and take it from there,

I think you would like to look further and see what the premium has to offer; you can do that for $49, and if you become a premium member 7. days after becoming a free member, the cost for the first month is only $19

You will not have to sign any contract or commit to either membership, and with the free membership, no financial information is required.

You have nothing to lose, and you know, unless you try, I am a retiree. I thought I might be too old to try Affiliate marketing as I need to learn about this area of business, and I need more technical skills, but I tried, and I am making a go of it; if I can do it, so can you.

And you can join by clicking on any of the links in this post; I will contact you, and I will be your coach, and we also have a community of accommodating members who are very able and willing to assist you. I

Thank you for reading this post; remember to share and leave your questions and comments in the space provided at the end, and I will reply.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

Learn Affiliate Marketing And Make Money Online Free To Start

In this post, I am looking at Affiliate marketing. It may seem a mystery to those who have only heard of affiliate marketing, but sure what it is.

You may think affiliate marketing is a mystery or you need to be an expert; affiliate marketing is not a mystery, and you can make money to supplement your budget or a full-time income earner.

What Is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing recommends someone’s products and services to target customers.

Recommended Products are effective when sales you make a sale and you earn commissions.

Many bloggers and website owners already engage in this type of sales tactic.

It doesn’t matter what level you’re at. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, affiliate marketing is the most effective way to earn money online.

You could do surveys; there are some legitimate sites where you may be able to make a few dollars, maybe $10-$30; you will get 1 point for every survey you take, 10 points is = a dollar, and you probably will not be qualified for every survey.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

There is no overnight success with affiliate marketing; it takes a lot of work, and you will only be bringing in money after some time in most situations. It takes time and effort to build a successful site and make money.

Affiliate marketing is a merchant paying a commission to an affiliate ( blogger or other online entities) for referring new business to the merchant’s website.

Affiliate marketing is an actual purchase; the affiliate earns a percentage for its promotional efforts.

Before I get into how affiliate marketing works, you must get training to be successful in affiliate marketing.

There are certain things you must do before you can start making money.

Set Up the Blog

There are free blog options such as WordPress and Blogger, but to retain control and a professional image, consider investing in a domain name and a hosting service.

Add Content

Once your blog is up and running, you must keep it active with new content to grow your business. Develop a set schedule for writing and posting blog articles. Create a content calendar so you always know what you will post.


Like all other business ideas, your success comes from marketing and getting your message in front of your target market.

How to set up your blog, choose your niche, and all that goes along with affiliate marketing are the training platform’s lessons; these are the steps for a successful business.

Choosing A Niche

Choosing a niche you like or are passionate about will make your blog more authentic, and your readers will connect with your passion and be frequent visitors to your site.

The first thing you need to do is choose your niche. I recommend it be something you love, like a hobby, or know about. Creating content for something you don’t know or have no experience

Choosing A Name For Your Blog

The name you choose is how readers will relate to and remember you and will stick with your blog for a long time.

Choosing the right name is crucial — the right name will make all the difference in how well an audience receives your blog.

It is best to find one that is relatively short and easily remembered; it would be good to target specific keywords, but if it doesn’t, there is no need to worry.

   Best Training Web platform

I want to introduce you to the Wealthy Affiliate web hosting platform, which will do the “heavy lifting” for you.

Wealthy Affiliate Platform teaches the ins and outs of making money from your blog, and they use the WordPress system, the best content management system.

WealthyvAffiliate is a training platform that takes you through all the steps of beginning your affiliate marketing business.

Wealthy Affiliate

To be correctly trained to succeed in making money, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

You do not have to be an expert in the technicalities of using the Internet. Still, you need to have an internet connection and are familiar with typing, and if you have ever used social media, you are ready.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to pick your niche, build your website, and add necessary tools.

To manage your websites, like Google Analytics, Yahoo, and Bing, how to choose your keywords so you are given a lesson in using SEO (Search engine optimization),

Using Seo in your content allows Google and the other search engine to find your content, index them, and drive an audience to your website with social media.

The great thing about the membership of Wealthy Affiliate is you can become a member for free (At no Cost). And no expiration date on how long you can remain a free member.

Of course, as a free member, you would get less than a premium member; I recommend upgrading to a premium membership after you have looked around and gotten familiar with the platform. Especially if you are a newbie like I was.

Web hosting is free at Wealthy Affiliate. Other websites charge $49.00 per month for web hosting; as a free member, one free webpage: there are designs for your website to choose from, which are also included at no cost.

 What is provided at Wealthy Affiliate?

Building your website at Wealthy Affiliate takes less than 30 seconds, and you will be ready for business.

The premium membership is where you get access to absolutely everything. If you’re serious about building an online business,

The lessons provided are in-depth for the Online  Entrepreneur Certification Class; there are 5 phases. Each phase has ten lessons. The Wealthy Affiliate Boot Camp class has seven steps, and each stage contains ten lessons.

There is also help 24/7; we have a community with a pay-it-forward attitude, and there is always someone to help. The site support staff are just incredible; there are always ready to assist you.

Here are some of the things that with the Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership:

Premium membership will cost $49.00 per month. When starting a business, it usually costs you something,  no exception.

I am not saying you will be earning right away with no effort; I am saying that with effort, work, and determination, you can have a business that will allow you to make money; you determine the amount.

There are members here that are earning $6.000.00+. Remember, if you are a premium member, you have access to ten websites and the opportunity to have different business websites; some members here are so busy they have to hire writers to help them.

At Wealthy Affiliate, our extraordinary community members will share their knowledge and skill to help you achieve your goals.


I have found all  I need to start and maintain my online business here at Wealthy Affiliate, and I know you will find it, so if you decide to join us, you can also become a member of this great community for free risk to you.

You will not ask for personal information besides your name and email address. So if you want to start your online business, please join us, look around, and build your website. Should you not like us, there is no obligation; you have nothing to lose, no one will call you or bother you in any way,

Looking forward to seeing you in our community

Thank you for stopping by; I appreciate it immensely, and should you have a question or comment, please leave it in the place provided at the bottom of the page, and I will be sure to reply

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).


How To Make Money Working From Home Blogging Free To Start

Can you make money online by blogging? You can; commitment, determination, work, and consistency are required.

If you are willing to commit and follow through with the rest, then making money by blogging is possible.

Let us go through some of what it takes to make money online by blogging

  •              What It Takes To Make Money Online By Blogging.
    • How You’ll Be Able To Make Money With Your Blog
    • Essential Elements You Need For Success

 What It Takes To Make Money Online By Blogging.

You must start with much learning, especially if you are new to making money from your blog.

It will be a lot of work for basically nothing for months; if you’re willing to do this kind of work, then you can have a very profitable business.

I hope I am not scaring you, but I need you to understand that making money from your blog is not a get-rich overnight business. Still, if done correctly, the possibility of you earning a substantial income is possible.

How blogging works is, you need to build trust with the search engines. You will get a good ranking from any search engines once your blog website is about 3-4 months, sometimes earlier or later.


It takes some patience in this blogging business before things can take off.


Consistency and a lot of groundwork in writing content are a must to show the search engines you produce fresh new content several times a week.

Deciding your niche and what you will write about would be best.

To be successful and have your blog noticed by the search engines, you must learn about keywords and how they are your starting point for each post.


, Keyword research is a must to get traffic to your blog, and it is a great skill you should develop.

Traffic to a blog site works very slowly and gradually until it starts to snowball, and the traffic takes off!

The same goes for income; income is very slow initially and improves with time and work.

Expect to earn nothing for the first 3. months but by 3 – 6 months, you should be starting to make a little and then gradually growing slowly until traffic takes off, and so will your earnings.

Some people get frustrated and quit blogging, needing to understand the nature of making money blogging. They need to know how every blog starts slowly and gradually, so most will stop in the first 6. months.

The other reason it takes so long to earn rankings is that search engines want to ensure you’ll be around in the long term.

There are millions of abandoned blogs because most people will need help understanding how SEO works, how to use keywords, how to use affiliate marketing, how to use different methods to earn money with their blog, how to write, what to write, etc.

If you want to work from home and make money from your blog, you must do the work needed to succeed.


With the help of real comprehensive training, you can successfully make money from your blog.

Building a blog is more challenging than it looks; there are many things you need to learn, especially if you want to make money from your blog.

A training platform teaches you how to build your blog step-by-step and use affiliate marketing to make money with your blog.

It’s a comprehensive training platform that includes business tools for your use, web hosting, domain registrar, SSL certificates, a free website for testing purposes or use for real, live chat, live weekly webinars, and much more.


There are multiple ways to make money with your blog, and the best one to start with is affiliate marketing because of the ease of it and the lowest cost (start for free).

Affiliate marketing offers a solution to promote products and services without owning or creating any. You earn commissions when you drive new sales for the products and services you promote.; Affiliate programs are free to join,

Money will come if you first provide value to your readers before all else; this should be your primary objective for your blog.

Then you need to know how to build your blog right so that it is SEO-ready on all levels, and this is where education is essential to learn how to do all this with the training platform I use because they specialize in it.


In this section, I want to examine the foundation needed for success.


Having the proper training is essential in making money online, and you need to know how to build your blog correctly and ensure you know all the how-to’s you’ll need to know to create this online business.


Patience is tough, and you need it, especially in your 6 – 12 months period when every doubt in your mind is screaming at you while you keep moving forward to get over that hump by continuing to keep working hard.

It would be best to keep working even without earning much initially, which is what it takes to succeed as a blogger.


Your blog must provide value and help to people in your niche; you need to do this because it is how you earn people’s trust, and when you earn people’s trust, that’s when you make your money.


You must post new blogs frequently; only go too long with posting new content.

Your rankings will slowly drop if you are inconsistent with your work and have to earn it back.

Whatever weekly schedule you think you can commit to, stick to it, so make it realistic, especially when you are still in the learning phase.

You will slowly and gradually increase your weekly frequency as you get more comfortable with blogging.

Being consistent is very important, so starting with a slower schedule is better than starting with a heavy program and then getting burned out after 3 – 6 months.

 Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to start if you want to create your website and earn money online.

,1. you can start for free and remain free as long as you like

2. With a free site, you get .1 website

3. You also get 12 themes to choose

4. Web hosting is free

5. Site security is a fee

6. 5 lessons or phase 1  of The Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) training

There is also the premium membership, which is best if you are serious about establishing a successful business.

I have placed a membership option list so you can see the big difference in the information and tools provided.

Membership Options

You do not need to feel that you cannot get through the lessons; for whatever reasons.

I did not have the experience and was not a technical person, I needed to be a better writer, and I did not know I could write content for my blog.

But at Wealthy Affiliate, the training is comprehensive, and you go at your own pace; there is no competition.

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for almost 2. decades providing excellent training in affiliate marketing.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform is user-friendly, and everything is available on the platform; you can get help finding your niche, building your website, and generating traffic buying your domain, and you will not be alone throughout your training.

After you have built your website and your content is written, you are shown how to apply for and get the company’s link on your website. ( the Company you are advertising for)

You will earn income from anyone clicking on these links and making a purchase; the company  or An affiliate marketing network will pay you a commission.,

The Wealthy Affiliate Community

The Wealthy Affiliate community, which consists of over 1.4 million members from 193 countries, is willing to assist you in any way they can,

There is also site support available 24/7, and it is very efficient in providing technical support whenever it is needed, and they attend to your technical problems promptly; they are the best at what they do.

And in joining Wealthy Affiliate, you will not be asked for personal information other than your name and an email address.

The premium price for membership is very reasonable for the info and training resources available to you.

Final Thoughts

I have laid out the necessary steps to starting your website and earning money, and if you need more information, I would be glad to hear from you; you can contact me by leaving a message in the space provided at the end of this post.

To be successful in the online marketing business, you will have to be patient; it takes time to build a following for your site,


But by posting new content to your site, you will build trust, be helpful and truthful, and there is no need for you to assume you need to be a language major; just be yourself and write your content like you are talking to a friend.

Please remember success does not happen overnight; it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, and sacrifice, and please never think you are too old, as the new saying in the ’70s is the new 60s.

I am in my mid 70’s, and I have met members in their 80s; we are doing it and getting along quite well, and so can you.

My favorite quote

One of my favorite quotes is Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe; it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill.

Remember, you can become a member for free; you can join, have a look around stay as long as you like.

Start Your Online Business Free

As I said, the first 5. lessons are in the free membership, and you are taught to build, write content and monetize your site, all the essential information you will need to make your site.

I joined as a free member, stayed for a month, became a monthly for a couple of months, then went yearly.

You have nothing to lose; try it; having tried it should you think it is not for you, then just quit; you would have lost nothing,

You can join for free by clicking on any of the links in this post, and I will be there to assist you in any way I can. I will be your mentor.

I am looking forward to seeing you on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Thank you for reading my post; please like and share this post; I would be grateful, and if you need more information or have a comment, you can leave it in the space provided at the end of the post, and I will reply ASAP.

This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).

UserTribe Get Compensated For Sfaring Your Opinion Free To Join

Thousands of online sites, each promising to reward you for participating in a program. But does The UserTribe deliver on that promise?

This post is written based on the information and testimonials available online in the public domain.

What is UserTribe?

UserTribe is a user-testing site founded in 2013 in Copenhagen, Hovedstaden, Denmark, by  Casper Henningsen and Jonas Alexandersson.

UserTribe pays for participating in their studies. And also helps companies that partner with them receive valuable insight that assists their business in making great customer experiences.

Participating in their studies is the primary way to make money on the UserTribe site.

Paid studies

After successfully signing up as a member, you are included in the list of qualified people to participate in a study.

When you qualify for an available study, you receive an email notification. Clicking on the notification link reveals the instructions.

Each test requires a specific device (tablet, mobile phone, laptop, or desktop). So, before you start the test, ensure you have access to the required device. It would be best to have a headset with a microphone to record yourself while explaining your actions.

UserTube provides software

UserTube also provides software that allows you to record your voice and your screen. It is available through a Google Chrome plug-in called UserTribe Recorder; the download link is included in your email.

The instructions for the study must be followed precisely; missing a step could cost you the reward offered.

In the study, you are required to express your thoughts while going through the flow of the tasks. Once you’ve finished the test/study, you must submit your work for checking.

Referral Program

. UserTribe mentions they have a referral program but must elaborate on how it works. The only mention is sometimes you can earn by referring others.

 RECOMMEND:   The Best Way To Make Money Online Starting For Free

How do you get paid?

You are paid once you complete a study and pass, which usually takes 10—business days.

UserTribe uses the email address you gave them during registration to send you your gift card (or whatever the reward is).

The reward for each study is made known before you start a task. Payments are in the form of an Amazon Gift Card or other gift cards, delivered digitally to your email; Or via PayPal. All payments are made in your local currency.

Is UserTribe Legit

UserTribe is a legit user-testing site that rewards you for participating in studies and inviting people to join the site. There is no payout threshold, and the rewards are reasonable, but there is no guarantee you can earn regularly.

UserTribe is legit and would make a perfect side hustle, but if you are looking for something to bring you a more substantial income, there are many ways to make a significant income online.

Recommended The Best Way To Make Money Online Starting For Free

But by far, the most effective way is affiliate marketing. What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a specialized form of marketing where an advertiser seeks to advertise or sell products or services through an affiliate network.

There is more to affiliate marketing if you want to be successful in this business.

Building a blog is one of the best methods to build an affiliate marketing business.

You can produce a blog about the product or company you are affiliated with or blend the product or service into your posts with related topics.

The Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing

  • Low or no-cost start-up
  • No product needed
  • Flexible work settings
  • No sales experience required
  • Huge customer base

Recommend:    The Best Way To Make Money As A Stay-At-Home Parent

The Cons of affiliate marketing are it is more challenging than answering surveys, testing apps, or anything like that.

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick business; it requires work, time, consistency, and patience.

It also requires training; all the information about affiliate marketing can be found on the internet, but it is in multiple places, and that would require you to know what to search for.

Fortunately, they are platforms that offer training in affiliate marketing. And the best one is the platform I am a part of, Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform built for all affiliate marketers, newbies, those with some knowledge of affiliate marketing, and expert affiliate marketing. (you can start for free HERE.)

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to start your own online business through comprehensive training that takes you step by step on how to do everything.

The lessons are easy-to-use and organized to track your progress to ensure you know where you are in the course and tasks at the end of each class to ensure you build your online business as you learn.

This training feature helps you move forward to take action on the lessons you just learned; I couldn’t think of a better way to apply what you learned right away to your new website.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you can learn as you go, beginner-friendly and online approach, with people who have already achieved results, and you can learn as you go, and get the mentoring you need

Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Yes, Affiliate marketing does work; Wealthy Affiliate’s strategy is for the long term, meaning you will not see results right away because, with the online business, you need to give it time to build, to gain authority in search engines’ eyes,

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich venture, but when done right, the rewards can be significant; there is a saying Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.this is very accurate.

Start Your Online Business Free

                                               START YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS FREE “HERE”

Thanks for stopping by; I hope you found the information helpful; please share; thanks,  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase to you)

Juice Plus Business Opportunity How Much Can You Make

Juice Plus Business Opportunity How Much Can You Make
Juice Plus Business Opportunity How Much Can You Make

What Is Juice Plus? is a health and wellness company founded in 1970 by Jay Martin.

JuicePlus also offers a business opportunity to distributors in a system they call a “virtual franchise,”

The JuicePluss virtual Francgise comes with pre-made online marketing materials like a website, app, social media, direct selling, and multi-level marketing (MLM). Their headquarters are in Collierville, Tennessee,

Juice Plus Product Claims

Leading universities, hospitals, and research centers worldwide clinically research Juice Plus+.

Juice Plus+ supplements dehydrate whole fruits and vegetables and put them into capsule form.

They claim that these supplements are the next best thing to eating the total recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables and that they can be used to “fill the gap” when we aren’t eating enough of these healthy foods.

Juice Plus+ points out many health benefits of the vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables.

These claims are valid, undoubtedly, and backed by science. However, the fact that certain foods or nutrients are good for you isn’t the same as saying that Juice Plus is good for you.

How Much Does It Cost To Be A Juice Plus Distributor?

It costs a one-time fee of $50 to join the Juice Plus Virtual Franchise system. With this membership, you get a corporate website, a mobile app, and other marketing materials.

Juice Plus compensation plan

Juice Plus Compensation Plan

there are 7. promotional levels. These are the levels starting from the lowest to the highest rank and what they can earn:

  1. Distributor: Retail sales profit only
  2. Direct Distributor: Retail sales profit + 6% commission
  3. Virtual Franchisee: Retail sales profit + 14% commission
  4. Sales Coordinator: Retail sales profit + 22% commission
  5. Senior Sales Coordinator: Retail sales profit + 22% commission
  6. Qualifying National Marketing Director: Retail sales profit + 22% commission
  7. National Marketing Director: Retail sales profit + 22% commission

Once you reach a designated level, that will be your permanent level until you earn enough sales to move to the next level.

You can’t get demoted if you don’t make any sales. Your level is fixed.

There are 4. ways to get paid:

  • Retail Sales Profit (RSP): Every product has a set amount of retail sales profit paid to you whenever your recruit reorders. Depending on the product, you can get paid between $13-$55.
  • Sales Commission: Once you move onto the second level in the compensation plan (Direct Distributor and higher), you receive a sales commission on top of the retail sales profit. The commission starts at 6% and goes to 22%, depending on your level.
  • Bonuses: They offer one-time bonuses ranging from $100 to $3000. They also have bonuses from the third level (Virtual Franchisee and higher). These ongoing bonuses depend on your team’s performance.
  • Benefits: At the top level (National Marketing Director), they offer benefits such as health, dental, vision, and more. It’s a complete corporate package.

How Much Money Can Juice Plus Distributors Make?

I found this on the finance guy.

It took some effort, but we managed to find the Australian copy of the 2017 Juice Plus+ income disclosure, shown in the table below:

Finding an income disclosure statement for Juice Plus took a lot of work, like most MLMs. But I found this on the Finance Guy site.

Solid Reputation

Juice Plus has been in the health and wellness industry for 50 years and has a solid brand and reputation.

Exaggerated medical claims

Juice Plus or its affiliates have a history of selling the product by making debatable medical claims, saying that it helps diabetes, can help you lose weight, etc.

These medical claims led to many consumer complaints from people who have taken the product and not had those results, leading to a backlash in consumer reviews.

The clinical studies they cite are for the health benefits of vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables and not studies to prove that Juice Plus works.

Is It Difficult To Make Money With Juice Plus?

The business model makes it hard to make money with Juice Plus or any MLM. We looked at Juice Plus using Dr. Jon Tayolors 5 Step MLM evaluation. According to his research, if you join Juice Plus+, you have less than a 1% chance of making money. His research is in line with our findings from their income summary.

The reason it’s difficult to make money with Juice Plus is because the system is designed for the company to make money. They aim to make you a Juice Plus+ customer rather than a business partner.

It is a sales job if you join Juice Plus or any other network marketing deal. The only way to make money is to make sales. As any salesperson will tell you, the best way to make sales is with a good product. (


Expensive Products and Minimum Order Quantity

Juice Plus is costly, and, unlike other supplements, consumers have to buy it in four-month blocks, and it is difficult or impossible to cancel.

Customers might be tempted to buy a single bottle and see if it works, making an already costly supplement even more of an investment.

Juice Plus Vegetable and Berry Blend Capsules cost $71.25, and you need to order a 4-month supply. That makes it $285.00; they will ship it to you monthly. Which is a significant expense for some of us,

Get Ready To Recruit!

Making money on Juice Plus is only possible with recruiting With Juice Plus, distributors have to sell many products before they earn any commission.

Is Juice Plus Legit or a Scam?

Juice Plus is not a scam, and they have been in business for 50 years, so they have a good reputation. Remember that more than 99 / 100 people will earn less than minimum wage with Juice Plus.

If you are like me and would like to avoid the recruiting aspect of the MLM business, there are many ways to make money online.

Recommended The Best Way To Make Money Online Starting For Free

Affiliate Marketing

As I mentioned, there are many ways to make money online, but the most effective way to make money online is through Affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is recommending someone’s products and services to target customers.

Recommended Products are effective when sales you make a sale and you earn commissions.

Many bloggers and website owners already engage in this type of sales tactic.

It doesn’t matter what level you’re at. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, affiliate marketing is the most effective way to earn money online.

If you are new to affiliate marketing and may find the name intimidating or you cannot understand the concept, (for step by step guide to building a website, click here for free )

Affiliate marketing is about making money online using ads, courses, e-books, sponsored posts, etc., and is an excellent work-at-home business idea; it gives one freedom and flexibility.

You can either sell your goods or services or sell or promote someone else goods or services and get paid to do so.

If you intend to monetize your website, then proper training is necessary.

It would help if you considered learning the technical aspects of managing a website, like dealing with search engines.

You will know how to succeed in affiliate marketing with the proper training.

Recommended Learn The Ins and outs of affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing offers you the chance to make money online by promoting affiliate products – physical products, digital products, and services by referring people to the seller’s company website.

You will receive a specific commission once the customer completes the process of accepting the offer through your unique affiliate link.

This type of marketing approach continues to grow in popularity because it is advantageous to both the seller and the consumer and is effective.

In most cases, you’ll need a lot of money to start your business. However, with affiliate marketing, it’s different; you can start for free.

To start affiliate marketing, I recommend getting some training in the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

Who Can Be A Successful Affiliate Marketer?

Anyone Can Be a successful affiliate marketer. Approximately 4 BILLION people are using the Internet; it doesn’t matter where you head online or what topic; there are people you can connect with to create your business online.

 Requirements needed for online marketing.

There are no requirements to have technical experience or online marketing experience.

Everything related to online business is on the right training platform.

If you would like to know more about affiliate marketing, I recommend reading this blog  Learn The in And outs Of Affiliate Marketing Online Start Free.

With affiliate marketing, the benefits are not having to carry inventory, deal with customers, ship orders, or handle returns. And anyone can be an affiliate marketer.

Thank you for stopping by; if you have any questions about MLM business or affiliate marketing, please do not hesitate to ask; I will reply ASAP.

Affiliate Marketing Secrets You Need To Know For Success


The internet has many ways to earn – from freelancing, selling your products or someone else’s, offering support services to trading forex and crypto; the list is endless.

And the most exciting part is that you can start with $0 and make it to millions. It all depends on a lot of factors.

Affiliate marketing has become extremely popular with the rise of the Internet.

Most people introduced to the idea of making money online start with affiliate marketing because of its attractiveness.

However, The question that people ask is whether the affiliate marketing model works.

Let’s take a closer look at the affiliate marketing models.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.

The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

In the simplest of definitions, affiliate marketing is earning commissions from sales you make from products and services that do not belong to you.

With affiliate marketing, you do not have to be a product or service owner/creator.

Many companies create products and services and will happily “partner” with you;  these companies produce goods, offer services, and seek affiliates to help them heighten their sales.

These companies can make sales on their own. But, these companies understand that the more people involved in the sales process, the more money made.

Every product or service owner desires more customers, and if you can deliver them, you earn a commission, which is the basis of affiliate marketing.

Some famous people are known as content markers. They earn a commission when they recommend anything and make a purchase on any of their recommendations.

Compared to other online business models, Affiliate marketing is meant for anyone because it requires no experience and little budget.

How Does The Affiliate Marketing Business Model Work?

Affiliate Marketers are assigned the simple task of driving traffic to an affiliate program or network.

Some affiliate networks offer commissions based on a pay-per-lead (PPL) arrangement or direct sales basis.

What is a Lead?

– A lead is generally a signup involving a visitors’ contact information and perhaps some demographic information.

So, in a pay-per-lead arrangement, the advertiser only pays the affiliate for leads generated at their destination site. But no payment is made for visitors who don’t sign up.

So the more leads/visitors you send to the website and sign up, the more commissions you generate, called Pay Per Lead (PPL).

However, some advertisers require a visitor to make a purchase first for you to be eligible to earn a commission, called direct sales.

Many websites provide these offers, and you can select any offer of your choice, whether it’s PPL or Offers to convert on purchase.

The difference between PPL and direct sales is that commissions earned are lower with PPL. Getting visitors’ contact information, like names and email addresses, is more accessible than making them buy something, so it’s a win-win situation.

So if affiliate marketing seems this easy, why is it a hard nut to crack for the 97% who fail at it?

Fact – affiliate marketing does still work in 2023.

Affiliate marketing is not for everyone. I see how people could start believing that it doesn’t work.


So, why do some people believe it doesn’t work?

It is not a secret anymore that most people who start with affiliate marketing fail miserably.

It’s reported that an estimated 97% of people fail to make money online– shocking.

A large portion of that 97% comprises affiliate marketers because of its attractiveness.

However, since affiliate marketing involves easy-like activities like not needing to create your products, dealing with refunds, customer/product support, delivery, and software issues, it’s the quickest route online to having a business in reality.

But the major downside with it is the misconceptions most people have.

First, they do not consider it a real business; second, they think it’s a gateway mechanism whenever you’re broke and need a quick buck.

These two reasons are the main reasons why it doesn’t work for certain people, so they get frustrated eventually and give up because it takes a lot longer to see results than people think.

Remember that this business is not a get-rich-quick or set-and-forget-it model when attempting affiliate marketing.

Treating the affiliate marketing business model as a real offline business (like the one you can start in your vicinity) is profound in making it work.

It may seem easy, but it involves a lot of learning, especially if you do it with a website.

Do you need a Website to make money from affiliate marketing?

Yes and no!

You don’t need a website to become an affiliate marketer. You can send traffic directly to your offers, which is called Direct Linking.

However, it usually takes work. These days when you direct link people to offers, you are considered a spammer. It can be hard to gain trust.

It would help if you had something to excite your prospects. It’s like in the “real world”; you can walk into a clothing shop, but you won’t just pick and buy one.

You want a salesperson to take care of you, introduce you to different clothing lines, the latest designs, and styles, and make you want to buy if not all, the clothes.

You need to be a competent affiliate marketer is the reason you need to practice affiliate marketing with a website. A website gives you control of your business, credibility, integrity, and trust.

It’s the perfect way to engage and excite your audience and is an excellent foundation for long-term business prosperity.

Knowledge is power, and 97% of online entrepreneurs succeed heavily in failure because of ignorance.

Every affiliate marketer and even experienced affiliate marketer with the Super Affiliate status needs training in affiliate marketing.

Technology changes there is always something new to learn about; we all need training; the training platform I am a member of, the Wealthy Affiliate training platform, is the best platform for affiliate marketers.

How can you start working, building your website, creating content, and making money?

I was very doubtful, thinking I was an old grandmother who could only type 29 words per minute, and doesn’t sound like something I could do.

Well, I was wrong. You need to understand some basics, and the Wealth Affiliate teaches this on its Platform.

How You Could Get Started With Affiliate Marketing

Take a moment and think of something you love. It could be an idea, a passion, an interest, or even a hobby. Now, that idea in your head is the first step of many as you move forward.

As an affiliate with an idea”, you will build a website and create content around that “idea.”

Whatever your hobby is, it could be gardening, sewing, or a game like football; you would be writing articles about this subject you choose,  so it is something you are familiar with and shouldn’t be such a hassle.

With the proper training, you will learn how to create high-quality articles that search engines like Google will fall in love with, which applies to all your ideas.

Pleasing search engines is also why you’ll need to learn about SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) is paramount to any website owner.

When you master the art of SEO, your articles will rank well on Google or Bing, i.e., your articles will be #1, 2, or#3 on the first page of search results, leading to high traffic flow to your website, will then be the beginning of consistent revenue for you!

So as you build out your website, you will target organic traffic, also known as free traffic. As a beginner, you must focus on this method.

However, this method requires a lot of patience, but technically speaking, the traffic itself is FREE, and you don’t pay for visits.

Traffic comes because you’ve built your website and taught at Wealthy Affiliate.

How you could get started with affiliate marketing as a beginner is getting the proper training to build the right foundation for your business.


Wealthy Affiliate Provides:

  • The step-by-step instructions on what to do and how to do things
  • Tasks at the end of each lesson so I can take action on my site and build it as I learn
  • Tools that I needed to facilitate my online business
  • Help and support answer all your questions.

At the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you are shown how to acquire visits to your website through “Paid Traffic,” which is a method that focuses on promoting your website by paying for advertisements.

Paid traffic can generate more traffic within a few hours than organic traffic, which usually comes in small numbers initially.

However, it is risky and possibly the best way to burn away a lot of money if you have yet to learn what you are doing.

The only limit with paid traffic is the amount of $$$ you can invest – first for testing and optimizing and then profiting and scaling.

Building Traffic To Your Website

The profit potential associated with paid traffic is handsome, and affiliates make insane commissions daily by running paid traffic campaigns.

However, this is something you want to do in the future as you gain more and more knowledge and experience on the subject.

What most successful affiliate marketers do is first build themselves a free traffic generator (your website).

Once your website makes consistent income, you can use that money to scale and learn paid traffic.

If you do it the other way and start with paid traffic, you’ll always be paying for traffic, and that’s not good; you will eventually want a mix.

Having a solid stream of free traffic coming to your online business makes it more stable and predictable, then you have more freedom to explore paid traffic and all that comes with it.

Here are some of the most common paid traffic sources;

  • Display ads — these are found on the side of the page. Your ad blocker usually erases these ads.
  • Sponsored content —is a type of content marketing that looks like an article on a website. Usually promotes a brand.
  • Paid search like Google Adwords or Yahoo/Bing Ads.
  • Influencer marketing is usually social media influencers from platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc., who promote your product or service for their fans. You pay them a small fee for this.
  • Social media ads — these are sponsored content that appears in your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook feeds or before the YouTube video you click on. Others also appear within in-stream videos, especially on Facebook.

Why Affiliate Marketing is the Best Way to Start an Online Marketing Business

By now, you should know that you must promote products or services that fit your topic or niche as an affiliate marketer.

Your goal will be to either make a direct sale or to get leads to your offers, depending on the affiliate programs you sign up with.

And yes! Affiliate marketing is the best way to start an online marketing business.

Tons of Opportunities

  1. Tons of Opportunities  “It’s too competitive!” Some people assume that affiliate marketing is too competitive to be profitable because you have to stand out in the marketplace.

All markets in every area are competitive, so many businesses tell me which isn’t.

Competition is a sign of high user demand and consumption, indicating that the industry has a lot of money to make.

Repetitive Sales

  1. Repetitive Sales — A relationship with your website visitors is necessary for any business to thrive. And this can easily lead to repetitive sales.

If someone purchased something from your website after you recommended a great deal, they would likely buy from you again because of the established trust. And this always leads to customer loyalty.

A great example is offering customers a discount code on special occasions like Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Halloween, etc.,

Unlimited niches

  1. Unlimited niches — With affiliate marketing, you have the luxury of selecting a niche from thousands at your disposal.

Your first niche is never your last, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s profitable or competitive.

Many people believe you should always choose the most profitable niche because they think it’s ideal to make the most money.

Of course, particular niches profit some people more than others, but it doesn’t mean that that same niche does the same for you.

Remember, a niche is a group of people interested in a topic you want to serve in your online business.

So when you select a niche, pick one that you’ll be comfortable with and know that you’ll be able to cater to your chosen niche.

Long-term success — Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Of course, you can make money, but earning a full-time income could take some time.

If you think long-term, you’ll have a better chance at succeeding than most people who go into this, thinking it’s fast money or need more patience to build a free traffic-generating website.

Your hard work begins the day you sign up; consistency is critical!

It would be best to believe in your abilities and yourself in this business; therefore, it isn’t good to compare yourself with others, especially in the beginning.

Remember, it’s an environment of possibilities; look to others as inspiration for your business.

You Can Join the Success Of Affiliate Marketers!

For you to master the art of affiliate marketing with a website, I can’t think of a better training than one at Wealthy Affiliate. This platform is the fastest-growing site built for affiliate marketers of all levels.

There you’ll find Super Affiliates with a handful of years of experience in the business. These remarkable people are just a message away and will be ready to help you succeed.

At Wealthy Affiliate, you can Create your FREE account here today, and I’ll be there to help you as your Coach.

The platform offers a free starter membership account, and after you sign up, you get a free website to kick-start your affiliate marketing journey.

The free starter membership account you get is yours for life. You don’t have to spend a dime.

It also comes with premium features that you test drive and enjoy for free for 7. days.

After that, you retain your free account for as long as you like or upgrade to Premium!

The training starts with 5.FREE lessons that teach you how to build your first website. You learn all the foundational tactics and set up your website ready to earn.

You also have the opportunity of promoting Wealthy Affiliate – You can earn money this way, too, from your free starter account.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium

You will not find a service like Wealthy Affiliate Premium anywhere in the world, and nothing even remotely close to the price.

There are 2. ways to pay for the Premium membership, which is much needed if you want to learn everything:

  • Monthly @ $49/month
  • Yearly @ $359/year (works out to $29.92/month)

With the premium account, you can access everything available on the platform: all the training, live weekly webinars, support, websites (up to 20), hosting, community support, and all the online business tools anyone would need to grow and scale a business.

Create Your  Account Here!

Final Words

If you do affiliate marketing with a website, you will need training on the Wealthy Affiliate Platform, perseverance, and consistency. “You will reap what you sow.”

Some people don’t have the stomach for this and aren’t patient enough to see it through.

Thanks for reading!

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-overnight kind of business model. Whoever’s selling that idea is lying to you.

If you have questions about the Wealthy Affiliate or how the affiliate marketing business model works, please don’t hesitate to comment below. I will reply ASAP.

Start A Home Business Work From Home OPPORTUNITIES Free ToStart

There are many of us in today’s society, for various reasons, have the desire to work from home.

Some of us are retired and having difficulty meeting our daily expenses and the need to supplement our budget.

Fortunately, there are many legitimate work-from-home opportunities that you can do, and they will provide you with some income.

Here are some ways to make money using the Internet

  • Drop Shipping
  • Online Video
  • Information Products
  •  Blogging
  • Affiliate Marketing

Drop Shipping

In the drop shipping business, you don’t have to have any inventory of products or handle any delivery to your customers.

Working with a company specializing in drop shipping is critical to ensure success.

With drop shipping, there is no financial cost, the risk of having a warehouse full of merchandise that might not sell, and the hassle of arranging to send orders worldwide. You don’t have to manufacture or store any products at all.

Your only focus is marketing and advertising to find customers and make sales.

Once there is a sale, others handle everything else. Your only cost is marketing and advertising to acquire a new customer.

Online Video

To be successful with online videos, you must Create helpful content—something engaging that people want to watch. It could be a how-to video or a talking-head video on a topic of interest for people in your niche—the sky is the limit.

With online Video, you make money with ad revenue. Your first step is to create a YouTube account and start uploading videos.

Then you enable monetization on your YouTube settings, which gives Google the go-ahead to include short AdSense ads with your videos; When viewers click on those ads, you get paid.

No expensive pro equipment is needed to create professional-looking videos :

  • You can use your smartphone or a simple video camera. But make sure the lighting is good so everything in your Video is clear and easy to see.
  • Make sure the audio is clear. You don’t want an air conditioning hum, construction noise, or other distractions.
  • Use simple editing software like iMovie to put titles at the Video’s beginning and edit out any flubs.

Above all, remember that your videos can be simple and don’t have to be slick. Just provide valuable content and be engaging and interesting. Funny helps, too.

  • Information Products

There’s no shortage of ways to create information products, but the most popular formats include:

  • Audio: a recorded teleconference, interview, course, or some other spoken-word product
  • Video: a recorded webinar, a how-to, an interview
  • Text: an ebook, an instruction booklet of some sort, a travel guide

In each category, you can get creative and make any type and format of content as long as it’s engaging and valuable.


A  blog is a website where people can post their thoughts and opinions on various topics. A blog is an online journal where you can share your expertise and ideas.

A blog MOSTLY focuses on written content (popularly known as blog posts). Blog posts are in an informal or conversational style.

A blog can be about any topic but primarily focused on a specific niche, such as fashion, beauty, lifestyle, food, travel, parenting, finance, etc.

You can also add pictures and videos to your blog and share links to your posts on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.


Once you have an audience or generate traffic from your blog, you may be able to make money from blogging in various ways, including;

  • Selling affiliate products
  • Selling your products
  • Using display ads such as AdSense, Mediavine,, etc.
  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services.
  • The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

Affiliate marketing is a marketing scheme in which a company compensates partners for business created from the affiliate’s marketing tactics.

  • Of all the proven ways to make money online, I prefer affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing offers you the chance to make money online by promoting affiliate products – physical products, digital products, and services by referring people to the seller’s company website.

You will receive a specific commission once the customer completes the process of accepting the offer through your unique affiliate link.

This type of marketing approach continues to grow in popularity because it is advantageous to both the seller and the consumer and is effective.

In most cases, you’ll need a lot of money to start your business. However, with affiliate marketing, it’s different; you can start for free.

To start affiliate marketing, I recommend getting some training in the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

Who Can Be A Successful Affiliate Marketer?

Anyone Can Be a successful affiliate marketer. Approximately 4 BILLION people are using the Internet; it doesn’t matter where you head online or what topic; there are people you can connect with to create your business online.

 Requirements needed for online marketing.

There are no requirements to have technical experience or online marketing experience.

Everything related to online business is on the proper training platform.

Like in everything, starting something new can seem daunting, but with the proper help, you can be successful.

If you are attempting affiliate marketing, it is best to get training, and training is for every affiliate marketing; it doesn’t matter if you are an experienced marketer or a newbie; technology is constantly changing, and being a part of a good platform is necessary.

This platform is a  place where you can learn as you go; it is A beginner-friendly online approach with people who have already achieved results where you can learn and get mentoring when needed.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Live Help – First 7 Days

1 Website, Website, Backup, beginner Training Course, Personal Affiliate Blog

Affiliate Bootcamp Training – Phase 1 Only, Video Walk-Throughs, Keyword Research Tool – 30 Searches

Training Classrooms, 2 Affiliate Programs. This program teaches you how to choose the right keywords to index your blog on Google and monetize your blog to earn.

Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich scheme, and it does take time and effort; it is like starting any business, and the rewards can be significant; there are people at Wealthy Affiliate making 4and five figures monthly income.

And the community at Wealthy Affiliate is like a family who is very helpful and desires to see you succeed; there is also technical support available 24/7;

There is a forum where you can ask questions, the pay-it-forward attitude is encouraged, and someone will always be available to answer your questions.

Some members have made training tutorials, and they are made available to you for free.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate started in 2005 and has members from 193 countries, and you can start at Wealthy Affiliate for free and get the first 5—lessons to start your online business.

I suggest after joiningWealthy Affiliate. for free and familiarizing yourself with the platform that, you upgrade to premium;

With the premium membership, there are much more information and tools available to you, which will further enable you to succeed, and if you do not think this is for you or do not like the platform, you can quit. There will be no loss to you.

Joining the Wealthy Affiliate free program requires no financial information; you only provide your name and email address.



I am a retired person, a newbie when I started blogging, and with the training, information, and tools available at Wealthy Affiliate, I am making money online.

So if you want to start a work-from-home business, why not try Wealthy Affiliate? You can make a decent income from it. You have nothing to lose; look into it for yourself.

NOTE:  This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).